Video again

His comments I hear  now are  a  go it alone  path again using  blast  permit  in  January applied  for  to mine  Julio 2  with ball mill. Will plan on  same  old  20 tons  hoist  with all ore  over  .45 oz  to  5.5  oz  seen there.  Avg  may  be  2.55 oz  means  up to 50 oz  daily.  for  $60k before  cost.   Could  earn own $5million in time until $4 mil due in  March to set  up  leach by selves. Seems a  really  good  bargaining  point about  now .  Want  in? Get  up to speed on  that value involved.


You can see  the old  placer  set up when below   in the  Placer  and Hard Rock video from ’12.  One  view  across   flat  from ball mill to large  orange  frame

What’s  really  apparent  is PT’s a  fast  working dirt moving  fool.  Normal high cost  miner ‘d  have 200 out  there  doing  the  same  stuff.  Imagine  is no more than family,  crew foreman,  old , small paid work crew,  and   perhaps  Butch along as a  can do anything needed  guy.     Think he will be back for  Xmas  and  back down   after  New  Year. May be  in Reno area  next  week, not  sure but  Adam said  something may be  his  own family.  I’m in Tahoe  Harvey’s Tue-Sat  and Reno  P Mill till Monday 29th


Some  more  evidence  bids  are not  yet considered  good  enough  or need  to be  prodded  some  is  explosive  permit  which we  held  with JV and  could be a  secure  remote  site. With a  new Sonora  partner  holding  one  would have been no need  so  held  off  until now. We  know  steps  needed  as  a previous  major JV  holder and  are  now   into  2015  with  holidays  involved and  frankly  I’ll opt  for  100%  by  running placer for  some  cash operating  to wait on  Julio  2 come  Mar.   Takes  guts  but  tell the  major  we’ll  just  be  their rich neighbor  and  wave  on  way to the Sonora  First National Bank. Fuel’s  1/2  a  year  ago when  selling  San Felix.  POG near  same.

Can see is now above on ridge bit SW as hills run from valley SW to NE highest on W side of Mex 2. New larger dug ponds are sited at old placer screen run with old loading chute still below. Mill is the iron posts sticking up at R parking area. White semi trailer is generator. White Pick Up is by the current well. Seems to be planning some serious placer starting Jan.


Had on mute  so watched no sound. Yes, doubled placer  screen is  on loader below  to R of  water truck, Sluce  will be  set  up  on  red  frame  down to settle  pond.  Was  from L to R  little incline, now  from Up to Down steep.  Not  as  far away  as was once  planned with pads later  so’s to use  the old disturbed  area  no  reclaim  needed.  Sounds  to me is a  firm plan set to go alone  if  not a  decent  JV offered.  Cash  from placer  for  fuel and  steel. Apply  for  own  blast permit    in  Jan after  holidays  with army  approval and  dig   big  cash out  from Julio 2   adding  to San Felix  pay off  in  March.  Someone’s  going  to be sorry  never  up to scratch since  Oct.

Blast   explosive storage  is granted some  period after applied for and  renewed  annual after inspection.  Mexus  private  family owned    has  NO Ejido  concerns  which caused  delay of  about  6 months  for Metalica  back in   Oct ’05 to Feb  2006. Fresnillo had  same with area    residents  blocking  last year at  Noche Buena and  few others  I recall.  Seems another  damn good  reason  for  a  reasonable JV offer!8



2 thoughts on “Video again”

  1. Thanks for the update, Eight. I’ve sent in another check to help with the start-up costs to get the Placer mine up and running. It’ll be nice to be back in production in the near future. Marty

    1. That’s a nice gesture Marty. Shoestring may be it. Decision was await much expense but it is B family’s assured cash crop last 150 years The boys talk of weekends & out of school crisscrossing posted gridlines with metal detector until surface was damn cleaned off and had to uncover some depth to be in detect range. Came down to Julio as youngest as the mule. Should see the way he divides area with the beep. Quick pass to side you came, move back over to hear again , hand shovel toss shallow pile aside listen at spot then to toss and start splitting off to uncover metal. If moves is in what you move; lucky if not a bottle top or horse shoe nail. 15 seconds, move on.Takes real muscle like a weights work out in shadeless heat. BUT a nugget is pure 92% cash money in Caborca. 8

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