All posts by 8thaero

Guns of Tchepone 1966-67


“Guns of Tchepone” is a real story. ihub’s pure nonsense. My 1st instance getting shit shot outta the sky fat dumb and happy in June ’66. Only got worse and worse due location location location . We laughed at it as a phone booth at a strategic jungle rd junction in Laos where if did not hit the guy on the phone 1st they got you instead. Taught never do the same thing twice and jink jink jink off target!
Flew with Larry, June-Aug ’66 but Jerre was still recovering and did not return to 8th. Lar had had his fun and 1st newly created Air Force Cross , flew ANG then on. Canberra was the funny little bomber 1st in USAF to drop a bomb or fire in combat nobody knew existed used for Over the Shoulder Nuc bomb maneuver to escape, we hoped. 8

Much of my personal screamers PTSD is Tchepone under flare lights if it aint Khe Sahn back up top Hiway 9 in Viet. 3rd msn brief Da Nang cmd post I plotted the cords for evening’s tgt Tchepone and yelled , “Hey, that’s in Laos!” Briefer laughed and said “Welcome to Mr Johnson’s war, Lt! Turned further N you went worse it got then came the SAM circles drove you down into the guns again. Joe Rup checked me out in 20 days Clark AB and a good friend 50 years. Got to Spangdahlem AB Ger in ’69 and I checked him out in the EB 66 electronic counter measures another Tac Bomber ” Unarmed, alone and scared shitless!”

I thot we’d learned NOT to fight war by politics hands hind back , Guess not

8th TBS had another real well known hero when I got there Memorial Day ’66. W Va kid Johnny Lynch. John’d walk around Da Nang crew area chewing gum and snapping his fingers . Had been in Ia Drang Valley mid-Nov ’65 1st real engagement with N VN regiment as attached fwd controller. The real air support was B-57’s not the BS Huns and Phantoms. Check the bat wings in the films. We’d get down and dirty with big stuff the fighters’d not dare to except for the Spads ( A1E) who were mostly  in far S. Viet and Laos. Totally surrounded Johnny told us to “Hit my smoke” and survived. Silver Star and volunteered for another tour as a Canberra jock to do some damage in return. 8

Sound mind enough to cope with usually. But after 10 years trying to keep up with healthy bodies Chief of Neurosurgery at Lackland told me, Don, I’m recommending a disability retirement bd or the commanders you’ve had last decade will never let you recover to fill a flight schedule. Met temp bd in Oct ’77 and was a year temp then met for perm Oct ’78. Best you get military is 50% base pay so was hurtin for 2 years while paid back a 6 mon 50% base pay advance for down pay 1st house ever in Clyde TX  by Abilene . Drew 6 mo unemployment and started EdD program full time TX Tech for GI Bill . After 6 mon disabled can apply for SS Disability and was the day Elvis died! SSA Office went shocked dead quiet on the news break hard to forget. Had to go  to San Antonio in Feb. ’78 for the admin judge hearing room full of applicants one by one and Judge said find for the plaintiff so we walked out and asked my DAV Rep what that meant. “Monthly check rest of yo life and one for her as a mom till child 18″. . . GASPP!! We could live again. Craziest reason in records . No jobs for Strategic Navigator Bombardiers cleared for Hydrogen Weapons delivery. So I thot we’d get a bunch for a crew and buy a B-52 from boneyard and build one our own to free lance. Bit later found easier to open gold mines instead. As the man said of banks? Is where the gold is! 8


Location” meant was the one possible choke point on the road junction from Hiway 9 across the low mtns from Hue thru Khe Sahn to Laos Tchepone on south bound Ho Trail to Cambodia. Trucks’d leave Hanoi down Hiway 1 along coast with ferry points we attacked days while they ferried across nights then by narrow passes up across the mts to the Ho Chi Minh trail. Past Tchepone they used push bicycles and trucks returned empty back to Hanoi. My last job N Viet was hitting the trucks in the passes night missions on trucks using no lights but following one taillight in lead and a middle truck . Find one glimpse hit them and if they catch fire you bomb all night. Job not worth N Viet Teamster pay! Passes exit had least 1 100MM AAA shot a bright white shell straight up to 50K’  Sumthin to see. But was a low tracking glow SA 2 that was a worry. Keep full in sight and turn into tight and get down past pulling the possible telephone pole G’s to disable and yell “Elephants” on Guard freq. Happen first nite SAM fire just N of DMZ night SAM code was “Elephant” We just kept the use as was a great radio call no matter Saigon’s Puzzle Palace night code briefed .8





