I just fail to see how continued mystery helps the situation. For damn sure not any of us. If they’re buying? Buy already. If we’re selling? SELL already. At least one side is still a possible loser and so far looks like us and guilty until proven innocent . Not pleasant but true. Will post after 27th close and hope unneeded. I’d LOVE to be encouraging but it requires ANSWERS not more questions. OR promises to give answers. PR 8 WEEKS ago was obviously not correct any agreement reached to be announced in weeks. Are we working on THAT near agreement or another near agreement or something total different on the 19th? 8
“May 13, 2014 8thaero 1
RB Site down since Sun. Spoke just now 1:30 CDT and big made offer and he sent back as can agree. Will travel there when ready to sign. Soon as he has firm news will be out. Says he’s happy and so will we be. Long as no RB? Can say about f’ing time! Working on 8thaero.com site for blog and mails. Secure