All posts by 8thaero

World rose 13.5% July 1st

Boo, don’t  confuse the Lout  boys  with fracts  or  facts.   When 90% off  is .042?  You just know I paid  .467.  Musta  been them 10 million I got  Nov  5  2012.  IRS must  do their  books.  That’s  enough to crash a  hard  drive.  So when did  “fraidy cats” morph  into ” ludicrous campaign of name-calling”? Doth the  Lout  protest  over  much?  Speaking  of  “miscreants” *, what  sort  of  dolt  is  required  to read  my  personal blog meant  to assist  nice  folks my  expense looking  for  best investment news and  attack on  a  80% negative  posting  Raging  Bull  board? Jeopardy  answer… What  is  HMS Great  White  Lout? ( form of  a  question). Some  VERY influential Gold  share advisors  LOVE that  well deserved  handle. 8

* “It’s a somewhat old-fashioned word, popular with old ladies”

New  added:

Like  jousting one  arm  midget . Fact  is  MXSG  on  July  1 did not easily rise up 13.5%  since  I was unable (vast  left  wing  conspiracy). Next  AM I could  and it  was and in 3  of all 4  I follow .  Did  Lout’s  worth rise  $83,650?  If  owned my share of  all? Would  have. Easiest   net  rise  was  obvious  13.5% in  Mexus  alone but  in  all 12  TDAmera  acts.  worked  to just  12.5% in MXSG UP .005, GORO UP .09, MUX down .04 and  LODE UP .038.  Really  doubt,  tho,  properties up a  darn thing   that  day. I never had much a problem with HMS GW Lout. Simply  told  all what  I thot  of dumbo  invest ability and  he  has  since  taken  as  a  horrible insult , Old  Gal’s “miscreant” *. None  the less  still true   and must  now tell all he   reads here  and THEN posts  on  RB in  everlasting  unequal task.  8

Where’s  his problem when  proves  all here  is  true? Been like  a  slight buzzing  house fly since  Lout  wandered  into a once   reasonable GORO bd 6  years  or so.   Was hard  to believe  the  distain came along  with others same time and  has NEVER changed. Troubs  when calling  spades  spades?  They believe  are  diamonds.  8

Silence CAN be golden

So, silly  Lout; what’s  wonderful is  a need  to go to MXSG Raging Bull complaint  box  to tell me  I have you and les  sycophants   by the  nose  ring! Quandary, thy name  is  HMS LOUT!

Who’s  yer  daddy ? Owned  that skinny  ass  sInce  came  aboard  hated  by  all Premier  Exhibiters  when nodding head  in wonder  at the  fortune  I carried  you. Really,  go do something  to  be good at .  NOT explore mining. Try  sunk ships and  dead  bodies  selling  popcorn with  ticks  at  door.

“Someone should let him know that if his net worth rises 13.5% on a .005 day, then everybody else’s net worth also rises the same percentage.”

IF THEY DO raise it .05  shithead! Next  day they realized  they could  and  I MADE the  $85 K. Did  you?  Go tend them loverly  roses .  Cowards  die and lose  daily. Bunches  bet on you to lose so win that bet. Minus  – minus is  minus . Need  a + somewheres.  So… done many Salzburg  Festivals  of late?  Hills  still alive, HMS  Maria?

Venture 4th

June  info drought may  bring July  flowers.

Did  seem to halt  blabber  a  time. Of course was  always reason  for limited  members on  Gold  Resources  bd.  It  was  always general  mining info  and  ranged  pretty  far/wide. RB had  NO MODERATION for  about  4-5  years and  I personally took and  still take   outrageous  slings and  anti-eros.  Good  riddance  bad  rubbish.  Guess is just terrorist  refuge still as  always.   Nameless  anon.  snipers at  will.  Lotza  Louts and  Loons. Least  gives  poor idiots  spot  to hunker and  grouse, demean their betters. Have  a wondrous  4th , all.  Burning  a  brisket  here.  8


Compare  dumb and  dumbers.  Blog’s only place  I can post since   10 May and  both ride  past  on squeaking training  wheels. They need  oil, kiddies.  Have  mommy fix. Only  place  to read  this  is here. 2nd  dumbo read   this here  and posted  on RB in  the  hour! Can’t make  this  dumb shit  up! Is  all fairly  simple.  If  not  for  me  and  friends? there’d BE NO Mexus  to  pout  and moan or  even look up a  close PPS! as  a nice  day with MXSG, LODE, GORO and  MUX  up  gain was  $83,648. Not  even close  to a  best  day but good  for  all in  and  still biggest  stack at  the  table.  I KNOW that hurts  squeaky wheels on pass  by but  “tha’s the truth!” Luv ya, Edith Ann! 8


I fondly  note  HMS Great  White  Lout  now  gets  all his  info from the  blog.   Users  here  near  same  as  RB G Resources now  dead. Not  much but  the  bitchers  left to buddy  with on MXSG bd and  HMS GW Lout needs  a  buddy.  Daddy  never  took off  the  training  wheels. Silly  twit  can’t  unnerstand  my net  worth in Mexus rises  13.5% on a  .005 day! What  a  senseless  turd.  White  porcelain walls  then….. FLUSH”


amadeus4153 19 hours ago
1 2 3 4 5
Yes, MXSG hits new lows and we are circling the drain. And Eight continues his ludicrous campaign of name-calling because people won’t “step up” and support the stock at $0.04. Wow, what a miscreant.


darth_gold 1 hours ago
1 2 3 4 5
It appears that the self-proclaimed demi-god, Sir Don the Fat believes posts written here comes from people reading HIS blog, instead of the fact that they came from other sources than him. And a lot faster. it seems people in the KNOW rather wants to tell their knowledge to other people first than to his handicapped sorry ass. He single-handedly destroyed peoples’ trust in the stock with his sordid ways of treating others. What a sorry excuse for a human being.

