On the old Comanche Trail NW of San Antonio used by US Cavalry Col RE Lee on travels to well- protected Fort Mason were the small towns of Welfare and Comfort. Now is along US 87 all the way to N Montana near Canadian border. In 1861 offered command by Lincoln, Lee resigned to serve his native Country Virgina and there hangs the tale.
In the words of a Cavalry commander just pre WW1
Leadership Address by Maj C. A. Bach, Giving Farewell Instructions to the Graduating Student Officers of the Second Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, Wyoming, in 1917
“I refer to the paternalism that manifests itself in a watchful care for the comfort and welfare of those in your charge.”
After 1865 Lee’s war lost, most renown US Cavalry leader was Lt Col. G.A. Custer. In 1973 I had a new Spangdahlem Germany Air Base Wing CO fresh from Viet combat who was fond of quoting Custer saying ” On officer sees to the horses first then take cares of welfare and comfort of the soldiers. Got so tiresome I rose at a formal Wing Officer’s Dining In and proposed a toast to my 1/16th Native American heritage “Who took care of Custer his horses and his men!”. Our Col stopped the repetitious reference after that.