USO touring show spring 1961 SJC Glee Club members Gus Lease director
Never spent much time pondering college. Knew I’d qualify for any State College in CA and had no money I would not earn. I’d helped dedicate the modern New Music Building at San Jose St in spring of ’54 busing from Salinas with the other Central Coast Hi Schools Honor band as there was no Santa Clara Valley similar organization until 1960 and I assisted with the Horn section as a Senior. Very cool down town location later turned to a crowded disaster zone of packed students. Had choice to move to the stadium athletic area a mile to south but spent $14.5 mil to take over 4 sq blocks and gradually fill them muiti stories up. I felt it odd the the entire LA Purchase cost Jefferson $14 mil all way to the Pacific coast 150 years earlier. Lesson is buy land, the value goes up!