Man who killed Bin Laden 1

Started  to watch last  night’s and  the  smell around the corner’s  strong. Takes one to know  one and whatever? Guy’s  lying  about  something. Real people will take him out. Nobody  I know  who did  that  would  take  that  story line.  Will turn out dog’s  the hero not  that un. Lot  like being on  Columbus’s  ship and  carrying  the Spanish flag  to give  Admiral of  Ocean Sea’ s after  stepping  ashore;  or 2nd  man on the moon writes a  Me  First  book, or jump up and  down with 2  fingers, “We’re  number  2, we’re number  2!”

Brave  fellow  as them all always  but cigar  goes  to he  first  shot then protected   “Our  Hero”  behind from possible  ladies  exploding since the  tall guy wasn’t vested nor  a  very  good  warrior.  Wouldn’t  you  know?  8

“Former SEAL Team 6 command nor  very good er told the New York Times O’Neill only fired ‘insurance shots’ into bin Laden’s twitching body after the terror leader had already been mortally shot by an unidentified SEAL who is still in the service.

That hero is described as the ’point man’ who led the SEALs up the stairs in bin Laden’s compound to the bedroom where he was hiding.

Another Team 6 member also disputed O’Neill’s version, saying the ‘point man’ had wounded bin Laden with a shot to the side, and then grabbed the women in the room for fear they were wearing explosives. O’Neill, he said, had then finished Osama off.

And Reuters quoted an unidentified source close to a SEAL Team 6 member as saying the fatal shot was fired by one of two other men who entered the room before O’Neill.”

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Cert deposit on and on

This has been going on  since Aug  11 cert reissue for  3  from 2013. The  gift  that keeps  on  giving.


Ameritrade – Christopher Gulick

Today at 3:09 PM

Nov 11

Wouldn’t  be my blog and  not  mention Veteran’s  Day which grew  out  of Remembrance  and  Armistice  Days.  11th hour,  11th day 11th month 1919  treaty  signing   in  France  BUT fighting  went on in many  areas for many  years. Problem soon became was NOT the end  of  wars but  the  basis for many of  the  next. Soviet  Empire/communism, Nazism/Fascism, Ottoman Empire struggles  remains as Zionism/Palestine, and  near  total demilitarization  in ’20s-30’s led to Japan’s Empire late  30’s which Hitler  ganged along  with post  Dec 7,  1941.

Since  war   does  not  end,  celebrate   the  fallen  on Memorial Day for  all wars  but  honor  all who serve, ever, on Nov  11th seems sorta  sane,  Made  LOTS more  sense  after June ’73  when  all volunteer  force meant all wanted  to be  there.  ALL  33 years  WW2, Korea and  VietNam conscription ended.   One  day I looked  around my NATO   Nuke  Strike Base Operations  tower  and realized everyone of my  troops   could  leave some  point  and  the next  hires  would  be  because  they wanted  to .   Growing  up it  seemed  like  death and  taxes so would  it  work?  Many  new conflicts and  41  years later? It  has.

Who’s  a veteran? Federal law  says   A military veteran is “Any person who served for Any length of time in Any military service branch”. Note Any- Any- Any which is  all inclusive.  Requirement  is  to give  up “Screw  off!” civilian noninvolvement    when needed by  your  nation . Status, extra added money,   benefits  don’t  quite  make  up for  that so that’s  what  the  day honors  and  recalls. It’s  gotten better  in  my  time. I park my   Purple  Heart  or  Disabled  Vet  licensed  car  at  Target  and  some will say “Thanks  for  your  service” .  Near  50 years  late  but  welcome.   OK to hate  war  but  honor  the  service.  And  just like  the guy  who  gets it  once  a  year? Be  happy! Today’s  the  day!

Don I Philips,  Captain, USAF, Retired.

zins says:

“And a big ole “Thank You” for your service Don!”

Right back to you, Jake.

I’d  real  doubts as  same  forces were in place NATO and  Far East  even during   years last  idiot  POTUS Carter in 4 short ones   demolished most  preparedness until tossed by Reagan in  ’80.  Build back up to 1st World Power facing  Gorby down till Wall fell  seemed  proper  but the  task that  said  ” We’re back” just  before  Evil Empire fell  in ’90 ( Stage  1 now  running  away in  Stage  2  under  Obama’s  see no evil ) was  sudden  Panama  Incursion full decade  after  Jimmie  gave  away Canal to Noreiga  despotism. Dead  of  night  “BANG” and he  was  in  Florida doing  time.  Was a  “Yes  we  can” hope  needed under Bush 41.  As  always ole  pendulum swung 2 times with  Clinton and  Bush 43  and   we’d  a  World  Organizer  pulling  strings  behind  the  curtain not  out  in front  leading. Present  day?  I’ve   confidence  he’s been  outed  and  will build  Habitat Homes  in  S. Chi. years  ahead. Actually I think it’s  MIchelle  knows  how  to swing  a hammer.   8

Rooster wanna quacker 2?

