All posts by 8thaero

As the worms turn

Rapier50 says:

Eight, I laughed when I read that comment. Is there a new express settlement process that we don’t know about??? Maybe like a drive through window for share sales/purchases? Keep those basher comments coming boys! Not accurate, but very entertaining.
Well, they’re not bitching much any more about hearing nothing from the company. That’s the second update from Mexus about the negotiations. I like that Paul is preparing for the possibility of going it on our own in looking for backup financing possibilities. But he did seem confident that they could get a deal done, so that’s positive. He also reiterated the positives that make us attractive, good grades and fully permitted. Of course, the bashers want a deal NOW even if its a bad one. That pretty much tells me who are the real shareholders and who don’t own diddly.

  • Well it’s unusual to have them attacking Paul for saying exactly the same thing I say he says. When you take my constant info updates as both true and semi official? Very little left of their constant bullshit becomes obvious other than just an attack on Mexus itself. So WHAT kind of shareholders attack without end? Last I checked the axiom is any PR’s a good PR if name’s correct. What’s occurring during the slow process is finally in agree that the folks who listened to me and sunk good funds need to be aware best efforts are ongoing. Still not his desire to spout endlessly just aware of the need for some back patting and hand holding as the pot boils watched VERY closely.  And  yes, you  can  buy with unsettled  trades but   unmarginable shares you  must sell something so is  REALLLY nice  to have  that  in  profit  first! Were Mexus  $5? Not be  hearing  a  damn word  from either  Lout  nor Flouts! Well inbreeding?   might  just  continue even  with  no  cause.  Dueling  banjos echo on.  Never  a  deliverance for honest  souls.  Raise  the   Aintry  Dam! 8

    Definition of ‘Non-Marginable Securities’

    Securities that cannot be purchased on margin at a particular brokerage or financial institution. Some classes of securities, such as recent initial public offerings (IPOs), over-the-counter bulletin board stocks, and penny stocks, are non-marginable by decree of the Federal Reserve Board. Other securities, such as stocks with share prices under $5 or with extremely high betas, may be excluded at the discretion of the broker itself.

    Non-marginable securities must be 100% funded by the investor’s own cash, and holdings in non-marginable securities do not add to the investor’s margin buying power.

JV wag

OOPS! There does seem’s a possible 3rd  partner bid  HMS G White   Lout  can’t  ever think’s  real . Fig  Newtment  of my  imagining. Hit  Kitco 1:17 PM.  NOTHIN’d make me happier than the  silly  sullen   sod  to simply  disappear from following  me into  start up miners I  fund  to initiate operations  then acting with nothing else  but guile in bite  the  back that  feeds  it. Reality? Lout  alone  has  always  been a  “consider  source”  and  we all laugh it off but  I learned in my   W Texas rocky  dry desert  assign 1975? Where’s  1  viper? You attract  a nasty  pit so never  put  in a hand without  a  bright light of investigation. They’ll hide in  the  shadow created  by  the  first with the  thought,” We exist too and is  OFF YOU!”

Devil’s in  details. Hand  PT a  quick $7  mil  next to no strings to take up to  49% , PRODUCE as  contractor in  3rd  qtr  no bullshit.  Means  needed equipment, take on cost employees  we’ve  cleared  acceptable  in 2  mines to just  get  a  show on  the  road. We’ve  the  asset, permits so need is  finance, solely. Our option is  wait. They need to simply  cross  that  min. ante  line  to be  the player  selected.

“The company is also seeking a qualified person to explore additional financing possibilities. Mr Thompson added, “Even though I believe that one of the deals mentioned will get done, we will continue to keep all of our options open.” – See more at:


I’d  say he’s said’d  take  $7 mil and  under  50%  with acceptable provisions. Both  bidders are nearby mining  lesser  ore at  good  profit and need  no extensive  drill program with what  can even be  seen at  the surface  running  kilometers. Been trying poor  pickins  with family  for years.  Means  are offering  less $ and  wanting more  % . Means  under  $6 mil and over  50% and WE take  a  dull razor  shave.  Chair’s not  too uncomfortable, towel’s  warm ;  we just  wait on a  barber  with kiddies  home  to feed  and  buy  shoes and pocket   million oz  resource at  acceptable  cost.  8


