ihub 1st amend war!

ihub has removed me telling you of a Marine Hero shareholder?That’s it… WAR. Total 1st amend violation. Advise all to leave ihub forever . Assholes can post but two medal bound flyers can’t greet. AMAZING misuse free speech! Outa here. We’ll meet again in an honest place. Check blog before this is bye bye next. 8

“You are precariously close to receiving posting restrictions due to TOS violations.

Please get back on topic about the company and the stock, only. Comments about the people who post on the board, deletions, etc., are off topic at minimum. ”


Post # of 9355 

So after 4 years owned , WHY does one, newbie GBG, not get reply post? Because you allow someone to take down all our PPS value with lies we have proven before you remove the proof. Sure not hard working OTC establishers friendly. I’d say get fucked but think we already have.

You are precariously close to receiving posting restrictions due to TOS violations.

Please get back on topic about the company and the stock, only. Comments about the people who post on the board, deletions, etc., are off topic at minimum.

When/Why Messages Are Deleted

When/Why Messages Are Deleted

How’s for a forum where  welcoming a personal friend American hero shareholder’s NOT off topic but an attacking law suit no relation  nut ball is?  8



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