All posts by 8thaero

What big lies you have, Granny!

Of ALL the  impossible  blabbering seen here ? Demanding  stuff NEVER EVER SEEN, counter-signature   of  raw, pre-copy, processes  already underway, published for information,   announced drilling program MUST be the most childish  claptrap chatter conceivable.  Silly  kid recess “Naw Naw Naw  Naw  nanny”. Just seems no point  of total  shame.  We  simply  toss a pile of shame on such infantilism  anyway.
Hobby experts have NEVER posted  a  factual based Mexus  item,  simply  opined at  will  24/7  for years as we majority ownership  know so well.
“Hobby miner says a lot of things.”
Just busy drilling  up the needed values  in  8  contracted   holes in  30 days . Sure appears a  real miner  CEO’s  performance  as we majority  sees it.  What  comparison  is used 24/7/365?  Huff N Puff Lil PIggies house remodeler fairy  tale   Big Bad Wolf? What big lies you have,  Granny!   
HOLD THE PRESSES! Lois has a  scoop!
“a private investor stepped up and provided the funds for the drilling. “
Try using a  false identity  to enable  read and post  blogging  on my  personal blog with legal  requirement,  be honest  real person , no robot,  or   information  thief ,    and see my  blog for self not just unreliable rumors  from one  known liar  who  did exactly that.  One GREAT reason I’ m on a  much needed  vacation  dealing  with cheats all around. 
“Hold enemies even closer!” 
The art of war’, written by Sun Tzu in BC 2500.


gitrealMember Level Thursday, 10/11/18 10:38:16 PM
Re: Amadeus4153 post# 27145
Post #  of 27177
it would seem to be a no-brainer for Mexus to simply post the fully executed one, that is, if the contract has, indeed, been countersigned

Thank you. It takes two parties to execute a contract and it doesn’t matter if the contract was prepared by one party or the other. As you know, it often takes a lot of back and forth to agree on the terms, then the parties both sign. Only one party signed the drilling contract.Still wondering where the money is coming from to do all this drilling.

So ALL these are just factual based, no possible link ever shown, only about company, not individuals? BTW I’M 8! and attacked unending each each posting deleted or no?


Oct 16, 2018

Lookie here.  Famed  Comstock LODE   producer AVERAGES  mineralized  90+ feet only Dayton drill hole and  wants a NEW 43-101. How  can investors   believe  a  thing  they  say?  And  well respected  long term Storey  Cnty  resident PT  does  consults  there  as well  for  decades. How is that possible?  

“Comstock  Discovers 90+ Foot Zone Averaging 0.042 opt Gold and 0.404 opt Silver; Progresses Dayton Resource Development Towards NI-43-101 Technical Report”

“And then there’s the bizarre way Mexus manipulated the pathetic Argo drill data….averaging thin intervals of low-grade results from drill holes hundreds of feet apart and ignoring the no-grade assays. And calling it an “average of the drill holes”………either an example of immense incompetence, or deliberately fraudulent. Or both. “

Based on  that, how could anyone believe a  thing  ever  said  here?  Well,  that  proves out  at least.  So very much fake news  does not  deserve dumping out even more. 

All  the supposed illegal transgressions MUST  have the  SEC heatedly prosecuting  as each occurred as the  constant 24/7 ‘criticals’ demand?  “The critical posters on this board aren’t the ones about facing “
Wonder  why  not. Perhaps  are  just  sham nothingness puffery to spout off about less and less. Just  an opinion… some fail to examine own ever overflowing ‘expertness’. BTW how does a simple   message   bd poster possess a link to $75K corporate payments required by contract to  have placed a  drill program  underway? Post  a  watch to check the  gate  traffic perhaps. Bribe  for a  copy of Mexus  BoA Minden  checking
 # 501007366XXX?   Is that  enough  sure proof like  being a  native  american   by 1/1000 DNA test?
Infantile  demands”Drink ME”  just  grow smaller,  sillier and sillier and I do remain, like or no,  only one  here  both  a name and PROOF of    ANY sort. Be please to show am 6.25% Cherokee BTW as well. Mom’s dad Sam was  25% Cherokee and  eligible  for 1887 Dawes  Act OK  Territory grab native  compensation, 1/4  section land  and a house,   but  granny, Nora  ‘Fletcher’, Ashley,  Texas  rancher’s  daughter   told  cotton  farmer Sam Ashley , “MY kids  are not going to be  raised  as any  red skin!” Pretty  common thinking in 1900. Weren’t  no Rogers  and Hammerstein Broadway  musical libretto  back then.
“World class… my ass” 
Too bad Gold is up and we don’t have any
Guess  I’d put that  “world -class-ass”  on the mantle  with the rest my bonanza  grade,  70′ down Julio shaft.  Remind  me.  Last time within,  say, 300 miles and final 70 feet?
TDA says UP 13.6+% on 297,538 A/O 4:30m EDT 3 hr earlier. As we have sadly learned to ask? How can you possibly believe anything an unknown alias posts 24/7/365?