Aw shucks

Millionaire club attributable to Don

PostPosted by 8thaero » Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:11 pm

Now only need 5 mill held and change. Last Feb was minimum $10K in at .002 and I never expected that but a bunch crowing now simply had no belief and faith and left it to fall. Odd story is even prior to big money in late ’06 GORO $1 IPO I’d been clued in at the Plumb MIne by Scot Jolcover to just wait and buy down( think .0015 is low? Try .0005!!! Aug ’07 before trials settled, but got me to 11 million held 2 years ) led to a few $100K gain in ’08 drill results at GSPG. Meantime US Gold now under Rob took off from my lowest .11 to hit $7. Finally in ’09 Scott told me of a guy working a placer mine in south Sonora Mexico called Magnum MIning Australian OTC. It failed but intro’d me to Paul and he was nice to gift me some shares in a thing named Mexus Gold for the faith shown . So the real word spreader was Scott Jolcover and I just listened well a few times that counted. Guess that’s a talent if you toss in yakkin about it. 8
e: Millionaire club attributable to Don

PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:15 am

I opened a RB Gold Resources general mining msg bd Mar 2006 at time Reids did the planned 2-1 split .50 to.25 and began the Sept $1 IPO. Was no actual Gold Resource Corp stock except Private Placed certs we originals held. We talked GSPG, USGL and few others (PT’s Magnum Mining as JJ was in as well from GSPG bd ) until Mexus added early ’10 when I was 1st MXSG investor with Dorly’s Self Employ IRA cash out age 70.She still has 1/2% override any AK cable I saw sorting cert stuff today Most those had own bd on RB then. We know well VERY few produce ever so ones that did gathered from failed bad into good. I DO NOT miss them at all now. Good riddance bad rubbish and lies lies lies stiil ihub. Makes me feel more like a good plastic burn surgeon than throat slashin Jack the ripper. Head holds high good enough bad as am. 8


Sure not possible till well after Holidays and no good cause before production can be regular planned to watch. Not that tough a jaunt just 3 hr magnificent desolation to enter a basic semi 3rd world environment but on top of a long flight from about anyplace and the same trip back. Construction means stacking concrete blocks until starts to fall over and take 1 level off and roof it. Many just halt before the roof step and leave. Nice clean big well fenced place on the very edge of any town’s the Mayor’s place and his profession. But sort of thing I did in my 60’s still and now more the Limo drives me to the door and I hand the bags to the bell boy and ask him please go for the ice. Plan now is for a good long day’s bus ride with a bar service as old survivor of the Clone Wars. But I’ll keep It in mind. Having to serious consider Jan neck surgery to get back my left hand and is about 6 mo till good to go while screws and plates mend. Only thing ever used my rt was to pistol qualify expert each year for a pilot hated guns. Felt since done mine lefty in the morning session was not really cheating and Rex got the ribbon again. 8


Re: Misposted on Mexus Forun

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:29 pm

Gary pulled upside down under 2K’ . I’d my left leg jammed UNDER the seat gone to bottom at 2K’ pull out and scared to death! floating down among 10K NVN gun sights with one leg and trusty .38 S&W Combat Masterpiece just a little bit North of Tay NInh April Fool’s ’67 . Back to 10K’ ,Zero G, seat rose up and I began breathing again! Front seater said ” YOU been tryin to say something? Just heard heavy breathin”. 8

Std prayer

As per we’ll pick up a few lonely airmen from Lackland AFB to enjoy the big bird and be with someone friendlier than mess hall cooks. I had dinner at a nice couple’s s house in 1961 myself but least 2 days a year the DOD tries to treat you like a person; Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just that a bunch of food is a full tummy not a warm heart. Only a friend gives away that and Is free. And comes best from one who has also given up a lot to protect that right of freedom. Greatest gift is you pass along the pride. 8

Standard  dinner prayer. All stand at rest.

