Aint down yet

Pick your  own quote where’s no need  to explain a  thing. Meantime  own abuse is  on  record  OR’s some using  the alias  recent?  You attack me  endlessly  and also any  who seem to defend that view.   Feel free  to wish a  self  distruct  but  that way madness lies , said the  King  learingly….. another   laugh.  God  save  the King and  long  live   Tom Swifties! Light em if  ya  gottum.’s+too+short+quotes&rlz=1T4GUEA_enUS603US603&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=b56RVYOEGYqisAWunJqYDg&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1600&bih=684


Must be pleasant  for  self-important stinking  piles  of  vomit  to have  one  scapegoat  to blame  for all ills in a small  life.   Was my  belief I expressed my  feelings  on excessive  delays  and  quite  correct probably   one who CAN call for  a  quick response forth coming.  Wait  for  10K  Tues  was  last  comment I recall.  Meantime  took a  $10K personal loan to  cash carry us  through the 16 week hip replacement  recovery  and  am cancelling  Alaska trip  come  Aug  14th.  Cruise is OK but   long flight  to from Vancouver has   thrombosis  risk too serious in  surgeon’s  opine.  Thus  haven’t  sold a damn thing  and  can wait  yet on better  times.  So for  stinkin piles of  shit  wishing  disaster on all?  We  got  your  number as  always.  Perhaps  just  about  most  down period  in  last  decade  or  2 for  a pretty  genuine and  honest plain speaking  human being and pile  shit on was their  game,  Some  folk too stupid  for a generous  diety   to even allow  to exist.

This one must be IN the  toilet, cover  closed


GoldbuggyJun 27 10:20
“Any chance Paul and 8 are the same guy?”
This  silly  sod  has  a need  to explain us  Rabbie  Burns  most  famous  quote.   What such   mouse  hole existence  is  there?  Tiny eye ball peers out come  night fall.   Laughing   out  loud, life  feels better  already.   Cockpit combat   humor always pulled  through some  fashion and  they were  poor  shots… at least  at  me,   usually. Some  similar  small guy   got   left  engine  with a  steel AK-47  when about  100 feet  below and can’t  miss. ” Hey, I’m 15 feet  right!” Carried  the  slug , (golden BB) in  a RX bottle  rest of  career.   8. 
aringbearer Jun 26 18:48

1 2 3 4 5
“”The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft agley” (often paraphrased in English as “The best-laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry”)”

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