Nevada meeting Thur Feb 26

Cesar’s latest  report  has some  easier to see info. Precise location  has been available  all the  time but  seeing  what’s  there was lacking  without boots  on ground  and been very  few. You can see  however it’s not  that far  away inside  Sonora. I figure  we  can credit   Dent  with much of  the  recent computerize  computer   ease.  Paul, you’re  one of MY best ideas despite  the  snoring ( co-mingled sleep apnea  and PTSD, mine not his)

214 surface samples  Julio area  with  very  high assay to11.4  grams  and  about  50 meters  core log  16-18 Aug ’12 no assay.  More might be seen from JV report  if and  when Fresnillo  coughs them up.  However  I think these are the  samples  Fresnillo  saw and  was allowed to validate  on  their own.  I doubt they assayed   cores but probably did  some quick and dirty  tests at intervals . Thus  is posted for us to see and evaluate for own investment. It’s hard  to believe they did  Julio shaft  vein face samples and weren’t impressed. It’s  for certain they are aware Mexus’  ability to simply produce themselves  so    some  factor other than value is involved.  ” My mine’s bigger than yours” may be it.  ” Too cock sure for own good” is another.  8[1].pdf


PT’s   now doing  Mexus  business  there  and we are NOT to guess with whom.  Says  is a possible solution  and  will be  flying  down tomorrow meaning  Cessna  is flight  worthy and  him too.  Julio’s been  back and  forth to Mexico City  for  both  explosives permit and  additional environmental  use  for  other development.  Momo’s still working on  the  loading  conveyors  coordination to optimize the  flow and as yet no clean out made.   For some good news  there’s been movement  on cable location and  salvage rights  and Mexus  retains 11% . North Pacific’s  loading the container and placer screens  are all’s needed still.  I’m all screened out until March  so are available  for the  % of  metal  payout at  weigh in. Looks  to me like a 100% gain over  2 seasons  working in rich areas  never touched . Never enough pies for finger  sticking  but  what a good boy am I,

Some  Julio shaft clarification ,  says not  really looking  at a  JV there more of   hiring on a underground operator on contract which could be  cash or percentage.  As to San Felix? Not able  to comment except  there’s  an enforceable  contract  due  the  24th. Mexus  has no need  for it  back as it  was  declared  sold, written down as discontinued  operation with payment due .  Atzek has no need for having Mexus  back with  a year’s  progress  in hand and increased value. All’ s certain something occurs  on  Mar 25th.  8


BSO meet Hollywood FL

Interesting  2 interviews  with  Dianne  Garrett and Rob McEwen. Guess  could  toss in  John Doody too.  His  comment  was  how did I manage  all that  from  breakfast  table?

When Dianne  failed to gain investors  on a  European  trip in  July  2005  her  effort  to buy  out US Gold Tonkin Springs failed and  Rob  walked in  the door  next  day with  cash.  She and a  group of  Reno  women mine  geologists had made  an offer  for  American Flat  Plum Mine  in  2003 and  GoldSpring had  a  ready  $3 million to take  that away  also.  Was my introduction  to both.   Now she has  Halle primed to get  after  5 million oz  and  Rob is out of  Tonkin Springs with little  but  doing well in  MUX in Mexico and nearby   at Gold Bar restart on  Eureka Trend. Best off of all are  the Reids. Both were involved in  freeing them to move on as  GRC and even poor little Plum is on  the up. swing.   Really  hard to believe  I was involved in  all and  for now that long.  Now if  we can simply  pull this  damn cow off the  tracks and get to milking can become a Grand Slam bases loaded. for  4.  8.—GSA-Speaker

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Kinda odd but seem as if they are totally oblivious  to anything  involving  them in  the  entire  year old process. Neither  information nor  denial  of involvement PR to  shareholders  meeting  like  normal corp  annual in  April. Appearance  of Cat’s Paw by related parties in both. But  ya  gots me!  Worst  case, 25th we  get 50%  San Felix  back  with  what’s  said  to be  busy  year  working  up resource. Entirely possible  we don’t really  want  the non  trading  shares at all at  .03 half price  written down at  .06 whole last  Mar.

Decision  to use  same 4  year old area  to reconfigure placer  should be  non limiting  to increased  output.  With no more  immediate plan to apply  for  leach ponds and recover  or  drill for open pit   resource defining,  Julio 2 with the explosive  permit is  as far  as  mine expanding  can go or  really  needs to. When  the  underground is in operation   then next  step is to R-C drill the  veins  using  cash flow from the  shaft.  That info will incorporate into  the overall resource  plan then to include  the  pads and  MC plant.  So all can proceed  slower  stepwise but  for me? Be nice to get  a  $4 mil check instead and  get  giant steps  ahead.

