All posts by 8thaero

My Gal

Re: Junk yard dogs on the hub
Posted by 8thaero » Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:27 pm
IMAGINE HOW I gasped May 13 ’69 she 29, walked thru the Spangdahlem O Club door my 1st day there up from Frankfurt AB Aeroport hotel overnight then 3 hr Blue Goose bus ride to Eifel Mtns far W Ger. Took 2 years till May 25 ’71 32nd to get to Carson City Ct House and the JP $20 and 20 min I promised. Then blew it out a bit at old Tahoe Harvey’s. I knew how to plan a time effective mission. Accomplished fer sure . The folks were more ga ga than I. 8

PostPosted by 8thaero » Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:11 pm

Re: My gal

PostPosted by garygoldbug » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:34 pm

Ha, glad ya had a great day on May 13th ’69 while I was in Da Nang Hospital awaiting medevac the next day to Tachekawa with further routing day after to Guam!! But you served/serving your time in hell and good day today for both of us, as well as our brothers, to reflect on happy occasion to still be amongst the living and remember those we left behind!! All the best-G

Actually Hell was a lot of fun just scared shitless and trying not to show caused the PTSD. Better’d been out crying nights in the outhouse latrine. Old suck it up and stick it out hoping for the best which did come. So you missed the Yokota AB giant BX Bazaar in Fussa 20 min from big city Tachi. All dwarfed by Tokyo itself. But did discover ‘Guam is good’. Still nothing beat coasting into land of big BX where 1st you notice the streets are WIDE and grid straight. Even well lit nights. Knew you were home at last. 8

BB , 2 NC Marine are Camp Lejune but Cherry PT is the only MCAB. And my long term plan to age 31 was to wander world until one fine day she’d get off a train plane or bus and that’d be it. I was the one off the bus, she lived there. My Speedster was crossing Atantic another month slow like from Army Charleston .

PostPosted by 8thaero » Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:37 pm

Quadrupple threat

: Water, water, everywhere, nowhere ..

PostPosted by 8thaero » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:43 am

Have fun. Our gold miner fist fights and make ups. Yes some note I’ve unusual retention talent which gives a head start in search “Now where was that I recall”. Means until I get to Manilla keep the blues rolling for an edge. But no need for the recruit T Sgt to have me pop fore the IQ. My USAF Lackland TI I found later was winning bets I’d ace Basic assignment qualifiers tests as a 24 yr old college grad enlisted
& beat the Draft call up very next month.
New 1 striper E 2 walking down street past SSgt Jesse Villareal marching new troops he yelled “Phillips why do you wanna be a pencil pusher?” I yelled back, ” Sarge, I just wanna fly jets. Finally became a pencil pusher as a Sr Capt Admin Officer in need of a non cockpit job for a few years to stay in Germany after EB-66s retired to USA in Dec ’72. 8
I was  recruiter’s   monthly  goal  in points
1.  college  grad
2.  qualifed  as  Bandsman Hamilton  AFB  Band Of the West  after Basic
3.   qualified  as Officer  Tng  School  after Basic
4.  qualified   for   flying   training  after   OTS  commission
For a month he drove me where I need to go until put me on a bus  for Oakland  Recruit Cntr   Sept  ’61 Thursday before my  24th
b’day  on   Monday . Turned out my  separation date  was always  day before birthday  whenever  that  became.  Just the year  changed  each school  completed  and assignment  requirement.   Was always planned as  BIG party ! 
Finally was changed by a Disability Retired Bd. Lackland AFB again after 9 months hospital stay, Oct 1977. 16 years. The –the- the- Thas all folks! 8

Mama recalled12 years after

Reason  we  went to SFO  from Oildale in Jan ’43 dad needed  defense work with  Edwards and Camp Roberts  built but mom was a  lay Southern Baptist missionary   and had then  built the Oildale church down the lane. A traveling Minister  Dr  Faulkner stayed   with  us selling  fluorscent  round  tube  bulbs out  a small case and dad  had one up  in living room gave  cold gray New Fangled light . He  got mom to say would  start  a S Baprist  mission in SFO when there so we moved into  storefront  Haight and Cole  next  Italian Deli store. Later became Antler’s   Bar I’d see each night   in  Hippie Summer ’66.  She played  piano, dad led  singing and I slept on a pew with  Val and Sonja.  Got moved to a better spot  down  the next  corner  Waller and then to new  and 3rd  mission congregation  after Bayview   to old Catholic church in Avenues. We bought the  1604  Fell   Victorian  for $7K in ’44. and Dr Faulkner   organized the  Marin  Seminary   with mom’s dad Sam Ashley  1st trustee. Later she   helped  the Prunedale mission  build by folks  over from  Manteca  and the  W laurel in Salinas.

