All posts by 8thaero

Sick semper

If you  don’t  buy a  $1  beer  and  take  25 , .04 shares? When it  hits  a  dollar?  Buy a  24 bottle  case! And  get   that   same $1  deposit empties. Strategic thinking  over  fuzzy Hillary tactical.

Just  me  or  are the  weirdos  on MXSG bds  getting  even sicker?  Untreated  mental conditions  do trend to progress.  Someone  thinks  selling  a  truck bed  press  is Mexus  out of  business.  If   he  is disposing of a whole bunch of   useless  stuff good riddance. I don’t  think he’s  made  a  water  truck since  taking  on  Rancho and  driving  one  down  with  DOT serial on the  side.  Red  one  in  lots  of  pics.  Gold  Resource  has  no actual connection  to Mexus  at  all except my  own  emails  on  progress  or  not.  They took on 18.4% JV Canamex  Nye  Cnty NV  for  $2  mil earlier  this year with only  exploration  and  drilling plans  for  quite  awhile.  Not  exactly  flush cut back from  annual .72 div to .36 to  .12  this  last  year.  Sure  no extra  $5 mil I’m aware.  In Dec  spent  greatly  to double  float  operation. Hochschild  still owns  17% and   5 institutions  just  12% total….  Note  my  own Gold Resources  msg bd  has  MORE MXSG  % than that them 5.  NEED is  metal due  on line sometime!  And  will NOT be  split  with institutional/JV investors it  now  appears .

Comstock Lode turned  down  a  JV offer at  Mexus start up  made due  to close  association in VA City over years  same  period   2010-11 working to begin production on American Flat where  he  took the used  MC plant  off  their hands.  Production costs  are  still very  high with no loose  $3-5 mil in  treasury.  Would’ve  needed  John Winfield’s  approval and  I say a  total NO WAY there  from  CA big  money  backers.

Both companies have  financing   requiring   most  expensive  NEW equipment  or  holders  will shut  them down. Mexus  just has  the  sickos  he ignores and  does  as is  needed. which eventually  will succeed.  I know  that  3  possible  names  and  probably  even more  are  of  interest.  Sonora  Resource  did  NOT have  the  funds  but  some  good  reason perhaps  for someone larger  did  do the  flow  charts  seen. I saw  the  name on  both. PenMont neighbor  has  been low  balling  family  for years  and  AuRico  of late  expressed  probably  the  rejected  offer.   Imagine  next  PR involves recent loan to move  Placer  with permission to begin ASAP.   Sure  not  in any  loop  but  that’s  quite  obvious  next   chess  opening  as  a  pawn advance .  Opens  Julio as   bishop and  Heap as  queen and  game ‘s  afoot. 8

R shares

last  PP was March @ .05,  487K dated  Ap 18 I picked  up on May  5  visit .  Tossed on  top of  quite  a  few  million  still restricted  in   file  cabinet for  Mexus  Biz.  In June?  spent  $250   petty  cash in 4  acts  to take  5500 , each small trade  costs  $9.99, to keep  closing   near  even.   Any sale at  all would  be   over 50% loss.That’s  not  a  very  good  game.  Find  another  culprit .  Since under  .05?  Been  1,326,800 or  663,400 exchanged  hands by sale/buy That’s  a whopping   1/4% of  237 mil issued. NOT a  run on the  bank. Seems  folks  with 10K/ 20K or  so taking  a  loss  most  days.  Hardly  a   mining  giant  accumulation to pressure  for  control. I usually  term lack of  good  news awhile in  a  news  driven share.  I believe any  current  financing  is  at  10%  not shares  but ???  not  at all involved . I ALWAYS refuse  those  wishing  to  see  instead a  BIG   long term rise  for my cash  not  a   nice  profit short  time.   Me  BIG TIME  mover- shaker- plunger- spender!  8


Satin sheets

Don’t  get me  wrong. I’d  kiss  a pig to have  a  NYC $3  bil holding/ Ad  company  writing  over  expansive  slick shit. Would  add immediate  $1.50 to a  5  cent  PPS like   G Q $145 mil est  costs still  in  DESIGN stage.  Entire exploration stage  since  09/09  to 12/13 was  well under  $14 mil  and  has  been looking  for  about  $4-5 mil to complete  production. On similar   mine basis  should be  coming  in  $120 million under  cost and  NO  15%  wiggle  factor.

Know  Tehachapi  well.  G’dad, 2  sons  and  mom’s  brother  drove  weekly ’40-’41  to    construct big  hangers at  Muroc Dry Lake  (Corum backwards)   became  Edwards  AFB.  Drove  up grade winter  ’41 to see  first  snow  and  toss  snowballs  at  brother.  Something  strange  for  bare foot hot  tar  roads, cheeks of  tan, boys.

