All posts by 8thaero

Tin Foil Hats

Hard to believe having this bullshit thrown up half century on. Seems height of ignorance is acceptance supposed prof it was not done can’t as well be faked as the conspiracy that it was. You also know aliens live among us. So we got there on the 6th just not the 1st with same tech. But thousands upon thousands are in on the cover up and your flat belief NASA steals daily means ISS is sound stage in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else’s name. How’s for YOU dream on. Know many astronauts. Initiation is into the Liars Club and they explode you if you try to tell the truth. No one else have anything to say to this kook with a tinfoil hat. OK, I’d be embarrassed too. More than enough crapola as I actually felt it was a joke from Plato’s foxhole on. Yes have studied a bit of history in my 3 degrees and along the way got a smattering of ability to navigate to anyplace in the world without assist to pick one of 4 H bombs to drag chute down and scoot to the next using ’50s technology. Guess we were to all fake it while they pretend to burn to death. More than enormously presumptuous, my lad. Grow up.;_ylt=AwrTcdvAGdtZRYEAQuAPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?qid=20091014133257AA8HkAu


Re: NASA Conspiracies..

Post by joe12pack » Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:04 pm

NASA steals $50MM a day and all they produce is fake CGI. NASA claims they went to the moon 6 times from ’69 to ’72 but for some strange reason decided to wait until the 6th and final trip to the moon to take a picture of the earth. I guess they figured humans have been waiting thousands of years to end the debate of flat vs. ball earth that they can wait a few more years. Is that odd they didn’t have one of their astronauts turn their body towards the earth and take a quick picture during the first 5 missions?

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. Watch this and decide for yourself if we went to the moon.

How fer picking a new subject you at least l know something of not swallowing total bullshit whole turd. You seem to have very childish self important life and world view to just slide by on other’s unproven nonsense. Look all but Johnny’s out of step! The bible according to the FBI.
They officially since then call, your “using one of the most inaccurate rifles ever made” pure crap. Can at least admit that is kind of thing everybody knows 100% false but then means the FBI was in on it too. A tangled web we weave when 1st we practice to deceive. But when our wits we exercise we’ll soon be telling perfect lies.

“The FBI tests of the Carcano’s accuracy showed:

1) FBI firearms expert Robert A. Frazier testified that “It is a very accurate weapon. The targets we fired show that.”[62] From 15 yards (14 m), all three bullets in a test firing landed approximately 2½ inches high, and 1-inch (25 mm) to the right, in the area about the size of a dime (0.705 inch diameter).[63] At 100 yards (91 m), the test shots landed 2½ to 5 inches (130 mm) high, within a 3 to 5-inch (130 mm) circle. Frazier testified that the scope’s high variation would actually work in the shooter’s favor: with a target moving away from the shooter, no lead correction would have been necessary to follow the target. “At that range, at that distance, 175 feet (53 m) to 265 feet (81 m),[64] with this rifle and that telescopic sight, I would not have allowed any lead — I would not have made any correction for lead merely to hit a target of that size.”

2) The rifle couldn’t be perfectly sighted using the scope (i.e., thereby eliminating the above overshoot completely) without installing two metal shims (small metal plates), which were not present when the rifle arrived for testing, and were never found.[65] Frazier testified that there was “a rather severe scrape” on the scope tube, and that the sight could have been bent or damaged. He was unable to determine when the defect occurred before the FBI received the rifle and scope on November 27, 1963.”

Odd chain of possession need be noted since found at 5th floor window on 22nd. We DO know the sight was expertly moungted and accurately range sighted by Oswald self some few times.

“During the night after Kennedy’s murder, the rifle was taken by FBI agent Vincent Drain from Dallas to Washington D.C., who then gave it to FBI agent Robert Frazier. He testified that he kept it in the FBI office until November 27, 1963, whereupon it was sent back to Dallas and given back to someone at the Dallas Police Department for reasons unclear. It was later sent back to the FBI headquarters in Washington.”

And lest you have PROOF of anything (please no youtube crap) halt the nonsense as I’d not planned on attempting to teach a rather
careless foolish time waster. Is NOT a fun game. I was around year GG was finished and well aware is not for sale .And rancher everybody DOESN’T know what you say you do. And there hangs the tale. What was the simple question between nonsense posts? Not expert on all things but never claim one I’m totally ignorant proven over and over. One more time Plato was two thousand five hundred years ago so hardly current affairs to be proof of a thing about “foxholes” I do know something about. YOU?

