Wanna buy a fridge?

Boils to this .  Ask self  if  can live  well  and  exist until next  March without  need  to vote  Democratic to get  on  food   stamps or  IRS rubber stamping  claims  rejection desk. FUNNY? REALLY? Last year  I’ve  found  them more  courteous  and  forgiving  than have  EVER seen in my life. Wonder  why? 8


On the  never-never  plan best  I know. Grow  by  self. Placer  then mill then leach. Haven’t  spoken since  I told  was  damn tired  of  being  punching  bag. Mexus  is  still 100% owner $ billion asset. I know  no other  selling  for 4  cents. Has  still NEVER been an  actual pin down name   so something  causes  the keep quiet. I’m  70% confident  the  ones I mention are  the players. First  Majestic  ( Sonora  Resources as cat’s paw  flow  charts  work ups), nearest   PenMont always  low  ball and  last  rejected  AuRico with correct  $ offer  except likely ownership %. I’m going  no place and   there’s  the  $4 mil San Felix  buy cash  IF they want  Mexus  share  50% come next  March with ejido rights  100%.

“don…..assuming there IS an asset of value at sta. elena, a major question at this point seems to be who will be the ultimate beneficiary? do you think it’ll be mexus shareholders? in the absence of the “deal” he has been looking for — which at this point doesn’t seem imminent — do you think pt can keep things going and actually produce enough via placer to pay the bills and grow slowly?just wondering what your thoughts are on us current shareholders actually realizing value…or do you think it more likely that pt will eventually be forced to sell a big piece at “low-ball” price and that they will become the biggest beneficiary.don’t know if you have been back in touch with pt or have any clear sense of our status at this point…not planning on going anywhere with the shares i own, but frankly i am pretty baffled by the entire situation… “


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