Either in or out. Lukewarm jus spit

Always  assume Dent and I are same page just as with PT last near 5 years now. Prolly a post by Dent to a few us and KC who I gave up on. Always seems lukewarm half in with a toe in againers camp. Let’s them ramble lying nonsense like PT was MAKING T shirts as Action Fashions 5 years BEFORE Mexus bought & got the share issue Oct ’09 he and I started working as a miner instead. Some weirder ghoul says PT’s WA MISTRESS got it involved as cable fortune maker. First investor there was Dorly and she don’t know the dumbo for shit! But likes PT just fine long as he is movin on with her self employ retirement act. I invested in need of cash out age 70. Mexus hits even $2? Her .03 centers worth $16.6 mil!. Prolly get herself a younger but much uglier guy to cruise with. 8

“’I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you … Rev 3: 16


Meat  of doc.  is  just as  told   same  day Aug 19.

“Therefore, our goal for the current year is to increase the cash flow of the placer mining operation, continue the drilling program which begun during 2011, initialize mining operations on the Julio quartz deposit while we conduct a thorough geological study by an independent geological firm of the future potential of other vein deposits located near the Julio deposit.”

Placer moved now   small  $ but  75%  ours.   Quick core  drilling  using  own  drills  begins  to  fence planned  pit not  too deep  12,500′ per  drill  to touch mineralization and  define  sub contours.  Serious  stuff going  down? Find  depth  as  well but  not below  say 600′ pit  operation level  limits. Can be  taken  down to full mineral extent  from pit level reached;   followed  by  serious 300′  R/C  to define  grades in 100 holes .  Partner with  seeming AZ met junior  in JV  to develop quartz vein  mining AFTER Julio shaft   is  working  with same JV.  8



Don’t  mean HQ there just  easy  office to meet  at . Been  8 days .55 /min intenet so no long speak. Ck PPS  close and  POG and  if  a  needed  short e mail. Lost  all hearing in good left  ear  Wed  St Thomas  VI. NOT golden  but IS!  silent.  Back slow with  popping  ear  in flight home about  40%  1  ear. Have  a plastic  window in left  ear  so infection had    no real  pain just  hush hush  Charlotte. Dorly  hits me  when someone  speaks  to me.  So otherwise  I simply  sail  thru aeroportos as if  narcissist self absorbed.


Poor  eternal  Lout’s problem is?   I’M successful  in  near  all  have  tried  to do and is  well recognized and  rewarded last  76 + years.  He  admires  the  face in  the  pool BUT’s  MINE!!!! and  drives  it  nuts!  Mommy did  something bad  sometime, HMS? Precisely  diagnosed my  opine.  A genuine  J R R  Tolkien  ” 8, we hates  thee!”  Gollum/Smeagol. Guy was  a  better personality analyst and  linguist  than a  writer where’s  among the  best  in entire  English Lit.  But  as  always? Takes an educated  mind  to  discern. HMS Lout  claims   a  degree but  seems  to have  slipped  the  burned  clutch face some  point. Luck is? Not  a  needed  part  of  any’s  valuable  existence  before  or  after its sanity clutch went out.  Park and  take  the  transit  bus next  by. Better  cheap than fancy sometimes .


“In my work with extreme narcissist patients I have found that their emotional age and maturity corresponds to the age they experienced their major trauma. This trauma was devastating to the point it almost killed that person emotionally. The pain never was totally gone and the bleeding was continuous. In order to survive, this child had to construct a protective barrier that insulates him/her from the external world of people. He generalized that all people are harmful and cannot be trusted”


Poor  sod  WAS sucking  Jason long and  hard and  says now;

“at the GORO shareholder meetings (when I was still attending them).”

Alas! More  rejection  and  psycho halt.  We understand , sonny.  Pity, not  censure as  a  trained  and  educated  assister.  My  last  profession prior  Yo Guru! If   an own Major  Trauma?   was  ’66-67 30 old , combat  200 missions  and  100% disability retirement  with free  nightly  PTSD screenings.    Get  yer own life, stay out  of mine  filled  with heros  past. “Must be  THIS high to ride!” 8


Leaving  Nassau home  Sat  PM.  Can see  all the  values  in  PRs  bee screaming  for…REVENUE from  placer  be  nice. Cant  even believe  the  crap on  RB. Slimeballs  and  numb nutz! Need  to get  a  life  and leaver  mine  alone. Easy  to reach in  my  pockets got  us  this  far.  Be nice  to keep my  homestead and  car from filthy  grasping ass holes.  8

Off with these clothes! This is a job for Super Nav!