Long gun of choice was flat shooting .240 Rem 700 ADL for the BDL weight difference and shoulder health but in reality I’ve killed so many real time I developed little taste for cute Bambi’s. Wild ferral hogs are a different matter of late. Similar hated enemy characteristics . Again all you kiddos grow up. Life can be nasty but few conspire to fool the other billions decades on end. And I’ve a Homer AK bridge to nowhere to sell you. Just goes nowhere much at all as well. Call it Golden Nowhere. Once roomed at Mather with the Base Marksman Denny Behrens became US Decathalon weapons coach here in San Antonio. we shot a few tgts while I was in Nav Bomb school where I move d on up to the H Bombs , 240# frags 500#, 750# 1000# tritonals, 20 Mike-MIke , air cooled Browning 50 cal etc . Hand gun of choice is VERY special Commanding Officer presentatrion model stainless .45 . Few ever made as few know about uses a short bull barrel with a Commander Grip full single stack load. is DEADLY accurate machine. 1st shot i hit the small head off a yellow squash at 20 paces and said this is mine! Was my cousin John’s in Placerville who owed me $350 roulette debt that trip to Tahoe so he mailed it to me legally as shipped inspected weapon.

Yes, both the USAF and I do consider me least at one time a fully qualified weapons expert and give me your silly little spitzer nosed small mil cal short rifle and I can try to prove the FBI not some conspiracy buff was correct on short range accuracy at tgt moving directly away pretty close full scope view range zeroed 2 of 3. I ‘d known Dealy Plaza quite well and on hearing news on car radio driving Sacramento to East Bay Oakland pictured it all. The red bldg, grassy knoll, Rt turn under RR tracks and even location of Parkland up Stemmons.

One fine July day

Re: Mexus Prayer Warriors…

Post by 8thaero » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:45 pm

Not a MOH but my 1st DFC as a downgraded Silver Star submission,I had 2 such of 5 DFC’s when Saigon would say let’s cut back on these things with exact same criteria involved. Just change Gallantry with Heroism. About same as much at the Puzzle Palace .

Citation to accompany the award of

The Distinguished Flying Cross



Captain Don I Phillips distinguished himself by heroism while participating in aerial flight as Navigator -Bombardier of
a tactical jet bomber Near Dong Hoi and Hue, Republic of Vietnam on 24 July 1966. On that date , Captain Phillips
coordinated a hazardous bombing attack against a heavily defended road junction and a truck park near Dong Hoi.
After an accurate attack in the face of intense radar controlled anti-aircraft fire, he participated in low level strafing
attack on hostile forces engaged in close combat with friendly units near Hue. Despite heavy automatic weapons and
small arms fire, he continued the attack with complete disregard for his own safety , directing his pilot in attacks on
hostile positions as close as 40 meters to the friendly lines . The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty
displayed by Captain Phillips reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Really was 105 US and S Viet Marines trapped on W side of Hiway 1 tree lines . We just roared tree tops with popping a few guns and jet blast
over and over as a 2 shipper. Could not expend it all or they’d realize we were winchester and rush them trying to scurry cross the 2 lane . Meant we’d alternate going thru dry by radio chat. Finally got them all on their way to the beach a mile away and waiting transport to the landing force ships . Were a lot more N Viet regulars than intel had estimated. Long time later in the early 80’s my Congressman Frank Tejeda said it sounded familiar so could have been his mixed force platoon that day.

Can we just sticky this. rbtree  

Can we just sticky this.
Tuesday, 10/03/17 07:30:30 PM
Re: 8thaero post# 19118
Post #  of 19205
Measure that again. Hell, live oak is heavier than 76 lb/cubic foot…water is 62 lb. That amount of galena could weigh 100 lb. Heck, even 400 cubic inches of pumice might weigh in at over 10 lb….
Hence, my guess of 200 lb for a piece of rock 18x10x6″ was actually low.


Both  Gib and Hartley rcd me for a  one day week Temp  So Alameda Warm Springs  Elem to keep the music in  ciricum. The  Huge  GM plant  was  about complete , now Tesla plant . Next  year  200  homes  built out the back door and  tax base zoomed. Next the  sisters  at  Holy Ghost  Elem Washington   Township needed a teacher   another  half   day to use the instruments taken  at  auction off closed AF Base in the county. So I got say you look like a trumpet and hand out Music  Man style. Was Fri AM and drive up Bay Shore for PM session. Best and  only real job  not part time shoe  sales on commission. Set to grad 2st  summer  session  and got  draft to  induct on Friday before. I begged off for next call up and had  auditioned at  Ft Ord and  Hamilton AFB either  2 or 4 years but USAF also qualified   for Officer  Training and flight school so chose  USAF and after Basic  never  played an official toot.  In  ’73 I did audition for  Asst Dir USAFE  Band and was accepted by a friend I’d have beers with in Weisbaden. USAF  Band School decided I’d never   graduated  so could not possibly  direct  show tunes at   Kirmis bandstands  tho any  MSsgt  could and did.  Glen Miller eat yo heart  put! Needed a job to complete adopt  son another year so became  Admin O (adjutant) for F-4C maintenance  sqdn awhile. Then Air Field  Manager  at  USAF Nuke Base. 10000 ft runway and base ops on hand  rcpt.  Then home and out on  combat  disability in  ’77i n Texas since. The un-short  very  happy  life… Don I Phillips, Capt, USAF. Then along  came idea of gold mines, why not?

