Just off with Debbie. They will simply need to include the signed issuing document with the cert. Troub’s the jerks at brokerage can’t seen to unnerstan is many certs go out under one PP offer as a total issued and there’s other people’s information neither them nor I should know on same form. Should be Action Stock Transfer to verify not us. SSN’s , address and tel numbers sometime there with mine.
PT’s in Mexico in serious discussions and she’s hopeful for a resolution soon. Dad aint been to Alaska in good 2 years until checking Paulie’s beautiful 100′ ocean going tug for rigging at Homer. Deb LAUGHED out loud that someone claimed to take a brief looksee spur of moment! Been end of civilized world, actually, “End of the Road” since Homer Alaska’s Motel 6 Tom Bodet’l keep a light out for you!
“Homer, known as the home of Tom Bodet, who does the Motel 6 radio commercials, is also known as The End of the Road, and if you look at a map, you’ll see why”
According to D Camboni Kitco News is just 5 years old. So what in hell I been watching since posting in 2002? Me? I’d fire the narcissistic broad! You GW Lout? could be yo mirror image sister OR you! Nice hair HMS!
“in 1995, when the website Kitco.com was launched’