I told  Doody I lost  my  appreciation  of his  analysis when he’d  picked  GRC well outside  usual requirements for investing THEN no notice  dumping it  after  enormous  success and  falling  like  the  rest he had  used  normal processes. And  yes  abut  time  CEO switched  but  not  exactly  same  time. Means  I’d  never  trust  his  values  again never using  them ever before and  was ME  not  him got  things  going  in  2002. He’s NO awareness  for explorers only  big time big names.  Doing  55/45 is  tough and  I’m usually 4 of  5,  80%

Fewer and  fewer booths. Need  an app that has  a  curtain! In Big  Easy on annual retreat and connect  Fri. with annual cruise in Miami with family  5  E Carib  Virgin Isles  on New NCL  Getaway.

Actually  Super  Nav  was my   sqdn unofficial handle as  a  Strategic  Nav Bomb flying   Tactical stuff  readng  Stars  and Stripes  with occasional glances  at  a  radar scope saying. ” Left  and  climb  to avoid  that  thunder  bumper please!”  Pull a  quick flight plan out of  ass after  good  weather  brief  and  “let’s  go , crew” were  the  days and a  bunch like  today seeking onward  through the  gloom. 8


CHorner  seems uninterested, never  responded to invite . Remove


arewrong, bobby league, BooBoo, BuckyD, DavidS, DuaneBenoit, idontlob, Miz Ellie, pgreat, Rapier50, zins and  baby makes now  lucky  12  Red, even.    Happy  to chat  here  or  by  mail but  NOT jumping  back and  forth with RB.  Room for  any  wanting  to subscribe but  the harsh 24/7 lighting,  excessive  temps  cold/ hot and  slight  water boarding were  std  in  my  training  on POW capture. Worked  for me! 8

That’s even Odder, back 30 days then

$6.08 close   today with  3K GORO?  Approx  $1,270 gain. Or  simple  bitch and moan since  Oct  1.  1K  @ $10, 2K @ $3.50

Day Jason  Reid  became CEO?  Oct  1  ’13 GORO  closed  $5.92.  Today closed closed  $5.75 down .17 since with  addnl .17 divs (same  .14 + Oct .03)  so broke  even PPS, to reinvest  FREE! Newmont?  Oct  1 ’13 Closed  $27.21 and  today?  $$26.39 DOWN $.82. I don’t  follow NEM  divs  I don’t  get but  I DO know  the better  CEO performance. Can do same  effect  OVER and OVER. WAS NOT  his  selection  to add  the  CEO duties  to COO.  Was  the gold   market as  any  dumb fool knows.  Event? Mon Sep 30 POG was  $1333.10 close. Tuesday Oct  1? Fell  $42.40  to close  $1290.70!!! Kept  falling  to  final low $1187  week before  XMAS. Rising  since as  has  GORO after  May 12  bottom $3.52 up $2.23. THAT’s  the  time  to buy  not  moan about  pretty  awful  timing. Says YOU’RE  the dummy not  him!

I DO recall saying were I you  I’d  buy all the  $3.5 GORO  I could.  Nope! Blame  the  smarter  guy  not  the  market.  If it  was  wise  to start? It  stays  smart with the  same management over a  decade and Jason’s  been there  each step of  the  way since  I’ve  been involved.  Shit, Beth could have  taken it on as well and  taught you lessons  too. She  gets  to enjoy  the life  they made  rehabbing  old mines 3  decades  with one  nice  shiny new.

NOW, had  you  listened? each 1K  $10 GORO at  $3.50 had  lost $6.500. Each 2K then at  $3.50 costed  $7K  for  total  3K for  $17,000.  Today the 3K are  worth $17,250  earning $30 monthly. Back at  $10? $30K up $13,000 gain. But easier  to say CEO’s  responsible  and  forgo all that.  BTW ever  MET Jason? Drills  like  Dave  and operates like  Bill world  wide known. I admire  the  guy’d  put up with dumbo shitheads think they know  mining. 8


“Jason Reid, the Company’s President, was

unanimously selected by the Board of Directors to succeed Bill Reid as the Company’s CEO

effective October 1, and will continue to serve as its President and a director.”