Bats In belfry

Re: Detractors

Post by 8thaero » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:10 pm

Wednesday, 09/06/17 06:34:14 PM
Re: None

Post # of 18439
As to Mexus PPS history?
Since I knew about all of the buys at over .24 with San Felix in full production me present? I suggest I know a lot more than most arrivals full 3 years later than final .24 day in Mar ’13 And they certainly DID buy down low as .002 Feb ’16 and are NOT RUINED and screaming for blood. The squirrels in the attic making noise post did not last long,however wrote a clever
tune in Music Composition called ‘Les chauve-souris dans la tour de cloche’ which was just 20 bell tones. … +de+cloche

Had pvt msg from homegroan suggesting I have Bats in the belfry.

My SJSU prof was pretty famous composer and thot would make for nice theme and variation but I left for USAF after graduation . Did some stuff for USAFE Jaz Combo in Germany in mid 70’s . Got a new 50+ alum initiation ceremony 2 years ago at Corpus Christi College .Sorta memory lane time.

Re: Hang on to your hat Don!

 Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:08 am

May be a period of heavy training rains with the rivers rising but we had just one good soaking all summer so far and did bring flooding . Corpus will get the frontal brunt and Houston the counter clockwise NE side heavy flow. Aug 1980 we were taking a week vacation at Corpus Christi Beach across the bridge while my mom watched Tom. Sandy Shores was a motel type Best Western and we’d a nice unit facing the bay. We watched Allen as it really sped cross the Atlantic to become the biggest Cape Verdi storm ever with lowest pressure recorded. Just kept on a coming right thru the Cuba slot and hit Corpus a giant Cat 5 on 9th and 10th. We left as soon as we could see the bullseye was us and it wiped out the entire beach front vacation home and the Ocean Drive lovely mansions as well. We went back a week later and stayed downtown but the motel unit was filled with sand as was the big pool. Everything got rebuilt much more substantial than before and Sandy Shores became a tower. But the old cheap motel bay fronts were where I taught Tom to surf fish for years instead. Ill winds do blow some good. Build a fire and have some quality time. Sleep at dawn.
Stood in good stead when he was assigned as OB GYN NCO in Charge night time at Keesler AFB Biloxi in 1996. Deliver emergency babies nites and fish for sharks and MS coastal fish in the day.

You can combine goals with profit/loss


Post by 8thaero » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:46 am

1st you do NOT finance an explorer by taking market shares whatever PPS. It does not go to the treasury just the market cap that MAY enhance value to others which is the goal of traders NOT investors. Investors gain profits by holding not jumping on or jumping off some point calculated by numbers on a chart. But all have own purpose and goals. I’m just into making a mine work which is only mathematically correct at point of profit and loss. Makes for MY GREAT personal satisfaction over and over. I’ve no problem with other’s profits just that someone needs take responsibility. Much as watching a child become grown; proud parentage. Little like it in human experience but that’s just me. Somewhat like food for the soul, red beans and rice. Can buy either or boil both and serve it. Biggest yums in a life time. You can do the cornbread if you might and we share. Or otherwise send out for delivery. OK make it tortillas and frijoles touch of salsa in a pour… big in Sonora.Also? Take your life into consideration. Becomes a DEEP puddle to cross so gets soon to cross purposes.

Sunday, 08/20/17 02:26:59 AM
Re: 8thaero post# 18082

Post # of 18084
While we’re at it, let’s just ignore math and numbers altogether.

Guns N Roses Edit Delete post Report this post Quote Post by 8thaero » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:00 pm Had a friend, Jerry, who had a Lugar pistol and a balsa surf board in 1960. Found the 1900’s clever toggle bolt was mechanical mess compared to the same short recoil tilt barrel 1900’s simple 1911 .45 with more power. 9MM simply folded up in line of sight but did absorb recoil in the pistol hand for quick rapid fire. USAF at the time was into S&W .357 with reduced .38 special for aircrews. Near impossible to screw up the double action no safety needed. I got really good in a few years flight training school after school. I could never get up on the board at Santa Cruz point where a lot of the modern development took place in he Woodie wagon era. Damn thing was wild to recapture so who cares. Go ride the Rolley Coaster for thrills and the same girls grab you for safety for the ticket price. Lesson learned. Do what you are good at. No co-ordination need apply.