Wednesday, 10/17/18 07:49:00 PM
Post #
27226 of 27226
“The market disagrees……3,900 shares traded today so far. $4 worth of inte

To severely misquote Strother? “What we have here is failure to co-hobbycate”!

“There is a huge difference between a company reporting an average for a single, continuous “run” in a single drill hole, and a company that decided to report an average of multiple “runs” ranging from a few feet to 30 feet or more, from all the drill holes in a widely spaced drilling program. And ignoring all the non-detect assays and bizarrely still calling it an “average of drill holes”.
One is standard practice in the exploration business. The other is fraudulent. Guess which is which.
Most folks that have been around exploration and mining would instantly know the answer. ”

Seem to be a rapid, ill considered , self-answered postulate? Step back a tad,sis/bro. Yo 1/4 hr timer to switch a more thoughtful view is up!

Was no sample interval even lightly mentioned. “Few feet? 30 feet or more?” Who’d even know. and hook sank deep eh? Makes me recall Azuka lure chomp down in ’13… pre- quick bump to .60.

Huge difference indeed. Then guesstimate again. Was a simple “gotcha!” Was NOT down hole but averaged on 90+’ by fire assayed multiple samples of length along shear zone discovered in continuous chanel samples rt rib OLD OLD adit.

Most folks that have been around exploration and mining would instantly know that in a brief PR read thru. Try again, mulligan? Commonly termed a driller’s FENCE of no width claimed assayed to an average entire length 90+’ just began 245′ INSIDE the old Dayton adit . l was around during initial surface FENCE drills at Old Dayton mine sheds , bend in NV 341, some while back . NV State Award new LODE won for NV 342 rebuild LODE paid for brings in million annual visitors to NV’s 2nd tour attraction after the Strip.,+Nevada/@39.2580585,-119.6368167,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80990f2632dcba23:0xd08ea8d881a0b6db!8m2!3d39.2782396!4d-119.655401

How a FENCE is to be assayed as length avg no depth considered .
“Drilling was completed on fences approximately 160M PART!!”

Like 2 city blocks!

“Confirmatory drill “FENCES” into each of Zones A and B including about 500m of diamond core into fresh rock ? Key geological features of Sanankoro mineralised structures encountered including broad zones of quartz veining where visible gold is often seen in panned samples. ? Test assay work using a variety of techniques concludes larger sample sizes are needed to mitigate risk of sample bias and maximise the potential for more representative results ? Full assay results pending”

“some fail to examine own ever overflowing ‘expertness’.”

Hear from a non-self examined fount of fake “expertism”? Got ANY idea at all of what jumping through hoops are mandated in EXTREMELY tight property restrictions to build ANYTHING at all in historic Gold Rush El Dorado county. Once owned until 1981 side by side vista building lots highest pt up on Cambridge Rd in separate Cnty area Cameron Air Park overlooked the runway below. WATER PROOF tight restricts! I’m the expert here. I bought in ’66 home on R&R from VietNam combat as could actually see Sacramento gold dome Capitol thru heavy lenses!

Let alone a mobile home park (no trailers allowed except park camp grounds, but by short time permit, ever). Just keeps on flowing down hill day and night. I’d check Gov Moonbeam next county, Sacramento.

“Do they need another trailer park for Comstock miners?

near exact same as permanent construction. Golly, think of that. A GEN-U -INE Subdivision country approved/. Water rights “Paul’s Water” are damn near impossible to get these days, ask Moonbeam. I imagine signs them out himself

What Is The Difference Between A Mobile Home Park And A Trailer Park?,-120.9816295,4803m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xbdd3c427d3bd4a8a!8m2!3d38.683355!4d-120.986651

Just for all who CANNOT seem to understand ANY events in Comstock, home of modern mining? There’s PT’s VA City biz touristy events, partner Scott J? l’ll provide a personal intro and initial online lesson in successful exploration mining. Free offer here only. No std vile pvt messages please.

