All posts by 8thaero

“As the Heart Bleeds” new soap opera blog goes Viral!

Got  double  post  from the  nice Lady.


Double  the pleasure, Ellen .   Day I chewed  on Paul, wife  said  was “pretty  hard.” Telling  him I was still good  to go y’day I said  he  was  near  ruining  my  marriage and  costing  me  friends right  and left. I know we’re  strong as  ever  and  any  fall off  wayside  weren’t  good travel passengers  to begin. I HAVE been here  before. Pudding  box says  “let  gel”  and  best  advice  in  B Crocker’s. Thing about  family? Wrote youngest  ( 14 years )  aunt  after uncle’s  funeral in   Jan 1986
Doris, a  strong  family  person

Family  ties  are  strongly  rooted,
sunk in  stone  and  learned  since  birth.
Family life   grows  convoluted
spread  like  winds  across  the  earth.
There  are  times  the  family  gathers,
sometime  joyous, as  often sad.
These  are  trials  the  family  weathers:
share  the  good  means  share  the  bad.
Through it  all the  thought’s imparted,
family  gone and  family  grown,
that  family  love is  open- hearted
and one  is  never  quite  alone! 

And , Ellen ? that simple   stuff, as I found,   gets  you  through a  war! Mine  operations? Piece  O’ Cake! Called  standfast, be  there  when called  on to assist.  Don


Gold Resources members

 Was list  when again able  to  approve/reject  last  Sept   17th.  I think there  was  final list with new  aliases  needed   before I was  TOS’d in Spring. But  tired  of  looking topic  by  topic. Raging  Bull is  pure  shit pile  to work through. 8
eighthaero 2013-09-17 15:29
1 2 3 4 5
  • Current with old deletes. Ask if I’ve goofed. Kwade? Surely u jest!
  • rtinvestr
  • arrewrong
  • fritz291
  • belgie24
  • goldbuggary
  • Goldbuggy
  • staaycalm
  • BlackMomba
  • groveswise
  • gtownkid
  • mnmplayer
  • booboo557
  • monners0
  • stubtoe
  • buckydgolf
  • honestlybusy
  • idontlob
  • jack7794
  • janeaz_3
  • pgreat
  • joe12pack
  • Davidrm
  • dax1592
  • db3
  • wantnot
  • diogenes_4057
  • rapier50
  • dlb511
  • zinnswinns
  • Hen’s involved, Pig’s committed

    Any  “VITAL CONCERNED” doing   just  Google  Map Search  for  the last  4  years  and “Thinking  of  going instead”  to a  basic  used  equipment storage yard/welding  shop  on  the beautiful Sacramento River  half  hour  from the  CA capitol?  IS a  genuine  sluggish  twit to post  nonsense  over  and over.  ANY value is to be  seen  in  Sonora alone.

    AMAZING INFO! AIR CONDITIONED  vehicles  are  rented  at  the PHX central facility and  require  short   minute periods  OUT of  vehicle  to pump gas  and  get  cold  drinks.  Usually Julio or  one of  the  ladies  will open  the  office  house  door to comfort. Paul has  air  in  the truck he  uses and  carries  GALLONS of  cold  drinks. ALL needed? wear  a  goddamn  hat!  THEN come back and  tell us  what  you  KNOW, not  what  you  INTERNET think!  Most useless  tools  have a  dull edge in serious  need of  sharpening  ?  Not  just dull but  soft!  I was just  speaking  with our  Miz  Ellie

    “Funny thing. Around 6th  grade I got  a  call by Tom’s   V Principal ( is  your  PAL, recall )  to come  see.  Had  son there  and  told  me  he’d  called  a  kid  a  turd. I said ,”Well , was  he?” VPs  eyes  got  wide.
    If  so I was  proud of  some  discernment. Slight scatological, bit of  a  minor  execration  but  not  profane or  obscene,  more  like describing  disgusting  behavior. Been great  at  it  ever since. Makes  a  great  Realtor/Broker shooting  straight! People  see  it  real quick. Made  6th grade  worth while.

