All posts by 8thaero

Light dawns

All I figger is our  terrorists, particularly  in  light of comments, have  been hiding and launching  attacks  from UN schoolhouses.  Lost base  and  tunnels and on  the  run with  tanks  at the  gate.

So Adens say  Mexus  is a  .25  PPS fallen 80%.  And  that’s  before it makes anything  to speak of. 8

“Junior mines fell 80% from 2011 to 2013, the worst fall since the 2008 crash.  But since juniors are higher risk than seniors, it makes them a good leading indicator when they begin to outperform.”


What’s in a Suri-Name?

How  it’s  done  with Alcoa as  JUNIOR  partner. Click  red Mexico dot for situational awareness and  ADD Noche Buena  closer cross  Rancho fence. Ever sat cross a  table  with a  REAL  PM  Godzilla? NOT advised  for  Lout N Flout “Sky is  falling! SELL !!!” 8


“Newmont Mining’s proven gold reserves are also falling. The latest figures show that its reserves of gold ore in FY12 were 3,639 billion tons, which fell to almost 2,959 billion tons a year later. The ore quality (pure gold), measured by the amount of gold in the total mass of reserves, was recorded at 3.03 oz per ton, which has remained almost unchanged. Production guidance for gold for the current fiscal year is 5-5.4 million oz.”

Elsa we’ll always have Placer

IT’S not in  the  2011 for  40%  family   up to $2  mil contract; a  separate  deal totally between some  Mexus  part and  family   but  can be   changed  as seen   25% royalty for  much more  product.  I’d  just  skip any  thoughts,  accept  a  constant  Mexus  $75%. He  added another  1000 htcs  not  in family  40% ever  at  all.

Can you  really see  a good reason to pay  a  cent extra  to look for more than  $1  billion to begin  since  you need  to drill to expand   basic  pit  by  assay grades after  you’re already  making millions? You have Comstock drilling 5 years  before  making a penny  to satisfy NYC bankers  at well above  $50 mil  gone for  assay log or  GRC making  decision  to just  go get it after  initial year   in oxide pit?

Figure  to have  least  15 sq Ks down to 800′ with  .042  oz up to 5.5 oz  ton and  that  SOMETIME next  decade  may find  is  a  bunch more  before  China.  My kinda  odds and  plenty  time  to learn Mandarin.

Meantime   getting  mucho word  count value  for  blog price  and  la, la, la, la  life  goes  on.

Dumb  shitheads  have  to tell they read  it  all here direct  from the  InfoDolt or  admit to  not  know   their ass  from  “a hole in the ground with a liar on top”. 8


WAY back on page 4 of 48 starting in 2011 10K

Now   farther back on   5 of  59, 2013 10K

Mining Properties Located in Mexico


The following properties are located in Mexico and owned by Mexus Gold S.A. de C.V., our wholly owned subsidiary

Caborca Project

On January 5, 2011, Mexus Gold Mining S.A. de C.V. entered into a Purchase Agreement to purchase the Caborca Project.  The Caborca Project consists of 7,400 acres (3,000 hectares) about 50 kilometers northwest of the City of Caborca, Sonora State, Mexico. The Caborca Project lies on claims filed by the owners of the Santa Elena Ranch, which controls the surface rights over the project claims. The claims lie near 112 o 25′ W, 31 o 7.5″ N. These claims were visited near the end of January, 2011.  On or about July 11, 2011, we acquired five additional claims surrounding the Caborca Project consisting of approximately 1,000 additional acres.


We have been unable to locate geologic maps of the area from the Government Geological Survey. However, pursuant to our investigation of the project, the claims were found to be underlain by an igneous complex. The rocks observed included many types of granitic rocks, exhibiting porphyrytic textures, gneissic and equigrannular textures. Quartz was variable. At times quartz “eyes” were observed, that is porphyrytic quartz which many workers consider to be indicative of a porphyry environment. In other localities, no quartz was evident. When no quartz was present, the rock was equigrannular.   Quartz veining was evident throughout the claim group. A mine was developed along a major quartz vein, called the Julio 2 Mine with the vein being called the Julio Vein.


There are multiple exploration targets on the Caborca Project.  The two most important are the quartz stockwork zone and the Julio vein system.  The first target will be the quartz stockwork zone. At least four drill holes are expected to be drilled in this zone to test the mineral potential of this area. Additional holes will be completed to test the Julio vein system.