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IH Admin [Tisha] Member Level
Saturday, October 13, 2018 2:35:15 PM

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Stock specific message boards are to discuss the company. It is not for discussion regarding the message board itself or this site. Posts that include content about deleted posts, the rules of this site or the people who post on the board (including Moderators or moderating) are off-topic.

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Kick ‘gainst pricks

8thaero Friday, 10/12/18 01:12:37 PM
Re: None
Post #  of 27169 
LORD! So many completely unvalidated EXPERTS!

Best to maybe ask Garcia57 who seems to speak for the one’s who want to seize back the Elena and with owner Oscar, family leased the shaft to Azuka 6 months and counted the results. There were REAL profits THEY said of $3 mil. Only thing I ever believed true he said later in 2012-13? He actually shook describing working alone in a 70′ shaft along a self dug 50′ adit. “I’ll NEVER go back down there again! But only way I could build my mine at Trinidad.” Then got lazy living a rich , we could see was an undoubted cocaine cloud life. We worked WITH the brothers -’12-’13 in the set up where Mexus gained San Felix and by trial sent him finally to prison. Ever produce ANY fact to disprove total ignorance, pure 24/7 opinion? and why assume to answer for another poster’s ignorance as well. Speak for yoself, Joan.

Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) released a report from staff geologist, Cesar Lemas, outlining the plan for the Santa Elena mine.
“The report written by Cesar gives a clear outline as to our plans for this property. A 43-101 report with a proven resource will give us a bankable reserve moving forward. We are speaking to multiple parties who have shown interest in helping with a drill program, added Mexus CEO Paul Thompson.”

Gosh , suppose SOMEONE’S even interested in seeing proved up 100K oz deposit in just 300 M length to just minimum 150M depth in 8 drill holes in 30 days? NAW ! Some,very few, opinions here are that no miner would find that of interest in rising POG. Seriously? I do imagine the completed PRINTED nice pretty font type face contract by both sides will soon see light of day, Recall ” A word to the wise ( value investor) is sufficient”, as Warren was saying.

“Regardless of who prepared the contract, it is still a valid question – the “other party” did not sign this. Where is the fully executed contract? And where is the proof that the deposit was paid? And where is the funding coming from – this company is broke.”

BROKE with drill program interested miners/investors? Got a link so we can believe a thing ever said day and night?

Here’s some GREAT babble.

“So, the story that Azuka (the gold thief and “bilker of gringos”) mined $3 mil. worth of gold in the Julio shaft, is credible?
Wait, wasn’t Azuka Nigerian? ”

That thar actual pure xenophobia? Git Crooked Hil! Give ya names 3 un-bilked, known honest gringos put the bilker in jail. Paul Thompson, Paul Dent and Don Phillips. Got anyone honest named here to match?

Pour a Corona and get feet up comfortable for a LONG story translated. Bilkers and bilked.

AND 99.9% are some 99.9% unknowns. Got a name to check out you?

“The world is full of liars.”

Warren’s always been 1st to seek truth even shirt collars!

Never gets across the nonsense here that oz in Julio shaft face are NOT by the ton but by the 92% coin grade seams , became placer nuggets gravity trended down hill of Julio, in barely sub surface vein Azuka followed. Only 10,000 oz or $3 mill @ $300 POG could be just 631# of that same pure 2 meter seam. So accept a bunch width dilution from core and say 1/2 ton, 1000#, that grade to surface to process dry wash. Family told us that was what Aziuka did. The B Boys want it back and lie their heads off to even join Azuka to attack Mexus by PT defamed, just as here.

“Where’d the money come from? Where’s the executed contract? ”

Not required at discretion by SEC Recall? To mobilize and begin a 1st hole 1 Nov, think we’ll see contract published very soon.
Some babble on 24/7… BUT.. but ,,, but gets seriously weaker, eh. Call this game now. Prosperity and peace for all. Perhaps nize Xmas ’18 finally ya’s widders N orfans.

“In witness where of the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written on the title page.

Title page
This agreement (the ..Agreement”) is made and entered into this day 05 of october of 2018″
Printed clearly is Contractor sole relief is 30 day notice unable to agree on prices or renegotiate

“Should the parties be unable to
agree on said price increase the contractor shall have the right, on thirty (30) days written notice,to terminate the Agreement.”

