Elsa we’ll always have Placer

IT’S not in  the  2011 for  40%  family   up to $2  mil contract; a  separate  deal totally between some  Mexus  part and  family   but  can be   changed  as seen   25% royalty for  much more  product.  I’d  just  skip any  thoughts,  accept  a  constant  Mexus  $75%. He  added another  1000 htcs  not  in family  40% ever  at  all.

Can you  really see  a good reason to pay  a  cent extra  to look for more than  $1  billion to begin  since  you need  to drill to expand   basic  pit  by  assay grades after  you’re already  making millions? You have Comstock drilling 5 years  before  making a penny  to satisfy NYC bankers  at well above  $50 mil  gone for  assay log or  GRC making  decision  to just  go get it after  initial year   in oxide pit?

Figure  to have  least  15 sq Ks down to 800′ with  .042  oz up to 5.5 oz  ton and  that  SOMETIME next  decade  may find  is  a  bunch more  before  China.  My kinda  odds and  plenty  time  to learn Mandarin.

Meantime   getting  mucho word  count value  for  blog price  and  la, la, la, la  life  goes  on.

Dumb  shitheads  have  to tell they read  it  all here direct  from the  InfoDolt or  admit to  not  know   their ass  from  “a hole in the ground with a liar on top”. 8


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