Placer cost

Big  item is  fuel then  labor which is   a  front loader driver , a  truck driver  another  front loader to screen  hopper and  2  guys max watching  wash process.  Same   drivers  can haul away the  waste in  same  truck after  pile  is  built to sustain  production. When shift  week’s  up Momo and  another   worker  unload the black sand  drawers to recover across  riffles. BIg  stuff  is  picked  out and  black   sand is  spun for  fine  gold and  into the  sack.  Goes  to buyer  for  often same  day cash then settled  up by refinery  value.  Has always said   1 oz pays  for  as  much placer  as  they can run AND the  daily  expenses  of present low  ops  status.  Under  $300 oz  cost  if  4  oz output. Do more?  costs less.  8

Geo Logic

To drive  to Caborca using  Mex 2 from Phoenix way of  Gila  Bend /Ajo/Lukeville’s  border  fence  into Sonoyta  Sonora you  move  N to S  down a  valley  with low  Mts  to the  W and  distant  Mts  to N & E along  AZ border. Beyond  that  low  range  to W  lies pretty  flat grape  vineyards  up  to Cortez  Sea.  Is  where  San Felix  sits   near  sea. Rancho sits  on E side  of  the  short peaks on  the   Mex  2  valley  floor.  Noticeable   quartz  veins  run to the  top and   Julio vein is  a  streak seen from  Mex  2.  Actually tells  you  have  arrived.   Few  million years  the  quartz  has  gravitated  down to valley  so as  you  drive into area is  across   rough small white stone  rubble  which with desert  dirt and  sand is  the  quartz stock  zone. That’s   the placer  feed  ore only needing   separated  roughly  to wash out  gold.  On other  side of the peak  it  falls  back down to desert  over 30 mi to sea where  both Fresnillo Noche  Bueno and  La  Herradura  mine same  gravity  flow other  way to W not  E.  On up  to veins  you  cross  next  shear  zone  shallow   depth will be   crushed to heap or   high grade milled.  Next   you  hit   5  to 6,  kilom. long  veins with Julio  shaft  and  shallow  pit  workings. Higher  you  go richer  it  gets and veins  run  into the  mountain still little  explored  or  drilled.

It’s  very  much like  Comstock mountain side  falling  sharply  to S . Even  long after  most   working  stopped  due  depth and  heat,  dredges  1940’s – 50’s  worked  the  Dayton Carson   River  desert  floor  for  placer  gold  but  using  mercury  recovery  polluted  a  super  fund  site  along  US 50 for  miles  and miles.  Comstock has  plan to open pit upper  Spring  Valley   which was  GSPG original idea just  not  enough value  to  run as  profitable   placer.  To compare, quartz  stock zone  is   well worth the placer  effort just  as  ore  assay higher  up is  for  milling  and  crushing. Lots  less  silver than Comstock for  one.

Question  asks

“is sta. elena
so very rich that they would take on such an enormous risk
from the governance point of view? well…maybe, but given
our current geological info, the “richness” of the
property is still by no means a certainty — certainly not
from any legally enforceable point of view. not yet,
anyway….so….if you are newmont or even some
smaller established mining entity, would YOU put yourself in
a subordinate position to paul thompson? i don’t think i

I don’t  think many  understand  the  status  of  the   mine  development PROCESS. What  is  being  asked is  about  an early on decision to mine based on sparse geology  then  feasibility .That  period  would be  least  5 years  ago.  All is  DONE

It  needs  nothing more  to  make  metal but  build the  process. It’s  fully documented  with enough reports  to turn dirt  as  is  underway with the placer. ALL permission is now  complete and  any sane  miner in the bid is  seeking  best  deal possible.  So is  Paul who owns  it. So about  7  years  effort to get  here  is  DONE.  So what  do you  take in return to share  in  the  $1.3  billion to be made?  Mexus has totally   no need to give away  the  bigger  share and  management. I think has  NEVER been the  issue. It’s  what  do you  get for  $7  mill  backing . Just  the  2  flow  charts  are  as good  as  you  see in  Joint ventures based  on  proven facts what  can be  possible  slow  or  fast. The  bidder  is   on  the  fast  track path  or  would not be  there with some  $ 7  mil.   I’m well satisfied  with the  low and  slow and  more ours if  they  fall   through in end.  Them’s  powerful worms  on  the  hook  or  jucy  carrot on  the  stick.

This is typical  now a  days. Gold  streaming  like  Sandstorm don’t  give  shit  to be  in  charge. Front the cash to take  at  their  set  price. Problem is   PT wants  a  contractor WITH the  cash  so’s  not  to need  to spend  the  cash for  people  and things  they already  have  at hand. He has  the  folks approved  by  Unions  even, which a  miner would  value  highly for  no  labor  disputes. Least until  time  is making big  money to extort  some to continue as  always  happens Let  the  day come I say. 8