    I’d  a  lovely  7th/  8th grade  educator Lila  Belle  Terrell “of  the  Virginia Terrells”  Sic  Simper  Tyrannis!  Dad was  a  MD as  was  uncle  in  San Francisco she  went  to live  with after  college and  hired  on  to SF Schools   early  ’30s.  What  applies here is some  fave  sayings.  Every year did  the  Symphony  Back and  White  Ball and   her   Italian seamstress made  a  gown. ” Miz  T? Easy by  easy the  dress is  made  done!”  Always  was.   For me she’d   tell  ” A  word  to the  wise  is  superfluous!”   Elder  Bro Val and  me  had to love  a  real lady. Helped  to set  us  on  a path.  8

    Spoke at noon Thurs. 26th

    Quite  simply  if  no wish to be  a  turd? Stop acting  like  one  and agreeing  with other’s same.   Least   serious  description for  shitty  behavior I’m aware .   Real light  weights  even float!  Thus  far I have  rejected  none  applied for  comments  so we’ve  not  even seen  a  floater  or  sinker. Guess  all know  where  they stand  after  Gold  Resources  went  dead on RB TOS with  no notice.  Careful for  what you  wish.


    He  said they  are  working hard  on audit  and  rest filing the   annual  due  July  15th but due  to  possible  news  between  then can probably  expect   a  delay  filed  .  That  should mean even if  a decision  is  or  has  been made  bringing  all current up to speed   in  next  17 days  will be difficult to get  all coordinated. THAT then would be  good news  to hear not  bad.

    Nothing  else new  to say except  “working  hard” can only mean extended  negotiation  with  same  group of 3 or so  I try  to define. Was  leaving  to the  shop.  I’d  say the   rejected  offer  is  not under sole consideration  still and  was  for  exact  $5  mil and  TOO much control. Told  him I vented  and  is  past, he  accepts that and  we  can proceed.  For  those  who  assisted  in  the  PP’s  I was  offered  since  Feb  2012 we may expect some sort  consideration in keeping  the  corp afloat  whatever  that  means.  Currently  is   half cent difference  in market and  last  .05  offer.  .005= 10% AND a  year to cash! BoD tho  has  nothing  to say there so no quote  please. Just  my  idea what  I’d  like  to see hap. Told  him to check RB MXSG to discover all  the  gals and  where  to go fish.

    Considering  the  pretty  fair  amt   of  $ millions involved?I’d wait  for  the word  out this  go round must be soon announced which I CANNOT do.

    We do know placer enviro  move is  on  the  Sonora  state  list  for  full approval and moves  up list when others  ahead approved.  Julio monitors and  will be  soon in hand  via state  capitol  Hermos.  Family  and  crew  could  only   slog some cleaning  up  shaft  bottom Underground  ops STILL requires  a  contractor  for  crew,  explosives,  construction and  exact  stuff the  MORE  than $5 mill and  largest  ownership possible  under  negotiation as   we  spoke.  I’d  try about  $8  mil and  60/40 as within reason and  work HARD for  more by future MAJOR buy in.  It DOES  offer   a share  of  $100 mil for  a  decade, hey.  Really  dear chopped  liver.

    I guess all I can say learned  is  I have seem to have  been so close  to occurances  it’s  hindered  him more than helped last  3 months. Should  indicate  larger  turds  SHOULD learn to read here much better!  Simply  hanging in  for  next  info releases  can make  a  person a  bundle  but blabber  on  was always  worthless  motion.  How  to know ?  Silent throating words as  they type.

    And  even this  little  stuff  is probably  more  that  I should  have  said.   Sorry  Paul… Sigh..

    …..”.Everything has to be a mystery.”

    Brother  and  I’d  listen under  the  covers  past bedtime  1950 era ” I love a  mystery” .  Valse  Triste  theme  and  bong  bong. Regie  was   not  English , Okie  Tony  Randall and  best radio actress  ever  Mercedes  McCambridge, Exoricst  voice,  even  after  Oscar   “All the  king’s  men”.  Real gold  in oldies. 8

    I was all the women on ‘I Love a Mystery,’ ” she told the San Francisco Chronicle in 1992. “Sometimes, in the same episode, I would not only be two women arguing with one another, but also a third woman trying to break up the argument.”