Tue close

Yeah, Tue close. Someone’s in the market but sideways or lower. POG ‘s an assist. Good placer news should help but will be family operating so until the contractor climbs on with a good ticket price this is about it. I THINK that’s still the modus, buy in to do the heavy lifting with we the people Sr JV. Know was what sunk last negotiation , too little WE.  Still great  PPS to accumulate.  Unfortunate my last  placed  was way up at  .05! All I do now  is  support a  few  times a K  at  close at  $9.99 a  pop on TDAm.  Means  a  cent a  share on top ask.  But  was  what kept  the  joint  alive  whilst  all since.

Just  have  seen one indicator  of  real worth in  a  swing.  200 day moving  average   HUI (Gold  Bugs)   stopped  falling  and began to rise  from oddly  222.22  Fri 27th then final  222.19  Monday now 222.25 and  rising  today. Had  fallen since  late  Sept 2012.   A bottoming  is  a  change point  to follow as  was all the  way from $1800  to  $1200 POG now  $1330. HUI  high was  525 low was  190 and  rising  since. Some  point daily  close  crosses  above  the  previous  200 day avg.  of about  40 trade  weeks.

I fondly  note  HMS Great  White  Lout  now  gets  all his  info from the  blog.   Users  here  near  same  as  RB G Resources now  dead. Not  much but  the  bitchers  left to buddy  with on MXSG bd and  HMS GW Lout needs  a  buddy.  Daddy  never  took off  the  training  wheels. Silly  twit  can’t  unnerstand  my net  worth in Mexus rises  13.5% on a  .005 day! Means  every  million shares  I own are  UP $5,400. Only  one  with more’ s  the CEO’s  70 mil and  he  created  his. I paid  for  ALL of  mine  to keep the  thing  going at  all. What  a loutish, senseless  turd.  White  porcelain walls then …. FLUSH!

No new news; or some after all

Lost  all 3  working cursors  @ 1:30. Wound up  hurried installing Win 7  on   decade old  XP; had  to digest  shit  for  2  hours. No chance  pre  close.  Needed  to charge  and  update  back up  Vista  Dell  and  big  Win 7  would  NOT  boot until now.  Had  lots  to hold  .04 but  seems   fraidy cats   can’t do it  without BOOT in  ass.  So be it. NONE had  extra  $45$? Try to get  a  few K really  cheap in  AM open

 Overnight  express:
Paul met with a group in Nevada Tue.  Promising but   no promises on timelines etc.  Another group over  4th so that’s  still 2.
Positive developments on placer . Hopefully  can put positive   developments out next week,  NO guarantees.

10K late

We  knew  this on 26th.  Least  I’ve  no delay  in delays. Even 4  days  early!  Any  in  old  General Metals? Now  Cibolan Gold  Corp ( 7  cities  of  Cibola) CIBG. Don’t  think is   a  great  recommended logo! 8

 “A number of those people never recovered financially.”


(Notification that Annual Report will be submitted late)

Filed 06/30/14 for the Period Ending 03/31/14


Goldie Wolf

Sound  familiar? AKA, Blabber, blabber blabber

“Most speculators in this sector have very short-term time horizons. They expect to drill a few holes, make a discovery and turn a $0.10/share stock into a $1 stock. It doesn’t happen that often. It occasionally does, and that’s what keeps hope alive.

Exploration is a scientific endeavor, in which you conceptualize a target or a theory, and you test it using a drill and the data. You re-analyze the data and adjust your model to fit, often more than once. That takes time and money”

General opinion is  I cry “wolf’  near  weekly.  When Dax  asks  if  any  currently  posting  MXSG have  been there or  even met Paul? Answer is  except  he? NOBODY ! Since  neither  I nor  Dent post  for  different  reasons on  RB; I can’t with no reason ever  given and  he  can    both there  and here tho doesn’t   doesn’t  as  official voice  of  Mexus, no “experts”  have  even seen the  Julio/Elena gold on  site.  They just   blabber on  lengthy forever “No Progress” , “Shareholder  base  gone disgusted” , but  seems mostly  “I insult  them” with unfounded  reports  and  delays  of my  choosing. Well, any  insult is  to their  intelligence displayed knowing  nothing of  what’s actually  there.  Abundant gold  all over  the spread I’ve shown since  initial visit  Sept 2011.  I’m aware  3  have  been to Julio 2  shaft  bttom and  NONE of  them are  one propounding  on RB or  any  other  message  board.  A bit  like  John Marshall ’48  Coloma  CA Sutter’s  Mill. “GOLD!” Took a  time  but  created  a  usta  be  nice  state  and  sprung  next door to Nevada by  panned out  miners on way  home East. Called  Comstock Lode.  And  were  NO Rules and  Regulations existing. Got  it? Get  it! was  norm.  Now   even in Sonora  is  about  8 years to produce.  So Goldie-Wolf is  due  about  2020 right  on  schedule.  Wonder if  Mexus  will come  in  early? 8