Re: scheduled maintenance *today*
Nimble computer guy might search a tad. Free but that’s not cheap for the value when someone took responsibility for directing its use. Obviously a desert wasteland since told go away on Oct 20. Simply quit the bother held fault that I did not control.. I just use it to document ihub criminal stock manipulation and if really good shit? post on my personal blog this warped off of in ’16.
Re: scheduled maintenance *today*
This is obviously not a important reply or post . Since it’s my business being in IT . Curiosity gets to me. If this is a standalone server and not in the cloud why the server does not have a redundant dual power supply? I’m hoping it’s because the hosting is very cheap or perhaps self hosted
This will probably be the longest post for me since I’m below a novice in gold mining, instead of an expert in computers.
This will probably be the longest post for me since I’m below a novice in gold mining, instead of an expert in computers.
scheduled maintenance *today*
There will be a scheduled outage today from 2-4pm US-Eastern
to replace a failing power supply for the server that hosts this website.
to replace a failing power supply for the server that hosts this website.