E. This Agreement is based on \r/age scales and benefits which meet all minimum wage law
requirements. Should project specification or job location dictate any other minimums,
or use of union labor, CONTRACTOR reserves the right to re-negotiate this

PDF ‘preview’ is plainly written dated Oct 5th company agrees to contractor provisions signed Oct 8 and running now full 6 days. Need more angels ta waltz the pinhead?

Til we learn to recognise those “hundreds” of signatures? Think I go wid Paul Thompson in cursive, Warren Bs idea of value and
“Forewarned’s forearmed”.

“if the contract has, indeed, been countersigned.”
“Only one party signed the drilling contract”

“Yes, I have read and drafted hundreds of contracts. The one posted here is only signed by Mexus. That is not a fully executed contract. If the announcement is legit, then we need to see a fully executed contract.”

If both contract experts agree? Both fail “Contracts” 1st lesson. READ THE FU….G CONTRACT! INSTANT agreed to by Company Contractor is bound legally to the date above Title , Oct 5 now a week ago. By their printed provisions no more needed, counter signed or no and we see printed it is valid as of the 5th and under way.

I’ve some experience with READ THE FU….G CONTRACT early on assisting McEwen form McEwen Enterprises as largest USGL holder beside himself. Stuck with him til he took on some Minera Andes who DID NOT READ THE FU….G CONTRACT!!! and he needed to buy the dumbo miner, fire the simpletons and pay their cost to Hochschild to build San Jose mine BEFORE any production split JUST as the contract provisions allowed. Rob and I remain good friends and he understood my selling good gains to $7 from avg USGL .50 and using funds into more GORO which ran my pre IPO .25 shares to $31. He did admire my being very early in with great near decade patience. Tom and I attended McEwen day at the NYSE where I took opportunity to brief on latest Mexus activities.

Just the one needing to agreeing to the start as Oct 5? so in action a whole week of warn the wise. Need more axioms? ARE ABOUNDING!
Even “Good things come to all them who wait”.. eventually IAW Warren B

And much like most long term mine projects pro/cons involved it all becomes rather quite confusing and impossible to simplify, like or no. I learned early on to pick and prove a side to point of confidence and WAIT! Assist or disagree with all you please and works as needed for me alone thus far.

Jabber jeebies

“More jabberwocky from 8 and Mexus”

Seems “jabberwock” is right on topic as used near each time I post claimed to be some brand of illiterate nonsense. I’d really advise educate selves from such repeated ignorance. What it REALLY means is the very looking glass a brilliant linguist, real name C.L. Dodgson, Oxford educated scholar used to reflect light on murky self-righteous, puffed up stiff necks who cannot see the usefulness of light hearted literary fantasy to everyday life.

Nothing is necessarily what it seems viewed back there behind the mirror. For instance I can easily see what someone does who proves to own self actually exists and works tirelessly to make it possible but fail to even see why some spend entire existence attempting to prove to others something they know next to nothing about using the original explorer’s posted efforts. While we’re all back here any got a handy mirror?

Whaa happed next?

Re: None
Post #
of 26741
We could script CHEERS! But not Honeymooners R Kramden too.
WHERE to even begin this thrilling, episodic breathless prose.

“the guy posting “to da moon”.
“Share price poppped before anybody knew anything is my point.”

Like what “ANYTHING” anybody has known for 6 years going down 5 oz ton 70′ Julio shaft is some Brillig’s Jabberwok? How’s fer go look and shut the nonsense of “NOBODY EVER CHECKED! Well, 1st time did not descend rickitty old ladders no good flashlight when heard rattlesnake. 2nd time no go in ’12 Spring Killer Bee Swarms so to 3rd time with lift hoist in place was a charm. Wife has a nice face wall 5 oz grade chunk and I’ve handfull of placer wash out nuggets, WELL satisfied. Ever go to see? or just stay satisfied to babble as we see here 24/7.

How can one single, poor “Guru” encompass/respond to all this nonsense posted endless 24/7? How much nonsense is allowed to post here as if had NEVER looked at all at this? He gave this claim ownership to Mexus in Jan at going PPS and was attacked right here last week.

“calls into question Lemas’ authority to act on their behalf as a Company must be in good corporate standing to conduct business, including entering into contractual agreements or legally holding mineral claims.”