“anyway…back to
mexus…from what i can gather from here and there: paul is
looking for roughly 7M$ in exchange for about 40%. does that
square with you…roughly?

so….jury out….looks reasonable on
paper, but still some big questions re whether anything like
the above can translate into reality…and no definitive
geology raises potential risks for partner which may require
some flexibility from pt whose only real leverage at this
point is to say “no” to an offer….
what say you to the above? very curious
to know whether you think it’s in the general

LODE profit

Your  $3 was GSPG  .015 down from high  Jan ’04 $1.35 or now  $270? See  what I mean. enormous  disaster  is  just  50% loss  at  now  $1.60. It’s  the  entire  picture and  MXSG began at  .03! in  ’10. Means  my INITIAL  1,666,667  shares  are UP 16%. Relatively speaking is  an up and  down world so is  how  you keep score.and then  you  die.


Subject: Re: mexus  PS re comstock
To: crazydonconcepts
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 11:29 AM

“hey don…not that it matters much,
but i actually made a few 1000 on LODE, sold in the mid
3’s. never owned that much…i liked the story and
property, but was always skeptical about ownership structure
and….winfield’s control over it. as i mentioned to
you, there was a period when we spoke quite a bit — more
him speaking than me — and i just always had a nagging
sense that he was always in it for himself and using smaller
shareholders to consolidate his own position…and i know
many lost $$ along the way. but some also gained….and the
company IS up and running now, though still a question when
they’ll turn the profitability corner….’

ANY GAINERS  at all were  in AFTER VISA assisted  refinance  AFTER  2010 and   I know of none  since ALL before  and  all after   were small or  much greater  losers .  Buy today  $1.60 but  WAS someone’s  $270!!! 8

Letter cont.

No, that’s an  11 years disaster  and  so many  BROKEN investors can’t  count. Visa and I are only  ones I know  who made  a cent and  he  did  his 3 years AFTER 2007  legal settled  on the 2010  split  and  refinance then he  sold  at profit  2nd  time  around. LARGE investors took  total control and  little  folks  went  broke.  People  like  you  look in  the large end of  the  telescope. There is  NO  Jr financing  since  2008. Comstock was  fully  taken over  by then and  works  in  $900 oz  cost. No mine  I know  better and I’m fully  into Mexus not Comstock where have sold ALL the  remaining 2010  .008( I took  down to  .00048) PPS going  nowhere fast at  enormous  cost. Compared  to minor  squabbles in  Sonora? Comstock was a  repeat  of  the Civil War. Seems peaceful but  the  dead  long  buried.  Ask some  survivors. Opposite  reasons  but  Visa and  I are  best qualified.  A  like 200/1  split   is  MEXUS $7 and  1,285,000 shares. Looks  good  right?   Just owned  by  SF Portsmouth Sq  financiers not  you or  I.

I’ve  been urging  him strongly  to just  keep saying  what  is  going  on good or  bad.  Good is  slim enough as   San Felix   $4 mil debt  is to pay  for placer  move  this  month and 2  bidders mean one  needs  to do a best offer to take  the  gold  ring.  Means  so far one hasn’t .  Heard  no more  of  a  3rd.  Bad is  good’s  not  good  enough to take  what’s  for  grabs and  as  been telling  you  here  a  few years  it’s  awfully  good  stuff in  a  very  bad  time for  small miners looking  at  being  gobbled  up by  a  big 12% interest  financing   like  Comstock was in 2004-2010.  Believe me  you’d  NOT like  the  process.   Pouring  metal, yes. But  doing it  with Jan 2004  $1.35 PPS now  worth .008. AND probably  $60-80 million cost to fund production. Just looked it  up,  2009-2013 losses  were $60,438,879.  Who pays  that?  Common shareholders year  on  year.  Loss  pre  tax, ’09, $6,064,321; ’10 $61,603,321; ’11, $16,302,997; 2012, $35,132,570: ’13, $25,363,725, totals $144,466,934 to initial  small ’12 metal AND will be  another great loss to   last  half  ’14. When  I pick a  prime  example I know  of best?  Better  check if  I’m wrong. Your’s  is  total BS! Mexus  $15 mil  to pre- production  is  pure  chicken feed  in money management.  Exact  wrong move  you’re  demanding leaves  you  where few hundreds to thousand up to $1.35 (times  200 is  $270!!!)  GoldSpringers  were  buried with ZERO pushin up daisies!

