Today at 4:33 PM
Bantam rooster
Posted by 8thaero » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:30 pm
As kids in Oildale along with Buck Owens who eventually took over the River Theater for his Bakersfield Sound HQ; mom bought us Banty chickens for a wire pen in the back yard on Decatur which became Olive Drive which ran from Kern River and Standard Oil bonanza oil field west a bit more to the Santa Fe Tracks where steam trains went chuga chuga Whoo Whoo all night. Laid small brown eggs but the rooster strutted and crowed like giant cock o the walk. Guess who? 8 … ORM=RESTAB … ORM=RESTAB
where I saw Wizard of Oz ’40 age 3. The Tin Man scared me silly so Ma had to take me to the lobby. Never really warmed to Jack Haley again
Refers to a real asshole on a message board
Chicken pluckers
Not speaking of ihub rooster so best be here. Up in San Fran I’d an aunt in Marysville raised 50,000 leghorn layers and buffed eggs and cleaned hen house sawdust/straw/poop in wheel barrows summers untii hi school down in Prunedale where we brooded 300 of our own . Case a week for Poultry Producers then age finally gets them and they stop. So each sunday brother and I’d hook a leg and wring the neck of one after another. Along with natural causes about 5 years later we’d Beauty, mom’s fave left. Beauty laid double yolks daily and when she cackled loud one of us’d go fetch it usually the youngest. Beauty got Mom’s pardon and finally passed of old age before she moved to N Salinas after 10 years in the country. She’d trained a year to become a LVN and did not want to drive to work BUT we’d had to take a daily 11 mile bus ride all of high school that really limited after school activities. Finally got a janitor job at a Ladies store and could afford the .25 Greyhound ticket after study at the Carnegie Library on Main. Greyhound’d stop at the Crazy Horse Canyon sign and trot 1/4 mile home by moonlight. Now a giant overpass on 101 hill last in Monterey before Santa Clara county line. 8