Guardhouse legal experts aside

Got him eating tacos in town. Marvelous log hut  joint there.   Heavy  for him who likes  soup or  Chinese.  Finished   setting  up the placer replacement  operation  all completed  now awaits next  week’s  generator  supply  for loading  and  screening   current  and  pumping.  Some  results  will come  from the  next 10 day crew shift clean out. Simplest he  can say is, “There  will be  scheduled  demand on the  24th  contract due  date  and his own plan is there will be payment as  scheduled “.

“Walks  like  a duck, “Sold 50 shares”, “The sale of Mexus Enterprises S.A. de C.V.”

Note  4.  Discontinued Operations

“On March 24, 2014, the Company resigned as the operator of the Joint Venture with Minerals La Negra S. de R.L. de C.V. and Trinidad Pacifica S. de R.L. de C.V. and “SOLD” 50 shares of the minimum fixed capital stock of Mexus Enterprises S.A. de C.V. to First Pursuit Silver de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. for the following consideration:

i) Assumption of $468,000 of accounts payable;
ii) Payment of $100,000 and $100,000 on July 2014 and July 2015, respectively, on behalf of the Company to Minerales de Tarchi S. de R.L. de C.V. for lease payments under an exploration agreement;
iii) 1,660,000 shares of common stock of Silver Pursuit Resources Limited; and
iv) $4,000,000 due on or before March 24, 2015.

The “SALE” of Mexus Enterprises S.A. de C.V. met the criteria for being reported as a discontinued operation and has been segregated from continuing operations for all periods presented.

The following table summarizes the results from discontinued operations:”

“In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Mexus Gold US (An Exploration Stage Company) as of March 31, 2014 and 2013, and the related consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for each of the years then ended and for the period from exploration stage re-entry (September 18, 2009) through March 31, 2014 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

./s/ De Joya Griffith, LLC

Henderson, Nevada

July 11, 2014″

Auditors   believe Mexus  reports they DO NOT own the  discontinued operation and  reflect that to SEC in their opinion.  Once again if you  owned it and  transferred  for any consideration it  stands  as  sale of an asset  properly  reported IAW  GAAP.

I can agree  it  will pay to be flexible to  keep fine relations  with  Atzek  who have  desired the San Felix  for years and years.  Would  have to be  as   crazy insane as our  RB Louts to pass it by.  What  swung  the  trick after a criminal  Sonoran decade  was  our play acting “rich Investors”   game and use of  a  wide open surveillance camera to catch the  thieves. Them bozos even dumber than  our  dumbo dumbs. All they seem possible of  is  to  so thoroughly ditto Kenneth and Oscar’s  Mexus’s  doom  so they don’t even post.  A radical Christian said, “You will know  them by their fruits”; Matt 7:16  but some  dumb broad once said, “At this point  what  difference  does it make?”   And oh yes. Paul believes  it’s sold  exactly  as  reported to SEC.  He can’t  enter the property for one.  That’s  about 9/10ths and  signed contract the  10th.

BTW turns out  what I am buying  for North Pacific  is a  20′ steel dry cargo  worthy  shipping  container delivered to Walnut Grove   from Oakland. 55K# loaded plus postage. My hope is  ships  back home fulla gold! 8



Placer Domingo or Lunes or Martes

I know $15K payment for 250KW generator  was sent   Fri 6th.  Means  this week    will be  driven down and  connected  now placer  run is completely reconstructed.   Sweet Valentine’s Day  gift will be switched on  14th weekend and  should meet the 30 day est for PM clean out  by  26th.  All who responded  are greatly  appreciated  as much as constant  doubters and slammers  are not , thanks. BTW should cost  twice that much but PT’s  a coupon shopper. So initial step of  go alone if a  need complete.  For  an explore  no money  youse guys  are  Starship Enterprise  crew.  “Warp speed, Scotty!”


He’s   been down S.  CA   checking  on  parts  available  and into AZ where  world’s  largest  gem, minerals show is in  Tucson thru  15th . Nearest  hotel was Nogales 90 miles    so skipped   meeting    up there  and  got  border  customs  done for all placer  stuff delivered  with Julio. Just  now  both at arriving  at Caborca office where Julio goes back to Mexico City to work on expediting blast  permit once more.  Yes, ponds  lined  and filling but  placer itself  will assemble  early  week now with  screen arrival.  Current  generator is  sufficient for  just  one activity  and  run pumps but  greatly  increased  placer  run will require  the  new  250 KW one wise soul  purchased last  week in the  final parts list that  Paulie will  drive  down ( Not in AK right now while  ship is  fitting ; more to say) .  He will get it  set with Momo.   I agreed best to not  duplicate  elect  hook up but  wait  for final  power on  with new  250KW for all. Old  trailer  based  generator can be  replaced  to  outlier spot   needs   no  wire poles strung or emergency  back up. Late next  week should be   all running  and making  some placer product next  10 day crew shift.

