Severe Case of Overbite

First  testing and  again  assuming  barge in pretty  shallow Walnut  Grove bend in  Sac River  site  across  the   2  lane  highway would be  designing   that  OVERBITE properly to close  and  hold  much as  you need  to load into  placer run. I watched  GRAVEL being  unloaded in Melbourn Harbor last  Oct  with same  modus.   Lifted clam out of  bulk hold  and  swung  over to pile on dockside  parking lot. Front loaders  dumped into stream of  haulers and  off  to building sites around  city.  Crane  moved  hold  to hold and  overnight  done  and  sailed  back to quarry. Gravel IS ROCKS! Would be teeth and  lips  set angled at open firm against  floor to bite  down once   and hold a load of  varried  material. Not banging   against  sea  floor to bury but  even that  could be  done.  Stockton, BTW,  is 30 mi S on river  where giant  grain ships load from central valley  for  world  wide shipping  out  of  Bay and  site  of several hundred  excellent  prime examples of  what’s needed  built  in. I also observe harbor  dredge in New Orleans  from our  windows  at Harrah’s  Hotel deepening  cruise  ship dock   channel.  I saw that  at once  as  just  arms  being  welded onto placer  run box .  EXACTLY same  drop clam over  side  but load to alongside barge. NO scoop arm used  ever.   Do BIG MUDDY  ring  a bell? So what  would  Joey Chestnut’s  record be  if  simply  jammed  face in  bowl of  dogs?  Stuff  them in  and  close  jaws  each load  to the  digester to hit  69!


My word, what  silliness!  Not  sharpest  drills in  the tool kit as  ever. To dig  a  hole in  sea  bottom you need a  wall barrier the  way bridge foundations  are  built or  just  fills in wash back. ENTIRE genius  is  NOT using  a swing  arm  but  a  clam. And  Paul Sr is  a  mechanical marvel  as  Jr  learned  to do it  alongside.  Dad  runs  MEXUS full time. That  amazing  construction just  last of   long line built  right  there on site   Another  method  is  drag line  which scrapes  back  but  takes  a long  swing  arm out  as  well.  Longer gets  exceeding  cumbersome  to even position.  Straight  up and  down is   best process   doing  what’s  desired, move  giant  amounts  one  spot where metal detected .  Remember  SeaTronic  torpedeo thingee? ? Move  it? SWING the  bow. Speed? Depends  on  ability to process placer wash not  load  ore.  Only  place it goes  is to the  placer  tables not to  stockpile  which IS  the  ocean floor and normally ALWAYS there below . One  thing  you  CAN be assured of. When you have  taken  ALL the  gold. Sea  bottom ‘ll still be  there, DAH.


The  clam doesn’t just  drop to fill. If  any  seen a  bulk cargo ship unload, the giant harbor loading  crane  cable  drop is  to just  above the  surface. THEN the  clam  hydraulics close  the bite in an over  fill which drops  back as  is  lifted getting as much as  it  can lift  right to that  angled chute  where  will open and  may stay  open to the  sea  bottom again.  5 tons,10K pounds,  lift means  gearing so slow and  VERY accurate positioning    Probably just  close if  hour or so  wait between loads  during  wash. Can see  how  perfectly  he  drops to hold  just  above  concrete.  Then can open and  bite .   Last  checked some dredges  were  vacuuming  up sand. Gobbler bite force   will take up about  anything;  sand , mud, rocks, gold,  bottles  for  deposit . Mexus  is the  Green Corp for sea  salvage , recall? Every  little  bit  helps. 8

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