All posts by 8thaero

Mexus GOLD US!

Freaky  Friday’s  checkin in. Where’s  Oscar? What  we  DO know? RB aint  Cheers  and  NOBODY knows  yer name. Far end  right  seat  is mine and  I run a  tab, Sam. Dog  eat dog  world and I got  Milk Bone underwear.

Not  exactly  just  a distraction. Something  going  on  all the  while  a partner  is  selected  we  will probably learn to appreciate  due  time.  Walk and  chew  gum.  All used  from Mexus  US is  the  1.2 mil R and  space  at  the family  yard.  PT Jr will be  the  entrant with Mexus 5% share and  run the  barge.   Meantime just  recall it  was  NOT recovering cable causing  a halt  ’11  summer, was   both UVSS CEO fraud NO  salvage ownership and  not locating  3″ and  above due  NO maps.  Sitka  tribes  were  very  helpful  and  anxious  to remove  polluting  stuff  from own areas.  Exact  same  reason  moving  to family  rancho and  not  continuing  Ures  claims development which await  revenue  from the  negotiations   eventually.

Same  frantic  bitchers  “What  if  Paul dies?  ”  Recall? NOW is  not allowed  to use  officers selected and  trained ,   able  to run Mexico affairs with  own greatest interest in  making  gold. THEY OWNED  it  already! REALLY dumb people  tend  to prove it  all over  again.

Paul Sr, someone  tell the lying  sack of  shit, has never  been to Nome. Jr  and Hank  know  one anther  from the past in  WA and  Hank asked   Jr to have   dad to design Godzilla around  transportable  placer  wash unit , PT’s  not  even seen the  2  videos  Jr  has  out.  He  does know  sea  bed  composition is  excellent  for clam  shell closure  recovery. I’ll assume  Hank, Jr  and  Sr  know  bunches more  than home chair bound   engineers and  there will be  a symbiosis  with  sea bed  recovery processes  combined ongoing. Gobbler  is NOT yard  equip building “Hydraulic Drum 12YD”,and  “Survey Winch Marine’ s ”  NOT for Nome placer barge   use.  Project ‘s been long back burner  planned use instead. We  still have  a  small sea  going  fleet out  of  water  stored.

Negotiations    in  CA/NV alone  still ongoing, major  news when it  comes  will be when it  comes. I still think now   looks  like  Reno  HQ has  inside  track and  IS NOTHING he  can even do in  Caborca until a  partner  signed.  He’d  just spoken now  with Julio who is  happy  with  placer move  progress.  All can be  done  there is  going well. I still think with  AuRico and  Slim having  screwed  the pooch low  low  ball,  bidders  in offers goes on daily  it  seems are  Timmins, Toronto and  Newmont  Reno. BUT hold on !!!  Hint today  seems  a new bidder  who’s  already  been a  visitor and  up to speed now in mix.

Minor  league  A/AA ball?  Summer nights. Smell of  fresh cut  grass an’  hot dogs?  “Getch’er  score  cards, Lucky Number Score  Cards . Can’t  tell a player  without a  scorecard!”


Contracts  are to be  for  Mexus  US with now an apparent  Canadian  or US mining  corp as  JV.  Why  would  they be  negotiated  in  Mexico?  THAT  CORPs Mexican corp will be  the  contractor who will do the heavy lift with property  Mexus  US holds  by  owning Mexus  Mexico.   Wont  dig,   blast,  haul, pour, set  brick pave,  line vinyl or  spray  leach without  the  US contract.  The  bidders  have  been there and  seen it all.  What  we  are  told is  family  which is  Momo B runs  Rancho crew and  Julio B the  Mexus  Mexico VP and managing officer are  doing  what  can be  done  without  the  approx.  $7 million  being negotiated IN Sacramento and  Reno. But  hey, write  PT a  check  of YOUR $7 mill  as interim  loan and  he’ll give  10% while  we  await  the contractor’s  sign on. Of  course  you distrust knowing  the  family  so well from  constant  visits. Or  folks  could  take it  from me  and  Dent  they are  really great guys to know  and be  around. Thing  they  don’t  do? Bitch whine  and moan. It’s  their  placer 25% royalty  they are anxious  to mess  up quickly  and further  screw  up the  $2 million family  pay out  from contracted  miner production.  Same  drivel grows  tiring but  we  consider  a  source and  try hard  to ignore really  dumb bear in  the  closet . 8