Bakersfield  had odd  RR stations  with  Sante  Fe  mid  town   from San Francisco  via  central valley  and coast  rt   So Pacific  E side   town down to LA and  over  Tehachapi grade  to  Barstow/Needles. Had  to transfer  via  Trailways  ( Santa  Fe  bus)  to  leased  SP track  to continue  until  ’60s.  Driving   across   nation I’d  visit  G parents in  Oildale  and  cut  across  T’ch summit to  Vegas  then   Flagstaff or  Phoenix  depending   route to  E .8



Sweet PR’s?

Any work in Mexico  my  understanding  by  family  is  for  expenses to increase  share  worth.  Contracted  guys  get  paid for  time as   mine  expenses  no salary.

Guess  someone  should  ask for  Mexus  US payroll breakout.  I’d  not heard of a  change and  last  I knew  Paul’s  Water Co  was a  tel number  on  Caller  ID but  Mexus  popped  up as  well depending on  line  used  I assume.. Fact  is  I’d  expect  them  to be  paid  a  decent  wage  for good  work in  2  person  work force.  I  know  Deb drives  and  hour so I assumed  still lives   in  area  they developed but???

It’s  NYC financial $3  billion holding  bunch making  giant  splash  as  OWN miner  in  addition  to beef  and oil ventures.  Get  MAD MAN stuff  direct. YOU pay for  it  and  PT ‘ll spread  it  deep and  wide. To me  smells  to high heaven.  NOBODY mine  worth $1.50 overnight tawk about  GRQ!  NOPE, was  $3.50 3  years  ago. Makes  MXSG .10 and  most  happy same  time. I’m not interested  in  way to Desert  Warfare  Center! Ft  Irwin. Imagine  wind  blows much them 100’s w’mills  mills  in  background? ? 8


Recently local news

Leucadia IS Madison Ave.  Any  wonder  is  slick shit?

“At December 31, 2013, our holding company had $3.1 billion in available liquidity. For more information, see Item 7,

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

At December 31, 2013, we and our consolidated subsidiaries had 14,647 full-time employees. Our global

headquarters and executive offices are located at 520 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Our primary telephone

number is (212) 460-1900 and our website address is




Few more tree branches on Org Chart

Support  Org added.  NONE of rest of  Thompson family get  paid much of  anything  for  Mexus after  CEO’s  zero salary.  It’s  the  water  company  office  and  workshop. Unless  they are  on chart ZILCH!!! Why  lie? This    one  pocket  to another less  than arm length  has NO possibility to compare  to Mexus Mexico.


Have you  even LOOKED at  the Golden Queen  CA project cap cost  of  $114 million?  What’s  there  is an empty  shell bldg  and a  PAVED parking  lot  for  now  $8  million in  the  TOUGHEST  mine  requlation ,but  seems  permitted,  in  the  WORLD. My  feeling  it’s a  money figure used   one pocket  to another  with no real  huge funds  changing hands. Leucadia’s ’12  merger  of  Jefferies  I know  from financing Comstock Lode. Other  JV  is  Auvergine   actually the  Clay family who own the  mine. Strange  operation.  And  there’s almost  NO place  in  CA  far away from  electricity  but  I bet  will use own generation.  Selling aggregate is  usually a  sham figure as says  leached  and  rinsed over  time. Would  be  10-20 years  down line and  I’ve  NEVER seen abandoned  pad  sold  off from  hundreds  of  mines. There’s  20 miles   blowing  smoke  here  stretching  half  way   back to  Bakersfield  over  Tehachapi summit!.  Back way  I-5  to I-15 Barstow and Vegas with more  pure rock than about  any  place  in  the  USA.  Dirt  cheap means  EXACTLY that!

Total capital cost to build the project is now US$114 million, which includes a contingency of 15%

The total capital cost including $10.5mm in working capital and mobile mining equipment is now US$141 million

~US$8 million has been spent to date (March 31, 2014

The Company also plans to process and sell leached and rinsed residues from the heap leach operation for a range of uses to local and regional markets

•No contributions from the sale of aggregate will be included in the cash flow projections until long term contracts for the sale of products have been secured


Amazing insight on Ihub

Says  it  all and  correctly.  Has  followed  events as I saw them occur like  was  piggybacking.  Someone  tell Longgun he’s my  greatest  respect and  welcome  here  anytime. I recall was  NOT interested in  Gold  Resources bd when I asked.  May have softened some  on the  year.  Not  many would  recall paying  back wages  to around  125  at  the  Trindad   while  Dent and I visited  Oct 2012 as our  buy in and  rejecting   quite a  few  more  thot  not  legit  claims.  And  of  course  we raised  that  directly  by   our  message  boards. Yes, excessive  exuberance  followed which is  near  ALWAYS due  a  crash.  Only  one  who followed  closely knows  our  rattlesnake avoidance first  few  times  at Julio  shaft.  And  rides  to bottom same  Oct  ’12 trip.