. Hate  to mention but when I asked of  small AZ  JV miner he  said, “which one? ”  I let it  go  as  we both did  concerning  the SALE completion  we’d  agreed  to not let  the idiots  fan more flames.    Will happen as contracted or  require   forfeiture of  all invested  or some  other  agreement  reached good enough to satisfy the  boss.  So no comments except he  does  say  was a nasty mess disposed of may  well  all be behind Mexus  as agreed last  March.   That’s   the  3rd  step planned in mine  development  after placer and   shaft opening with or  without a JV.  Funding  not  actually a need  until needed  but  in the bank beats most other schemes  known to start up miners.


Back to Alaska.  N Pacific  needs  that  container to set up the process  and  PT Jr  will  get   it taken up and  installed as  my own last  buy in there.  But  that’s a next  season entry.  There’s  a highly  experienced Captain coming on to run the  ship while  Paulie  runs  the  company.  Turns  out  Hank S may have done  only  700-800 oz ( under  $1 million but   pure unofficial  rumor; see on Discovery   weigh in) went down too deep in  hottest spots for  good  recovery. Has I’d  guess passed those on the  N Pacific  for  much deeper   clam shell hoist since a bit in both camps and none  other  have ability. Still to begin  working    off  shore unfrozen areas  of new  claims none  have  yet  touched.  Be a  new  era chapter for  Nome  Bering Sea Gold.  Kinda what I do I my  spare time,hey.  Will let you know  in  August!

Were I to choose a  mine investment, but  like  200-1 reverse  Comstock LODE  with same issued? I’d not go  CDE until it returns the 2009 10-1 reverse  which’d  be  $72 .30  down from $235 high in a  25  year  old  ( Apr ’90 ) silver miner. Obvious  learned  a lot  simply existing  in  $5 AG, 2000  down from ’82, $11 to  $4 in ’90 start. Cost is  over  $20 top10 miners . Good comment to consider  BUT!


“Wish I would have invested as much in CDE as I have in MXSG…at least Mexus losses will offset CDE gains when I sell. Not throwing in the towel on mxsg but have written it off as a loss. Maybe I will be surprised. ”

“In 2013, Coeur had all-in sustaining costs of almost $19 per silver equivalent ounce. With silver trading at $17.50 per ounce right now”.

I’d  say no home  run possible and very little  growth tho  Jan’s been good . Just my opine. 8




Apples and apples for the teach

Q &A? 2 so far  were :

1. Since  placer will be  expanded  to be  75/25% split from contract  old  55/45%….. What  will Mexus  get?

Ans. 75%!

2. Since  Rancho is  about 7400 family  acres contracted  and about  1000 taken after  ? How big  is Rancho? ,

Ans::  About  7400 plus extra  1000.

On January 5, 2011, Mexus Gold Mining S.A. de C.V. entered into a Purchase Agreement to purchase the Caborca Project.  The Caborca Project consists of 7,400 acres (3,000 hectares) about 50 kilometers northwest of the City of Caborca, Sonora State, Mexico. The Caborca Project lies on claims filed by the owners of the Santa Elena Ranch, which controls the surface rights over the project claims. The claims lie near 112 o 25′ W, 31 o 7.5″ N. These claims were visited near the end of January, 2011.  On or about July 11, 2011, we acquired five additional claims surrounding the Caborca Project consisting of approximately 1,000 additional acres.

Was  “as time allows “and GIGO is GIGO. Why bother when I post  it here   over and ove and have totally NO restriction on anyone else’s garbage. I make my own at zero cost  to Mexus holders but calls a  shit head a shit head! .


“Comparing us to Gold Resource, McEwen and Comstock Lode is a joke as well. They actually mine where Paul Thompson just talks about it and that’s it.  ”


Easiest  to begin with US Gold pre McEwen  take over July  ’05.  Was when  Rob picked my  brain. “How’d  you  get in so early?  I’d about  250K largest pvt  holder as a late ’90’s   20/1 reverse  meant  treasury  and  3  officers  held  the rest  shares and my avg $ .17    for 33, 3 mil total issue   and Rob took 1/3  became  .36 overnight  $27,500  jumped   now $90K . Then ran on  to $10 by  ’08 and  was  $2.5 mill. Meantime   540K GORO  PP at .25 ran to $30 and  became  $16,200,000 total.  Lode? Just  11 million shares  bought  down to .00056 makes MEXUS a   super cap!  No idear  what  you  blather about? Best not try.  Be like  White House  and  “What Muslim Terrorists?”