They expect to triple  output  with improvements  making  the  changes  worthwhile. That’s  from 1-2 oz  to 3-6.  If  it hits  5 oz with 1K expenses  is  5K profit.  Mexus  75%  is  $3750. Family  is  $1250.

I saw the  2 spreadsheets  on   last May 3rd  visit and they were  by  one miner which did  not continue  on to a  bid but  sample  work ups on possibles.  Was the very point  where  decision was made to  go on  to placer  alone  not part of  a JV so of  totally  no interest  to either  Canadian  miner or  next  Fresnillo.  Then to speed  up  decided  to simply  move  in  same use area  which will never even involve a JV and that proved  wise with events since.   Original plan called  for  move to new use area with leach and  recovery  ponds paid  by  a JV buy in.

If  a shaft  JV is  signed  to then that  may work up  similar  to the   schedules shown.  So for  placer? use  what he  has  said and just believe  it.  5-6 oz a day and  we  get 75%after  cost.  Now also assume is   bookkeeping  only  and ALL  profit  goes directly in  development of  entire  Rancho project  which brings  them much more  quickly when  other   areas  producing.  $2 mil at  $1250 daily  takes   4.384 years.  Just  about  total time  it’s taken thus far since  Jan ’11.

“On January 5, 2011, the Company entered into a Mineral Exploration, Exploitation and Mining Concession Purchase Agreement for two mining properties (i) Julio II (ii) Martha Elena located in the municipality of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico.  The purchase price of these rights are (a) $50,000 cash (b) 1,000,000 shares of common stock of Mexus Gold US (c) $2,000,000 paid at a rate of 40% net smelter royalty”

Dec 31 10Q

PT has never  run the placer recovery unless  happens to be  there  at  crew cleanout helping  out Momo and  crew.  He got it up in place and running in particular  equipment  allowed  to expedite  cross  the  border   and then left to attend  Mexus   business and own projects from office  which is  at home.  Some  of his own may bring  him in a  few bucks  between  what’s done  for the  general good.  He  says 5-6 oz running  well?  Knows  better than anyone  what’s  capable  and what’s  available.  I’d  like  8-10  much better  but  it  goes  with the  flow in and out. Is for sure  will improve over time  as  waste  efforts  trimmed.  Under the 30 year mine permit   current  environmental  use both the placer and mill site are  really  co-located and  foot print   of operation  runs from Stock work zone ore   to the Julio 2 which supply  both.  Have been told  all along  additional  well  to operate  the more  distant   leach and  M-C plant  is not  expected to be  difficult  but  since the  additions  are not yet even planned with JV agreement  unacceptable that’s  a  matter  for when it’s needed after  the one permit required , explosive  storage,  is in hand.  We do know  Sonora  State and  Caborca local  government  really  want Mexus  to succeed  as  proven honest  dealers  in all past experience.

Most10Q  stuff  already known but  this  seems to say  sale is  already in some area  default. 1,666,000  shares  not  in hand.  Actually  appears there may be  no  shares to  issue after   10-1 consolidation   a time back.  Still  seems no actual date  other  than  Mar  24  with the $4 mil valued $96,150  Atzek  JV must  come up with.  Rather small in compare and  already  valued   about  $50K in   non trading  Silver Pursuit.  Still he  says he  expects  to collect on  demand.  Quite an if but  will see in  34 days.  No real concern IF Atzec wants it  as much as for  the last  decade of  trying  to acquire. One  whole year  to prepare does seem sufficient and  Mexus  has had  no real time involved  spending  it on where the  good  money is involved  at   Caborca instead.  But can hear the  whiners  in  the  background… “We’re DOOMED!” A point to  see  PPS increase  will become  confidence  in  halt loss  of  3 cents a share to a slight  placer positive  and  with  underground  already use   permitted and  blast OK’d  earning  about  4 cents shaft  metal  instead.

“As of December 31, 2014 the Company has not been successful in obtaining the shares we were to receive, accordingly we have recorded an impairment of $96,150 to fully impaired the value of the investment as it is uncertain if the Company will be able to obtain such shares.”

Trading  still halted since  Feb 4 and  there’s  no mention of Mexus, Atzek or San Felix  as  properties in any filings.  Annual meet April 8 in  Vancouver. Perhaps  will be  some item  of  discussion  about  payment  of  $4 million due 2 weeks earlier?   Again our  10Q says  sale  was to Atzek and perhaps  Silver Pursuit aint  aware they have a  partner? Silent  Sam in  the back row.

