So totally massaged spreadsheets and missed “Placer Royalty 25%?” Zero mill and leached? Seem to mean now family share when we pay upgrade to 4 times. I’ll do own BOE figgerin thanks.
Were very small tanks and worked fine just no metal worth producing in ore used. Belong to Mexus JV share and am sure he keeps them perhaps for 8 Bros with base metals content.
Placer is the MOST cost efficient, rocking motion, gravity powered water flow to do same thing as powered ball milling ,daylong milling rock to powder, to recover heavy metals from dirt and rock shortest period . BUT also really large gold rocks. Placer product’s
92% pure nuggets and black sand containing near all the PM. 80% would be REALLY low decent grade ore. Floatation is very time and materials consuming with refinery metal product only containing lighter base metals worth a little something defray cost . So trying to get max 80% of remaining 20% gives a wildly costing 16%. There goes any profit on the 80% already earned. Get it quickly to the bank instead and earn 2% interest, toss other 14% costing $2000/ oz for eventual waste in $20K POG era! And Grandkids can do it at slight profit. Mud’s mud, your kids can make ‘tend pies on Caborca vacations .8
“Don’t know answers to your ???, but I have often wondered how much Au could be floated from the “mud” that washes through the placer unit. We know the yield is something around 80%, so where is that other 20%.
I seem to remember some large floatation tanks that we sent to San Felix to float Ken’s high Au residue, of course, it was just another of the crook’s lies. Wonder where they are now?”
Good Lordy, serious nonsense from, thank goodness, only a handful on RB. When we break .10 again, what, bitch about how Paul shoulda done that this way…. .20, .30, .50…. A buck+? Will they be bitching about why they didn’t buy more at .045? Can’t help but LAUGH!!! Cheers
Oh, and that reply was just outstanding! Even an absolute “MORON” could understand! Look up reference to Moron on Wikipedia Nuplayer (98? Year u were born maybe?) Baahahahaha Only 12 years till my granddaughter hits college I can wait for best deal, not sleazy worst! Cheers