Why am I so thankful for all of God’s blessings when  others are so much in need?
Well, I’m thankful because She is not 2nd  guessing and pulling my warranty  deed.
Why is She not  saying now give me your life as I’ve given you yours in the past.
Countless millions have bled, suffered torture  and died
did you think NICE was going to last?
So I’m thankful, Dear Lord, for this season  of peace
when my life has been going so well.
All I ask is a moment of rest and surcease
before you  start giving me Hell!

Don I Phillips, Captain , USAF, Retired


GW Lout

HMS Great White Lout

PostPosted by 8thaero » Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:09 am

Some oldies know the back story here. This odd person came in GORO about same stage as now Mexus as I nursed along thru puberty in 2007. His group with Guru Amigo Mike found laughable as takes credit for all he surveys providing nothing. I started with ‘The Lout”, a fave term of Wm S Gilbert the comic side of Gilbert and Sullivan. Lout, who’d been regaling us as ‘invited Guest conductor’ at the Salzburg Music Festival laughed at me and corrected to HMS Gilbert! Now that was ” HMS PInafore” a Brit warship named for a little girls dress. CLASSIC William Schwenck Gilbert and their G&S hit show in ’90s London.
Wednesday, 11/16/16 04:06:00 PM
Re: Iceman post# 11026
Post # of 11081
Wow, what a day! First time in a very long while that I closed in the green today. Been here since the big run back in the Fall of 2012. Been a long wait!
This coming run should dwarf the last one.”
So I’m a narcissist pontificator and the Lout sails on. Now wants early in for scoffing put downs! Classic Lout on Classic HMS Mexus!
Also informed that both Wolfgang “Wolfie” and papa Leopold Mozart made fun of a pretensive “Amadeus”. I wrote a high school research paper in 1955 on Life of Mozart while I was performing his 3rd Horn Concerto across N Calfornia prior attending SJ St Univ that Fall & switching to R Strauss 1st as a bunch more modern & difficult. HMS GW Lout blew up sending frog parts all across the net! 81 for Bio Blog

City may secure structures. If the owner fails to comply with the notice to secure, the director of development services or fire marshal may order the boarding up of all openings to the building so as to prevent entry, or the securing of the structure in any other reasonable fashion.


Method of securing. The securing of windows, doors, or any other opening allowing access to an unsecured, unoccupied structure shall be done with such materials and technique to effectively bar entrance to the structure. Such materials include, but are not limited to, plywood, lumber, steel, replacement glass, nails, screws, and bolts. The use of cardboard, tar paper, window and door screens, or any other material that will not effectively prevent entrance shall not be sufficient to meet the requirements of this section. Upon receipt of a notice to secure, each and every accessible means of entry must be secured

Alamo Ranch HOA

Request for hearing
Oct 3, 2106
Our  attorney  has  requested  a non-vague demand we do not  recognize  as valid concerning  any known violations of something  you refuse to tell. Is it one item or everything over the last 8 and one half years  we have  ever  done? Two pictures, of  my  driveway and the  front of 2608 Flower Bend, are not enough to pretend to be understood. We, once  again, deny any improvements under  Division 3.3 Approval Required. Under  Section 4.3.3, landscaping MAY!!!  be required if that’s your reference however  we strongly  believe over the  last  8 and one half years all plantings  have been  harmonious  in keeping  with overall charcter. Please prove otherwise if not so. To start,  all but one visible planting  has been recommended  and paid  by CPS shade tree offers OR the  landscaping  removed from 3  garage, 1 story with  Game Room exactly  same as ours,  Highland  model home  closure. I asked  for and was given them to plant as my own same  yard borders. You may note  we were the  first residence  custom  built on our  one block of Flower Bend  in 2007-2008. Where we MIGHT have used some HOA assitance was asking for  builders clearing  the  wild   bush and weed growth  on the  2 vacent lots to  west  between us and  the Highland   model homes. They destroyed  our sod with  6 inches  of weed infested soil pouring  down  over next  2 years. We even begged to purchase one  to halt the damage though  none seemed  to care or bother so simply  laughed. Makes  you all seem the be concerned at all 6 years late   late to assist owners. The sole  planting  less than  3 years old  is a nice, shapely, pot  grown bay tree used to replace a CPS live oak which did NOT survive the  severe  5 year  drought. It has been a real struggle to keep what we  have  tended  with  care   8 and one half  years to keep  both  harmonious AND alive and growing  at some cost.
Please advise of the  hearing time and place and please DO  also tell which/what  of  anything  we are pre-judged  guilty  prior to the  event.
Don I Phillips
Captain, USAF, Retired
Dorothea K Phillips