Severe Case of Overbite

First  testing and  again  assuming  barge in pretty  shallow Walnut  Grove bend in  Sac River  site  across  the   2  lane  highway would be  designing   that  OVERBITE properly to close  and  hold  much as  you need  to load into  placer run. I watched  GRAVEL being  unloaded in Melbourn Harbor last  Oct  with same  modus.   Lifted clam out of  bulk hold  and  swung  over to pile on dockside  parking lot. Front loaders  dumped into stream of  haulers and  off  to building sites around  city.  Crane  moved  hold  to hold and  overnight  done  and  sailed  back to quarry. Gravel IS ROCKS! Would be teeth and  lips  set angled at open firm against  floor to bite  down once   and hold a load of  varried  material. Not banging   against  sea  floor to bury but  even that  could be  done.  Stockton, BTW,  is 30 mi S on river  where giant  grain ships load from central valley  for  world  wide shipping  out  of  Bay and  site  of several hundred  excellent  prime examples of  what’s needed  built  in. I also observe harbor  dredge in New Orleans  from our  windows  at Harrah’s  Hotel deepening  cruise  ship dock   channel.  I saw that  at once  as  just  arms  being  welded onto placer  run box .  EXACTLY same  drop clam over  side  but load to alongside barge. NO scoop arm used  ever.   Do BIG MUDDY  ring  a bell? So what  would  Joey Chestnut’s  record be  if  simply  jammed  face in  bowl of  dogs?  Stuff  them in  and  close  jaws  each load  to the  digester to hit  69!


My word, what  silliness!  Not  sharpest  drills in  the tool kit as  ever. To dig  a  hole in  sea  bottom you need a  wall barrier the  way bridge foundations  are  built or  just  fills in wash back. ENTIRE genius  is  NOT using  a swing  arm  but  a  clam. And  Paul Sr is  a  mechanical marvel  as  Jr  learned  to do it  alongside.  Dad  runs  MEXUS full time. That  amazing  construction just  last of   long line built  right  there on site   Another  method  is  drag line  which scrapes  back  but  takes  a long  swing  arm out  as  well.  Longer gets  exceeding  cumbersome  to even position.  Straight  up and  down is   best process   doing  what’s  desired, move  giant  amounts  one  spot where metal detected .  Remember  SeaTronic  torpedeo thingee? ? Move  it? SWING the  bow. Speed? Depends  on  ability to process placer wash not  load  ore.  Only  place it goes  is to the  placer  tables not to  stockpile  which IS  the  ocean floor and normally ALWAYS there below . One  thing  you  CAN be assured of. When you have  taken  ALL the  gold. Sea  bottom ‘ll still be  there, DAH.


The  clam doesn’t just  drop to fill. If  any  seen a  bulk cargo ship unload, the giant harbor loading  crane  cable  drop is  to just  above the  surface. THEN the  clam  hydraulics close  the bite in an over  fill which drops  back as  is  lifted getting as much as  it  can lift  right to that  angled chute  where  will open and  may stay  open to the  sea  bottom again.  5 tons,10K pounds,  lift means  gearing so slow and  VERY accurate positioning    Probably just  close if  hour or so  wait between loads  during  wash. Can see  how  perfectly  he  drops to hold  just  above  concrete.  Then can open and  bite .   Last  checked some dredges  were  vacuuming  up sand. Gobbler bite force   will take up about  anything;  sand , mud, rocks, gold,  bottles  for  deposit . Mexus  is the  Green Corp for sea  salvage , recall? Every  little  bit  helps. 8

Squinty- eyed KGB Premiers

Last  time I was in  charge of  transporting  hydrogen’s  from off  arriving C-141’s to my cross- runway   armament  area was Sept  1975.  Build  up ready  to RELOAD  strike  aircraft for  2nd launch? Nixon , yeah,   until ’74 Slippery  Dick even, could back down any  bastard  up for  the  game in  Moscow.  Chicago’s  a  small arms  weapon  disaster  area well organized by  Obama and  former Chief  Staff.  Poor  world!  We  need  that brave  Chinese kid   fronting that  T Square  tank not   some weak- kneed, spit  swollowing ,   swaggering suit. 8

May 5? Monday Weld

Isn’t it truly amazing “This is a waste of time and money”. So far heard no cost and I watched the long arms welding on May 5 . All mech stuff had been cut from other salvage with just the scrap I beams for great lift strength fashioned as new parts. Any seem the 2 ton lift reused and rebuilt at Julio 2 will know the designer. BTW we hear the excess tax on USED equip will be refunded by Mexico. None to be taken by AK to begin. I think North Pacific Gold is being used by PT Jr as bit of arms length for his share of recovery tax and expenses. Knowing Paul? Is a LLC R Williams set up few months back in both their names . Make me $? Care less!