Mind you  if  you also check JJ, I advised GSPGers  to go with John Winfield (show me  the MONEY man) in control tussle  ’04’-07 and if  you played in my  way it  worked out to enormous  profit   back up to .07 from  Jan 2004 $1.35  in’08. NONE did!  That’d  be  $14  today.  My advise  is  today go with what  PT final accepts  and  meantime grab yer  crotch and  hold on like  there’s  a  man inside yer  fist. Any girls? Just  think manly.    8


. in direct response to your Mexus/Comstock comparison, forgot to mention something pretty germaine here: reality is, for all its fits, starts, growing pains, etc, Comstock’s current market cap is about 10x Mexus’. They may be somewhat bloated with staff and general overhead….but they have been producing Au and Ag consistently now for several quarters and are ramping up. meanwhile, we’re still waiting here at mexus for our “modern godzilla”…so far the “old splinter hotel” is ahead…

again, hope that’ll change soon, but that’s just the current reality…


While  doing  the suggested exercise?  Nice to recall the  same individual  was  who got me involved  in  both miners at  right time to set  up great profit.   ALWAYS wise  to listen to the   sole expert. I was  told  by BoD member  Scott  Jolcover back in  2006/’07  to continue  to buy  down GSPG  AFTER a  reverse  split  was rejected by  BoD from 2005 sharehold meeting.  I’d  11 million OLD shares (200 times  now) and once legals  settled late 2007 after  reverse  not taken  it  rose  from .00048 to .07! After  200/1  reverse  taken  I still don’t  buy it.  Would  be  $14  to profit .  From MXSG today .035 would be  $5.25! Current  sole  expert? Fellow  Scott  J introduced  me  to, Paul T Sr in  2009! I await  an explosion similar soon.  I call it  Phillips  Postulate

When you  have  problems  but  sit  on  a  pile  of gold? First  recognize the  great value you  sit  upon ( also known as  Golden Ass)  then solve  your  problems.

Mail came

“Many  again including myself, seriously question how we are so
broke — again — after so much cash has been put into
paul’s hands over the years. empirical evidence suggests
that money management — important in all speculative
pursuits and games of chance, is not one of his stronger

Take  a Little  MBA ” Mine  start  up financing” End of  chapter Problem assigned. LODE vs MXSG

Premise  totally  incorrect. Has  done  wonders to get  here with so little. Problem? Well, (mine) is  dry. B UT I never  figured  to be  a  contracting producer short half  of  a  JV. Just  a  wealthier  investor. Paul can do that with one  selected. I can’t  so like  the  rest? Cool heels  and  buy  down much as  I can. Was  last   9 times  1K today, Not  much but all buys one after another  at  $9.99  a whack to TDA fee. Comes  to penny  a share  to the  ask.  Adds just 9K to high 8  figures spread  over  family  acts. BUT supports PPS best  I am able. Me  and  Hillary  are  dead broke.


“We had a cumulative net loss of $15,630,131 for the period from ( 2010, 2011,2012, 2013, 2014 ) September 18, 2009 (Exploration Stage Re-Entry) through March 31, 2014.”
Last  I knew we had  a larger  work force available   in Sonora . They got  a money  losing splintery old Comstock, once a bank.   hotel. We got  least a    cool modern gonna  make GOLD Godzilla dredge


Just  check a  similar  cash  raising Comstock Mining one year 2013  financing  alone . We do have  the old  MC plant pre- reverse  split as  a base  to compare .  Total raised since  March    2003? NO IDEA! With  2010 200/1  reverse PPS now  $1.60 is then .008. 72,852,435 issued  now  becomes 14,570,487,000 (14  billion!)
“During 2013, we completed two equity financing transactions resulting in over $18.75 million in gross financing to fund working capital, ramp up of initial operations, acquire properties, plant and equipment, and support mine development, and other general corporate matters.”
As of December 31, 2013, we have 118 full-time mining employees, inclusive of our general and administrative function. We also have 5 full-time and 12 part-time hospitality employees working for the Gold Hill Hotel Inc.”

