All posts by 8thaero

About the time became me

Pebble Beach

Post by 8thaero » Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:48 pm

There in Aug ’51 1st. Was a Crosby, Phil Harris good time bash. No one in golf cared much but we met the Hollywood/Menlo Park rich kids and even farmers kids 20 miles away in Salinas knew Monterey town where Bay sardines vanished in late 40’s were worse off. Was we were low class, Carmel kids upper and fishermen’s low poor. Salinas vegetables $ spent well in Monterey for 2 gals gas and back Fri nights with a date’d have fun on the wharf, barking seals and moored fish boats to discover PIZZA! in ’53. … 11&bih=451

Get rich slow

e: Vouchers

Post by 8thaero » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:34 pm

Western Goldfields Mesquite (also LA garbage pit dump) was a 1/3 corp last ditch play for Reids’
US Gold by a ladies Reno trio U of NV Mackay School Geologists, also interest in the Comstock Plum. My 2003 RB bd raised funds to take it for GSPG instead. Garrett failed due unable to fund in London July 2005. Next day Rob tossed 100% buy out over the transom and we 4 originals had Gold Resource to selves. Head lady Dianne Garrett went on to get open Haille Mine in SC. Smart lady no cash in hand July ’05 for now MUX too. Rob took some of the 3 for own USGL/MUX BoD.

Is 2 ways to play most everything and I chose to stay Rob’s largest USGL holder and same biggest pvt investor in GRC and thus brought you all MEXUS low as .0002 Feb ’16. With PT I’m happy with all who buy and hang in. Be a GREAT history tale in time.

Can’t believe a new full 50% retreat from 10 year bull $1900 hi after 7 year bear to $1035 will be a need fwd but always anything’s possible and
to be prepared for like $450 Elena Gold. Plus what Elias calls the richest new silver mine in the world at 6 Brothers and 2 Sisters . Retired U of Sonora Geology prof just may be onto something at Ures. PT and I believe too with Cesar poking a hand pick like a fiend for his spec sacks like shaking Sinatra’s hand. 8

The red beret

 by 8thaero » Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:46 am

Passing grade A+ Bucky. Swing that tassel. Either pool content at any time makes little matter tho we have gal estimates full capacity since with ample water supply which we DID purchase at low .01 PPS cost, we just keep pouring on the leach in corrected balance IAW RGs requirements from already 6 mo loaded old preg pond. Collect in the now renamed recovery pond and since now endless corrected for MC use just keep on keeping on. Marco’s bunch know that process by rote skills but never ran the recovery system, Penoles did. Collection analysis makes that as much an ART as science behind the process so perform hourly, and THERE’s the masterpiece, gold. Da Vinci decoded. Smile, Mona! 8

Dorly’s fave! She has a Leslie Lew sculptured oil “Old Masters series’ we commissioned in B’ room. Me? I do it the hard way! By the oz. … ome&ie=UTF … -4LVfTsDC4

Les paints in std red heels she wears but on my stuff she wears my red beret we got in Marseilles to channel my mind. One of those life’s odd little things.

Rings within rings

Finished  a  kinda long  term project  today. Re-reading The  Ring Trilogy.  Been some time  now but  hard to not see the  boxed  set daily in the  living  room  bookshelf.  Finally  had a  reason  to start but  did not  start at  the  very  beginning , about   half way into Fellowship  the  1st  book.  First  time  was in late  Fall 1969, worst  Winter of my  life  Spangdahlem AB  Germany .  My  sister  Fran  sent me the 1st  printing   ’65 , this  set is  from  ’75 2nd  print.  I’d  been   home  in  Sept  taking  the  Bitburg AB  Gooney  Bird   back to the  USA across the  N  Atlantic  pretty  late in the  year  going   in low and  slow  C-47.  Took a  full week in  weather  delays  at  Scotland, Iceland  and  Greenland  extra  day each.  Finally  had my  32nd  birthday  at   Goose Bay, Labrador over from Sondestrom AB  Greenland 2  day stay. Next   day, Friday,   we  hit  Dow AFB Maine  refuel and into  DC  at  Andrews  AFB  bit  after  dark. Next  AM met  an old  B-57  pilot   friend at   Base Ops  taking  some   Lt Generals  to the  Academy  for a Saturday   game  by  way of  St Louis  McDonald  plant . Ole ‘Black Jack’ Lowry OKd me to tag along  in  the  VIP  T-37  transport far  as  Peterson AFB  but  on my own to CA from there. Not  that much traffic out  on a  weekend but  got me well along  in 1 day hop.  To be  cont.