Honey Do

Did  a  4  year  dreaded pull out  faucet  replace  Sat. Hidden behind   double  sinks and  granite  top in  back 2  door  cabinet and  garbage  disp . Damn plumber fixed in  place  with  a  board  to jam tight to under  mount  sink grid   not  with a  screw on and  set screw  tighten fast. Not  even a  bottom side metal and  rubber  ring to swing  L & R! Came  loose  after  a year and  just  wobbled  since. Reason? Weren’t  even a  real square   1 1/2″  2′  stick but a   glue & pressed fiber el cheapo  substitute  so first  water  leak just  dissolved  to paper  again.  Had  to hacksaw off from top and  install  the new. Broke  off  the  door frames as near  imposs  to remove deep fasteners   around  sinks  close front  to get  inside then glued  up and  reassembled  the  frame last  thing. She  was  shopping  with Dana until  7  and  I was  finishing  up same  time.  Night  spent in  hot  water  tub soak to get  rt  arm moving  again.  Last  time  ever.   But  nice  was  Tom had  us  over  compound  for  pool and  hot  tub  ( 110F) while  he  emptied  the  game  locker. Had  elk steak,  venison, squirrel ( like   long  legged quail)  feral pig.  Got  to admit  we  raised  quite  a   hunter son.  Lucky  for him Dana’s  dad  Butch Koenig  does  long  haul demonstration  equip  moves between product  shows   nationwide and  loves  to hunt  so he  and  Tom go often his off time  for  CO Elk and  such. Now  Tom  has  a  hunt  lease 2  hr  west  toward  border. I taught  early to shoot  well  but I never  had  much of  a  desire to kill things. Seeing  things  blow  up and  disappear never  seemed  a  good  thing after hosing  with  8 x .50 cals  or  4 x 20MM,  And  they shot back! My motto is  unless  you’ve  a  need? Or  will kill you?  Let  it live  but  if  you  kill it?  Better  eat  it all OR   give  to somewhere  will. But  real kicker   is  them 4  hydrogen bombs  I never needed  to use.   Mick said, “Now  tha’s  a knife! “.  You see  the destructive  power of  small to large  bombs or  munitions where  is  NOTHING but  you  hope  a  well placed  hole . Is daunting. Least  we proved  Iron Pants  Curt  was  right. He’d made us good  enough since  Korean lessons  learned . Was  Congress and  Administration (any) in diapers.  World  without  end!

While   at  DaNang  ’66 I read   then recent (’62 or about  50 years  later, now  the  century)   Barbara  Tuschman’s  Guns  of  August where  serious ignorant fumbles and  misreads led  to WW 1 and  then same ignorant politicians caused  worse festering led  to    WW2 ; finally a wiser  HST halted  with 2  BIG bombs  he  HAD to use and  we  learned  NOT to use  since.  Day may be  again at  hand if  USA don’t  wise  up and  LEAD.  Seems  is  Russia  and  Insane  Muslims  against  the  West on a   stumble track   to WW 3. 8

The Quartz Stockwork Zone…..ok can you please elaborate?

READ THE FUVKIN  10K! How  do you  explain to  total ignorance of  the  basic shareholder  report? You  can comment here. TRY at least! Tired  of  using   3  D glasses  to see  both  red  and  blue posts. I didn’t  TOS me!Were  Louts N Flouts! Any  can either  ask in while   I jus need to post  and  read  here. Pure  dumbness  otherwise simply  continues  ad infinitum. Leave   L n F’s  in cold. I never  quit  RB they quit me! 8

What %?





YOU FIND ANOTHER which he’s been doing whilst  Louts  N  Flouts  bitch and  moan he  must take less. Clear?  He OWNS right  to take  some $2  billion in metals! He negotiates  right  to buy  a lesser  portion with  asked  $7 million  cash and  certain  details in  his  favor or  no go. Find  another with more need  for  oz in  ground which is  everyone I know of!  As POG and POS rise  dramatically  so must the  offer or  wasn’t  worth  much to start and  he knows it  was. NOT a  weak hand  but  our  simpletons  can’t  value pocket  aces  an a  3d  out on  flop… which is   people  asking  to buy on .

A common  MINOR detail included  is  ability to buy  back ownership portion of  a  JV.  51/49 provides  a  clear majority ownership but  the  Sr foregoes early  on  profits to reduce  the Jr  down AFTER cash flow  begins using  the  Jr cash buy  in  input.  Sure  not  sayng  that is  underway but any  decent legal minds  advising  have  to consider sliding  to 2/3 , 1/3 and  producing   profit  for  the  Jr shareholders with a clear  US tax  advantage.  Simple  minded  KEEP ignoring  this  is between 2   US or a  Canadian    corp with  a  Mexico property shared  as  a  JV.  Mexus  Gold  US remains  exactly  the  same 100% owned as  will whichever  signs the  deal.

