I told Doody I lost my appreciation of his analysis when he’d picked GRC well outside usual requirements for investing THEN no notice dumping it after enormous success and falling like the rest he had used normal processes. And yes abut time CEO switched but not exactly same time. Means I’d never trust his values again never using them ever before and was ME not him got things going in 2002. He’s NO awareness for explorers only big time big names. Doing 55/45 is tough and I’m usually 4 of 5, 80%
Fewer and fewer booths. Need an app that has a curtain! In Big Easy on annual retreat and connect Fri. with annual cruise in Miami with family 5 E Carib Virgin Isles on New NCL Getaway.
Actually Super Nav was my sqdn unofficial handle as a Strategic Nav Bomb flying Tactical stuff readng Stars and Stripes with occasional glances at a radar scope saying. ” Left and climb to avoid that thunder bumper please!” Pull a quick flight plan out of ass after good weather brief and “let’s go , crew” were the days and a bunch like today seeking onward through the gloom. 8