Been stuffy in that box

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 477th Edition — San Francisco — 05 January 2019 (published each Saturday) —

“We’ll close with respect to this occasionally referred-to quip from an avid reader of The Gold Update: “Gold will make you old”. So shall certain studies that folks actually get paid up with which to come. In a paper on aging published last month in PLOS Biology, ’twas determined that one is closer to dying at the age of 90, than is one at 75. Quite the extraordinary finding, that. On goes the beat indeed. And may Gold’s trend forever be positively correlated with one’s aging!”

Here’s it.

Errors as a primary cause of late-life mortality deceleration and plateaus

Seems to  be common  sense that to  be  90  1st  be 75. . Began looking  at  actuary tables for real as   a good 15 % of  my  ’55 Salinas  Hi class were gone by 50th reunion age 67-8. Class Data kept by my Features  Editor Marlene  Puneo Wisdom  who collected my   humor  column. To Wit by Don, each Tue  while I was in   last period  Musicianship scribbling   like mad. to make  Fri issue 3rd pg above fold “The Flashlight”.  Death notices  dribble in and a few more leave each email. While nice to feel  have we’ve plateaued  to more advanced  years what  Saul babe  is  actually  saying is  much can be assigned  to err is  human during  devine art of  data  reporting.  Fact remains  we’re  down to 39% present  accounted for  morning  toll call.and  insurance cos still in the  biz.   BTW never took journalism but  advisor Mr Gallegos was my  Soph English  teacher and liked my  funny  styling  and remembered  when a need arose 2 years on. He later began  writing  classes at  Soledad Prison,  grew to be well known book factory, BUT I was 1st discovery.   Bit of the wit: by Don