“Mexus-Trinidad Joint Venture

In March, 2014, we sold our 50% interest in the Joint Venture to Atzek Mineral S.A. de C.V.”

Meat of the  10Q is

“Therefore, our goal for the current year is to increase the cash flow of the placer mining operation, continue the drilling program which begun during 2011, initialize mining operations on the Julio quartz deposit while we conduct a thorough geological study by an independent geological firm of the future potential of other vein deposits located near the Julio deposit.” 8

NV’s latest Mr Sesquicentennial

Caught  him in  Carson  City. Does move  around! Left  Caborca  placer  doing  very  well and  Julio back and  forth Mexico City on  the  explosives  application.  Sees no obstacle there and  active in seeking a  underground  crew  still expecting  a  JV  in shaft.

Reason in  NV is   Story  Cnty sesquicentennial  (   1864 statehood) still doing  stuff  from last Oct admission date. want to use  restored  1860s  stamp mill in  Va  City  he and  Scott Jolcover own for  tourist  tours  on   RR  up from Mound House  station.  Any  Louts  don’t know  esteem he’s held in  Comstock  are  true fools.  I’ve  met and  worked  with  a lot of good men , Curt Lemay, Chuck Yeager, old  Salinas friend Ev Alvarez,  real heros  and  PT’s a top in my book  ever. Best  can ever  truly say is ” I’ll fly  his  wing and  he can fly mine!”

Still  no N Pacific 20′ box  in  from Oakland  but  quickly as,  PT Jr  will load all necessaries ( 50K#)  and move on up for  summer  Nome  season  start. Me? Feel like be   getting  there  by Iditarod dog sled  Aug 25th. Mush on! 8

Placer Evolvement

Correct  placer  grade  was .042 oz/ton  and  worked  up from 2400  month to year later  9300 on fast  track.   Be  about  142 tons to do 6 oz daily.  12 2 ton scoops  an hr  12 hr  shift or every 5 min in hopper.

As to what it takes  for a   small miner to GAIN a whole .58 cent  over  4 days ?

Blithering  dumb  idiots  to shut up and  let  the CEO do what’s needed while  pouring out more pure info than any other  possible  sub-3 cent  share at  next to zero cost to their  dumb wallets… free gratis. But they blather  on. Real Oompa lumpas.

Placer  PR hit  Kitco at noon.  Good timing on  market  reopening .  Rub sleep out of  eyes and  trade  some.


Initial  set up  Sept  2011 visit Tom and I saw  the old,  really  dusty,  trommel  rotating   tube wash plant    hooked  up  to old  generator as initial production.   Good  well  had been  drilled since  Rancho contracted  in March  and  sufficient   for  both  mill later  set in place and   vibrating  screen wash plant installed   for doing  more  with less mess.  All centered on  the  2   small concrete farm ponds  long in place used at no cost.   Constant need  for  sand clean out  and  sand pump use to clean  wash water both mill and  screen.

Basis is  the  really  enormous  alluvial  quartz stockwork zone  in lower  valley while not  high grade per ton is  ALL  in 92% pure  gold   nugget and  fine  powder  like instant  cash in hand.  If  that  was  the  sole  resource  many miners  would  simply  grow it  huge and  run for years on smaller profits costing  $1K daily. But  Mexus  has much  greater  resources   just a  bit  more  up the valley  running  kilometers  SW to NE  to   heights of  property  boundary  and  buried  there  to undrilled  depths.   All means  there’s  now a near endless  trickle of  operating  cash again daily of  some  $5-8K  to pay the bills and  we’ve managed  it  still on the  75-25 Mexus/Family  split our  cash and their efforts. Original agreement  was  55-45%  before  decision  to expand  and  relocate.  It’s hard  to find  the  figures but   are my best  recall.  Onward and  upward applies.


San Felix did no placer with large silver poured from a much larger % dissemination in the blasted low assay vein ore crushed and leached. Stockwork zone ore has the silver contained as the 8% impurities of base metals and silver near oxidized all away over the eons near surface flowing down from veins and shallow fault shear zone. Easy enough to extract near 100% with simple wash and gravity spin black sand. Reason much as you want comes at less than an oz gold cost so labor of a dedicated crew is the real cost. Added labor and lesser extraction of leach and M/C process allow them to simply keep dumping placer dirt and rock in the chute for great purity at small total fee. Was no good reason to pay for it set up anew until it became necessary and got done REALLY rapidly mine life wise from mostly right here.  It will be  test shaken down as  a new  screen needing  tweeking for water flow, ore loading  and  shaking mvts  with  collection baffles etc.    Initial  PM recovery  done  during  crew off time  will get that all done  and then   keep pouring in the  dirt until shut  down for  clean out shift  after  shift .  8



If and When

“The Noche Buena project consists of two separate mining concessions comprising approximately 1,000 hectares which expire in 2052. Access to the concessions has been granted to Seabridge by the surface owner. The project is accessed by way of Mexico paved Highway #2 between Caborca and Sonoyta, Mexico and then by a 27 kilometer dirt road directly to the site”

“The Caborca Project consists of 7,400 acres (3,000 hectares). On or about July 11, 2011, we acquired five additional claims surrounding the Caborca Project consisting of approximately 1,000 additional acres.”  Makes  about 3,400 ha  or  3.4 times  sized.