Let’s let  Rob  tell you  what  a  95K  AuEq open pit   will cost  to bring  on line. Enviro  permit last  Jan  and  ZIPPO construction except  ball mill 75%  now halted not near  to be  on the  grid for  backup to generators . Why  I’m in .027 Mexus  now not MUX 290 mil issue  @1.22, qtr loss   4  cents


El Gallo 2, Mexico (100%)

The Company is evaluating various alternatives to lower both capital and operating costs to make the project financially viable at a lower silver price environment.

In Q3 2014, the Company submitted the last permit for the right-of-way that will connect the El Gallo 2 operation to the Mexican power grid. Approval is expected in the second quarter of 2015. Construction of the mine could begin with power provided by generators with the option of later connecting to the grid.

Based on on-going cost savings studies, the Company believes approximately ,,,$150 MILLION IN  FINANCING !!!!! would be required in order to complete the mine. The El Gallo 2 feasibility study HAS NOTBEEN updated to reflect these possible changes

El Gallo 2: El Gallo 2 is projected to produce an average of 95,000 gold equivalent ounces per year (5.2 million ounces of silver and 6,100 ounces of gold) at an approximate cash cost of $750 per gold equivalent ounce (including all pre-strip and Mexican royalties). All-in sustaining costs have been estimated at approximately $800 per gold equivalent ounce (including an estimated $5 million per year on exploration). Gold equivalent ounces have been calculated by converting silver into gold using a 60:1 exchange ratio.

On January 21, 2014, the Company announced that the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) for the State of Sinaloa, Mexico had approved McEwen Mining’sEnvironmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Change of Land Use permit for El Gallo 2. These are the major permits required before construction can proceed.

The Company has made a temporary decision to defer the construction of El Gallo 2 due to low silver prices. The Company believes silver prices would have to equal $23-25 per ounce before the rate of return would be high enough to move forward with construction. In order to prepare for a possible construction decision later this year, the Company has been evaluating possible debt financing alternatives while advancing the construction of the ball mill, which is the longest lead time item associated with the project. The ball mill is 75% complete and expected to be delivered in Q4 2014.

Studies have now been completed in order to reduce the estimated capital expenditures associated with El Gallo 2. Approximately $20 million in savings is expected in the following areas: 1) reduction in leach tanks, 2) smaller process plant / refinery, 3) modular crushers, and 4) reduction in transformers. These changes are expected to have minimal impact on annual production. To date$10 million of the final construction cost has been spent. Provided the Company realizes on these projected savings and factoring in the funds that have been spent to date, approximately $150 million would be required in order to complete the mine.

Current resources for the complex total 893,271 ounces of gold in the measured and indicated categories and 78,480 ounces of gold in the inferred. Silver resources total 63.9 million ounces in the measured and indicated categories and 14.5 million ounces in the inferred.