I’ve  always  affirmed  in all my experience nobody  pays a  penny miner  poster  to lie  cheat  steal ON Line as a business  deal in order  to make money buying/ selling penny stock. There IS a  point though where  connected parties  may  prosper by connected interested  thievery profits  from a  corporate failure. A 4 cent  stock can’t  ride  quick to profitable dime! It  means  stupidest  investor  I know,  HMS G White Lout,  in simple  dumbness  dittos  Ken and Oscar with RB KWADE and  funny  shareholders  refuse  to see free of cost publicity in biggest  Cable gold  seeking  contest. That’s it  then ,  imprisoned  criminal Flouts and  and  close  associates, simple  stupid Louts  at  work while  SEC ignores at  leasure. Finish up and  make  work as  all ever planned  and  goes…. happily  ever  after. Once  upon a  time in  Caborca ..

Speaking of  complicit  dumb?  Sacramento River is  100 yds  away  full of well dredged   centuries   aluvial gold free for  the  asking. Thought  to shut   up blathering nothings and  go see?  I didn’t think so.  Easier  to mouth off  with nothing  to add. One  day we may  meet  and  I’LL at  least  discuss  a  whole  bunch of  shttiness think. Really, give THINK a  try. Worked  for IBM 50 years . 8

That’s PT Jr, meet a welding genius!

Thanks! Yep, that’s  the  gobbler.  Something  about surplus   yard equip  and  welding  rods  plus  zero Mexus  cash dumbo louts  don’t unnerstan?  Splash on  some green. Put on  Mexus  Gold  US Logo… North to Alaska  the Nome  Summer  Rush is on! 1,200,000 R shares plus  gas.

Not an employee, on  advisory board  at  NO COST but  a REAL shareholder as  family but  not  on  payroll. If  he  works? On contract  time only. PT Sr  has been dealing   the JV ONLY in Sacramento and Reno where  the  bigs  HQ are .  B Family’s  is  moving  the placer.  If  any  BOTHER go meet? Extremely  bright and totally  dedicated  to Mexus success unlike  Louts N Flouts . Debbie’s  office  2  upper  windows front  and  side. PT’s   the  2+1  next  on  front above  door. Sac R. about  100 yds  W cross levee  rd.

Process is  clam runs  24/7,  sea  bottom  drops  in  chute,  endless  water  washes  so waste  shit  dumps  out  back, gold  and heavy  metals  fall to  safe drawer in  the bottom.  Armed  car hauls  to  buyer  for  refinery, sends  cash to bank with Mexus 5% and  Mexus  buys  next  44% with the  profits. Take 385 oz Au Mexus  share. Be  total $10 mil barge  revenue;  about  7K oz @ 1300 POG.  3  mo season , need  about  3.3  oz  hour. This  unit tho can undoubted  just  break ice  and  go much longer  and  earlier working  from surface. Seems to b e  NO Contest now  on.  GO GO Gobbler!  BTW  highly  possible  IS  the  12 yd  hydraulic  drum. Maybe,  maybe  no. Be  4,3  yd  buckets. About  right.8



Simple Simonizng

Took  just  3  buys & 31K today to polish back the  PPS lost  .0065 Wed with 502,466. I did  a 1K seed up to .042, next  30K  were  .042 then back to .0465 hour  prior close.  As  always it  means   nothing  without positive  news of future gain which is  the ONLY thing  should  affect  price Totally puts to lie  all the nonsense  babble. Last  2  PRs did  NOT mention  revenue, just  action makes  some  future possible.  Way the  mine world  operates. But  9 min to close on nothing  day. Sure  ‘nough last  1K  01:49 later dropped  .0025 on  a  BUY! Makes  sense  ta  me!