Initial  Natl Southern  Baptist CA Convention at  Civic  Aud.’51 was kinda  in her  honor getting it there Current church on Mission  had a service  on her death in ’05.  Interesting  childhood. to say least.  Knew more missionaries  off to China than  shake a stick stayed  with  us to sail again after  uncles from all gone home WW2.

Memorial Days of Memory

Sat  before Memorial  day 1966 my  brother and nephew drove me  from San Jose  to Travis  AFB . He tells me was so nephew Thomas  Mark  would not forget  me. NW Air contract  flew to McCord  WA and then Fairbanks AK then on to Tokyo for  refuels. Finally  got to  Clark  AB PI what  was Intl Dateline  next  day  Tuesday. I asked the  van driver  taking me to Sqdn Ops  who won the  race. Graham Hill . A Brit  to take   triple open wheel not done  before or  since and   missed  it again y’day by the  F1 champ 500  rookie.

8th Tac Bomb was  the oldest  continuous  service  sqdn  formed in next  bunch after  original  7 after war declared in June   1917 at Kelly Field . It  remained  active since  it  held an officer and  an NCO at Kelly Field  when that  was  all  left in the  closed  Air Service   in  ’19. So everything’s  grown from  there. This is  100 years   this month and as  Snack Bar café  officer additional duty out of combat doing crew training I ran the 50th  party picnic at Clark in  ’67. Yeager  was my  officer /enlisted soft ball   umpire as  I’d ” heard   he had a good eye” 1st addnl duty, June ’66 I became Postmaster running a newly certified APO post office delivering at Clark and in Combat tours fwd to Danang then Phan Rang. Saddest was stamping “Deceased” when clerk found them after one died . Also made me sqdn censor but we never bothered with CBS at the only little palm tree at Danang Crew hootches for interviews we called “The Captain said”!

As a result nearly  all the greats   in Air Corps and  USAF  belonged  one time to the  8th   ’20s though then ’60’s. Included  Doolittle  and
1st USAF Chief  of Staff  Hoyt  Vandenberg , was  in  an accident  due ” too little  lift in the air  that day” we laughed  about in Sqdn History record.

So  18 months later  200 missions gone  by I flew  back to Travis  not too much worse for the  wear  but a busted up  neck and back I’d  still trade  for a flag draped aluminum box any  day. Got pretty  good at  writing  up  posthumous  Silver Stars and Purple Hearts  along the way for those that did. A few lines sum it up.

“A salute to the 8th

In the early mists of dawning
all alone to crash and burn.
Come those empty places yawning
where our friends did not return.”

Finally a 1971 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge winner “Freedom is never Free” about two very personal. ’55 Classmates
Joe Robertson killed in 1965 mid air refueling 1st Arc Light B-52 strike mission. And Ev Alverez downed at Hai Phong first carrier attack in 1964. Joe’s early on the Wall but Ev got back next year 1972. I was to be his escort if back via Germany not Clark only 3 hr away. We met 50th reunion Salinas Hi front steps 2005 for a photo. I finally told him about Joe and me at Guam , 1965 wondering if was still alive. Stuff out of a long eventful but rather dull life all considered after kickin all these years. 8

” I know of two others who never  returned,
paid a price for the home of the free.
One’s long dead
one’s in prison for 8 long years.
I’m the fortunate one. Envy me.”

Don I Phillips, Captain, USAF, Retired

Goes down comes up

Re: 75 shares for the price of a burrito

PostPosted by 8thaero » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:36 pm

When Tom and I toured Oaxaca Mar ’10( avoid Belize Mayan other side of land mass, Oaxaca City is true amazing real culture, food , history) oddest was steep mountain Pan Am passes with big busses to coast tettering on the edge and old ladies on the same edge looking for cans. 1000 feet up then down to river valley. But along tromps a genuine hero figure while smoking small slat sided trucks of agave pinas slowly drive along. He has a handle sharp wide blade for cutting wild agave plants into a back pack for rarest wild mescal like honey. Like to go back but wild west Caborca is where it’s at. 8

One “ShoeBoy”Posted by 8thaero » Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:34 am Meantimes jus git along little kitties means eye on the goal. Wanna moon howl? Join the lone coyote on the hill. Even farmers and the ranchers should be friends. Family sides ranching and farming the Territory well before ’07 Statehood. Find a native with a WH Taft Land Grant. I owned portion one once in Clinton, and did not ever want to live in a house and use the land to build on for self to ranch or farm cotton. 8 Title letter was on an old typewriter odd spaced keys and signed “Signed” W.H. Taft. To sell again you gave it back. Mom kept in a steel ammo box in the fridge as advised. Name on grant was “one ‘Shoe Boy’ “. Included ALL Of the city of Clinton 5 sq miles on S & N US 66 ,actually the RR line, became Clinton Savings and Trust to develop the next day. Way it was done .