Post by 8thaero » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:00 pm

Had a friend, Jerry, who had a Lugar pistol and a balsa surf board in 1960. Found the 1900’s clever toggle bolt was mechanical mess compared to the same short recoil tilt barrel 1900’s simple 1911 .45 with more power. 9MM simply folded up in line of sight but did absorb recoil in the pistol hand for quick rapid fire. USAF at the time was into S&W .357 with reduced .38 special for aircrews. Near impossible to screw up the double action no safety needed. I got really good in a few years flight training school after school. I could never get up on the board at Santa Cruz point where a lot of the modern development took place in he Woodie wagon era. Damn thing was wild to recapture so who cares. Go ride the Rolley Coaster for thrills and the same girls grab you for safety for the ticket price. Lesson learned. Do what you are good at. No co-ordination need apply.

Christmas 1944 and 1945

Re: zero gravity

Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:47 am

Subject I know  in my  deepest  heart  recesses  45 years. Did not end at Bastogne Belgium 101st relieved by 3rd Army until 18 Jan full push back.  Meantime along the way George kept busy.

2 years 1972 and  74 I  was the USAF rep at  annual Ettlebruck Patton  Day  where  the Nazi occupation   ended    Dec  25 ’44. Quite an honor  and  2nd  time guest of honor  was Patton  4th  then  a B Gen of tanks  Hood Tx. My role as  Wing  Public Relations  at  Spangdahlem AB  was to  coord the marching units and the USAFE Band (I was a short time  later  asst  conductor but  did not get it  permanent)  and with providing   a ground controller for the   fly  by. We shared duty  with Bitburg AB alt years usually.  Planning  meets  were a  blast at  Hotel de Ville ( city  hall.) with a  grand  feast went on for  hours  of  courses quiche to baked  Alaska  bombe .  City  councilman was a  fellow ,Willie,   wore a  Silver Star  awarded by George himself in  Dec  ’44.  Patton was  demi-god to those  folks  and you know why. Also  in  ’74 I was able  to  bring a  display of  a moon rock  and  space suit allowed to tour  Europe.  Rock was kept  secure in  vacuum  container  but  I took the spare space  suit  home overnight to deliver  at the parade fair site and Tom  age 18 mo got  to wear the clear  plastic  helm. Is an old  picture  somewhere.  We also did  annual  dedication   and fly by  at the  Lux Hamm  Military  Cemetery   for Bulge  killed in special part. Patton Day Sunday weekend had a High Mass in the town church among 500 year old artifacts. I’d studied them in Music History class so knew all the parts but 1st in person They are LONG! Get up sit down kneel get up sit down, rinse repeat. … YNAvoWcG18

“he did not see another Christmas. Patton died on December 21, 1945, and was buried in a cemetery in Luxembourg for Americans who died in the Bulge, six thousand of them from his beloved Third Army. It was Christmas Eve.”

Enough to make you cry.


Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 03, 2017 2:05 pm

Halloween 2012 we visited the Military Cemetery in Tunis where George led 2 Corps to defeat the axis in N Africa. Same feeling of awe at the sacrifices felt there .

“at Kasserine Pass and El Guettar, American soldiers under Generals George S. Patton, Lloyd Fredendall, and Charles Ryder began to learn the cruel lessons that would carry them into Sicily and Italy and, later, into France and Germany.”
“Held in place by a tenacious enemy defense and irritated by changing instructions, Patton took a hard look at his command. Deciding a personnel change would help, he chose Maj. Gen. Ernest   N. Harmon to lead 1st Armored Division from 5 April. The very next day the enemy made the work of the II Corps easier by withdrawing.” … unisia.htm

They were quite a generation.

Is a NON Dr in the house

Re: 30 June NON update

PostPosted by 8thaero » Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:43 am

Start with capacity is what we can dig, crush and pile on a heap daily so exactly 100% any one day . Sky Pie A la mode is 10K wid a cherry atop. To my own understood limiting is the MC usage factor under proper leach conditions. May keep the dig and pile but still not process well until are informed and I think have been so informed 26 June.  I’ll leave it at: while PT keeps asking to come and update I say I am now paying for a youthful 20’s -30’s life of perhaps excess exuberant ‘can’t kill me’ so I found you PT and PD to keep you all current and I’M on the horse, thanks.
Off Sun noon for New Orleans and Biloxi on 1st occasion in 2 years where I can once again feel afford to spend in manor to which she grew accustomed. Will meet the kids Sunday in Biloxi where he once ran the Keesler AFB OB-Gyn clinic as nite NCOIC and delivered 31 healthy babies waiting on MD to arrive. Told me, “Dad , that’s an EXPRERIENCE”! and I do believe him. Now the pregnant pond is MY baby and PT’s in charge. 8