All posts by 8thaero

Coherent? See spot run!

Speaking  as  a  professional?  You find  it’s  incoherent  minds  can’t  see  a  unifying pattern consistent over  time.   Rather, babble  nonsense proving  the  point  endless.
“EA can’t write a coherent sentence?”
  meaning united as or forming a whole.
 Dick and  Jane  series  even with Spot  and  Puff  complexity  added  used  small whole  words to teach reading.. Teaching  K-P myself  it  was  a  start  but lacked  the  education of  phonics  where  literature  resides in  life,  The  series are  now simply  30’s  era  nostalgia for  collectors. Teach a  word and  a  man can read  that  word. Teach an idea  and  a  man can read  forever.
“In the later 1950s and early 1960s, Dick and Jane found themselves in troubled waters. In 1955, Rudolf Flesch struck out against look-say readers in his bestseller, Why Johnny Can’t Read. Flesch argued that the whole word method did not properly teach children how to read or to appreciate literature, because of its limited vocabulary and overly simplistic stories. Other phonics advocates in the 1960s echoed Flesch’s arguments, calling for new primers that focused on phonics and introduced students to real literature.”
I remember  a  light bulb moment in  1946 still 8 in  3rd  grade. Dad and  I were  walking east  past  G Gate  Panhandle  where  we  lived on  Fell   to see  a  movie  at  Harding  Theater  on  Divisadero ( mid  street of  city  S-N-from  Haight  where  becomes  Castro  to Marina   on  the  bay. Been in  city since  Jan ’42.  I asked  him how  to spell Bakersfield ( long  word ) cross  Kern River  from Oildale ( short  word) .  He  said, OK, spell bakers. I did so he  asked,  field? Now  just  put  them  together. FLASH of  light and  I then knew how it’s  done … sound out  and  combine  with a  lot of  exceptions  but  you  understand  it  anyway.  Been on my  own long ago across a  galaxy  far away with that concept  ever since . Not  failed  me  once!
Easy to see both  work but  ONLY if  combined  as  a  concept. Best  example is

Helen Keller had  NEVER heard   nor  SEEN a  word yet  Annie  showed  her  the  concept on  her  HAND and  was understood  then on.  Then on  could feel Puff  or  something similar and  that’s  CAT. Sight  AND insight’s in  the  brain not  the  eyes.
   Not meaning  to be too  insulting  here, aware  the  humor ,thanks, in  Oscar’s ( really  a  family  member? ) involved  legalese. BUT a lot  of  self- important  people’ve  done  very  little in  what  becomes  a  long  life  with  all previous  attached to also  view in  the  whole .
I sincerely doubt   Black Momba  EVER published  a  5,0000 reader  English  language,  self financed,  weekly    newspaper  in  a  foreign country. Babble simplicity  don’t  sell! Interesting  do!  I called it  “The Spangled  Banner” with assist  from a semi-official
  chuckle  sent  by  the  Paris  Embassy  on  State  Department   letterhead. Served  the  newly  formed  52nd  Tac  Fighter  Wing , Spangdahlem Air  Base , Germany (look up  Fighter  City, USAFE)
 inception   Jan 1973 -1974j until DoD funding  arrived 2nd year  of  operation. Just  one  person  thought it  up, sold  ads and  found  a  publisher  who could do it  one year  that basis. My editorials were the  talk of the  Eifel Mtns., Laugh City but  it  worked.  I toss  off  critics, water/duck’s back,  who know  very little and  prove  it.
It’s  unfortunate  this  former  Marine  seems to hate  EVERYTHING currently  existing  in favor  of  something  else  could  be  done  instead. When I arrived in  May 1969, Spangdahlem  was  due  to be  closed. Just  had a  nice 9,000′  long  runway  close  to closed to 1965 NATO French border. Stuck a  thumb in  DeGaul’s eye  and  worth every  multi $100 million improvement  45 years  since.  “Nearness  to Military bases?”  Germany’s built  a, new  by  2010 ,
 autobahn   runs all the  way  from N Sea  right  by  the  base  less  than an hour  away to the  Army HQ’s. Really  doubt  this  banana’s  even been there  to see. Don’t  even mention  large additional facilities  at  late 90’s closed  Bitburg AB  7  mi away next  flat  hilltop to N with  2000 foot  shorter , now  civilian, runway .  Fact  was  our  B-66’s needed  the  extra  2K’ badly.   While  waiting  orders my  assignment  was switched  to Spang  instead  of  well known Bitburg.. Had  to look up where’s  Spangdahlem Air  Base? Attached  to Bitburg  waiting  closure.  4 and  half  decades later? Shut  her  down; a
int  that  odd. 8