Oct  ’12  report  was surface samples  with no serious  lab drill assays which should be  included now  in  Fresnillo’s  DD as they were  made available as  cores  logged around  100-200′ max  .  I’d fail to see how  they’d  not take  the  trouble  to have them checked  closely if  a  serious  attempt  made  to reach any  deal.  I know PT did not  bruise any  egos taking all that time to let them eval  thoroughly while  everybody  bitched over inactivity even though placer  was  constantly  being  relocated same  period as blast  permit  submitted . As  a much bigger,  better sited  process is not about to do same 2 oz   daily. Would  still make sense for  them to  join on  but  after spending  own resources  to  set up the resource  drilling and process that  nag’s left the  barn. Will be using  same Mex Highway 2  for  decades, wave on  way to the bank  (Sound of  one hand holding for atheists   in the fox hole).


Best I’m  aware  PT’s always   crossed T’s and dotted I’s but NEVER enough  so one needs to stop attacking normalcy.

Link reference   got  a little distant using Carl Sandburg’s  elderly  next  door neighbor,    Julia  Abigail  Fletcher Carney’s, “Little  drops of  water, little  grains of  sand” etc… Nothing  big’s  done at once. Granny was  a Fletcher,  a  Texas  rancher’s   daughter and Grandpa was  1/4  Cherokee   Indian Territory, Ashley, cotton farmer.  Edited  it out  but love  the  hoe down song.



Negotiations with  “Canadian  Miner”   were  not continued  after  Aug  25 PR,  a prospective  “Major Miner”  we know for  certain was Fresnillo   came under consideration Oct 17th PR.  Were allowed on site to survey, map and  sample  with  agreement they would  release  their  Due Diligence  findings.  Mexus  was keeping options  open  with discussions  with other miners said now still ongoing.  We know  the When,  Jan 26th,  with the If,  a  rejection of the inadequate offer by  Fresnillo.    Based on what I think I see hearing ( hear  seeing?)  it  was the  ability to tie  up development more than  financial consideration although may be  both, caused   the  fall through  but may never  actually  know the total offer of  a  rejected full  JV  operation.  Doing business  will mean many  decisions seen  possible but  very  few actually completed as a  that’s that; finite.  Next….? 8

Good News, Chariot’s coming

Deb called with  she  said good news. Cert issue  caught  up and I’ve  4  in mail  and  now the  next one eventually.  Added, “Oh yes  the placer is  on line running” .  I said,  “Keep out  $1200 and send me the  1st oz! And  take Monday off! 8


Deck of Jokers, road to go broke


I think most will find  insanity is posting  the exact thing  same  things for years  as events constantly   evolve. It  begins  with knowing  nothing  and  proving  that truth  over and over.  Rogers  has  you pegged as not gonna  succeed.  Find ANYTHING you know SOMETHING about  and  make a  start there.  Me?  Just funded placer  whilst  you blabbered on.


Tough to form a  winning hand with never  a value  card  shown.   Made a  decent  career 60 years  being  oddly  funny. But  thanks  for  stopping by  with a  cheerful word.  Take  the  advice  of  Jimmy  Rogers. JR: I was quite serious when I said, “Don’t listen to me or anybody else.” I want to talk just about me to make people go broke. If you take your advice from other people you’re probably not going to succeed whether as an investor, a writer, or anything else. What you need to do is figure out your own passion, your own knowledge. If you’re an investor figure out what you know a lot about and find investment there. You’re already ahead of most of us because you’re very passionate about the subject. You’ve probably read about it or watch it on TV, the internet, whatever. That’s the way you’re going to find the most successful investment rather than listening to me or anybody else, and likewise they’re not. ”   Jimmy says, ” sugar ( not exactly  like  60% gold) is down 75%, or more than 75% from its all time high. I mean that doesn’t mean it’s going to go up. That doesn’t mean it’s going to go down another 50%, but it does mean it’s not— like it’s not in a bubble. That’s for sure. ”


