Spoke Mon 7th

I know Dent’s  been hoping  to say SOMETHING positive sometime but  I pushed hard still  to get  the  placer  move  out now.  Will be  cash income flow  start. Few  weeks  past had  moved  up to 8  on  list  to be  issued. So finally  ripened  and  fell  off vine.

What’s  been in  hand all along now  has  been  the  most  valuable possible, an unusual 30 year  operation  permit with renewal. Before anything new  tho, environmental needs  to count  cacti and  that’s  done. If  you  check GRC’s  history they began growing stuff to replace flora while  a building . So placer gets moved above but  old  ponds still used down by  mill which remains as  built, both expanded and enclosed with need. Placer  was  rebuilt last  year  but  needed  to move  to operate higher  up still from  lower quartz  zone near  endless  supply  with LOTA dirt  to wash out. Mill remains  in place, will always  use  above  .25  oz  from any  source , shafts, veins  shear  zone. Other  than placer ( apparent  the  .042 oz figure  on  charts. ) all lower  grade  gets  crushed  and leached. Placer process use is  as  both fine  gold  AND sizeable  nuggets  are  the product  with no leach time  and effort. Can pocket  the  cash.  Mill needs  blast, lift, haul, crush, mill and  recover  but  lots  more  money out. Leach pads  take  most  effort  and  time  but  completed   will be  pouring  buttons weekly for  the  most product. That  MC plant I know  since  2004  was in  a max  50X 50  area  at GSPG American Flat final expansion. Not  a  major  project. That’s  the  ponds and pads shaped  and  lined  heat  weld  vinyl but  done  as  you  go.

Bigger  and  many  more ponds will go in  the placer area but  there’s new current  need  to assure by  Lemas  that  will be a  barren area while  he  still maps  the shear  zone resource.  Same goes for  pad  placement. They THINK they know but  old idea  of  what’s  there keeps  changing with discovery which aint  all that bad.

I’ve  said  the  flow  charts  are REALLY rough to take  past just time  line  with  poor  figures to work with, even the  calendar hard  to see practical. I assumed  Sonora  Resources whipped  something  up quick and   he  just  went  with what  he  had  to show. They  were NEVER an official bidder. I now  think he’s  working  the  original 2  entrants I still believe  are  Timmins and  PenMont. Aurico screwed  the  pooch in time  wasting  apparently  but  sometimes  being  richest  guy in  Mexico gives something  can  drag to another  desires it  more.  Nothin  I can prove, just  logic.

What  I can say undoubted is  he’s damn tuckered and  if  any had  been close  to right  for  Mexus  they’d  already  be aboard. Not  doing  this all for himself as  70 mil gonna make  him pretty  rich. Also wants  to be  in  charge  of it  all to protect the  find  of  a lifetime for  both holders  and  the  family who are  the most patient  and hard  working of all. Minor  exception noted.  All’s  in? Looks  like  August if  the  next  week progresses  well. And  that’s  right on  the  low  chart $48K. POG 1,200 , POS 18; about  15% low  now. And  for once  I’m VERY pleased  sky pie  time  once  again!

“Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
   As the swift seasons roll!
   Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
   Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!”


O.W. Holmes Sr ,  Chief Justice’s dad

Ollie  seemed  unaware it  just  adds  on and  lives  in  the  last  built  chamber as  it  grows  for  15  years. Been around  for  500 million years  now and  called  a living  fossil. Make me  feel welcome aboard. 8

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