The  VA, about  the  time  PTSD in mid-80’s    became a  subject to study  not  shun, diagnosed mine but  was 20  years later for  me. Found all that  really assists   is  to talk about  what  you  did with others  have done  the  same or  similar. Only one’s can actually really  understand.    Why  later life  military reunions  are  so  ongoing to the  Last Man bottle.  Since  a lot of it is  “Why  did I survive?” All there  did.  Civilian life  instances do not  usually include choice. Thus  the “I lived  through Katrina” T shirt. If  they’d  known about it ? Would have  left. I remember Jan ’73 end of  the  Draft. after  that everyone working  for me  had to be a  volunteer in  due  time.  Couldn’t  quit and  walk away but  just  a  different  feeling  about  your  troops wanting to be  there not  told ” Take one  step forward, March!”  Then on you  had  to respect a  decision to join  not  simply a  choice of  service to serve under.  To be other  than a  2 year  draftee, had  to have  qualifications.  After much time  you learn to roll with the punches.  I spend  so much  time  wandering  around  large  airfields  trying  to get  somewhere  I can’t that it makes  real iife  security processing a  breeze. When finally back with some unit  I’m the  old  guy my  age, them all fresh and  young.  Funniest  ever  was  dive bombing  training  on  a  roller coaster! Back in  the  day I might  have  won a  cash saving  award!

So I always  tell any  with a  grandpa,  father,  uncle, brother, friend  who wont  talk about  their  service? Draw them out  and  get  them talking.  Just  might  both  of  you have a  good  cry or  a  great  laugh together.   Nothing  strange  about  what  was  real at  sometime  in  a life  both well lived and  worth respect. Those who can’t  respect honor? Not  considered  human, my  book.  Some  animal came  in  with somewhere an open door,  Toss it back outside with others that  ilk and   close  that door. Hang, instead, with decent  folk.

Always get   a  courtesy response  from  MMB.  Best  of  the  arbiter/pontificator  pros. 8

“Dear Don,
Thank you for checking in.  “Mario, Mario”, such wondrous days of yore.  How our culture has found its way into filth all ’round.

Hang onto your Gold & Health,


—–Original Message—–
From: don phillips
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 12:27 AM
Subject: Lake effect thaw

Mark; Cleveland  may  get used  to “Happy  Days are here again” with both Return of  the  King  and  a  a  good  shot  at pushing  on a  decent POTUS come ’16. JRR Tolkien could  do  a Trilogy   with less!. I usually prefer GOOD triumphs!  and hometown  San Antonio is  proof. Today? Wife  and  son Germany born, extra  time  TOR!!!, MORE Happy  Days!  For  rest of  story after   Memorial  Day ’66…I do yak on near  forever. Gotta  love Romberg’s take Light  Opera  on a heavy  metal! Don I

Merciful stroke out of misery

SOME simpleton CHANGE  the frappin Thread!!!


“Cut them off  just above the  skinny  knees  and  right at their undescended balls!” Martial arts instructor,USAF Survival School Stead AFB,Mar 1964. But  we used bamboo swords and   yelled  KEE YAI!  lot to compensate… then hit Virginia St. Reno casinos. At  26? were  the  days!

Check  GORO Prospectus  Pg  48 and  49. Don I and  Dorothea  480K, Don I and  Thomas  40K. Makes  520K as of  2004 cost  .25 PPS. Now  check April 25,  2011 PPS $30.15 at  time  I began selling  to take on MXSG when Julio/Elena  Rancho was  acquired  in  March. 520K times  $30.15? $15,678,000. NOW how ya’s  hanging,  bare balls? Crazy like  a  Fox  is my  logo.   Oh yes, ’04  I was  a  67 old Geezer . Hang  somewhere  you COULD be tolerated.  In Military City? out  of  town on rail. And  DON’T drip tar  and  feathers.  TX Ranger will cite you  fer Mess With Texas ! 8

