There’s very little an individual or group can do in profit manipulating any penny share least well below $1 in actual penny range . MMs control the process and any minor move results in their bid/ ask rise and fall. What CAN occur is attack on the assumed future value which is exactly the single thing an investor uses to assess their sale or purchase. “Going to zero” is the clue even speaking about a small miner dealing with what is being bid on as a million oz prospect among well known mining corporations in the Sonora area. Is the cute return, “I know what kind of girl you are, just setting a price!”. Told since San Felix buy on that enemies and criminal efforts are involved on our message boards? Believe it. One’s in jail and have heard from Senor Oscar B’s florid prose. It will be a final sustained buy on that can’t be defeated raising ask half a cent that wins out. My assume is sometime about next Friday when I start to collect a few big life style bets . Must recall though GORO attack came after the $30 level fallen a bunch with POG. Hardly pences. Multi millions made shorting to below $3 with pure lies.
Sensing a major PPS boost on the crest I been going over PP s still owed. Deb and I found some over 1 mil owed yet to issue since Jan. Doing that she said PT’d had his 74th birthday hug and was driving back to Reno. Just 2 possibles; been a major glitch since 4 PM EDT yesterday or giving self best birthday gift ever and shaking hands with Argonaut with a pen out. Guess we’ll see after Monday, 4th. 8
Mugwump: Generally means “sanctimonious” or “holier-than-thou” in Algonquins. GOP breakaway from Grover Cleveland’s race with Blaine and one of more humorous bits of AM Political history like 1850’s Know Nothings. (anti everythings). Joke was fence sitters , mug on one side, wump on the other. Wm S Gilbert’d say a USA bred Lout and bud Artie S’d write a catchy tune . Still’d never do HMS Great White Lout true justice. Have to wonder was he a rock chucker in Baltimore seeking social justice off the bus? As a confirmed coward I’d think not but cheered on the cable news with hearty living room shouts.! Well, better believe Paul says it’s done to sign when presented neat like and wandering cross border will decline and Gebruder B’s can run much the show. Need no giant PPS rise, a gentle swell to the PR contract date will do me jus foin. Better a good Friday than the last Good Friday . Some paused even dumbo yakking and bought some. Placed orders at 5AM to get over next million targeted at .0184 open. I believe even after Elvis’s left the house. 8
“latest PR is nothing different from any of the previous PR’s”. HMS GW Lout
Happy B-Day to Paul, a fellow Taurus. Always like hearing a person is a Taurus, stubborn and don’t give up easily, is my experience.
This could be a great week for Mexus. I’m excited, but not going to get ahead of myself, I’ll wait for the deal to be signed. Your update summary was most excellent, thank you.
And thanks for going easy on me, regarding the many faces of Mark Warren. Got ahead of myself, it happens.
Sorry about those Spurs, that was one of the best game 7’s I’ve ever seen last night. There wasn’t much difference in the quality of the teams.
As old newsman. ALWAYS check least once and with time twice. But nose for news says a bit fishy? Don’t go there. Let the Louts make the stupid dumbo error other side. Chris Paul was total amazing and HUNGRY! Seen him before. 2 of the biz best on him and a one legged wonder became man off the flying trapeze; hardest, no ease. Crazy is? Like ’13 just may keep our base on team and add the missing power fwd back up need. Meantime THEIR point’s out a game or so may doom them to lose next series with this 7th win. Funny is even a ROUND ball bouncez crazy at times. 8