Geo Logic

To drive  to Caborca using  Mex 2 from Phoenix way of  Gila  Bend /Ajo/Lukeville’s  border  fence  into Sonoyta  Sonora you  move  N to S  down a  valley  with low  Mts  to the  W and  distant  Mts  to N & E along  AZ border. Beyond  that  low  range  to W  lies pretty  flat grape  vineyards  up  to Cortez  Sea.  Is  where  San Felix  sits   near  sea. Rancho sits  on E side  of  the  short peaks on  the   Mex  2  valley  floor.  Noticeable   quartz  veins  run to the  top and   Julio vein is  a  streak seen from  Mex  2.  Actually tells  you  have  arrived.   Few  million years  the  quartz  has  gravitated  down to valley  so as  you  drive into area is  across   rough small white stone  rubble  which with desert  dirt and  sand is  the  quartz stock  zone. That’s   the placer  feed  ore only needing   separated  roughly  to wash out  gold.  On other  side of the peak  it  falls  back down to desert  over 30 mi to sea where  both Fresnillo Noche  Bueno and  La  Herradura  mine same  gravity  flow other  way to W not  E.  On up  to veins  you  cross  next  shear  zone  shallow   depth will be   crushed to heap or   high grade milled.  Next   you  hit   5  to 6,  kilom. long  veins with Julio  shaft  and  shallow  pit  workings. Higher  you  go richer  it  gets and veins  run  into the  mountain still little  explored  or  drilled.

It’s  very  much like  Comstock mountain side  falling  sharply  to S . Even  long after  most   working  stopped  due  depth and  heat,  dredges  1940’s – 50’s  worked  the  Dayton Carson   River  desert  floor  for  placer  gold  but  using  mercury  recovery  polluted  a  super  fund  site  along  US 50 for  miles  and miles.  Comstock has  plan to open pit upper  Spring  Valley   which was  GSPG original idea just  not  enough value  to  run as  profitable   placer.  To compare, quartz  stock zone  is   well worth the placer  effort just  as  ore  assay higher  up is  for  milling  and  crushing. Lots  less  silver than Comstock for  one.

Question  asks

“is sta. elena
so very rich that they would take on such an enormous risk
from the governance point of view? well…maybe, but given
our current geological info, the “richness” of the
property is still by no means a certainty — certainly not
from any legally enforceable point of view. not yet,
anyway….so….if you are newmont or even some
smaller established mining entity, would YOU put yourself in
a subordinate position to paul thompson? i don’t think i

I don’t  think many  understand  the  status  of  the   mine  development PROCESS. What  is  being  asked is  about  an early on decision to mine based on sparse geology  then  feasibility .That  period  would be  least  5 years  ago.  All is  DONE

It  needs  nothing more  to  make  metal but  build the  process. It’s  fully documented  with enough reports  to turn dirt  as  is  underway with the placer. ALL permission is now  complete and  any sane  miner in the bid is  seeking  best  deal possible.  So is  Paul who owns  it. So about  7  years  effort to get  here  is  DONE.  So what  do you  take in return to share  in  the  $1.3  billion to be made?  Mexus has totally   no need to give away  the  bigger  share and  management. I think has  NEVER been the  issue. It’s  what  do you  get for  $7  mill  backing . Just  the  2  flow  charts  are  as good  as  you  see in  Joint ventures based  on  proven facts what  can be  possible  slow  or  fast. The  bidder  is   on  the  fast  track path  or  would not be  there with some  $ 7  mil.   I’m well satisfied  with the  low and  slow and  more ours if  they  fall   through in end.  Them’s  powerful worms  on  the  hook  or  jucy  carrot on  the  stick.

This is typical  now a  days. Gold  streaming  like  Sandstorm don’t  give  shit  to be  in  charge. Front the cash to take  at  their  set  price. Problem is   PT wants  a  contractor WITH the  cash  so’s  not  to need  to spend  the  cash for  people  and things  they already  have  at hand. He has  the  folks approved  by  Unions  even, which a  miner would  value  highly for  no  labor  disputes. Least until  time  is making big  money to extort  some to continue as  always  happens Let  the  day come I say. 8

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