Bering Gifts

Fortunately  some  folks  can  walk , chew  gum and  hum a  tune  same  time. Placer PR was  on  8TH JULY, hey!  Permit known of  on 2nd  and  now  in hand, can’t  be  too careful there jumping  gun!   Bering  dredge  deal PR  was on  9th and  an entirely  separate  matter of  cheap  additional publicity   on a  rather  amazing  world  famed  Discovery Channel  series  lasting  now  5  years. NOT a  mining  corporation, as such, just a  small one man LLC.  ONE DREDGE barge in  a  FAMOUS yearly  contest Gonna  say  BIG GOLD LETTERS on  a  green machine MEXUS GOLD US and PT Jr  an advisor  not  an employee or  owner  will   run the  show.

Now, I’ll bet it  will take  more than  a  day 8th to 9th to move placer machinery , pretty  large heavy things  AND generator    operating  panel before  we get  any production  at all. I’d  say from personal experience  about  2  weeks minimum. As  I’ve  watched it  done twice  as  first  trommel tube  then placer  shaker tables take  my  word for  that.  Better  yet? Run on down, only  104F  today. Tell them “I’m here , sharp  as a thumb tack”, don a  hard  had  and MAKE gold. Tell us  all about  it next  day.  We’ll await  baited  breath. GEEZE! You’d  think  by  this  time   the  light’d  dawn.  Dumb as  ever  and  even more  so it  seems . Isn’t it  embarrassing  to post  total nonsense  day after  day and  tell me any  of  my experienced info is  the  same?  Perhaps  God  has  a plan for you  sillies there but  nobody  else  can figger it.  If  she’d  talk I’d  ask her.  8

Peace was our Profession

Strategic  Air Command was for  sure  a  way of  life committed  do or  die.  Or  do and  die.  One final last  resort was called  “Parachute  descent into  a nuclear explosion” .  No escape going  down,    set  the altimeter   switch and  that  was it.  Punch out.  Got it close enough, did your  job.

I also had a  very unusual one  day job.  Called Aide for a  day to Curt  Lemay.  April 1966 I was  unattached after   the  March B-52s  retired  oldest  B Models  and  joined  with closing  Larson AF Base Moses  Lake  WA using  their  newer  E Models which became  the  standard  SAC bomber  in  SEA.  2  wings  had been on Guam since  the  day in  spring   1965 the  Command Post  called the  10  Nuc  Alert  sqdns crews  TDY from   March and  Biggs AFB  El Paso   to go out on the  balcony  and  watch what is  going  to happen. Next   4   hours 2  SAC squadrons  from  Mather  CA and  Barksdale  LA  landed  and  were taking up every inch of  parking  space and  every  room on  base and some off  base  hotels. With no notice , air  controllers   in   western US began to see  the fleetof  40   leaving  and  thought  was   IT’S THE BIG ONE, WW3! Nope, the  start  of  Arc  Light operations  in SEA and  were to  take  our place as  Guam Nuc  Alert after  the next  2-3 months we shared  the base. We  moved  back to March alert  facility until New Years  eve  ’65  when it  closed until the  new  E models  could  be integrated  in  the  Single  Integrated  OPs Plan coordinating all Nuc forces .  I was on alert and  got  off  a  day early. There were  quick  organized parties  all over  the  base  on  the  NUC stand  down. Whoop te  doo!

Lemay had  been forced to retire  in ’65 by  LBJ and  McNamara to Simi Valley CA, entered  politics, joined Rockwell Intl and  flew their  twin turbo Aero Commander all over  the place campaigning. 15th Air Force held  a  commander’s  conference and  Lemay was  the  big cheese speaker in his  USAF  retired role. I was  senior  1st Lt  with Top Secret , Nuc  qualified  so was  to be  Aide  for the  day. It meant I carried  the  Antonio Y Cleopatra Grenadier Natural Panetelas in  a  box. Met  him on  the  Flight Line with staff  car , saluted , shook hands  and  was  stting  aside  a bit to hear him call Bobby  Kennedy  a  rat face lying little  son of  a  bitch to all the  3 and  4  stars  there.   One of my more memorable  additional duties. Guess I pleased the  man. Shook hands and  saluted  when he  took off, wasn’t  fired.  He  did  know I was  one  of  his  SAC trained  killers and  doing  my job  he fashioned  2  decades  past.  Simply  being there  meant I’d passed inspection.  8

Audi Murphy VA Hospital.

