Road goes ever on

8thaero Monday, 08/03/15 04:49:51 PM
Re: None
Post # of 2235 
I always know there are really decent people sometimes work at cross purposes and you can near always tell the good ones separate the bad. Nuplayer was a good’un. We do expect the shares and perhaps certs will fund his dear ones for years on. Pay my bills and live for ME now? Best invests can be for the family you dragged on screaming sometimes. RIP and honor as a gent. 8
Mex2Sonora 1 hour ago1 2 3 4 5Mexus Gold ? The passing of one of our own: Nuplayer – Al Dix

I was sorry today to learn that Mexus shareholder, Al Dix, who went by Nuplayer on this board passed away of pancreatic cancer on July 12th in Missoula Montana.

8thaero Monday, 08/03/15 05:14:50 PM
Re: 8thaero post# 2235
Post # of 2236 
Make that “OFTEN DECENT PEOPLE” as those I hack away body parts from are NOT until I’m proven wrong. Done it MUCH too long to accept fly buy “I’m insulted you seem to feel wronged when I insult you in public. IMO? Get a life in line with HMS GW Lout. 8blogged.


Re: 8thaero post# 2237
Post # of 2238 
EXACT date I determined was dealing with only Argonaut!
Disinvite this jerk! Acclamation!

MX23 Tuesday, 03/31/15 11:04:51 AM
Re: None
Post # of 2237

I invested in Mexus a couple years back and have been watching here for some time and had seen this coming as expected.

I call hogwash with the fact that Mr. Thompson hadn’t kept an eye on the $4 million note owed by SilverP to Mexus Gold. If that’s the fact sounds like he doesn’t have a clue on owning and operating a mine or mines. Does anyone remember all the PP’s us investors put up?

Question whose watching out for our investment if Mr. Thompson isn’t?




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