Sick semper

If you  don’t  buy a  $1  beer  and  take  25 , .04 shares? When it  hits  a  dollar?  Buy a  24 bottle  case! And  get   that   same $1  deposit empties. Strategic thinking  over  fuzzy Hillary tactical.

Just  me  or  are the  weirdos  on MXSG bds  getting  even sicker?  Untreated  mental conditions  do trend to progress.  Someone  thinks  selling  a  truck bed  press  is Mexus  out of  business.  If   he  is disposing of a whole bunch of   useless  stuff good riddance. I don’t  think he’s  made  a  water  truck since  taking  on  Rancho and  driving  one  down  with  DOT serial on the  side.  Red  one  in  lots  of  pics.  Gold  Resource  has  no actual connection  to Mexus  at  all except my  own  emails  on  progress  or  not.  They took on 18.4% JV Canamex  Nye  Cnty NV  for  $2  mil earlier  this year with only  exploration  and  drilling plans  for  quite  awhile.  Not  exactly  flush cut back from  annual .72 div to .36 to  .12  this  last  year.  Sure  no extra  $5 mil I’m aware.  In Dec  spent  greatly  to double  float  operation. Hochschild  still owns  17% and   5 institutions  just  12% total….  Note  my  own Gold Resources  msg bd  has  MORE MXSG  % than that them 5.  NEED is  metal due  on line sometime!  And  will NOT be  split  with institutional/JV investors it  now  appears .

Comstock Lode turned  down  a  JV offer at  Mexus start up  made due  to close  association in VA City over years  same  period   2010-11 working to begin production on American Flat where  he  took the used  MC plant  off  their hands.  Production costs  are  still very  high with no loose  $3-5 mil in  treasury.  Would’ve  needed  John Winfield’s  approval and  I say a  total NO WAY there  from  CA big  money  backers.

Both companies have  financing   requiring   most  expensive  NEW equipment  or  holders  will shut  them down. Mexus  just has  the  sickos  he ignores and  does  as is  needed. which eventually  will succeed.  I know  that  3  possible  names  and  probably  even more  are  of  interest.  Sonora  Resource  did  NOT have  the  funds  but  some  good  reason perhaps  for someone larger  did  do the  flow  charts  seen. I saw  the  name on  both. PenMont neighbor  has  been low  balling  family  for years  and  AuRico  of late  expressed  probably  the  rejected  offer.   Imagine  next  PR involves recent loan to move  Placer  with permission to begin ASAP.   Sure  not  in any  loop  but  that’s  quite  obvious  next   chess  opening  as  a  pawn advance .  Opens  Julio as   bishop and  Heap as  queen and  game ‘s  afoot. 8

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