    Blind turds take turns in lead

    With geese? Called  breaking  wind.  Silly  asshole  doesn’t  realize  I invented  140  twitter  in  2002. Recall slow dial up modem? Say  a  bunch with little (14 words), Inform a  lot (20). All get  rich (23).  Ignore? “I’m sorry” later(29).  8

    One could change the world with one hundred and forty characters.

    blackgpgt 17 hours ago
    1 2 3 4 5
    No not really. I read his stuff for comic relief. Still can’t compile a coherent sentence so nothing new really”
    Count. 53 words,     ok , 69…74
    “But expressing yourself clearly in short bursts-particularly in the 140-character limit of Twitter-takes special writing skill.”
    Thing  buttwipe  can’t  fathom? Reading  them requires  sapient  receptor

    Lift lid before use

    I see  the RB  turds  are  surfing   here now.   What  haps next March is  final date  to post  the  $4 mil to own  Mexus JV  50% and San Felix ejido rights. Totally  nothing  to do with Rancho which is  NOW  the  only  active  project.  Means  we have  no costs or  liabilities associated with that  project  UNLESS we  take  back  the  JV  and  seek the  costs from  First  Pursuit.  I don’t  think they wish to give  it back    so I’ll count  the  $4 mil in treasury  ABOUT the  time  we  begin  stacking heap  for  leach after   9 months  of  .042 oz/ton placer shared  with family  and  same period  of  .40  oz/ ton milling at  100%  when family’s  $2  mil is  paid  off  at  40% smelter  royalty.  That’s  when about 4K oz  produced  around   Jan  ’15  depending  on which flow  chart  is  in play. I do know  they are  VERY flexible  and  wish  mining  to proceed  faster  than  they want  cash pay off. It  can  be  on the  books for  payment after  build  out.  But  thing about  turds? VERY small eyes  and  hard  of  seeing.  No ears  at  all.  Best  sense  is  smell.

    ” think we go lower. We have 8 balls saying wait till march now. Before it was wait till Jan. then April then May. ”

    ‘”If we can believe that we were offered ~$7.6 MILLION for whatever at Rancho. Based on that we still had a strong majority of the ownership”

    BTW MID-7  figures  AINT $7.6 mil!!! I calls  that  HIGH 7’s . Approching  LOW 8s  My  est  was  $3-6 at  highest and  MUST include  least  49% owned   but  probably  OVER 50% and  we  still do production and   fade the cost. That  point? I’d  say Hell NO as  well. 8

    Sonora Resources flow charts meanings seem GIGO

    The  2  time lines  are based on  near term start for high value mostly based  on  a partner  cash input  we  know  was  rejected   due  to too little for Mexus  holders but  still SOMETHING must  be  above  current  4  cents .  That  plan starts  placer now  in June  making 1837 oz  total  by  Jan.  Milling  begins  August  making  6,819 Au oz  and 39,778 Ag.  NO heap leach at  all until after  June  2105  with initial  15K tons ( 500 day) working up to Dec  at   5,166  day ( 155,000 in Dec).  Using   $1300 and  $20  2014 revenue  $10,164,700 gold  and $795,560 silver little over   $12 million or .046 each of  258.6 mil shares.  Can BUY  it  for  .04  today.  Makes  a  PE of   under ONE! I’d expect  a  1,000% gain those  annual figures with PE 10 or  .46 for  a  base.

    Lower  value chart seems current  go alone  and  slow no real  cash  influx.  Placer  begins   August with low 3,100 tons  up to 9,300 by Dec .  Mill operates  in Oct  from  1,550 tons to Dec  2,375.  No heap until Sept   2015 with 15,000 tons. Totals  figures seem to make no sense listing  placer  grade in  oz and  recover  in grams , 30 times  less. Placer grade  is  way off  using .40 oz when  .042 oz  seems  right  like  the  High chart  value.  Works  out  to  milling gold $3,367,000, silver  $335,937 and placer $1,506,960 total  $5,209,897.  2 cents  a  share revenue.  PE now  of  2  and  new base  of  .20  with PE 10.   Even  there   PPS .04  just  silly.  Split  difference and   has  to work to a  33 cent  share  right  now with a  partner  or  go alone slower.  8

    Wanna buy a fridge?

