Any good deals?


Obvious was NOT Newmont  interested. But  Penoles now  is all Fresnillo and  awash in  cash next month.  Can’t  hurt. 8
On Tue, 9/23/14, > wrote:

Subject: Fwd: mexus today   PS
To: crazydonconcepts Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 1:30 PM

Forgot to mention: did you see that Newmont sold
some of it’s sonora properties to fresnillo? not sure
what if any bearing that might have on
Mexus….but….interesting development…specially if some
of those properties are contiguous with


I ask and  he  says none good  enough to  accept for  the values involved or  would  be  finished.  I  say “Still enough   millions to buy on and be  JV producer with Mexus in  charge”? He  says  “Hasn’t changed since day  one” .  Last  week  was  a  plan gone over  at SAC with Momo opening  Julio 2   with shared  permit  to blast and  draw  flies  to the honey may flow.  Not   spoken about  the late week possible  bidder.  Content to sit on shares  and let him move along  best possible  long as possible.  “What  will be will be”  sang the blonde lady.  Boo Birds  and Skinny Crooner sang,  “No I’d rather, rather have nothin’ at all”. 8


Back story Goldlist

In ’08  I’d  found  Paul was  doing  decent  placer  washes  on  the  Yaqui in  deep Sonora. Took some Aussie  OTC’s  in  Magnum. Even thought  he  was  an Australian import  way he  spoke heard briefly .   Just  easiest  OTC miner  board to enter later  told me.  Had  realized the impact  Sonoran  mining  was going  to make in  NAFTA. and   switched  to looking  N Central State instead with Prof  Elias’s  Ures  claims instead leading  to Baltazar famiy , old  rivals ,looking  him up.

UVSS ’09 came  along  dangling  supposed  right  to salvage  nothing  they didn’t even know where. Actually  fraud goes back to Nixon’s  safe  to fund  Plumbers out of Howard Hughes ‘  giant  Intl mess  of  corps when he  died weird and  friendless  but  being plundered.

However  we  got here  since  late 2009 ?  Current  Caborca   main project  sits  in five  stages and is  in the  space between 2  and  3 right now. Pre-production, design and  construction when the  most  funding  MUST come  from somewhere.

INFOGRAPHIC: The Stages Of Discovery To Mine Production

By Alex Létourneau of Kitco News
Monday September 22, 2014 10:57 AM

(Kitco News) – “The amount of time and work that goes into finding and extracting gold, or any metal for that matter, for production is a heavy, time consuming commitment; you don’t just flip a switch.

It’s a test of patience for all involved to bring a discovery through the various intricate processes to eventual fully ramped up production, and if it’s done right without any delays, you’re still looking at a timeline of about 10 years. And that can go up if permitting, governmental relations, construction delays and, among other potential issues, a fluctuating metals price, you could be looking at 15 to 20 years.”

Bright  folks  learn this  from experience  or  by  listening to thems  as have.  Only  real term for any that   neither  learn  nor listen is LOSER. Both they and  any  who replay  their  nonsense. Know who they are, just  watch and listen. Whole nother INFOGRAPHIC there

JUMP to Present  San Felix  sale.

Deaings  with Atzek gp we  never got a handle on  kept  hearing  of big  wig  in Mexican Mine Engineeers  Society. That’d be Benjamin Lagarda.  Guy gets  around  8

BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: August 24, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a Letter of Intent dated
August 9, 2010 between First Pursuit Ventures Ltd. (the “Company”) and
Benjamin Leonardo Lagarda Burton (the “Vendor”), whereby the Company has
agreed to acquire a 100% interest in certain property known as “La Quintera
Property” located in Alamos, Sonora, Mexico, subject to a 3% NSR in favour of
the Vendor. In consideration, the Company will pay US$1,000,000 in cash
(US$75,000 in the first year) and issue 1,000,000 shares (100,000 shares in
the first year) to the Vendor over six years




MMB Stood corrected

Least knows I read closely; and  before  hits  Kitco on Mon.

Subject: What Burns & Frosts?

Rabbie  got  close, MMB

A Bottle  and Friend ( and a  wee  drap mair)

Then catch the moments as they UNFOLD
And use them as ye ought, man:
Believe me, happiness is GOLD
And comes not aye when sought, man.


You caught me Don!  Yep, the “early” copy got it wrong crediting Burns.
Fortunately, I changed it to Frost before sending the piece up to the gold
site publishers, (321Gold, Kitco, et alia).

Save a wee dram for me!

Best, …m…



MMBs a real gent! 8

Glad you read the piece Don. Best to you, …m…

“Gold Down Upon Black Swanee River”
—–Original Message—–
From: don phillips []
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 8:37 AM
Subject: Black Pee Dee

Foster’s  BoE 1st  draft used  PeDe River. Joins  with  the  Black at 
Georgetown between Myrtle Beach and  Charleston. None  quite  sure how 
Suawanne  came  to be  tho more  flowingly sung; a  lot  further  S deep GA
than  area  he  describes. Actually feeds  Okefenokee Swamp more  suited 
to possums  and  gators  than  swans. Ask Walt Kelly. Stuff  funny paper
dreams  are made of!