Discovery Gold

I actually  mentioned it  to one  should  be  in  the know that  Paul said it  was  an official Mexus  enterprise  back upon  the  seas Maritime  Division foot  in  door with wide  publicity. We’ve  discussed  the  silliness of Klondike  Gold  stuff many  times; dumbo greenhorns life at risk for  little. Was  told  he  knew  of  it  but  was  PT Jr’s  only  deal. Looks  like  I was  right  and  we  bought  in el cheapo.  Deeper reach? Not a  bad  way to grab hold  cable  either; grab hold, not  grapple?

BTW, since  July  1 when “every one in the  world  gained  12.5%” (Louts  N Flouts)? Have  gone  up $179.219.13. Not  a  shabby  week but  will see  MUCH better  soon. Sorta  guarantee and  I do trust  it  will.


We  watched   May 5  visit Paul Jr  welding  sections  Paul had  designed  to operate  in  50′ off  shore  waters  Nome shore line.  PT Jr  will run the  show north.  Promised  to keep it  quiet until announced  but  again said’d  be  welcome  news in  the  vacuum. Consists   of   large  clam shell forward  jaws that  drop and close  then  rotate on  rails  OVER barge  bow  so no high lift and  swing back  needed.  Placer washed back into  sea. Paul KNOWS placer!  Really  fast  and  very  safe  even in fairly  rough stuff. Gonna  knock DSC Channel  eyes out  compared to the  dumb stuff  being  shown.   Paul and  I always  laugh at  the  stupidity there.  Typical Thompson design  genius overcoming  problems. Basically  built  with  yard  “junk”  like  PT Jr accused  of  selling  off  Mexus  assets  for  “broke”  cashout.  Can’t  wait to see  Mexus  US Logo  late  nites.  Also  feels  is  precisely  what AK, OR ,WA and   G W North needs  to give  cable  contracts   for  clean up. Any  remember  the  cable? Aint  dead  yet!Louts and  Flouts too busy spitting  up pablum to envision  “Sonora  Gold”  on Discovery Prime  time. Nice  shot  of old  Cortez  Boot  beats  board  sidewalks and  July  parkas!  8

R shares  worth about  $65K. My understand  was  both show the flag and  turn a  profit.  Renewed  entry  in maritime  ventures on  the  cheap. Whatca  get  for  that? Shot  at  $1mil and  wide  viewing.  Hank in  4th  season  wants  that  mil for self! 8
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