So proof  world’s  a  dangerous place, hardly  safer last  6 years; will 300 innocent  people  shot out  of the  Ukraine sky  affect  POG?  Laughing  boy  and  Putin yakking  at the  time. 8

Death in the Afternoon

GR is dead as we know from past if moderator is gone whatever reason. Never a response to requests RB procedure no notice alias shut down so this is it for discussion. Well, was to be my last moon shot and it WILL happen some point. Meantime just filling out my bio for the cost/time involved. It’s so odd I’ve great relations with CEO’s and guys paid for advice who seem to be able to translate the messages. I just recall “Hemingway cannot write a well thought out sentence that can be diagramed”.

“Hemingway used a plain, forceful prose style characterized by simple sentences and few adjectives or adverbs. He wrote crisp, accurate dialogue and exact descriptions of places and things. His style has been widely imitated.”

And I don’t attempt to sell a syllable having all the fun I can make it. Even Papa  loved a long, wandering ,   afternoon ramble if  didn’t  write  it so later in  reflect. Small minds have an equally small opening to the outside. Now and again a good one comes along but much of the time even half decent thinkers go along with the blather and NO ATTEMPT to look see until confronted with stupidity and may see reason. Can’t switch off dumb. 8

Papa’s   mix  Death in Afternoon

  • 1 1/2 ounces absinthe
  • 4 ounces Brut champagne

Grabbin Gold


Less than 105 mil trading. Not  a  lot of  holders are  getting  restriction removed  after  a  year or even 2.  Near 71 mil  R issued  in  ’12 and  ’13.  March  2012  were  184,467,187  issued total.  Initial 10K  Mar  2010 had  136,505,000 issued so very little  R shares  then.  Means  about 31.5  mil total  made unrestricted and  into trading over  4 years for avg  under  8 mil annual.  Means  VERY few overall swing  the PPS wildly! Today loss   is  500K trade  with hour half to go. UNDER .5% ( half  a  %)  of  total trade shares. Any  can see   early  mkt  sale of  a few  20K lots , $800 each ,drops  PPS  .006, .038% with 40K sold. Take  10  times  40K  to reach .4% of trading  shares!

“As of  July 14, 2014, we have 256,005,431 shares of our common stock issued and outstanding, of which 151,523,838 shares are restricted.”


A grabber is  precisely  what I saw  PT Jr fabricating. Sure no  track crawler excavator  scoop on a  boom run up on  a  barge.     Purpose  built clam jaws to drop and  grab  a huge  mouthful, haul over  bow  and  start to wash out gold well proven to be there to great  depths.  Nome 4 year look shows   can be  $1 million  pay out over the  summer months  with the  right  stuff taken out .

So  1.2 mil shares   @ .045, $54K took 5%  of  Gold  Grabber  LLC. Means   24 million shares = 100% . Using that  same  PPS ( no idea  the  terms) needs another  $529,200  worth of something  to take  the  full 49% in  the  deal for  total cap of  $1,08,000.  Just  BOE stuff  but I’m certain UNLESS turning  profit  1st  year  out? Other  44% will NOT be  taken. Just  Mexus  Gold US displayed  for  all to see; however? If  judged  a  winner  in annual  Nome  contest to perform best? Well could be BOTH  some cash return 1st  year  alone and  Mexus  US investors all the  while Mexus  Mexico is  getting up to speed.   Yet  to invest  a  cent of  needed  cash.  Any  wish to work them figgers  and  check  true? I’m  often missing  something  and  low on  envelope  backs  these  days.  Just  refiled  4 years  adjusted taxes  to reflect  our  flood  and  mold  loss  in Jan ’09 and near  full 5  years  reconstruction costs. Still not ready  for  occupancy  but  getting close enough to estimate  all but  ’13  due by Oct  15th. .    Tossed  bagsfull  of  envelopes  in last  month.    8

Yard Work

Crazy? are the  idiots  trying  to prove  how  brilliant they are mis- reading  my  investments mouthing  off  to others. I’m a  fairly  normal acting individual. Just  at a point  in  a  pretty  successful life to refuse  to abide  stupidity,  but  any  may feel free  to prove it on  their own hook with no assist required.  Good job  thus  far.

You CAN’T tell a  person who’s  proven  can’t   read to just  shut  up and listen.  Take  it as plain , any  not  been to Caborca  to see  or EVEN bothered to  WATCH a  major  cable  show?  yet  still mouth off is  still the  same dumbo  groupie we’ve  dealt with in trying  to pull off  a JR to producer. Don’t help? A sure  hinder! Costs me  and you  big  dollars  daily.