Posted by 8thaero » Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:34 am

Meantimes jus git along little kitties means eye on the goal. Wanna moon howl? Join the lone coyote on the hill. Even farmers and the ranchers should be friends. Family sides ranching and farming the Territory well before ’07 Statehood. Find a native with a WH Taft Land Grant. I owned portion one once in Clinton, and did not ever want to live in a house and use the land to build on for self to ranch or farm cotton. 8
Title letter was on an old typewriter odd spaced keys and signed “Signed” W.H. Taft. To sell again you gave it back. Mom kept in a steel ammo box in the fridge as advised. Name on grant was “one ‘Shoe Boy’ “. Included ALL Of the city of Clinton 5 sq miles on S & N US 66 ,actually the RR line, became Clinton Savings and Trust to develop the next day. Way it was done .
Never sure if name was  One Shoe Boy  or indicates  the one  individual Shoe Boy. “1 shoe boy” sounds more authentic

Nearing Ace

Have friend Bob Bateman, W Pt  Grad  has 3 1/2.  Back  to Danang in early ’66 he and Jim  Greschel  tried B-57  formation  loop. Banged bad so all 4 ejected S China  Sea.   Gresh  accepte  Art 15 punishment  , Bob  asked Special   Ct Marshall and  got off due “MIssion not briefed on in-trail acro”.  Very  good defense attny.  Next  back from Tchepone  Laos bad  damage  one gear not lowered so we watched  them  belly in blowing  canopy  touch down. Too severe for local repair.   Out of combat at Clark AB  into F-4C  he  let  co-pilot  take  front seat and had a head cold so stayed  low  to Formosa  and past   half ran out  of  fuel so lost the  3rd and we felt 1/2  of Gresh’s  No recall how he escaped  that  result but retired  Lt Col and  finished  as design engineer  at Wright Pat.   We believe  God simply  plays  favorites as Gar  well aware.  Happy  many more  kiddo.  Don

Ah, North Korea!

Re: Lousy news sell off

PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:23 pm

Guru’s not it. I learned quick to be honest and loyal and it comes back in spades. Wrong move at times sure but NEVER makes enemies. Move on. In time even those come back in assist asked for or not. It’s when you’re the only 2 friendlies in unfriendly skies what gets you both home. Right now thinking N Korean nut daddy took the Pueblo and on that Fri Pentagon called Nav Shoppe at Combat Crew Tng EB-66 Shaw AFB. I was asked how many refuelings to reach Ittazuke Japan? I’d done the Pacific often from W Coast in BUFFS so said, Need one E to W coast then 1 out to past Hawaii, 1 to Wake Is. and another there to Japan E coast on to narrow Kyushu on W Coast Fukuoka. Map is in my brain etched. 4 BIG charts. Call it 4 and spares for emergencies diverts . They say draw it up and take to Command Post. Monday 5 took off, 3 to Hawaii then on and 2 all way non stop for FLAG SHOW. Same time Yeager’s F-4 Wing at Seymore Johnson NC was doing the same to Okinawa. Past date line on Wed they were there one long day the rest response arrived. House mate Joe was in 1st 2 and and I replaced 6 mo later. THAT was FUN! We’d brief 8 AM , blast off straight to 38N, see what came up on defense radar and plot them . Then tourist island tool a few hours and go home. Why aren’t we doing even more today? Nuc chicken shit we’ve allowed him. But I was Tom Cruise 20 years before Tom. 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”

Re: Oil?

PostPosted by 8thaero » Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:21 pm

Mom had 2 lease Kerr McGee claims in Butler, Custer Cnty old farm homestead I had to refuse royalties in ’98 to get on Medicaid Ft Worth as she worsened in dementia need of nurse home care. That was HER profession ’58 on and back from somewhere I’d go do her midnight rounds as “The Captain”. Grew to be larger sums in 2000’s but not near the cost of family’s no Manor Care payments till ’05. Never reapplied when asked but suckers were deep! Pressure 5 miles down can shift BIG faults in a small slide and there’s the 4.5’s but crap we had one them every few weeks in Bay Area as kid and caused her Mom go become an Okie again in ’45. Can’t recall much fracking on the San Andreas as did not exist and ’08 on? began to demand building quake proof. Same as Fl hurricanes practices. Oil’s a need not cost cut builders. 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”

Years ago where’d they go?