Placer  has  always been a  separate  entity but  I understood back then  a separate placer  process could be outside  family  agreement.  Not  even spelled out in Mexus  buy  in  2011 as part of  Santa  Elena  Rancho  neither  Julio II or Martha  Elena . That  seemed to be taken out  with a new 25%  production  royalty and  a  4  times larger  run.  Few areas I’m aware have  such abundant nuggets  sized  metal  92 % purity with simplest  process of  all.  I  know  of  neither   Timmins  or   even Newmont right  next  door running  a placer process.

“The first target will be the quartz stockwork zone.”

If  quartz stockwork zone  were a  lake not a  desert?   A Gold   Grabber dredge  would  seem to be  perfect . 8



11.75%’s a G’Day, Mate!

Just so Bizzarro! Patiently  arranging  to jointly  produce  some  $1.5  billion gold  and  silver last  3  months ( Apr, May,  June )  “GIVE away my  value”  is  the  verdict! Meantime   near  3  cent  shares  are  out by the 500K’s  and  act like’s some  3  card  Monte game  on  the  corner raided  by  the  Fuzz!  Where’s  justice ?  Let’s  switch to  “small black louts  ‘n flouts ” more  precise . Screw  Her Majesty!  OK, someone  did, Phil o’ Greece  and  Denmark. Has  a pretty   1 yr old  GG kid but  consider  the  sources! Pretty  people ! Some  hope  for  the Empire;  aint  quite  set yet.

Nice  day. Even GORO traded  10% of  total up .26.  A cent  more than I paid  for  520,000 in  April  a  decade  ago. Just  5.15% gain  .

Mexus? We’ve 30 times  as much combined not all  under my  control at  .07. Up 11.75% .  Decent day for  a  change and imagine  the  future NOT the past! SOMEONE’s listening to my  2 year  information posts!  Just 1% trades. Other 99% can jump on the  ship.

Some  point most Louts N Flouts’ll  disappearo. Always  such! Tho,  HMS GW Lout’s a real sucker fish; can’t  feed on own.

“don phillips” <crazydonconcepts

Good week. Rats only scurry back down warp lines  when  big  ship leaves  port! Don


It just never comes  across  a  near totally brain dead   anti-MXSG RB bd he  is  NOT selling a  share  of Mexus US ( check your  share  certs!) or  getting  a loan. He  is  taking on   a  prime  contractor  LARGE Sonoran producer  to  get into production on  Mexus Mexico  owned  property  of  which Mexus  US owns  99% . It  will require  them to supply  ALL Mexus  will not  have  need  to provide as  really large  cash buy in  and set  up the  mill, shaft, leach . Meantime  placer  is  moving and  First  Pursuit debtor   is  paying that  cost they take  off  the  $4  mil due in  March. These  are  wet paper  bag escape plan thoughts,  idiots! PT’s operating  in Sacramento with Canadian and  US Corp miners  who have  large operations in  Sonora. What’s  to do in Mexico?  MEXUS GOLD US , hey that’s  the  corp involved.  Mexus  Gold  Mexico operates  locally  based  in  Caborca  and   managed  to hire on  some  really  good  folks  by  raiding  the  big  local banks for  the  office.  Bunch( ALL?) are  related  to the  VP  and  the  Rancho  mine manager and  NOTHING in  Latin America  beats family   blood for loyalty.  EATCHER hearts  out  Louts ‘N Flouts!


Write   a  $7 mil check and  ask for  33.3%?  and  may be  the partner  this  afternoon but get  your  shit in  gear  to be  moving  dirt  and  hiring  on  crews  with all your  Mexcan operations behind  you by  mid  August.   Minor  details. Easy reading  includes  knowing  something  not  quessing  what  you  HAVEN’T been told  OR allowed  to say.   I make  no excuses  but  am required  to read  your  and  their   total lack of any awareness  then bitch about mine knowing least some.  All that  dumbass  BOE scribbles mean NOTHING unless it gets  made.  Just  $7.5 mil is  1/2  ALL the  TOTAL Mexus cost  to date and most  JV’s  go for Jr  49/51%  Sr which is  HALF roughly. Where   40% or under  just might be  the  break point yes  or  no?  but  NEITHER of  us  have  any  idea. I’d  simply  listen to him and  HALT the blather! One’s  for  sure any large  cash  will include  a  say on a  BoD and  there  isn’t one.  Minor  detail.  Plus  if  we  recall there  was no indication of  decent silver content  in past but ongoing   oz  estimate  usually will include  appreciable equals if  are anywhere near above  cost  to recover. They  ARE included  in  spreadsheet prepped by non-bidder Sonora Resources  at a  6/1 or  6.4/1  ratio.  Call it  6 and  any  million oz  may hold  $1.3  bil AU and  another  $120,000,000 AG. Confident  the  contestants  have  a  wag in. 8