At least  seems KC back on  the meds and cellar of  despair was  only  mid- winter of  discontent. Believe it, PT’s driving  and pedaling fast a  one  guy  can.  Sticks in  the spokes’re   no help; try  a deck of  cards  and happy busy  whirring  sound while  we  wait  this  week. Meantime  tell me  where is  at  and I’ll join the rose garden  he promised.  ” Producing mine’s is not  easy task  but  will bring  great rewards”. You usually plant  them roses and let them grow .  Bushes in a vase  are  damn ugly!  Waste of a good  $4.98 weekly  nursery  special . Cut  some  amazing  Apollo  sun yellow  blooms  last  week dead  winter!But  wha the hell is Texas! and easy pleased  for the good life  biz wise.  8

Penny wise

Obviously  is an apt  quote  by Sr  Senator  from Arizona, “Get outa here you  low life scum!” Obviously  is an apt  quote  by Sr  Senator  from Arizona, “Get outa here you  low life scum!” Just another  stupid disabled combat vet same  places  same time  same  war. In  Hanoi with some  good friends while I got  home   some time earlier as the fortunate son. Decent people hard at  work for mutual benefit whilst nothing  hangers on mouth off eternal .  Was there ever a thing meant  anything at all? Lost  track  in ought ’11.

Talk of  insane babblers!  Hope Mexus  loses all  so I’m the big loser!So where these orc’s (REAL serous goblins!) been hiding?  I take PT at  word was in  AZ dealing  for a JV with a  miner  able to provide what we need before  clearing  the  trailer at  customs  and  hooking up placer   despite  any other deals.  Any others  spit in  your face  month after  nonsensical   month?   Any wid   1/2 a  brain will  buy the shit outa   .023.!  You make the fantastic  gains  this biz  taking on  the oz   at PRE-production PPS. We both  believe there’s  1 mil oz to produce ($1.2 BIL!)  with 272 mil shares or  $4.50 worth  now  2.23 cents! About  200/1  odds. And  I’m  one of  a few  to handle  fists full of  nuggets  now several years back !  Don’t mind me I just haunt  these halls nightly so’s real ghouls can slobber.


11 months ago  on Mar 31, 2014  Mexus  announced a  completed  contract  which “Sold  their  100%  interest to the  San Felix  mine  for  $5 million”   and announced the  terms. Hey simps   that’s SOLD! take down the sign , off the market. ” “Totally  released from any claims” means Mexus is NOT the owner so who is?   Precisely  like a house or  car there’s a lien until paid in full.  While  it may be repossessed  it’s been SOLD to the  current owner.  Now  move out of that house and take back the car. Louts prove up  their claim to stupidity near daily.  While there  note I chose the  3  as  largest shareholder  at one point BEFORE  any produced an ounce.  Probably makes me a lot better  judge  than blabbering  nothings but  one  makes a choice based on experience and  they aint got much. But  thanks  for stopping  by to peek.  OK dumbo,. if  Mexus  doesn’t own it  who does.  And is you seem to be  agitated enough to post  true nonsense.


3 small 2014 miners. Gold Resource produces   87K + ounces.  McEwen  makes 137,625,  Comstock Lode  does 23K oz.    Now   all  a real small one,  Mexus, did was  sell a  $5 million mine to begin  work on  one  can some  day start to see some  kind of product.  The  3  all down 3% today. 4th  has never  been below  .02 ask ever and  today a silly 7% bump with some wise ones taking on  a bundle .  Can any one  read a stock list?  Take  a biggie. I Am Gold  hit low of  $1.21 down from  2011 $23.  Does  850K Oz  and  back to  $2.55  but  off  5.5% just  today.  Some  people  live in a one  PPS vacuum.  8


Where have we heard “Don Phillips,   dumb disabled vet”,  before? ” Have   we  met an enemy is us? Years screaming  for  more  info over and over and  over. PR Dec  22, Jan 26  and  says next  in days.  Friend of my enemy is not my  friend!

“Out of the lack of a  qualified  JV partner plan is  set to go placer,shaft, veins  and plan the open pit and pads . He simply can not comment on  the San Felix  as exactly as the  Louts have nasty  things  to input  reading here? So do the  actual name known enemies who KNOW what is happening and  want to prevent it. Seems to connect  the  2 groups, EH?  Radical terrorist  by any name.  Want  to slit  our throat and call it freedom of speech on line. Sob story   sis and mom starving in the street  just  shouldna  hadanta oughtana  had been here.  ”



In normal ops  during  a peacetime  training  mission in B-52’s  we’d send Wing Command Post, all msgs  passed through up and  down SAC command,  our  scheduled  “Ops Normal” as  our  situation  report since they had  the mission plan  we’d presented  day prior  mission planning and  prior   mission  all crews brief.  Unless  a worthy departure  just “Ops Normal” and  get back any  update  to what we’d been briefed weather ,security, intelligence may affect  us.

Been reflecting  on a  few things and realized  from what’s been learned  had  Penoles came  across  for  the family what’s been offered  Mexus is  very probable may have been enough.  PT says is a large increase but both years  and  dollars  short. Gone  from historic artisanal to well sampled and  surveyed  proof. PLUS a  hunk of our  cash!  My take is  they feel a  wait Mexus  out and  take it off the  tree  ripe is  their  best plan.  Now is a situation norm  “Thanks  for the time and  consideration  but  we own the  fence on OUR side. We’re here  to stay “.  8