Jan to Oct. 1977 I was  assigned  9 months to Patient Sqdn Wilford  Hall Med  Center,  Lackland  AFB, biggest  USAF  then. and  where  we moved to San Antonio from final base  Dyess  AFB, Abilene  for  life  long  follow up promised in 1979.  Neurosurgery  Ward began to run tests next  9  months.  It  had  no Neurolgy  so we  went  to Audi Murphy when nerve conduction was needed. Funny  stuff to stick 2 needles  along  a nerve. “Does that hurt?” YES! “GOOD! A shock comes  timed  in  miliseconds then pick a  new nerve  and  chart that. Tries  to see where is  nerve  loss location.  Feels  good  to go back where  guys  simply  scream  next  bed at night. So Jan to Sept were spent running  down all the  problems stemming  from combat  injury  April Fools  1967, active  flying  career worsened  by a  decade  trying  to keep flying with yearly waivers.  In addition to cool jobs doing  unusual things  , Flight Pay is  a  way of  life  you lie  about  to maintain. I’d been in 2 , month long   bed  rests in Wiesbaden AB  ’74 and  ’75 after  2 weeks traction  at  Bitburg  AB in March ’71  just  before  we  were on leave to marry  at  Carson  City May 25th.   Every  day about  4:30 I’d  hear  Dorly’s heels click down the  asphalt tiles.  In walks  this  beautiful lady, 95 pounds  of  “all tits  and  eyeballs ” my married  friends all said. Was I luckiest  fellow  in  the whole  damn world?  One  Monday after  a  3  day alert  tour  in  freezing  alert  facility… REALLY lousy GI bunk, I could not  move my legs. Flight  Surgeon sent me  to Orthopod MD at  Hosp and  he  ordered  weights on both legs  just  like  some  Catch 22  chapter  in  life.  Yossarian, B-25  Nav,   had a   golden liver and  I a  golden back  would hit each  first  freeze of winter. Gave   lecture on  the subject  in  my  MA, Ball St U in Europe class  on effective public  speaking.

Anyway, VA A. Murphy  discovered a  mastoid bone  infection  was  due  to kill me  quick Feb 1980.  While looking at an oddly unusual missing middle  ear process it  was necessary to take off  my  skull , clean the  soupy  mess up and do a  bone  graft to cover  the open fascia , pulsing carotid artery  along  the  9th facial nerve  paralyzed my  face  a  few months recovering  all bodily insults that  AM.” We’ll see  ya  later “.  Gambler’s luck held and  they did.  Dorly  was  holding my hand, still all tits  and  eyeballs  when   I woke with a  giant  white ball covering my  head. Back to Catch 22. Was  that classic in case severe  shock?  “All the  time he  was  coming  he  was  going!”

Next  VA stay was Easter  1991 as  left  arm was paralyzed a few months for first  time.  Admitted back to neurosurgery Wilford Hall, then told  “We no longer are   treating  Vets due  to cut backs, Go To the  VA”  A. Murphy  did  some  nerve  tests,2 weeks later  said  no help seen here go home and  wait  it out. Probably  regain  use. It  has  twice  since . Was  the  time due  Reagan’s “clean up cheating welfare mothers”   I was  tossed off  SS Disability, no appeal, and  was  back to 1977 all over  again.  Reapplied  thanks  again to marvelous  Disabled American Vets. My legal counsel 4th time as I met  again 3rd time with the SS Admin  Judge and  was  recovering  both health and  finances  by  Dec. ’91.

I began to think there’s  gotta  be  a better  way to pay for  things  we need .  1993  I took over  Dorly’s investment  act.  never made  a  cent  except  for  Thompson Financial Products  broker  in  LA Land. She was  doing well selling homes  but  the  stock she  took on,  great names  but  pure  shit returns. Problem as  Realtor  is  expenses  are  FIERCE and  you  need  to SAVE when the  cash comes in  after  long  weeks of  work in that  severe Savings and Loan  crash era. Only  big Texas bank to survive  was Frost who just  did  not  do bad  loans. Rest  sold  off  to out of  state  nationals still.  But is  a story there  yet. 8