RPM got slower and slower to next to nuthin in a cloud forever

— On Tue, 12/5/17, Mark Mead Baillie <> wrote:
>> From: Mark Mead Baillie <>
>> Subject: RE: Train to Euphoria
>> To: “‘don phillips'” <>
>> Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 10:20 AM
>> Hilarious classique!
>> —–Original Message—–
>> From: don phillips []
>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2017 4:57 PM
>> To: Mark Baillie
>> Subject: Train
>> to Euphoria
>> On Haight 2nd 
>> hand  shoppe  in  mid  ’43  mom bought a 
>> suitcase of old
>> RCA Blue Bird 78’s  
>> .05  each  plus  discount  for  all. One  was old
>> vaudeville  act  “Cohen on the
>> telephone” when was  early  1900’s current
>> humor  to use. Last line goes… “When 
>> does the last  train leave for
>> Boston?
>> You  should live so long!” Any  decent Yid’ 
>> bust a  rib!

“Valgene Phillips” <>
“don phillips” <>
Thanks.  I needed that. Standin’ in the need of prayer….

Old # 1

Old #1

Post by 8thaero » Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:04 pm

30 so years back I realized the family TDay was always going to be on the annual sched so why not have a prayer ready at hand. Wrote Old #1 and can rattle it off despite pre-dinner spirits.

Why am I so thankful for all of God’s blessings when others are so much in need?
Well, I’m thankful because She is not second guessing and pulling my warranty deed.
Why is She not saying now give me your life as I’ve given you yours in the past.
Countless millions have bled suffered torture and died,
did you think nice was going to last?

So I’m thankful, dear Lord, for this season of peace when my life has been going so well.
All I ask is this moment of rest and surcease
before you start giving me hell!

My brother’s grand kids would say that’s no prayer. I’d say it’s #1 in the book.

Wurld’s Greatest Jerk

e: Wurld’s Greatest Jerk

Post by 8thaero » Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:19 pm

Survival school assigns were weird. Snow at Stead AFB NV to get in SAC B-52s at Castle AFB we studied train films of giant 16 member B-36 crews doing E&E. Then I’m crossing Pacific to Guam 2 times a month Riverside March AFB until sent to Clark AB PCS so no Jungle or Sea Survival but job operating TDY to Danang and Phan Rang over S China Sea and triple canopy. Sent to SC to just train crews in combat survival had to go do Sea Survival at Homestead AFB FL floating around Biscayne Bay a week in big 20 and 1 Man rafts. But each new base had an annual float in the base pool ( heated). Funniest training was during Operational Readiness Inspect in Nato. Always ended with air attack by a near by base in shelters and chemical alert don gas masks and practice using atropine injection anti-nerve agent in leg. Simulated Alert Crews ( base was on a stand down until ORI done.) had to don a chem suit and hood and go to planes and get set to launch. You’re now twice as big as usual and
guarded switches do not work well so poke with a pencil eraser. Can be done but best know what to expect. Last one at Spangdahlem ’75 I was exempt as Air Field manager and emergency would override the ORI Team. I went to lunch at O Club as they were also exempt as a needed dining facility. As left to go back to Base Ops I looked up and was a Hann AB F4-C diving direct at my nose about 7K feet up! I thot so that’s what is like to be 30 seconds from instant death I brought to bunches myself. SOBERING THOUGHT! Then the week drill was over and we all met at the same O’Club bar. War and Peace. 8Left the Jerky over night as the fire burned and this AM was coal black very tasty and some chewy but not breaking teeth. Based on current 1 piece price at mkt? $200-250 worth 2 quart paper sack full.

No exotic need. I use a 40 yr old discarded cast alum gas grill shell on same old just rehabbed 2 wheel stand. Cheapest $1.50 packer brisket is TX Std. Trim fat end and de-tallow thick edges as you can and melt to crackles and true liquid for fry uses. I learned jerkey as a USAF Snow Survival assign Mar 1964 in 20′ Sierra Ntl Forrest blizzard week in the snow. Only evergreen wood but decent smoked in a parachute cloth tepee and our entire food last 3 days trek to “POW rescue camp ” by map reading in pairs. 2 days back I marinated 2 flats sliced to jerky and froze the roasts for later BBQ. 10AM built a fire in the open end no grill above began smoking jerky and decided to go ahead and do the smaller 2 # roast too. Did a dry rub and now the jerky is dry to keep and the roast is finishing to fork test in a small convection oven 3 hr at 350F No sweat , little mess no bother. … ky-recipe/

