Someone tell that absurdity Kwade Dent has NOT posted a damn thing. Just a promise to a phone call which he might have made had bothered himself. Told had NO info we heard. Too busy being the eternal asshole of MEXUS. Believe it WHEN you see it is the code of the day. This is the same as I was being told back on May 5th at Walnut Grove 24 days ago. And should be a late arrival 3rd as well. That one should be AuRico or least Frisco Holdings. Or perhaps Will O’ the Wisp Resources or least Flybynight Holdings. I’m hanging for Bird in the Hand’s Worth 3 in the Bush Mining. 8
All posts by 8thaero
2 not 1, no time
So 4 days to pick one and announce ? O, yeah! ONE solid word that’s NOT a promise never kept might change things for good. When no time table is a sorta good thing.
BTW I pay for this site ( no huge sum) and any welcome to TRY and post turds and not get flushed. Any pushing an ad at you or really silly mother hen clucks? Not sure what others can see. 8
“but he did say there are serious ongoing discussions with 2 separate parties. he gave nothing else, such as a timetable.”
Gold Resources Bd
Seems some there not up on this site . As that will die off no moderator? Unless this works OK, will end by 90 day wonder money back. Not going to work hard make no spectacular can’t wait to join joint. If MXSG not running by Aug 18? Big Speckled Boid flies. 8
We get mail
Not better, SOME. Has to be an answer when something offered to explain why not followed thru. Last 2 weeks have been it. It’s me hanging out now and until this point I could take wait. He s nice guy but there’s a bunch of nice people hanging tough no place to go so GIVE them one. Limbo’s where you can only wait and see paradise awaiting redemption.
Odd, in the carnage GORO up 1% and MXSG, LODE even. Bucking trend is at least modicum solace. 8
some negotiation is going on that cannot be commented
on midstream, or….deal that WAS on table has gone
away and pt trying to figure out what’s next…
hopefully the former.
btw…saw your blog post today…seems
you have joined ranks of those seeking better comm.
welcome…and again hoping soon! all very frustrating…and
stressful for many.
nothing to do really but send out
positive vibes…”
2 weeks on
I just fail to see how continued mystery helps the situation. For damn sure not any of us. If they’re buying? Buy already. If we’re selling? SELL already. At least one side is still a possible loser and so far looks like us and guilty until proven innocent . Not pleasant but true. Will post after 27th close and hope unneeded. I’d LOVE to be encouraging but it requires ANSWERS not more questions. OR promises to give answers. PR 8 WEEKS ago was obviously not correct any agreement reached to be announced in weeks. Are we working on THAT near agreement or another near agreement or something total different on the 19th? 8
“May 13, 2014 8thaero 1
RB Site down since Sun. Spoke just now 1:30 CDT and big made offer and he sent back as can agree. Will travel there when ready to sign. Soon as he has firm news will be out. Says he’s happy and so will we be. Long as no RB? Can say about f’ing time! Working on site for blog and mails. Secure
Gotta love it, can’t leave it
Most TSX Venture miners with no revenues would love a solid nickel day in day out with 1/4 mil trades. Near none however have what Mexus has at hand so’s a damn shame due the total mystery Bud and Lou Who’s on First? Ate; peanuts and crackerjack
Home’s any place but a PO BOX
Furniture’s a bitch!
Don Phillips
From: | Don Phillips |
Sent: | Tue 5/27/14 4:16 AM |
To: | Joyce Walker |
Harry, world’s policeman
From: | Don Phillips |
Sent: | Mon 5/26/14 6:34 PM |
To: | Joyce Walker |
KC’s transits I-40 were always grab something and gas up on 5 days travel ‘tween coasts. From USAF entry in TX, home to CA then SEA and S Carolina. Finally to Germany then TX to retire right here and hang for kids to enjoy what I had as ’37-’75 young in Golden State long turned dull brass. This is Military City with all from Alamo Freedom call in 1836 to RE Lee from Ft Mason to lead South in 1861, TR’s R Riders in 1898, FT Sam Houston Parade Field Wright Bros air mail lessons in Wright Flier by Bennie Folois, Kelly Field and Mexican Incursion with 1st Sqdn vs Pancho Villa, WW 1 then 2, Korea and VietNam and SWAsia and on and on. Here we’re always appreciated so a good place to be. Texas as a state is VERY conservative growing low taxed but recent century San Antonio since 20’s move by Mex Revolution exodus quite progressive. Hispanic about 51%, 10% blacks few % asian and then Cauc’s a minority. Pretty ‘mazin we DO get along and military nexus is much of that. SO I’M going no place long as 500 empty miles to El Paso and most 300 E to Sabine River unfilled . Frack oil is SOME future unseen a decade back!
Shoulda dumped RB years back!
Heroism’s a funny thing. You don’t do it for reward but without thinking as your duty to others who you know would do the same for you roles reversed. Something forgotten by one side Sept 11, 2011. Going above and beyond is not earned but recognized and awarded after the fact. Same goes for true shame you can’t avoid or deny. Sent that Mem Day blog to MMB
Mark Mead Baillie” <>
Dear Don,
Thanks for sharing those passages with me. They are a keeper.
Making the ultimate sacrifice applies to both those who were killed, were
maimed, and those there, such as you, who well could have been.
Bless You and Thank you for your heroism.
48 years onward if not upward
Most unusual Memorial Day had to be 1966. I left Travis AFB , CA Fri and landed Clark AB, PI June 1 cross Intl Dateline after NW Air 707 refuel in Seattle and Tokyo as race was still going on. A1C flight line van driver was listening to AF Radio on tiny Sony. Found allergic to tropics with a severe ear infection on landing. Probably caused loss of right ear process in ’80 14 years later due rush to make me combat ready. Went through ground school in back seat dive bomber B-57 from belly ejection seat B-52 Nuke qualified, while grounded, squeezed in a 2 hr nav rte and drop in dive and shoot level check mission on Crow Valley Range S of field to qualify and on June 20th ferried a loss replacement plane 3 days late to DaNang SVN. Phew! Still grounded for a week as ear flushed daily with meds aplenty. Flew one or more missions daily either North VN attack supply routes or S VN troop support for Marines doing missions in 1 Corps, N S VN after came ashore at Chu Lai S of Da Nang early ’65. Were 4 Corps areas, I far N S VN., 2 Central Highlands, 3 SE Coast and 4 around Saigon to delta .
My next TDY ( 60 days combat with 60 days training crews at Clark in unusual first USAF JET BOMBER dropped bombs ever with 2 Sqdns, 8th and 13th Tac Bombardment sent down from Japan from planned retirement to Air Guard and boneyard) was in Oct to lower coast Phan Rang AB for troop support. North VN was a bit hot for slow jet daylight stuff.. Getting shit shot out of us. Stuff going bang bang and zip zip got old fast! Amazing luck to usually miss. Had left engine shot out by lucky golden BB AK- 47 in Mar ’67 over War Zone C by Cambodia border. Any ways we looked new crew members over AFTER 1st combat msn and the good FNG’s… F’n New Guy… came back with bright eyes pretty exhilarated to buy a round at the club. Knew we’d have trouble with any slinked in quiet, hung gear and acted distant. That’d never change after initial combat and we’d schedule good with bad front and back seats then on. In Oct I was already an Instructor Nav/Bomb training new pilots. “Big Dipper”, Mr Bright eyes!* 8
*Ursa Major” and D.I.P.( Don I Phillips) Vision in combat seemed VERY acute . I’d spot the FAC below always first . Lucky me was 20/10 eyes not 50/50 ears involved and used #11 on headset vol.