Satin sheets

Don’t  get me  wrong. I’d  kiss  a pig to have  a  NYC $3  bil holding/ Ad  company  writing  over  expansive  slick shit. Would  add immediate  $1.50 to a  5  cent  PPS like   G Q $145 mil est  costs still  in  DESIGN stage.  Entire exploration stage  since  09/09  to 12/13 was  well under  $14 mil  and  has  been looking  for  about  $4-5 mil to complete  production. On similar   mine basis  should be  coming  in  $120 million under  cost and  NO  15%  wiggle  factor.

Know  Tehachapi  well.  G’dad, 2  sons  and  mom’s  brother  drove  weekly ’40-’41  to    construct big  hangers at  Muroc Dry Lake  (Corum backwards)   became  Edwards  AFB.  Drove  up grade winter  ’41 to see  first  snow  and  toss  snowballs  at  brother.  Something  strange  for  bare foot hot  tar  roads, cheeks of  tan, boys.

Bakersfield  had odd  RR stations  with  Sante  Fe  mid  town   from San Francisco  via  central valley  and coast  rt   So Pacific  E side   town down to LA and  over  Tehachapi grade  to  Barstow/Needles. Had  to transfer  via  Trailways  ( Santa  Fe  bus)  to  leased  SP track  to continue  until  ’60s.  Driving   across   nation I’d  visit  G parents in  Oildale  and  cut  across  T’ch summit to  Vegas  then   Flagstaff or  Phoenix  depending   route to  E .8



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