Some non-investors also hang on every “EXPERT’S” phony line to hang out rinsed undies over nite

“Some investors hang on every word spoken by the guru”

It was clearly labeled ‘Lots of Interest’ expected. OK, WHICH specific doc do YOU refer to Acronym EXPERT”? Bit ‘nother comedic act steps on stage right . I did student teach 5th grade back in ’61 at oddly named Argonaut Elementary, Saratoga CA so am very qualified to remonstrate acting up kiddos.

“an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII, NASA ).

“BUT only when referring to A SPECIFIC DOCUMENT under (WHAT) discussion is a document outlining one or more ( of WHAT)agreements between two or more parties before the (WHAT) agreements are finalized.” Seems NOTHING at all SPECIFIC , no? So no Letter of Intent even possible. More like Lots of Interest just as I said. possible

“There is no business parlance where LOI means anything other than “Letter of Intent”. To infer otherwise is deceitful. ”

Now who’s deceiving whom in made up hard fast NO EXCEPTIONS RULES? Pure nonsense.

“Also, was this information you are sharing made available to us peon common shareholders or only to specific investors? ”

Even a ‘common peon’ knows how to use a phone in most 2nd world nations. Then ask where he is and why. 1- 775-721-9960 open to all anytime at his request thus VERY transparent

However “CEO will just lie, recall?” Trick I guess is how to know when he doesn’t, then say what you think you know which seemed to beget a HORRENDOUS false rumor about some criminal ILLEGAL!!! initials. Getoffa it! Now is this funny scripting or no? Brings to mind the best of Cheers; first old “Coach” then when young
“Woody’s ” at the bar and Norm walks in. “How’s it goin, Mr Peterson?”

“It’s a dog eat dog world, Woody, and I’m wearing Milk Bone underwear!”

That’s on back of my size LXX Cheers traveling shirt I wear home after week long gamble 7 Star free gourmet meals 5# gain. I’ve one I wear going there too in just LX . Both bring out laughter when I quote ‘Normisms’ on the back. Brings out “LOTS OF INTEREST!”….. TOO FUNNY!!!

Best can manage from total nonsense. Fire at Will!

Never met McCain but we bombed same tgts same time in ’67. Knew a few who knew him well. POW Ev Alvarez I grew up with and mostly my sis Francis his Navy A-7 crew chief Cecil Field FL, 1976. Total womanizer? She hates his guts still today. How’s fer that?

Getting shot down just made you a victim of a Johnson’s silly way to fight a limited war. How you comported self following could make for true heroism and John became all that, well known. 2 cell mates nursed him past death’s door.

Nice slice of life for a personal blog. Real names, real people. To continue. 8

Pot O’ gold

On the old  Comanche   Trail NW of San Antonio used  by US Cavalry Col   RE Lee  on travels  to well- protected  Fort Mason were the  small towns  of  Welfare  and Comfort. Now  is along US 87 all the way to N Montana  near  Canadian border.  In 1861 offered  command by  Lincoln, Lee resigned to serve his native   Country  Virgina  and there hangs  the tale.
In the  words  of a Cavalry  commander just  pre  WW1
Leadership Address by Maj C. A. Bach, Giving Farewell Instructions to the Graduating Student Officers of the Second Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, Wyoming, in 1917
“I refer to the paternalism that manifests itself in a watchful care for the comfort and welfare of those in your charge.”
After 1865 Lee’s  war lost,  most  renown US  Cavalry   leader  was  Lt Col.  G.A.  Custer.  In 1973 I had a new Spangdahlem  Germany Air Base  Wing  CO fresh from  Viet  combat  who  was  fond  of  quoting  Custer  saying ” On officer sees to the    horses  first  then   take  cares of  welfare and comfort of the  soldiers. Got  so tiresome  I rose at a  formal Wing  Officer’s   Dining In and proposed a toast to my  1/16th   Native  American heritage   “Who took care of  Custer  his horses and his men!”. Our Col stopped the  repetitious  reference   after that.

Flat Earth Sasassity

Welcome to regular Monday meeting of Flat Earth Society, Mexus Gold Chapter.

“Hilarious…. those first three words most assuredly do not compute…as related to this hobby miner… ”
‘Or sure looks flat ta me!’

Is someone missing the actual true hilarity of the final 7,
‘not some proclaimed expert making up rules’.