End Chapter Management Problem  grade?  F minus. Repeat  course suggested. 8


Current E-vents

RB MXSG is like some deep sea trench bottom vent where odd unknown creatures exist on sulfur and poisonous fumes. Not much different than most msg bds with investors seeking SOME info and misinformers plus idlers mixing the stew pot as too many cooks. Blogs, otherhand, can be multi-purposed and mine here is anything I want to make it when I take the time. No need to say SOMETHING to fill time on subject when there’s nothing to say so chose to go personal. Then you find what sort weird bottom creature checks what the dolt has to say on about anything he takes the time to bother. It’s what I do. So you wonder what it is they do?
“Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company.”

Old  Hard  Assets  San Francisco Confc. 30 Nov is  suspended along  with NYC. ” Metals and Minerals Invest Conference circuit has been suspended indefinitely”. Call it  Hard Times  NO Assets.   Marriott  Marquise  was  a class  act. 8

Slim Pickings

Just  heard of  someone  we know  on   Fox  News


Carlos Slim calls for three-day working week to improve quality of life

Mexican billionaire says workforce could be spread over a full week, employees working up to 10 or 11 hours a day

Slim, who is also the head of mining company Minera Frisco, is estimated to have a personal net worth of $80bn – around the same as Bill Gates.”

That’s  owns  AuRico  open pit  E on Mex  2  at  Altar. Don’t  think  was  them making  come  back bid  last  week. Prolly  took Friday off.

I really  know  no names; just  best  guess  he  says is  close enough to be  uncomfortable  when no news  is  to be  out.  Meantime is  musical chairs in a  dark room. Pause   now  and  again  to play pin a  tail on  a Lout.   Odd  thing. This  week local Express News  added  Hermosillo  as a  weather  spot  in News.   USA/ Mex. 106/83.  8

Time Marches On

Tonight’s been a  confluence  of past  events.  I’m seeing NASA  July  20,  1969 Apollo 11 again. I was  watching  it  after  midnight on  a flickering  B&W 17″ rabbit  eared TV on crew  rest  Shaw  AFB  SC with   8 AM unescorted  Atlantic  takeoff  to Torrejon AB Spain . Meant 2  refuelings coasting  out  Carolinas  and  just  off Azores over  a  large ocean in  a  4  hr  leg tactical bomber? Touchy  but  just  part of  the job.  Nothing  to see visual or  radar poor radio contact  back then? Nav solution: make a  heading up wind predicted  and  assume  the  drift  will be within  radar  sighting  of  tanker? Answer to  WWCHD . What would Columbus would have  done?

Next  eve Ken Kelly and I had  great  time  looking  for  Flaminco in  Seville. Wasn’t  any! No matter. Actually, I WAS escorted. Had   a   friend’s  left  behind  on reassignment German Sheppard  at my  feet.  Lovely sweet  dog  the  Gilhooley’s ( Gil Cooley) kids  were  still crying over. We  agreed I’d bring her   over past  the 6  mo   Q impoundment  period.  In Spain was  just  border  crossing  by  air. Perhaps  friendliest  thing  USAF ever did, managed  to evade  silly Intl rules.

Just now  watching Nixon impeachment  40 year  hearings on  C- Span AND current  week’s IRS  high crime and  misdemeanor investigations. WOW! EXACT same  charges , REALLY LOUD, stentorian  said,  Barbara  Jordan hit on  Nixon. Where  is the   Demo outrage?  Ranking member,40 years  now, really  poor  in compare holds  his  head in hand like  a Hitchcock pre-assume  villain. Not  even good  theater!

But  there’s  always the  juxtaposition . Some  folk raise   their  right hand  and  swear  to the  truth with honor. Others  sit  with their  left  thumb  up a bunghole  to lie  heads off simply  for  spite and  an otherwise  worthless  lived  life. I can’t  see  much of any  choice.  Viewed  with a  clear eye? We’ve one  Lout long   proven  the  dumbest  poster  on  RB and  several  recents seeking  the title. Game’s  afoot, Watson! 8

Oh yeah a class action’s what we need!