Passion is NOT  luke  warm spit! Cheer up the  sun is  red! Crosby  Bash PGA Open is  on now.  My  youth  world  came to Monterey  Bay  once    a year. Bit later  Laguna  Seco  took over  Pebble  Beach races.  and  now rises and fades.  Just prior to  own deployment USS Pueblo Crisis 6 mo TDY   in  May 1968 took nephew  Mike  Murray   and  drove  circuit (slowly ,  grandly waving ) in  my new 1968 soft  window  911L. Found out  while  I was  in Itazuke AB    May- Dec on  N Korean Alert  launch duty Mike  took  the  Porsche  and  tooled  over  to the  Road  track to impresss the  high school honeys.  Next  Spring  was in   a tank  outfit at Kirchgoens  Germany.  Never blamed  him that.   8

Richer, poorer, sickness and in health

Good  advice is never marry  a stock but  when a divorce is much more  expensive?  Old  lady  aint looking  so bad and  kids already  living in  the basement paneled den. How to cut back on food stamps?     Even better  advice is  make  sure you live through it on what  you once had and never risked.  Worse things in life than paying off the mortgage  again! Suck in that ever lowering  chest  and  just hang in! BTW,  paragraph MEANS if  you  can’t  afford the risk at all?    constant   bitching  about  your  enormous loss simply  indicates lack of investment   maturity.  But  we  knew that.   When the  very  week’s activities  starts a  road back other wisers strongly  support?  Dumbness involved   becomes  rather  glaring least  from their  vantage.  Pretty clear Q&A’s  were  well covered  here.  No drilling  allowed  or took place  but  what  was  made  available  for their consideration  will be  posted for   us in time.  Placer  funds were  from long  standing  supporters starting  right here and  running  ASAP.

Not  exactly:  Tom and Dana’s Phillips  Associates  Realtors  is doing  multi million dollar  business   2 houses down cross street. Her sis  Stacie runs the office  where  Jordan  helps out  but has  own 3 BR closer to UTSA finishing  Jr  year.  Gold  sucks now  but  Alamo Ranch  area  is hottest  home  market even in  Texas..  Must  say Gold  Bull since  2001  got them the  grubstake to go it alone. Full expect  is the  second  run up will do even more soon.  Buy select not choice nor prime daily  need  always  wise move  anyway.  Always  felt marbling  was best  at  6th grade recess! Baby’s way you  do it up right and not the age.


“Recovering from a bout with the flu bug and I have never had anything like it.  I never felt too bad, but I got congested and I still cannot get rid of the congestion even after one month.

The point of all this is PT’s health…I think he and I are about the same age, 72 or so.  While laying in my bedroom going over the meaning of life while listening to the gurgle in my chest, I began to wonder how PT is holding up with all that is on his shoulders.  It is probably my biggest concern as this whole process keeps dragging out.   I put a stink bid in today at .0201 for 100K and after a few minutes it filled.
How do you feel about this since you have a lot of skin in this game??  Is there a backup plan if he should get ill??”


In one word no, not  as yet . Part of a  serious JV partner’s  needs was said  reorganization with  appointed  BoD with experience to do things without  direct  supervision  by  PT.  Still  planned to come  when time allows. His  health  is  good still passing pilot’s licensing or be no need to complete the  Cessna  engine  rebuilds. He  actually does very little of the  business aspect in  Sonora as Julio’s role ,  his mostly locating  and imagineering  the  process lines as he’s about the best going  both sides of border.   By now  he expected to be taking it easier  ( ha, that’s  a dandy I need to see ) but  lack of  a viable  offer set that back. Will see  where the  shaft  venture winds up next  and I know  that’s been Momo’s  project  along with all the  placer  restart from  time it halted needing  new use permits  which  were  bypassed as  urgency increased with JV stuck over  year’s  end.
 I too had the flu for a good week after  the Oct  annual did not cover the  strain we  found.  I took a  “Will you make  80?”  test and  gives me  about  66% shot. But  I’m 78 this   Sept and  unless hit something  real solid going  very  fast I make  that  more like 90%+.  I recall about  20 years  ago  my Well Med   GP advised me  when I said I usually  just come  for  an illness , “Don, It’s time  to be  more pro-active and prevent  stuff not  cure it”.   None know the day and time  but   as to PT’s  motivation/ability  to see it out?  Least of my   Mexus  worries. Part of my  North Pacific interest, however,   is in  how  Paulie  works as a  CEO. Fully knows  the Mexus  drill.    Stuck most of the  stuff  together in place now. 8


“From what I’ve  read on your blog the placer should be starting up
shortly.  The $4M from sale of previous property should cover costs for running  the mill once the blast permit is acquired, yes?”


Today at 3:17 PM