I really  have never  thought  about my accomplishments before  age  40 since  I was  doing my best  to keep USA free.  And  at  a  great cost  since.  I guess  to some that  freedom  won is  just doing any selfish , me  first, thing  you  wish on  the back of  others  and to hell with them.  When you  bury heros, you  hug  their  family , tell them you’ll try   see them somewhere sometime  if  assignments  allow , pause  a  time  and  go about  your  duty.  Roll call’s usually 8 AM for  flight  assignments  by  crew.  One unusual day you  can sleep past  8! Rest of  day totally  up to you to carpe forever.  Weird feeling I’ll tell you  fer  sure. All them medals  and  awards  don’t make  a  damn dime. What  does is  disability retirement and  some  wise  old Lt Col took your  ejection  seat one  day and  lived  to tell you  how  it  works.  Want  to know  a  soul brother? He lived through fire   by  sheer  guts. I always  told  Frank Fucich ,  he  was me that  managed to live. Pilot, best  friend  Ken, and  recent  new EWO Tony   crashed on  take off,have  a  spot in  Arlington. I was on  leave  delivering  a  Goony Bird  to Florida. Sqdn shitheads never  even managed  to  call  emergency form number  to tell me  I was to be  their  escort  officer.  Found  out  3  weeks later  when a  friend,  on my  hop going  back to Germany  asked  where I’d been.  It  was  a period early  70s   when EVERYONE I knew  was  in PTSD.   Combat flying  3  Stars  down to E-1 on  the  ground been in a  real shooting war where  EVERYONE in 4 countries were trying hard  to kill you many times  a  day. Didn’t  need  to look where on  a map. ALL! 8


I recall  buying  first  mine  share ever   in  USGL Oct  1998. Began to buy  down to .11 and  was  largest investor when Rob took it to $7 in ‘ 07.   Until to Jan 06 when first   saw initial million. Is  NOT baggers,  dumbo, is  the  millions made.   Makes  me  age 61 then  and  was  POG $300 era.  Then it  fell to $250. twice. Any  under  40’d  then have  had  12 years   from   2002 low  in  up to $1950 POG  and now  still remains   $1000 higher. Exact  period  to begin in  gold  and  pick the  best  risers.  EASY breezy  stuff.  Of  course  everyone knows now  that  brilliant  investor  darth gold of  the ” scary  names ”  Golds.  Way  you learn to tell a  coward  They  back off quick into a “but  but  but”  defensive  croutch.    As I learned from  experts,  best  kill them quick  for  the best put  out of  any  extended  misery. Nothing  to offer  but  tend  to hang  on and  require  one  to assist  the  death.  Does  anyone  have  ANY idea  who the  silly  Lout N Flouts actually are. Never  heard  from one  knows  by name. Creatures  of  the  night .  To even see  a  crazy ranter inform on combat  PTSD?   Deserves  a  fated nice  Phoenix  VA bed assignment. I’d  give  up any of mine at  Audi Murphy   VA (yep, a  personal, hero, local  kid here and like me   killed  few 100  enemy  too) where  they took my  skull apart  Mar  1980. How  ridiculous can one  silly  Lout  get?


A few  minor  incidents  to be  sure  got  me  to early  retired at  40.  In addition to  full 28 of  formal  education,   BA San Jose  St; MA Ball St;   EdD Tx Tech, course work completed; I ‘d  done  3  full years  of  toughest  technical flying  program going.  Enlisted day after  24th birthday Sept  25, 1961 . Meant  planned  retirement date as  reservist ,  midnight  Sept  24  1983  day I was  54.  Seemed  simple enough.