Feb 18 at 3:05 PM

Remarkable day in my life was Wed, Nov 9 ,’66. Election day in US and CA but Wed in Phan Rang Viet Nam. Morning mission supporting troop convoys up down route Saigon to War Zone C.. Hour of 30,000′ boredom till replaced and off to work low troops in contact or vital supplies with bombs guns and nape fun and games. BUT getting shot at all the time. Back early PM and found the news so whapped self up the forehead. Still a Riverside March AFB resident on record, now my US Rep was John Tunney, a Heavyweight Champ’s son , My US Senator  was  George “Muffin” Murphy song and dance  actor former Head  Screen Actors  Guild,  liberals  both but NOW  a defeated  Pat  Brown , Moonbeam’s dad  was my new Gov another  actor and Guild  Pres Ronald Reagan, Conservative and thereby  hangs the tale! For a time  was both stasis and growth CA and turn. ? Are we back half century  full swing of the tide?  DIP


‘don phillips’
Feb 18 at 6:40 PM
Today at 1:48 PM

Ah Loutie, we hardly knew ya!

: ihub idiot

PostPosted by 8thaero » Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:44 pm

Hilarious as ever! Any  around  then  will recall closest to gitreal  on my  Gold Resources RB bd was  HMS Great White Whale Lout. Day I set it up was the IPO day when shares  split .50 to .25 in Mar  ’06 and   I had  520K largest  pvt owner  then  still after intitial  investor  in Jan  ’03. Began trading  @ $1  6 mo later Sept  OTC and  fell  to .90 then rose  EOY $1.90.. Lout  arrived  Oct   ’07 with a  gp of  PRXI sellers   looking  for   a haven. I had one ready.PPS was now  $3  but by EOY ’07 $3.90.   Bad mouthed   the Reid’s and in  particular me as  a ” pompous  narcissist”.  Popular  form of checking self in a mirror.  Everybody’d say ” Lout’s in love with you!!”  RB bd  problem was Lout kept bragging he ” could  trade this” and  how dumb mgt  was in delays, failed  promises and  bitch- bitch- bitch. Really more our Kansas  Crude and knew so much more  of  OTC invest   never in a mine before  we ALL knew  so we chuckled  and just  kept on keepin on. Lout NEVER organized a  damn thing. He  begged and whined  to attend  a pvt msg bd  I ignored as  a few  real dumbo so’s Jason  can chat  pre-  meet . Fact  was I knew much as Jason as  friend  of  Mgt. last   7 years. What ever I did as an honored guest he’d blast  as  showoff  and  we just  chuckled  at a wannna be. Never  has  halted the  silliness. Here’s latest . Most  too young to recall  Crusader Rabbit  ‘ 40-50’s  B& W TV. HMS Lout holds more sheer crud than cred . Give him a shred and lose my respect as all is a long long lie. Never actually helped a thing I begun. and last year MXSG low gave up by self admit just the latest. Foe of my for is NOT a friend all concerned when blocking progress year and year totally thankless then seeks unearned credit. Pure mindless follower tho, never made a cent on own but true original one a kind all may be thankful, THANK GOD! instead.

“I was  part  of the group that rode GORO from sub $3 to $30. I attended the annual meetings in CO and organized a series of gatherings ahead of those annual meetings. The naysayers about GORO abounded on the message boards at the time. The attacks were harsh and unending. But we knew we had a winner.”

By the time Lout arrived PPS $3 the issue had doubled to 34 million from 18.8 mil at the Aug ’06 OTC listing. Had risen 1,100% above .25 self IPO in March so the few who really were wise were the original 37 holders last offered at .25 in May ’04. Last was Jack Nobel begged Bill to let him wire it in . Bill said OK, $5K and Jack sent $10K and was accepted to complete the pre-IPO. Gave him 40K shares and he died a millionaire just after the rise to $30. Married to Dorly’s best friend and her and Tom’s broker at the time Nobel and Hicks and was “Tired of hearing about your mining millions”. Now there was a wise man really in at the bottom. not 1,100% higher 3 years later.

Moral? Never rely on liars. 8

may note added “whale” for telling whoppers. Now is HMS Great White Whale Lout. One can waste lot of time watching it spout.

At the IPO
Don I. and Dorothera Philips 480,000
Jack Noble 40,000
Don I. and Thomas Phillips 40,000

Count one or the Bio