Some’s profession is to actually mine for gold in increasing development across wide swath of Sonora Mexico. Some’s hobby horse is message boards.

Now we know global understanding of Earth plate tectonics theory is incorrect and allows direct connection of opposing sides of the Great Mojave 35 million year old megashear section of 8,000 Km N American Plate length Mexico to Alaska and ignore reported facts easily available about Elena geology are deleted here, swipe of the hand

“Or see with their X-ray eyes 3,000 feet into the earth to find the bottom of the vein at Santa Elena? And trace the vein through the mountain towards Herradura……? ”

and reported “torrential flood plain sweeping desert hills above Ures , Sonora” total 12 days of 230 with measured rain total 6.35″ avg of .0276 not even seen keeping the 8 Bros construction dust down. Need for water trucks spraying daily. Also easy proof swept aside as off topic. Just what is going on? Any investor information of need is forbidden. False opinions abound. … ate/2018-8

Just still trying to hit New World from Old going west plus 526. On August 3, 1492, Columbus and his crew set sail from Spain.

“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
rbtree Sunday, 08/19/18 09:52:31 PM
Re: 8thaero post# 26583
Post #  of 26626 
enormous qualified experience by a known can usually be trusted individual not some proclaimed expert making up rules. 

Hilarious…. those first three words most assuredly do not compute…as related to this hobby miner…

Mail Man DIP

Re: None
Post #  of 26545 
Tough to answer a comedian when the subject actually here quoted answered is Off Topic ( a fake out ya suppose?). Military Postal Officer is an extra duty assigned by Sqdn CO, licensed APO (Army or Air Force Post Office) Postmaster, US Postal Service (heard of USPS? Lots of proven HONEST vets employed there by USPS choice ) can receive and send mail and fwd under quard to the combat front line squadrons. Cannot sell postage as the combat mail is franked free from the zone ( if you’ve ever actually even been in a declared combat area you might well know). Some flight IS involved (floats in bulk on a boat for weeks , becomes my own one day service airmail to Viet Nam by B-57 bombay delivery) but NOT eligible by US law deserving a combat medal for a 6th DFC or 15th Air Medal, only 1st award USAF Commendation Medal for licensing the very first combat sqdn post office with combo locked individual boxes for all assigned personnel and family at Clark AB. Next day in the zone my airmen sorted it by alphabet group slots pretty catch as catch can in Sqdn ops. But at Clark AB it was a VERY busy and well liked facility far from CONUS home and letter writers. We delivered packages did not send them. Central Base PO for any cash involved. Did you READ? we DID NOT as trained to do censor mail entire Viet era . What we combat heros, most usually uncaptured and not shot down that day, returned from North attacks did do? was stand at any small palm tree so good old Morley Safer had some tropical backdrop answering silly questions for what we called “What the Captain meant to say was”. Often hilarious stuff. Never sold a hat in my entire life.Did some family type shoes and purses working way thru college. More fake comedy sketches on Sunday Nite Dead? Improve the dialogue, PLEASE !

a person in charge of a post office.

APO / FPO Military Mail Explained
What is an APO address or an FPO address? APO stands for “Army Post Office,” and is associated with Army or Air Force installations. FPO stands for “Fleet Post …

F4Uvet Sunday, 08/12/18 11:45:48 PM
Re: A deleted message
Post #  of 26545 
Thank you for your service. Without a postmaster [mailman], flying combat missions in Korea would
have been much more tedious. Without mail, morale would have suffered badly.
In the Navy we called mail people yeoman. Never heard of a “combat postmaster” …. must have been dangerous considering paper cuts and all. Was reading and censoring people’s mail exciting ?
How does a postmaster qualify for 5 [five] DFC’s ?

Comstock then and recent

f ANY really want an answer to a direct question asked here? In 2004 What is now Comstock Minerals,LODE, as GoldSpring, GSPG, took on spiraling toxic debt to eventually now totally control the historic Comstock Lode. By 2010 it would have required near 8 billion common shares to convert all of Convertible Preferred ownership which finally began all working together step by step into common 53.4 million shares reorganized. Until 2017 it produced the now closed American Flat heap with great future plans as a prime example of Nevada best mine practices. 