Today at 6:04 PM

Re: Bre-x quik n dirty

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:11 am

We’re friendly to say hi but John created the very toxic financing that still winds down after I helped introduce people to the Plum mine on Raging Bull GSPG, originally, we discovered later, a Mar 2003 pure fake placer miner down on US 50. We raised about 7 million to purchase and began production up on the flat. Reached a fork in the road and I chose Winfield’s ’05 BoD to go fwd. Best I know was the sole big winner in the entire proceeding following Jolcover’s advice to buy down like mad to the really low .00015, 2007. But only had 11 million since I was still big in US Gold with Rob and Gold Resource had just IPOd at $1 and I was not going to cash out up just 400%. US Gold kept on from .11 to $7 and GORO .25 to $30 so I can’t complain either. Meantime it’s all in here and I’ve enjoyed the last 19 years myself. I’d gone from depressed 80’s .50 energy services like ENSCO left from HL Hunt’s boys developed horizontal drill, cashed out into dividends in Advanced Tobacco which local here held the nicotine replacement patents, smokeless cigs and the patch. Patents got sold to IVAX so no divs and I looked for a new plan and it became gold mining in 2003 after tip toes in in ’97. John may have gotten much wealthier riding out the 90’s I was not into but I know I influenced a lot more people into some wealth due simply yakkin on the net. And one still to come. Would have done well with IVAX for converting AVTH @ $19 sold to TEVA in ’05 for $25 and now $80 but nothing like the extra $40K into last chance in then .50 GORO in 2004 before a planned 2 for 1 split and the $1 IPO in March 2006. Got wealthy on not just a nice 4 bagger. 120 bagger instead. Sometimes things just work for the best if you look around careful like. 8 … efm14a.htm

PostPosted by 8thaero » Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:20 pm

Nice enough to be still in the just wait mode but see what it is we’re waiting on. As close to auto pilot descent to ground control take over and land as I can imagine. All else I track are swings 3% general higher lows all year now. Making profitable trades as Frodo notes.

Family were cotton farmers but skilled carpenters on the Washita now Foss Lake , Butler bit N of US 66. Winter ’36 was floods across San Joaquin took out SP bridges trail end Bakersfield to Stockton and that’s what they got into. Lived in small travel trailers, SMALL 2 wheelers, until property in Oildale where Okies settled W of the Kern R. Began building the city. Earliest visions were wood oil derricks stretching to the hills. Not taken down just build a new one in the line. Youngest aunt Doris attended Standard High. Guess which “Standard’? Extreme opposite end of the Rockefellers see saw. Next year ’38 Gramps 1st cousin also in small cotton but attorney elected Governor . Usual? Tried twice but acquitted. Younger bother attorney general I met one time in the ’80s Ma took me by and heard the story. Is that odd? Nearest cousin head of the govt and still no reason to stay. As it turned ones who did took real cheap land and grew wealthy with WW2 boom times. Air Corps bases all over the map with Clinton Sherman, Burns Flat, became a SAC install. I’d visit grown up. Had emergency land once in Nav training. 8