    Boils to this .  Ask self  if  can live  well  and  exist until next  March without  need  to vote  Democratic to get  on  food   stamps or  IRS rubber stamping  claims  rejection desk. FUNNY? REALLY? Last year  I’ve  found  them more  courteous  and  forgiving  than have  EVER seen in my life. Wonder  why? 8


    On the  never-never  plan best  I know. Grow  by  self. Placer  then mill then leach. Haven’t  spoken since  I told  was  damn tired  of  being  punching  bag. Mexus  is  still 100% owner $ billion asset. I know  no other  selling  for 4  cents. Has  still NEVER been an  actual pin down name   so something  causes  the keep quiet. I’m  70% confident  the  ones I mention are  the players. First  Majestic  ( Sonora  Resources as cat’s paw  flow  charts  work ups), nearest   PenMont always  low  ball and  last  rejected  AuRico with correct  $ offer  except likely ownership %. I’m going  no place and   there’s  the  $4 mil San Felix  buy cash  IF they want  Mexus  share  50% come next  March with ejido rights  100%.

    “don…..assuming there IS an asset of value at sta. elena, a major question at this point seems to be who will be the ultimate beneficiary? do you think it’ll be mexus shareholders? in the absence of the “deal” he has been looking for — which at this point doesn’t seem imminent — do you think pt can keep things going and actually produce enough via placer to pay the bills and grow slowly?just wondering what your thoughts are on us current shareholders actually realizing value…or do you think it more likely that pt will eventually be forced to sell a big piece at “low-ball” price and that they will become the biggest beneficiary.don’t know if you have been back in touch with pt or have any clear sense of our status at this point…not planning on going anywhere with the shares i own, but frankly i am pretty baffled by the entire situation… “


    Same bitchin butthole

    Has been whining as  well  about  GORO  losses despite  is a   fairly  recent  high PPS buyer.  If  was  NOT a  fool? Might  have   hit  the  May 12  $3.53  low  and  NEXT day seen  $4.80! This  week? $5.27.  Real  easy  to pick own  PPS era  but at  SOME point  tell the  jerk  try a  decade  for  gains/loss  to scream about  daily. MUCH of  Mexus  troubs  is  precisely that . Too dumb to bother  to listen to. Still many  do. Life is  a  long series  of  averages, pick one and  be  right  near  half  the  time.   8

    At long last , something I know something about

    Last  real job  was   NATO  Tactical Air Field  Manager 1972- 1975. Last  2  years  active  duty was  simply  awaiting  medical retirement  in Texas.  Sept  ’75- Dec  ’76 off  flying  status, odd  Airlift  Wing  assignments Dyess AFB Tx  awaiting   final hospitalization  after  9 months  head  scratching, Neurosurgery Ward  Wilford Hall Med  Cntr  Lackland  AFB.

    A combat  controller  requires  ether a  reasonable  long  flat  spot  or  vertical  capability.   Get  there by  air, horse,  Honda   or  foot and  use  comm to assist  aircrew/aircraft  in any  effort ordered  to perform.  I’d  luxury of a  10K ‘ concrete Nato base. Primary  N take  off  had  a  large Mobile  control facility up close  to  hold  line  where   the  condition set  up straight ahead can be  seen and  corrected.  Landings  used   binocs and  could  wave  off if  needed   Base  tower  is mid field  and  high 75’ up.  and  360 view.  South  departure  used  a  small fly away  booth with all needed  but  sure  no  stretch out  and  snooze until landings in action.   In the field  was  a  Jeep or  later  Hum-V with comm  stuff  out  on  open. Our  case  no hot  war we used  that  for  things  like  fly  by  demos  for  civilian  Patton  Day Ettlebruck Lux celebration  or  Haam Cemetary where  Patton’s  buried, Memorial Day.