Die Wacht am Mosel

Means  “Guard  the  Mosel”.  Old  Roman transport  way from Gaul flows to the Rhein and  up stream  south to Alps  or down river to North Sea and  the  world .   “Wacht am Rhein” was Code name  for  Bulge  Battle  by Hitler and old Franco Prussian hatred  anthem from 1890’s. Was  a  ’43  Betty Davis  TCM soapy tear  jerker  movie tonight  BTW.

At  7:16 PM Monday, Oct 27th I picked  my  wife  up off the  kitchen area  floor.  ‘She’d screamed, “OH NO”!!! dropped  the  phone and collapsed     I’d  seen the  Call  ID  “Phillips, Dana” on  TV screen with  Fox  News just  Bill ORiley started. Was  ready  to begin to serve stir  fry  day of  a week’s  leftovers.  She  refuses  to do  half  a  steak or half  a  pack of  chicken beasts so I save  leftovers,  make  a  6  cup rice  maker day before set  to chill in  fridge for  fried  rice,   this  time   ham and  chicken with egg  swirl wok  fried first. All veggies  on hand  from crisper  left over steak slices, other  1/2  chicken breasts  sliced in  ginger, garlic,  lobster  sauce.  I became  very proficient stir  fryer  during my  EdD course  work at  Lubbock, Texas Tech U 1976-78. Keeping  two residences  at  home,  Clyde  east  of  Abilene  I-20 and  M-F at  Lubbock 3 hours  distant NW took a  bit of  scrimpmng on retired   half  pay plus  GI Bill. Cheap chuck beef, veggies in ginger oil.egg fried rice was 1/2 hour prep  after  day’s classes, study in Library  stacks was once the way it had  to be done. Readers  Guide  to Periodical Literature  a  must  know how and  fill out  interlibrary  book loan and wait a  week. About now seems could  do all research in  about a  week online and publish on line  as  well!  Print  out  the  EdD degree and frame  it.

When Dorly  screamed and  swooned my  first  though was  Tom had  hit the  dual turbo  2012 MB  CLS 550 to see  150 MPH  on the  way home  from a  client  and  went  off   in  a  ditch. Thing  was a  wild screamer  she  nor I wished  to bother  with so let  son take it over at  a  great  discount 9  months  in. Has lane  and passing  car   alerts, seat shakers  and  tells  you  all you  really  do not need  to know   to drive well. She  just went  back to her ’11 STS and me the  ’07  STS and  Eclipse  convert.

I pulled her up and she  just  said ” Helmut died”.  He’s  her oldest  friend and  has loved  her  about  30 years longer  than me , had married her  best friend Hilde  and   MIchael,  son is  her God Child . Both , first Helmut  Moog then Mike came  to live in  San Antonio to be near  her. Hilde  just  could never leave Germany.  We  interred  her ashes her   3 years  ago. Cycle’s near finished, Dorly has  two  lady  cousins her  age left in   Germany Oh there’s   2  nieces father’s  side, one  a  Countess .  Her dad  was  the high society’s  butcher ( Fleischer, upscale cuts  and  beef))  a block down Paulinstrasse from  Porta  Negra ( Black Gate )  Roman wall  east   city entrance . Helmut?  Best Goddamn pork butcher ( Metzger) in history  but on lower class  area  N side of  the  river  saved from Patton  artillery assault  by  the  high ridge rise   N above  the Mosel tanks had  a  hard  time passing and  bombing  was tough. Still was  way  he  went  east  to Rhine and  houses to live in  remained.  Helmut  was 5, Dorly  still just  4 , Jan ’45 as he wasted  it all for hard  resistance  and  rushed on   to piss in  the  Rhine.

We  learned  Helmut’d  called  9-1-1 last  Wed  with difficulty breathing.  EMS gave  oxygen  and  eased  up.    Doctor  now  feels was a heart attack  and   next  attack with that damage he  was    unable to  survive. Died  at nearby  Santa  Rosa Hosp.   Westover Hills.   We  were all unaware .  Much as  he  loved  being   a  Texan he never  was  much  an english speaker  and  had he been in  Trier under  that  socialized  care  system he may have  lived  some longer.  Spent  most of time  with german speaking  fellows in  Bandera  area. I’d  answer the door bell and he’d have  some junk mail offer  to translate I’d   just toss  but real reason  was  to  sit  and  talk with Dorly.  Then he’d  go out  to latest  junker   got in some  swap and  drive  away until next visit.  Have over  few times a  year holiday family  stuff.  Sweet,  generous with what he   had but totally  screwed  up all his life.   Remind me  a lot of me without  a  bit of  life success.

He  once invited me  to his  Speisbratten Club meeting  down town Trier. I was  sort of  guest of honor, USAF Captain  hero flyer etc. but  the  group was  ALL the  high ranking  gents of  the  city  who’d   meet to eat and  drink  beer  once a month and Helmut   did  the   meal.  Long loin roast  stuffed  with spices and  herbs and  spit  roasted.  Usually  pork but  if  a  GI’d   get  a beef roast  at  Commissary  he’d  fix  that  up for  a party.  He’d rent out a medieval torture  looking machine  shot  flames  out the side  from wood  fire and  turned   the  long roast  to brown well  hours time  and  slice in  pieces.  Germany  has  2  cuisines , river stuff  with  beer and   upland  with wine.  Speisbratten is  pure beer.

My  Community Relations  advisor  as  52nd  Wing  Public  Information  Officer  was  Curt Felten.  He  once  explained it  all  as Angles,  Saxons,  and  Jutes  with Romans  bringing  grapes  where they  went.  Tribes  went  and  settled  Britain and  during  Dark Ages   Catholic   Monks  maintained   the wine culture  behind  their  walls built  strong  and  up high.  Renaissance    enabled  it  to spread  again  along  the  high valleys  above the  rivers.   Obvious  today is  grapes on  the  hills and  grain and  hops on  the plains.   8


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