“NEVER  have  said a  single word  I post  is  official. Since  day one by  my  pledge. Just  the best info   going from day early  ’10 I bought   into royalty  % on  Alaska cable with  her   $1/3 mil SEP.  Same as  NEVER a  single  word the  Louts N Flouts are  ever  proven  true by judging  IF their  own words  are  true. When I learn a newsy? I post  a  newsy. The  choice?  as in MANY years? Pick a  side. One  will prove  truthful . Other  will not be to great  sorrow. I can easily predict  SINCE HMS GW Lout’s  NOT been on acquire to the  high .03’s?   WRONG choice. But’s  pretty  normal for  him; seem’s a  bunch RB thinks  really  wise . I just  like a  good  laugh when what  I’m into’s serious  millions. Take’ s  an edge off  any  short term worry based  on  previous  ignorance all have seen.

I can’t  negotiate a  damn thing but  encourage CEO  to make  me  and mine  best possible. ALL can allow it  to continue to some good   end . A real asshole’s  an end  to itself! “Were gonna need  a  bigger  toilet!”  And any  feel this  total numbnuts  has  MXSG best interest going?  Can’t  be  helped? Mama  said, “Dolts  are  like  a  box  of  chocolates. Somebody  sends  them. Be  careful!”  8

stocktradeup 3 hours ago

1 2 3 4 5
I realize all this frustration, but to go after EA, who is a dolt, and still bring up “management”   and their contribution to EA’s ramblings…why not call PT (alleged management) and ask him the question you want answered.

This would allow him one specific answer before he has to get off the phone and back to whatever he does.

Let us know…

stupid who learned proves the rule

Hey Lout

“What a sheister”.  Is that  your brother’s  Mister  became  his  sis? I understand CEO  doesn’t  control  whoever wants to become Junior partner  in  billion dollar  resource.  If  will bother to  shut  that  idiotic mouph  and  check recent  10%  short loans? Expiry  dates  come  due  in  August.  He  DOES keep continuing  to assure  me  and  the actual investors  we’ll be  pleased  which ever of the  2 prime, Toronto or Reno HQs win out.   But  keep reading  for  latest  info. Wouldn’t  know  you  from  a Hernando Cortez, Primo or  Secundo.

Full 8 years now  it  keeps me  young  with  laughter. -Readers’ Digest ” Laughter, the  best medicine’


Whilst  sitting in  Norm’s  chair   on Boston Cruise  stop in  ’08 Tom went  and  bought  me  a  Cheers  T shirt  with Normisms  on  the  back. It’s  what  I wear  to fly in and  folks make me  stop and turn around  to read. Gone  thru now  4 of  them various  stage  of  worn  got online.  Is  a  fake tourist bar  since  Bull & Finch still  up across  park but  close  enough for  Gvt  work.  Any good  teach appreciates  one  who  proved  can learn   which demonstrates  ability to impart  some  modicum  wiser.  Keep certificate  of  attendance,  few  tardys but  arrived  some  point. I feel decently  good  about you.  None  trying  to cheat  a  soul and instead  OUR hard  cash moves  along.  Welcome  to Blog if you  wish.

A funny? He’s  had  bad  gout in  knee so hard  to walk.  I say time  to get up  in  saddle   but  when Dent  and  I  there  1st  he  diagnosed  my  feet sole  pain as  gout  so began to use  anti inflammatory   Motrin  instead of Hydrocodone RX my  MD advised for long  term use.  Been on Motrin since   least 1990 no ill effects  but  some bleed internal  badly ! Plus  no codeine  buzz  loading  on for  extra  pain. Sure  sleep  soundly but  nightmares  abound  for  real good  entertainment  value.  3 AM comics ticket  to ride.  PTSD INC productions . 8

KansasCrude 4 hours ago
1 2 3 4 5
Oh lord EA I about lost it thinking about you and your milkbone skivvies. I was about ready to move on but  glad I kept reading as it was a very interesting post.  Appreciate the update from PT seems like its been awhile and appreciate him thowing us a bone with some meaty morsels left on it.