To  learn   how  to read  a  10K?  You just repost  the  old  stuff  and  say HOW you’re  updating it  to present so you  know  both where it  began,  to now  where  it stands latest  news you  feel should be included. THAT’S what  SEC requires. NOT a  demand to  give  me  something  every  day you  even think about  doing !

“Cone 1709, Equipment Fabrication Materials, Hydraulic Drum 12YD, Skid Mounted Mill and Survey Winch Marine.’

Rebuild materials for  cone  crusher and  a  12 yd hydraulic  drum, like  a  big  cement  mixer  round  and  around mounted  on  skids for  easy transport  placed  on  site.  Will be  heap  crushing done  with a  jaw  crusher  to break big  stuff to fit  in  the  12  yd  drum.  Last  item is  as I figured they will use  my 2011  sonar  fish to survey Bering  Sea  bed  for  gold on a  barge  winch to lower  and  search for metal.  Stop working  blind like  last  4 years futility!

Assuming it all works  out in Nome  and  makes  a decent  profit? Then  another  44% of  Gold  Grabber  is  available  at  some  agreed  PPS. NOW do you  all believe it’s  being made  an official JV  MEXUS  minority49/51% project or am I just  still full of  shit since  we discussed it there on  May 5? Some  point  should  learn eventually to simply  listen  and  stop the crapola.  I’m in this  for  next  15  million but if  I can’t  help you then  leading  jackasses  to water sure applies. 8

“On July 2, 2014, the Company issued subscriptions payable for 1,200,000 shares of common stock in exchange of a 5% equity interest in Gold Grabber, LLC valued at $50,400 ($0.042 per share). In addition, the Company has an option to purchase up to 49% in total of Gold Grabber, LLC,”





All we  need  to know

“In addition to anticipated revenues from operations, we believe that we have sufficient available cash and available loans from our sole officer and director and other individual sources to satisfy our working capital and capital expenditure requirements during the next 12 months.  There can be no assurance, however, that cash and cash from loans will be sufficient to satisfy our working capital and capital requirements for the next 12 months or beyond.”

and  update  with permits  these to March 2014

“The Caborca Properties have become our primary focus after our installation of a small placer recovery plant to conduct tests on prospective placer areas and determine the viability of the placer deposits while we conducted evaluations of the other Mexico properties.  We have added additional equipment which will allow the continuation of mining operations of the placer deposits.


The Company has now scheduled the installation of a crushing/milling recovery plant for the high grade Julio quartz deposit as a result of the values of the assay analysis from the deposit which range from .250 to 5.5 ounces of gold per ton. This equipment should be in place and operational during August, 2012.


Therefore, our goal for the current year is to increase the cash flow of the placer mining operation, continue the drilling program which begun during 2011, initialize mining operations on the Julio quartz deposit while we conduct a thorough geological study by an independent geological firm of the future potential of other vein deposits located near the Julio deposit.




On March 24, 2014, the Company resigned as the operator of the Joint Venture with Minerals La Negra S. de R.L. de C.V. and Trinidad Pacifica S. de R.L. de C.V. and sold 50 shares of the minimum fixed capital stock of Mexus Enterprises S.A. de C.V. to First Pursuit Silver de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. for the following consideration:


i) Assumption of $468,000 of accounts payable;
ii) Payment of $100,000 and $100,000 on July 2014 and July 2015, respectively, on behalf of the Company to Minerales de Tarchi S. de R.L. de C.V. for lease payments under an exploration agreement;
iii) 1,660,000 shares of common stock of Silver Pursuit Resources Limited; and
iv) $4,000,000 due on or before March 24, 2015.


The sale of Mexus Enterprises S.A. de C.V. met the criteria for being reported as a discontinued operation and has been segregated from continuing opera

(2) Silver Pursuit Resources Limited shares in common stock are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange and is valued based on the closing price of $0.065 CAD approximately $0.06 US on March 24, 2014.”

(2) Silver Pursuit Resources Limited shares in common stock are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange and is valued based on the closing price of $0.065 CAD approximately $0.06 US on March 24, 2014.”

Better PPS than  MXSG! Win some  lose  some. 8