What  came  was  USAF, Basic  Tng E-1; ,  Officer’s  Trng School Reserve Commission  2nd  Lt;  Navigator Flight Tng,  rating Nav;  Advanced Navigator  Bombardier Traning , Nav  Bomb rating ;  AirCrew  Combat  Survival  School ( Winter);  B-52 Transition School, B-52 crew member, Nav  Bomb ;   Assigned 22nd Bomb Wing ( Heavy) March AFB CA, 2nd  Bomb Sqdn ground  school; B-52B  Combat  Crew  Certification Combat  Ready.  Now  I was  27 in Sept  1964 and  ready  to commute  monthly  to Guam on 15 min Nuc Alert  response.  Talk about  never ending  trainng! I was  very  expensive  meat  in  a  seat. Entire  program was  designed  by  Gen Curtis  Lemay ( big   boss man on only  atomic  drops on  Japan)  to deliver  a  bomb any place  any  time  by  getting within 25  miles  radar or visual range. Especially over  the  pole where  there are  no landmarks  OR  a  compass.  A thing  called  Grid  Navigation. Concept  is   a  world  where  neat  60 mile  latitude  blocks  are  laid  out  all in  the  direction  of  180 degrees  W.  Try  it  sometime.  BLANK MAP!  Use Celestial Navigation observations. Get on  a  known heading, unslave  the  magnetic  compass from Magnetic N Pole  and  enter  Grid.  Have already   charted  hourly  precession/recession/nutation  rate so apply to Grid  Heading on compass  to all fixes over  N Pole. When estimated  time  is  up exit  Grid  as an assumed   spot  on  a  real map and begin  using  radar  and  mag  compass  again. Prepare  to drop the  4  one point  one megaton weapons on  enemy  territory. Sound  easy?  No satellites, no GPS, even no inertial nav  system at  that  time.  Everything  self  contained  in the  brain and  BIG books you have  learned  to use  very  rapidly.  Do that  and  Curt  lets  you  go on his team. By then he’d  retired  as Chair  Joint  Chief’s after  time  of  Cuban Crisis Oct  ’62. I had  been in  Nav  School Waco and  our  Instructors  were  packed  to  navigate  C-123’s flown in  and  parked   with troops from Ft  Hood Armored  training school on a  short  notice.  Was  actually scarier  than  when I eventually went to war.  Was  calling  for even  Nuc  Response  until USSR blinked! Will never  forget  13 Days  In October! Doing  exactly  same  things  day I retired Oct  17, 1977! Head  out  to the  Soviet  Union and  take  them out some  fashion .  Call it  a  rough 16 years  and  a  month. But  I  was now  a  stay at home  dad!

On Guam we’d  replaced  the B-47’s  assigned  to March before  the  Riverside   CA runway was  lengthened  for B-52s. Called Reflex  Deployment it  put  them 14  hours  closer to Manchurian/Siberian  bases  to roll back. One  mission  assigned  was  to   recover  on  possible survival by landing unannounced  in  India. Surprise  surprise! No tanker  would   be  at  the  ending. Most just   trying  to get  out  of  USSR to fuel for  any homewards after  the  world  blew up.  Alert  tour began with crew  checking  on from last  alert  crew. Other than making  sure  the  system to get you  there  to drop them was  in order, one  of  the  2   Bombing Navs ( a  3rd  was  a  defensive  systems  operator for ECM and   radio control work) had  to certify to the other that the  dial readings  in  little clear  windows were  correct. Smaller  nav was  lifted by  larger to read them  by crawling  in between  the  4  large,  white, big  pointy  nosed  bombs hanging on  shackles foreward  bay. 2  bays were  the  same  just  called  front/  back for loading  weights/ measures . I was  the  smaller! So was crawling  over  4  Hydrogen bombs  before  breakfast! Just  once  a  tour  however. Nice  work If  you  qualify. Then a  rifle toting  guard  and a BIG dog made  sure 24/7  nobody  could mess  them up before  the next  crew check in.  Then  the  guards  on either side  AND dog made  sure  the  quard  was  there  awake. I understand  things  have gotten VERY sloppy! Curt’d  have  you  shot! 8

“Take him out and shoot him,” ordered General Dreedle. (21.86-90)

Command and Staff College Lesson 1

Don’t  joust  with midgets. KILL THEM quick and  get  to the  giants if  any. So far? None. No RB detestation just of  total shits  that post nothing  better  to do with  a  sad  existence.  I can’t  post  on  my  own RB board,  buttwipe, thanks to trash talkers  of  your  elk. . Let’s  have that  great  set of  accomplishments AND a  face with a  name.  Not  heard yet?. WE LOVE our brave   military heros.  Just  toss  them off  during  SW Asia deployments . Been there  done  that  in  70’s

.Age  40 I was  suddenly  an  unemployed  100% combat  disabled retired  USAF Navigator  Bombardier  with  35  medals  ranging  down from  Heroism to Commendation Medal delivering mail as  a  combat  sqdn certified postmaster.  PS we  mailed home   free from  combat  zone  so we GOT letters!  ’74  had  completed  my  MA and   1977 Texas  Tech Doctorlal candidate  was looking  to finish  submissions polishing  my  Doctorate dissertation  Feb 1980  when suddenly needed an emergency  VA ( it  was  working  back then) operation  cleaning  out my  right  skull of 25year’s   infection.  Dive  bombing  is  TOUGH SHIT on  ears and  backs. Saved  life  lost  hearing.