Result? I became the largest common shareholder as EVERYONE dumped and I near alone (1 small other hung with me) bought all down to .00015. I had really good advice from another long term area expert just like our common friend Paul Thompson. Was the way we met in 2008. An announced planned 200-1 reverse in 2007 rose PPE to .07 and I sold half. When the finances began to be legally straightened still til now by CoB John Winfield, also a friend,the 7 year TEST  mining heap production began to finally be drilled and I sold the rest PRIOR to another 2010 20-1 reverse into LODE. Many know the story. May check Thurs PR included for  perusal. 

BTW: Someone enjoyed the food in a 1860s morgue, frozen bodies piled to the 2nd floor? Might explain a lot. Yeah the menu (NONE, a saloon!) IS haunting, with the ghost tours daily. Bring a drink on upstairs. Just HOW FAR OFF TOPIC is allowed in other’s TOS? Seems none for many us. 

“Ever had lunch at the Old Washoe Club ?” 

“The mirror isn’t the only item with a story to tell. 
The bar’s sagging wood floors were cut from Lake Tahoe forests in the mid-1800s. Chandeliers from the same era hang from the ceiling, but the oil baskets have been replaced with electric-powered bulbs. Above the bar is a vintage crystal wedding basket, and it, too, survived the unruliness of the bar’s patrons, even though a few inches to the left, bullet holes mar the ceiling’s copper tiling. 
In the back of the building, through a glass door, is the room where McCain keeps the booze. The low temperature of the room hasn’t changed much from the town’s mining heyday, when it was used as a morgue. 
In the winter, it was impossible to transport dead bodies, so they were stacked in this room. When the roads out of town were in really bad shape, the pile of bodies reached as high as “B” Street, almost a full story above where McCain stores his beer. 
Between the old morgue and the bar is another room with brick walls and a pool table. The room’s entrance has a spiral staircase that leads to the original location of The Millionaires Club, a prestigious 19th-century society that had three dozen members, including Grant, Sheridan and Twain, an honorary member because no writer’s assets in the late 1800s totaled $1 million.” 

Then this also explains a lot CURRENTLY IMMINENT or is that inevitable? 

“Comstock Mining Advances the Dayton Resource Development, 
Schedules 2018 Dayton NI 43-101; 
Discovers 3 feet of 0.246 opt Gold and 3.553 opt Silver in Crosscutting Mineralization 

Virginia City, NV (July 19, 2018) Comstock Mining Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE American: LODE) today announced its progress towards, and additional plans for, advancing its Dayton project, which contains the Company’s second largest gold and silver mineral resource. The Company has retained the independent mining advisory firm of Behre Dolbear to produce a National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) compliant technical report for the Dayton resource area” 

So weird. Totally unknown alias msg bd posters use the ONLY known by name successful start up exploration investor as a constant BAD example. What’s wrong with this picture. 

Corrado at LODE is an old friend, both me , once largest shareholder, and PT who is held in VERY high regard as a long term resident mine consultant. He MUST know SEC will beat down the door 6 AM when it hears about this Behre Dolbear LODE announced Canadian NI project. SIMPLY NOT ALLOWED to proceed in such fashion and doomed to INEVITABLE AND IMMINENT failure. Have it on the BEST authority 2 years running right here. Let’s see, last confirmed… on July 19, ’18. Thinka tha! 

Behre Dolbear & Company, Inc. : Quotes, Address, Contact Dolbear is one of the oldest, continually operating minerals industry consulting firms in the world. Since its founding, the company has spanned the … 

Oh. the  GSPG  profits went into another  silly small explorer I helped  start for   more than  original 2004 520,000 investment in .25 GORO when it market panic fell to  under $2  in Oct  2008. Yep, there went my retirement, thank GOD! Another  did it all wrong. 

Nice’s nize

But one day we  drove  up to old  cruise friend Fanch Ledan’s  home  above  Nice  from  Monaco harbor for a nice lunch and auction. Have a   painting he did early as an architect student of  a Manor House done later  as lithographs. Surprise  drop in was neatnick Jean Claude  Picot dean of  French water color landscapers so got one of his as well. He lives down nearer the sea. Gave  me as nice pencil sketch of the Paris Seine bridges.Yeah, Nice’s nize.  But  Henry  Millers spot below Big Sur is  a good visit too and  he welcomed  Dali during  the  war working  with  Uncle  Walt. Got  an applause from Walt singing  Melancholy  Baby at  D’land opera house  his  morning  walk around  Easter week  ’61. Tends to all run together now.  Picasso’s in there  someplace and last  student  Mouly we do collect BIG Oils.

why nice’s nize