BTW Bakersfield  MEANS  Baker’s Field  Gramps’d explain. He and  younger bro also  were in paper  off to MO to be  lawyers  but I think he  met Gran  teaching  school out of Normal College.        She’d  walked  to OK behind  a  wagon   from Texas  before  statehood ’07.
Looked over a number of military aircraft  museum Santa Rosa airport. Was T37 your trainer?  Looked like a  side by side?
Sent from my iPhone


Today at 10:10 AM
No Don, a while back we spoke via PM on IHUB that Iwould like to donate to your favorite charity just as a token of my appreciation to you. I can’t find that message nor remember the organization. Thanks, John
Only is DAV! Life savers with  both USAF, VA and  Social Security. Lived  over  year less than  half AF  basic pay and  met  SSA Admin Judge   Mar ’78 with  table of others us  down from  Abilene  in  San Antonio. Heard Bruce my  advocate,  show case  details  had also met USAF Disability  bd retired me  50%, and Judge said   decision  for. Thanked him and walked out. Asked what that meant and he  said you get  all back SS disability since  Dec 31  ’76 hospitalized, near  15 mo   check one time. Several weeks  she got  one as   a mom and me  one as  disabled and began to live normal again. Finally  DAV worked up to 100% due unemployable. Reason?  no good    employment for 80% disabled rating   global aerial navigators specialty  dropping bombs! That a hoot? Don

Sent: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:05 pm
From: 8thaero
To: learningthetruth

Visited in the USAF hosp in early ’77. They care and were there themselves one time. As I said Bruce Gilliken rep’d until he passed. First thing you tell a newbie on the way out and hurt while in. Get thee to the DAV who care when Gvt don’t much. Crazy? Went to VA to have head cleaned put from severe ear infection flying days in ’80. Lost the ear but kept alive quick repair of R caritoid artery exposed pulsing about to go uncovered from the diseased bone. While there Audie Murphy Hosp got a visit from Asst Va Admin. Everet Alverez 1st N Viet POW. Ev was sports editor of High School paper where I wrote the humor col weekly ’54-’55. Read in paper he had been by VA but next time we met was on school steps for 50th in 2005. Told about another friend Joe Robertson killed mid air B-52’s 1st Arc Light msn strike from Guam in ’65. Had been Evs 1st msn also Tonkin Gulf incident in ’64. I’d met him and spoke of Ev we’d found was a POW, as Mather AFB Sqdn took over for my March AFB and we went home for alert duty there instead. 2 of us made it back and I had the easy route but sure did not become a Hosp Corp America VP by my time there. Had to figger out gold! I thank you will assist some in voice on a case up for real care. Don
Sent: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:21 pm

First thing you do is become a Life member. Not real social as Am Legion or VFW but do meet and organize local and state for annual meet to pressure DC! Then the promises fail. They do all join together and Paralyzed Vets Am is the serious but smallest gp but while can belong to all? I choose DAV as best . Point , most amazing gp youg men I ever knew was initial Jr Officers 2nd Bomb Sqdn Heavy at March AFB CA Mar ’64. Most unmarried recent grads all over. All accads, AFROTC , Public Univ with 90 day OTS, as me, Notre Dame,. Citadel , TX A&M U Mass, etc and batched in apts sunny S Cal chased by chicks as prime marriage bait. Up came Viet Nam and scattered to winds to go fight and hope to return. Sudden none shooting and kind of empty while you grope for security again. Know was and will be ever so since Cain took on Abel and moved slightly East Of Eden. Don.

LA floods due Globe Warm

PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:30 pm

How’s fer El Nino historic cycle. Check 4 years back Sunday. More lies? To pick pockets? I LIVE HERE, Hey and am flooded too but aint watered since Fall. WHOOPEE! Best times LA better known as Lake E Texas. Can see the road symbol is like a flush toilet. 8 … y-blue.jpg … -in-nation

Preview: Re: KC POST

Well, if not so much fun and in turn profitable I might try somethin else but like a beautiful lady at least want to unnerstan the offer’s real before yes or no. Usually no but do get tempted so still alive . Once I understood the reasoning behind it what else is there? It’s GOLD, hey, odds better than 75% and you open a mine! Sucked you in sucker! Pass it on to some you like but most can go suck lemons or kick rocks. In and out but no gold ring cashed in only when you exit the go round & the music changes to slow for ticket sales. DIP

PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:13 pm

Interesting exchange, thanks. Universal solutions are generally universally bad. What purports to make sense is his silver coin ( he shows one )of any assigned value to digitize issued financial instruments and nutty 1st? is can’t be gold since gold is money. But when gold is seen as money usually silver is coin of the realm for trade. WJ Bryan’s Cross of Gold can’t be crucified on . I guess just takes a billionaire to think like one and file we peons in the spare cash drawer with Forever Stamps valued in bit silver. And 1st ‘mong my most interesting missions my 2nd after going N in AM on July 4 ’66 was in a Bird Dog directing 4 Navy F-4 S of Danang, Most lovely tgt can imagine . White columned French plantation mansion and they missed it all except the final 4th 500 # buried in the doorstep. Watched it fall true and was A DUD. Anchors away back to the big boat and hot mess with steak and beans . My top bunk had a rusty groaning French ceiling fan. Lubed with Wildroot Cream Oil and spun in a spiral pattern up the hootch walls. Swell interior decorate tip, ladies. War’s funny when you let it. 8
Posts: 169



PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:53 pm

No, Toni, we’ve Miz Ellie who wont post much but reps a family long in. When she stirs, tho I listen. Fraid not to! You never quite get past “I’ll tell yer Ma”. Yeah I seem to be the good shepherd of the GPXM hills. Bring em in from the fields of sin! Usual lesson is gots to be an idiot to listen to idiots give away a soon profitable gold mine to get in poor fallen Molly and then Peru. I think that was way it went. I’d friends in so I’d take 1K for tracking each new deal and sell next failure. One time led to another and some wound up here. I do recall posting on RB GPXM how I go about finding and assisting good people in explorations. Was slammed GET LOST SUCKER! He’ll recall. I began pure chance from thot “Maybe gold?” and learned from some good people how it can and MUST be done. Wound up knowing some really fine brains I picked over even more. Late ’90s much like last 5 years funding dried up but POG insane below $300. Pret much below fuel cost, time to be in oil back from $5 bbl, forget labor to dig it up. Figger no smart person’d stay in but it’s investing public make the damn cycles and gold is a commodity ‘relic’ despite the increasing scarcity and lack of new large fields worth tapping. Fortune had it up popped Mexico with often cursed NAFTA and my smart guys went there in GORO then MUX. Met Paul and initial felt just a dreamer searching own bonanza and ,golly, found it true. Still all I’ve managed is based on trust. More valuable than gold as there’s no dips nor crashes held at 100% value. “I do” worth more than the ring. 8

Re: Lunch with a dinosaur

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:00 am

I think the great difference between the time I was a Dust Bowl child and today is the ease of travel. Took us in ’37 a near week or so beating west on 66 to reach the family near Needles. I always have loved that name picture in my mind. How can entrance to Golden West paradise be needles? Gran had a bag with them and thread and yarn along with small bottle of wonder drug Bayer aspirin. But a need to show be near death. Dino’s our long friend BB and some day will meet and appreciate the delay. We do see that the Ethernet connection proves out and folks are as nice as, sometime at least, we seem. Get a roomful and the ‘like’ appears no symbol needed as we usual’ve tossed the baddies whom never even show up. Just something allures some to particular bit more empty holes pushing out PM placed there since Dinosaurs DID roam. But we find the real value is in the folks not the gold so I never can just ignore or even drive them away hard’s I try. Point comes now where we just stop by on easy journeys selecting a way point from home and back. So Bob meet Dave met Jake and I helped. Picasso created La Ronde and I’ve a studio ceramic version at the front entrance. Along with Peace Boquet , hands joined. Stuff makes a warrior proud end result. Don’t persist tho. Eternal vigilance a need. Back seat drivers are NOT needed. Like SHUT UP Dorly. Jus doing 50 in the 40! 8