Ghost writers in the site

I’m always curious  how folks go about  gaining  information that’s  not  always easy  to come by but  usually  available,  ABSOLUTELY necessary  in  mine  investment,  known where to look.  I have  asked  Longgun to  join forces  as  seems  to know   basics but  turned  down I guess  as a  personal matter.  Hits  on  about  4 cylinders of  8. No idea   of who or  what  has  ever  done.   Realize  PR is  now  done  by  Paul Dent, one  of  2  who bothered  to take my open invitation to visit  Caborca  when Paul felt it OK to take  the  time  necessary  to inform  by  just  looking  hands  and boots on. Usually  a  BLINDING LIGHT conversion  New Testament  style. Dent’s  an Insurance  Broker  but a  very  bright  guy  and  does  best  he’s possible part time . First  thing advised   is  just  check all the  5 email boxes  over  on site   right   to get  PR, SEC, Event, EOD Quotes  and Financials.  Now  and  again  go to Kitco , more press releases,  for  out  weeks  and  look up Tah dah! Mexus . If  you missed it? Is  found. A   good 3rd source  is Bloomberg  Business News as well under   MXSG news ,but that’s  spelled Mexus… from around the  web .
Will most  probable  fill any  gaps like  Aug  19th  OR could  simply  follow  what  I’ve  done  since 2009 , know  more and  invest more than   anyone  else  not not be  shy about it.  Blind  pig  CAN find  the acorn or  be  hand  fed.  Pick em!  As  with most  experts ,  while  in land of  the blind the one  eyed man is  king?  Follow  the  2  eyes and a  developed  sixth sense  instead. Advising  any  to ignore  that  is   near  guaranteed loss of interest. Just  “Hang  On” on the  down hill usually  wont  work. Needs a  real good  reason. Currently  that’s  level  and intensity of palaveration. 8
Oct 20
“I found this update that is not on Mexus’ website nor ihub. “
Oct  24
“The PRs they issue do not even make it to the Mexus website or mailing list, so their visibility, even to current shareholders, is low”
Oct 25
“There was also a recent comment by PT in a ghost PR about how he was pleased with First Pursuit’s progress at the other mine. I checked all of the recent PRs and I couldn’t find the source even though I am positive it exists and was written in a short comment in the last paragraph of one of the recent releases. The ghost PRs really annoy me and I shouldn’t have to ask the company to put each release on their website so we can read the damn things”
No ghost  at  al…. BOO!
Last $0.02 USD
Change Today -0.0031 / -11.07%
Volume 458.6K
MXSG On Other Exchanges

As of 3:01 PM 11/10/14 All times are local (Market data is delayed by at least 15 minutes).
text size: T | T

GlobeNewswire  08/19/2014 6:30 AM ET

Mexus Gold US Reaches Agreement to Begin Drilling Its Julio/Santa Elena Property; San Felix Upda

Is this the week that is

Sorta  recalls 60’s  TW3 . Weekly  satire  of  events by  David  Frost. Came  from BBC but  very  unfortunate did not  bring  really lovely  Millicent Martin across  with. But   was to do USA stuff not  the  Brits version. Folk singer  writer Nancy Ames just  not out of  the same  musical theater venue but  did  write my old N Salinas   neighborhood Porsche  buddies Smothers Brothers TV theme  with Mason  Williams. BBC all on  a little  stage  with  a  big  desk  and  small live  audience in  B&W.



We  hope   what  Is  Is  Is this  week Is the execs  tour  Rancho and  give  Paul a  good  acceptable  offer. 8

Sing glorious.1 of us could drink it all alone!

Should hear by Turkey Day on major or onto a back up who know what he feels it’s worth. Close to a can’t lose as you can get. But got to go with him even if said no to all and another round. But I give it 90% go yet start up in ’14.

“I wish I could get my money returned.”

Now  there’s  one  should  not   cross  the  street alone.  Called  a marketplace and  money  returns  multifold when the  well respected  old  miner  successfully  negotiates  deep water to sell a  Joint  Venture. Doing  so  in  4  years of ownership  is  warp speed among  knowledgeable mine  investors.  Method’s  always  prove it  up  yourself  then offer  for  what  is  known  worth.  Already  done once in  San Felix  this  year .

Are precious  few  with some  awareness on  R B msg  bds and  we  know  the  few . Majority babble  on as  abundant  proof.  8


More bio

Today at 5:51 PM

Bid 2

Spoke  at  noon.  The  DD by  experts  geology side  is  finished  and next  week expect  the  big  Execs  to tour  and  see  for  selves their  results.  Will not  then be  earlier  than  4  weeks  but  they have  the  nod  rights to accept his  needs.  Meantime  he will probably  meet with  next  in  line  by offering to meet them  in  AZ or  Sonora.  Seems acceptable  dealing  to all out in open.  Thing  that  amazes  them  all is  realization  no matter  what it’s NO .025 PPS mine stock.  Any  rise?  some  sell it  back down  and  they know  full feel once  a  deal’s  arranged? Their name  alone on  contract  will  zoom  it  higher.   Funny comment , “I’m waiting  to see  how  big  a  turkey  I can buy”! That’d  be  Wed 26th.

A note.  It  seems standard  biz  dealing in Nome  gold is  share  of  the metal not  cash! You see  the  split  made  on Discovery.  Will not  affect  Northern Pacific cable  11% share, no gold, which goes to  ship investors  ,  and  plan is  nothing  there  until next  March  move  to Kodiak.  But  AuGrabber profit may  be  to Mexus  in  metal. And  I still don’t  fully understand  anything  but  Mexus is a named   backer with shares.  8