Imagine if were BAD news!

8thaero Tuesday, 09/15/15 03:10:22 PM
Re: 8thaero post# 2551
Post # of 2558 
Speak o wicked witch of NW, seemingly last RB poster. Turn out the lights when you leave, they’re the one’s near broke. MXSG remains OTC BB full compliance miner some really bright Canadians are sticking pins in and drawing fine conclusions. But any listened ever’ve known that since at least my Oct ’11 visit. That’s Tom’s detected nugget you see. Mine from placer run’s a lot bigger but has some white quartz ( stuff runs all the way up 6KM to hill top seen for Mex 2). Check yo 3rd grade arithmetic darling. 1% of a pence looks like .0001; off by 15,000% I think but like a tiny IQ is confusing down in nanos. It’s the really brights buying IN that’s notable running to millions in 2 days. But Jr and 3rd’s off to the Nome gold fields until freeze up for shake down. PT’s been like a gold blur AK to Mex & SAC to change sox between. Recalls Chicken Man “He’s everywhere he’s everywhere!” We know sad but saddest when we see it! Tongue and pen? What might have been! And is time pure wasted in reply to evil. Kick rocks and check under bigger ones for a life. 8


stocktradeup 15:53 Yesterday

new low…now 1% of one cent. How is this stock still listed?

Anyone know how Paul Junior’s cable pulling is going? How many Mexus assets they have now?”At this fraction of 1% it’s probably not worth it for one of Paul’s mistresses to keep turning in her stock for cash.
Sad. Very sad

2 thoughts on “Imagine if were BAD news!”

  1. Hey Don, just NOT on board with the “boards”!

    My last chat with Paul was very enlightening! He had just got back from AK for a quick nap in Walnut – To head down to MX to sign Mexican legal doc’s next morn. er.

    As for Paul Jr. ? Folks need to know not one penny of the North Pacific Gold venture comes from MEXUS shareholders PERIOD! a hand full of MEXUS shareholders see it as a “side pot”. Put it to bed PLEASE!

    On the cable pull, it’s a very “FUTURE” concept that is very worthy of pursuing! Not near term but the fact that Paul Has the “EARS” of many of the Tribes from OR to the Bering Sea has me with interest. 9# of bare copper per second? Millions per year, tribes have concern over environmental conditions as plastic linings break down with time – lotta other alloys involved. Problem from my standpoint is cooperating Fed Agencies not disclosing info on where a bouts.

    AR has his promise that all through Juilo goes through them before published – I’m so onboard! They already have muscle pushing things SOUTH that is in line with the outlying producers – not to mention that the Ole Man is spending very little in the meantime – other than “HIS” “TIME” to make something “HAPPEN”.


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