Re: Wurld’s Greatest Jerk

Postby garygoldbug » Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:38 pm

8, similar experiences, taught land and water survival school my last two years in the Corps,’78-’79, for all the Marine pilots and Aircrew. I even went to the extent to attend a 4 week Water Safety and Survival Instructor school. Made Parris Island and pre-flight look like a cake walk! I did manage to get my instructor rating which was an incredible and rewarding ordeal. I would take the survival students out in the North Carolina pocosins, native lingo for ‘swamp on a hill’.Pocosins made up of thick brush, thorns, many biting and stinging insects and a lot of gushy, gooey, ground and of course poisonous snakes, bear, and other mean critters!! For those students that made the journey through the swamps to the rally point, without getting captured, some excellent jerky awaited them. Made from select cuts of meat from the mess hall, and smoked with hickory in the parachute tent on shroud lines criss-crossing the inside of the tent. I comshawed all kinds of those Air Force jackets and cold weather suits. Traded them all off over the years but sure wish I would have saved a couple. Most of my time in the Corps was memorable and satisfying.GGB

Greatest Jerk – sounds like a contest for the IHUBers. Maybe make a batch up with a healthy overheap of cayenne pepper, and give a group award to gitreal, rbtree, 1manband, bearluver and a couple more that escape me right now.

Ask them to send pics from the sampling party! Reminds me of a scene from Cool Hand Luke, Paul Newman feeding cayenne to the prison dogs on his tail. LOL

Been know to award USAF reunions 1st prize as 1 qt Crazy Don’s real hot homemade steak sauce with 2nd prize a gallon. Usual got a laff. Shall l brew a new batch? 8

Vets and Marines in a jumble

Was still Armistice Day till I was a Sr in Hi Nov 11 ’54. By Then had been the BIG ONE and Korea so switched to Vets but went thru a few changes
on Federal 3 day weekends but now Vet’s is only the 11th. Many in WW 1 have a celebration by another name.

My memory of a Jarhead Birthday was in ’71 Luxembourg. Only one’s assigned there are the Embassy guards. They raise funds all year long and throw a Formal PARTY!!! Dorly was selling them tax free cars in Bitburg just cross the border so we got an invite. Saw the sun come up and went to the hotel finally . I do recall a table with a pyramid of Johnny Walker which the Embassy class 6 sold for about $2. Rest kinda vague. Them lads knew how to blow it out. We took a couple, one of my EB-66 pilots , I’d trained for Thailand so were the only USAF there. Dan and Dotty Craven. 1st class at AF Co Spgs ’59 grads. Went back home to K.I. Sawyer AFB upper Mich and killed in a KC 135 refueling accident. With my own EB-66 pilot Ken Kelly , 2 I combat trained got alive thru SEA died in fat and happy peacetime. Have a nice Chapel ceremony and get back to work. Thing is is to be a VET? FIRST survive until next 11/11. Salute the FLAG! 8

Mr Lucky

Mikki was assist to Steph Combs running concert shows from a long time family there all worked. Mom Terry still waits at the breakfast River Cafe. Uncle was bartender at Top of the Wheel Polynesian joint in ’71 wedding dinner. We kept the Tikki mugs for years and years. So we grew into Steph until she got married to a NV Game Commiss guy stopped to have kids now does tours set up from home We liked Mikki so our new gal was worthless and we asked if Mikki could become our Exec Host and they promoted her. We yax a lot at breakfast in the cafe. They really blew it out for her wedding. Giant Vegas style show and all the hosts invited their best in the big upstairs Harrah’s. We finally left and I went down to Hi LImits and hit 2nd $100K on Sept 24th my b day as well in ’11. Went back up and handed Steph $400 for Napa. She grabbed the mic and yelled Don hit $100,000 and flashed $400. I got a cheer. Then I invited wife and kids to try some on the $100 box for $1,000,000 RF. None hit. I’d been there for her B’day in May and hit the 1st one. When I was 74, it was a very good year.

Ah, youth worries.

Post by 8thaero » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:40 pm

Sunshine has NO Topic, Joyce. Spread sunshine/happiness all over the place/world, put on a happy face! Don’t be shy. Don … ction=view

’55 Senior English Review to prep for no CA college Bone Head English class i did a n A+ story about setting up a turntable using a stop watch to count exact 33 1/3 RPM . Pretty quick a small strobe was a common feature on center of the dial. Was a problem as I practiced my Mozart 3rd Horn Concerto Solo for Spring Concert using the Music Dept Dept large Fisher Cabinet speaker and needed to be real close to A -440 to not drive me nutz at lunch time I had to prepare daily Feb-May. I could tune 1/4 step up or down but dead on is best full unforced tone which was my pride and joy until- flying USAF.