Home again, jiggity jig

Latest  babbling  brainless wonder and how  hilarious  daily  attacks  on Mexus  Paul and  me are from sillies  wouldn’t  know   a gold mine if it  jumped  their leg like  a St  Bernard in heat.

“I think he makes these conjectures to keep people in the stock to buy Paul more time but only can do it so long till credibility is shot”

My  cred is based on pretty total honesty  what I hear and know. I am NOT Inside !  Near none  we  read  have  even a portion  that IMHO. But  is  fun to  hear the children at play like noisy   out  for  recess and  teach gets a  sanity break.  Unfortunate  these  can read what I think but  can’t process  due shit for brains.   PT’s not  buying  time, busy selling  half  a million oz  gold   “Drive 2 hrs 48 mins 162 mi”  from home where he  does our day to day  business, recall?  Lucky  he  can walk and  chew  gum! What  time it  buys is  for  bright minds to buy  at  a ridiculous  PPS as final days  tick away there   up I 80 a tad. Gold simply  sits in  Sonora  going  no place until he lets  half   of it go in  another’s pockets to finally  finance  fattening  ours .




Even the  most  brainless  simple  lout, and  we’ve  quite a  few announcing mental status ,  must  realize  reason I am told  nothing  is  I tell all what I reasonably  feel I can deduce to all soon as I think I can say it.  It’s owed he’s  aware to any  who read and listen. Yesterday I FNALLY got  PT to say Argonaut, a name I’ve  been using  with him now  for months!!! the only possible  TSX  mine  company  in  HQ in  Reno is NOT the name he’s  ironing  out  the  contract on last  week.   And  the  reason,….IT’S NOT a public  miner  but  a  small  investment group able  to meet there no long distance  flying involved either  way.   I posted  that  about  30 min later and the brainless  picked  it  right  up to blabber nonsense  since.   Butch is listed  as advisor  and  erstwhile  director,  check org  chat if they ever have,   but  runs  own logging  operation N off  I 80 in  Sierras    so on way back to Sacramento  Dr visit  involving   eye  surgery  recovery going  on  since  his  wife’s  death last  year  stopped in  to assist  old  friend  needing some  advice  he’s area’s  expert ,WATER TRUCKS required for  environmental license to operate under  EPA.   Kind  of person he  is  and you need  to really detest any who think a  man would  do otherwise. But  there  we’re  stuck with the louts, Great  and  small.

Matthew 7:20

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.


Realize all this is  after  20 min “I can’t tell you  that ” as  he  drove  I-5 S by Elk  Grove 20 mi to R turn Walnut  Grove  on  river. Left  Reno early  to go by Butch’s logging ops to fix  his  water  truck problems. He’s Mr. Pauls’s  Water trucks , recall?  I try my  best  to interpolate  all am not  allowed  to know. And  while  nice to know  HMS GW Lout  sill hangs  my  every  golden dipthong?  I think I said  after  left Wed  for Thurs  Dr  apt he’ll  go back  when they ask.  Lout  runs  about  2 weeks  behind,  ever. Some generous  soul  explain difference retort  vs  retard. Bit  slow on the up take  BUT  He  aint heavy….



.  Finally pinned it down is NOT Argonaut  but yes  is now a  group of investors operating  from   Reno;  no longer  saying   a Canadian  miner  HQ there. So makes  sense with events changing. Will then most probably  be a private company   as minority JV.  Needing  a MD apt  tomorrow  or  would  still be   talking so will go back  when they wish more  face to face  while  details worked out enough to satisfy  PT it  can work. Still no give in the Mexus  side  below  what he’ll accept  with what  we offer.  Best prospect  in  that  area.  They  are  also aware he’s  still getting feelers  from several others so he  believes  early   next week meet will hammer out  their best  for him to take  or  walk away.  As I say  the  flexibility seems rests  with the  Reno group.  No stock involved  and  enough cash for Mexus  to operate  without  long term debt or farther  dilution and  the mine plan paid  by  them. while  the mill starts to operate  asap. So latest  word? No two weeks, just  week and a  half. Progress!

Submitted on 2015/05/13 at 10:43 pm | In reply

That’s  go it alone  option.  My understand is they’d be buying minority position in all but placer family deal. We are majority operator and do the blast and haul until their mine plan hits the deck after using their cash to set up and buy all necessary. More they pay and thus more they own more they share IF they satisfy PT’s deal for us the owners of Mexus. 8

Submitted on 2015/05/13 at 9:41 pm

“Is the mill a separate entity from the JV in terms of negotiations or is the investor group also looking to own a piece of that as well?

Originally I thought Pt was looking for a blast contractor to help the operations with a percentage of 25% or so but I could be mistaken.


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