Time  frames are  so important  to keep in mind.  In mining  even near  term  is  around  4-5  years. Mid term based  on  most  unpermitted  projects  gets  to 7-10  and  long term runs 15-20 based  on  mine  life  running back to original short  and  mid term development. All periods  require  both  legal and  fund  raising  hurdles FIRST being  met. Then toss in  possibilities  based on  cyclic  periods  where  neither  legal nor financial goals  can even be  considered.  Rock huggers in charge  and   quick cheap money  as  today are  tough to overcome.  Is  a  good  chance  this  Nov voters  MAY change  the  play  field   side lines  and  goal stripe.  Get  rich quick periods me,  personal?

US Gold, USGL,  initial in  late  1997 from  low  .11 to $7-$10 n  2007.  A decade.

GoldSpring, GSPG,  America Flat NV  already  fully  permitted  to 100K ton pad, 2003 to legal battles  end  late  2007 . Low  from  .00045  to .07 . Pre 200/1  reverse ( now  $14)   4 years.

Gold  Resource. GORO,  .25  in 2002 initial Pvt  Place reaching  $30 in  2012? 10  years .

So there IS a  GRQ day, month, year but a  goddam long  time  to see it! One  day it  pops  up and  then was  OBVIOUS , YEAH!

Mexus , MXSG, is  now  4  years in but  just actually  2  full at  Maria Elena/Julio.  On the  cusp for  20 more   with future  gains VERY mucho unknown. 8


Need to go stronger passwds

Let  u know  when done. Cool for a  bit .Seems  ALL WordPress  and many  others  in the  attack. One  reason I tried  to not  always duplicate  other  aliases.  LIfe’s  an odds losing  game, then you  die! 8

attack of the clones

Think I’ll log off  awhile  and  see  wha  haps.

“Thanks Don,

I gave this a try, but now it looks like I’ll need to wait a few minutes — access
to WordPress login page is blocked due to some massive attack on the site
by 1000s of remote machines trying to gain admin access credentials.
“Since mid April a very large brute force attack has been taking place against WordPress sites.

The brute force attacks have been conducted by a large botnet ( collection of PCs that have been
infected and are now able to be remotely controlled by criminals )  consisting of thousands of
unique IP addresses across the world, trying to steal WordPress admin credentials.”

sigh.   internet script kiddies cause us regular folks havoc “

I’ll try again in 15-20 minutes and hopefully should be able to get it

Straw Man?

So ask why  a  .011   Sonora  Resources  is  doing  flow charts  for  BoD  related  First  Majestic?

“First Majestic is a producing silver company focused on silver production in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing the development of its existing mineral property assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional mineral assets which contribute to the Company achieving its corporate growth objectives. ” application-to-Dismiss-Appeal

Just  before  AuRico  mine  El Chanate  at  Altar  on  Mex  2  but  S of  highway instead of  N.  If  so would  be  2  of  the  3.  First  Majestic  and  Aurico. But ???? No Name  City, Paint  Yer  Wagon. 8



Lot more fun this side of street!

 To crazy don concepts

Monday, June 9, 2014 10:44 AM
Thank you for the compliment, Don. Have a great day!
Miz Ellie

> On Jun 9, 2014, at 1:28 AM, don phillips <crazydonconcepts wrote:
> Miz_Ellie  should  post her common sense on MXSG, RB. Gold Resources Bd  not possible  as  no moderator  to accept  members now. Course  beach bullies  will kick sand in  yer  face  but never  stopped  Charles  Atlas who  just  bulked  up with Dynamic  Tension  to run them off to admiring glances.  He  posed  for  the  George  W statue in  Washington  Square  NYC and  inspired  Arnie  S. Governator
> Thank you, Don, for the email. Important decisions always take time and patience is the name of the game.

Most sincerest thank you,

Good Morning,Don,
Just returned from a very relaxing short trip to the Stout Island Resort in Wisconsin, and have
been without much outside communication on island. We’ve read the latest update on Mexus website. The spreadsheet on forecasted production numbers was most impressive and the naysayers will work just that much harder to destroy any confidence. We are thankful to Paul and those in a more powerful positions to think of what is best for shareholders when trying to negotiate with more powerful mining suitors. Time along with this production table may be the best bargaining tool in the toolbox. We now have a forward looking map of events to unfold, and we still hold steadfast.

We send again our appreciation and thanks to you and your family for the support in the common bond of getting Mexus to the super star potential that it can be!