More Bitburg Goon


Today at 10:07 AM

USAF has very few boats , used for survival tng mostly. After really great Inertial Nav used in F-4 low levels I had to approve each day  no  conflicts  sail plane clubs,   paradrops or  parachutes  at Spang’s NATO Nuc  training  rts 70’s to  C war end? Mostly rqd as back up for annual qual  check off  BUT nice know you alone could find own way anywhere even if front seat bailed out  .

Now called Combat System Operators,  Celestial  Nav has always been taught for USN, USAF and US Marines.  Only  to run aground due  GPS errors?  US Blue Navy afloat wrong place. .


 Lt  uses a  horizon sextant. I’ve the  air nav bubble sextant issued me to bring that Gooney home in  Sept  ’69 from  Germany to Florida. Over time the  bubble  grows too large , fills the  chamber,  needs   bled off . The  level bubble is the  artificial horizon to measure  altitude. 2 min timer still works for  averaging alt to  the 60 sec mid time. .    It  wasn’t  usable in a C-47 astrodome where  tiny astro compass was the  rqt .Both head and  sextant did not hang level. So one  fix over  E. Channel using a coat hanger  for a hook landed back in Germany  so I forgot about and  it, went  the  entire  week  using guess and  gosh Dead Reckoning between base tacans  about 3- 4 hours   with nothing  but wandering needle after  125 mil range  out then in . Never told the pilots. Std  use was to point to land  starboard and then back down to port coast in. Worked as well as for Chris C. Need a  day’s  air almanac and  star charts for long.  lat’s  a breeze with Polaris we weren’t allowed to use , always took a quick peek to be certain were close  for Govt  work. Funny, got off a  Col Spgs T-39  taking Generals going to Falcon’s  Foot Ball game  after  letting  F-15 contract at St Lois from   Andrews DC.  I’d met a  war buddy flying them . A CA ANG Brig  Gen   had left  a briefcase and came back in own T-39. I walked out he thinking I had  the  case so I’d a sudden 2 hop all across the US as  I got 2nd  ride to LA. Asked  me ,”What’s in the  sextant case, Capt?”  “A sextant,  General ” says I.  Never was asked for it back.  Used to show Tom sun lines on the back deck when bubble still was small. No reason  what  ever’s  not working still set firm  on level horizon un- moving. 


Week’s trip was Germany,  Scotland, Iceland , Greenland. Goose Bay Lab. Andrews  DC where I Got off.   Wx ‘d out in   Losssiemouth S’land   Keflavic, Icel,   Sondestrom  G land  with extra  day each.  Garden spots all.  Goose was my  32nd  bday.




“your recall for 50 to 55 year past events is excellent – I knew the celestial nav article would spark a story or two.”

I’d never carry  4, 1.1 Meg nukes,  and NOT know exactly    what we 6  alone  up there were up to! Always ducked our  heads if ever in Kosovo like Hil and Chelsie but never  was.  Lesson ? NEVER  get caught  unprotected in a  war zone and MOST Ambassadors never are, dumb broad! 






Is that Freeport Mc-Moron? Screaming  against Pinks? Seems so dumb to not know what that means. OTC QB is level below invest grade QX, but fully  reporting where  large Intl’s  find a place to be on  US market. That’s  exactly status where  GIGANTIC NYSE FCX is falling due base metal decline as PMs rise. $7 bucks is also junk, idiot?  Till you can show  awareness of what you speak?> Try, “Shut up!” Okie doke?

Again a  need to copy to blog or is bye bye  here after work of some value ihub  never even attempts any place I can spy.Log on and ca-CHING!  8


Re: None
Post # of 4168 

Never takes much to turn all worthwhile. Quite simply some pay attend. Here’s a from spitball row.


Don P at 4:47 PM

“I have found that the best browser to use with win10 is Firefox. I run several computers at the same time for trading etc.. and Firefox works the best. Edge sucks and of course, IE exp sucks since they both crash all the time. You can have several different browsers installed at the same time. I use Chrome for a few things but Firefox is the best.
Download Firefox and once you have it up and running install a plugin called Adblock Plus and then you can go to
Ihub and read the message board without the script issues and ads running all the time
Thanks for all the Mexus input. You are the only one I trust”

Got chrome books and pads but never use them just sit around. Win 7 was all I needed but they pushed and after a month no return. Lot of folks went to Firefox long time back. Just old farts get brain ruts. Thanks, all I do is for folks who listened to be on the final upslope I know. BUT no more. The thrill is gone, along with BBK ! Don

Another great, local Vikki Carr doing mariachi show new Tobin Performing Center Audit. tonignt. Married to local MD and we did art MD funds auctions togather. Away said I’d buy if she sang. Properly ignored me and bought anyway. Might have Vikki Carr exhibit room if check. know some Dali’s and a a few goodies sit around. L Nieman Ali -Spinks fight is one. 8

Heard not seen

8thaero Thursday, 02/18/16 11:14:21 AM
Re: EmptyBones post# 4066
Post # of 4069 
Radio Shadow was more scary. Since you couldn’t see him in the guise anyway Lamont was unneeded to the thriller action. Late 30’s mom got a tall leg Stromberg Carlson and had dad cut the legs down so we’d set in front and watch the little yellow dial. All the pop shows, Super, Ranger, Ryder, Midnight, Armstrong had comics so imagination took it from there and ANYTHING was possible in full color before TV was even B&W. Sound effects people were something to watch in a studio. Think most cutesy was the little door to open and close and even lock turning the key. To walk away you spoke to the dead side of same mike dropping script sheets to the floor as it went on. Ovaltine flew off shelves but was yukky powder even in a shakeup mug. Millions of box tops went in box cars to Minneapolis MN. Were the days! 8

Nice time to live through alright

NATO has warned Russia border provokings  of Art  5 (Turkey since  ’52 )requires  member  response to aggression against any. Only  actually invoked 1 time  on response to 9-11 attacks. Nothing  for them to play round with BUT Obama  never heard of the camel nose under the  tent then is inside. Decided to let Putin fight his battles.”I can be Much more flexible  AFTER ’12 elections”. But  once a  coward…. Never can forget  doing  Command and Staff College study   under  Mutual Assured Destruction  while on  runway alert 30 min  away from E German border and own MAD. Got your  attention  without any  foot stamping will be on  exam. Final test  was  decoding the launch code never came thank  god and most oddly Nixon in  70’s Moscow talks. Another chicken loser back then  Carter until staunch Regan and  then Bush ’41 did THAT bunch in. Now we  got a new good  buddy Vlad. 8