6 months protecting  skull growing  back ( could  scratch  my  fake  right ear drum until XMAS), decided  college  teaching no longer  my  goal so remained   raising  son while  Dorly  sold  real estate.  BTW meet  the  kid, Broker/owner Phillips & Assoc  Realtors, across street in  the family  compound.   Sadly  G son Jordon  turning  20 and  no longer  youngest  ever  TX Realtor ,18. ( Runs  in family,  now in Aug JR year  UTSA. What  were you  doing   at  18?)   When son  out  of  school, and, 20,  in  USAF as  Combat  Evac  MedTech Iraq 1,  I went into explorative  mines and  made  a  fortune  for  us and  many others. Here I am; TA DAH!

Now  let’s  hear yo better?  When impossible  to defeat ? Defame! Propaganda;   that’s  2nd lesson   Cmd & Staff; courtesy  J Gobbels. We  though so.  8

darth_gold 8 hours ago

1 2 3 4 5
“For a guy who says he detests Raging Bull, the goblin sure reads it  a lot. And my bio is far better than yours was at my age, smelly military man.”


Wise men Bering Gifts

When we’ve  discussed  the  Discovery  stuff I mention lot  of  you  say they watch and  he  laughs  and  says what  they try  is  so much wasted  effort  nonsense but  fun to see  the mistakes over  and  over. That’s been the sell success  so far. Now  we’ll perhaps  see  what  production success  goes  for.

It’s Jr’s  project but  consider a  Mexus new  maritime  arm.  Longun has  it  dead  on  correct.  PTJr  gonna be  a  star. Thompson fam’s  NOT dysfunctional for  one  thing. They  live  on  CA largest  river, much time  on Cortez Sea  and  Puget  Sound   and in mines Sr  since  16  and  Jr  since  birth. Look out  Nome!  Profits share  I’ve  no idea. 4  years  biggest  cut  seems in dredging   $1 mil yearly  but  this  is  NEW fangled  gear built  for  the  task.  Hank’s  now a  decent  shareholder, rough .5% , and  makes PPS  money to show  Mexus Gold US off to  world. Stuff  you  CAN’t  buy  for  current  PPS. I’ve told  him I’d  have  traded in  1.2 mil of  mine  REGISTERED for  the chance. He’s  always  said  the  cable idea is  not  dead. Folks  we  worked  with parted  as  friends  with compensation. That’s  Paul’s  modus. I know  well . Ask JJ.  Big  screamers  seem to never  met  an honest  man.  Probs  lay  with civil  fraud acts  by  UVSS.  Might  check St  of Limits on  the  crime. Can easily  see the  blinders on dumbs  yelling  Mexis Mexico is  entire  Mexus. Just the  easiest  money  and  we know  not all that  easy. Takes  years  and  these dumbells   can’t  EVER fathom that  exploration is  not  get  quick; It’s  get  it  right finally after all the  turns  and  dead  ends  defeated next  30 years. Ever  quit  screaming  DOWN the PPS it  will rise. Flat  for  certain with cash flow. 8


I couldn’t tell from the PR, are we participating in the company operation, i.e., profits, or just buying advertising ?  Do you know?  I think it’s probably a good idea.  I’ve never seen the show, but lots of potential investors watch it.  It probably won’t take many of them to start some momentum.”

Real National Father

My vote’s  Edmund  Burke, or   maybe Walt Kelly

“all it takes for evil to win is for a good man to do nothing”

If  many  of  you  reading  would  speak up? Louts  and  Flouts would  scoot. Any  progress  would  be  a  PPS gain. You allow them to prosper  at  great loss. Any  welcome to post here and  let  ME not  RB Or  Yahoo judge  worth. RB’s  a swamp up to ass in  gators!  But  this swamp, enemy  is them! he go she go we go me go Pogo.
