All posts by 8thaero

Is what he does.

Paul’s  got  a  warehouse jammed  with great ideas.  Be  talking an  idea or concept…. That’s   CRAZY! is  where  “Crazy Don” Concepts  was  awarded  to me as  alias on  Spurs  Talk WOAI    30 long years ago.  So I’d  just  do it to show it  works ..  and  he’ll get  a  distant  look and  say here’s  how  it  can be  done  and  be  designing  it  as he  goes to sleep. If you  jerkos ‘d  realize  we  pay him NOTHING  accepting  those  creative ideas is  the least  he should  be  awarded on pure  respect. And  in  partic  when built and  working!

When I’m  bothering  to tell   you  something I’ve known for years    and get  tossed  back pure  ignorance it  means  I just  wasted  my  time. Difference  between dumb and  stupid is  stupid  could  learn but  refuses in public.  An occasional apology’d do wonders but  never  comes. I’m the  original convert  here in  Oct  ’09 and  spent  one  fortune now  to gain another. Anyone  truly interested  in  what’s  actually  happening is  well advised  to simply  listen and  keep own nastiness  on  hold.  Pure  crap gets  shit on  anytime. I just  wont  accept  stupidity but  as  old  educator  give  it  a  good  shot  to correct  any undumb; who just  try. 8

Dumbo Dingos doggin tail

NO good  question  is  dumb  on  its  face. But  talking certain of  something you know  total nothing  of  is   ignorance  on  display.   Ever  try  “Bering  Sea  Gold” SEARCH? 2  min  in will prove  what  I say  correct and  you  wrong. Question is  just  what  few  episodes  you  watch to see no logos, corp names? You post  feeling. I try  hard  for  truth I see  myself  BEFORE I yak  nonsense. And  WAS nonsense. BTW thanks  for  sir, ‘preciate  it. Back to ya.

“but I have a feeling that they will probably blot it out as well.   If true, I’m afraid this may not of been well thought out advertising. ”

So really  seems  odd  to hear  from one  actually aware  of  SOMETHING and  NOT pure  bah-bah-balderdash run off  at both ends.  Stranger  yet  is  in near  entire  agreement this   Nome PR issue. As  I say we’ve  discussed  this  in the  past  over  a beer so I’ve  looked  it  up since.  Paul IS that dog  but  with a  bone and wont  let  go. Like  a  few of  us  can do several things  same  time and  chew  gum.

TMLonggun 16 hours ago

1 2 3 4 5
“This was clearly thought about in advance.  There is some censorship and there will not be direct pumping of Mexican operations, but it is good marketing and does open the door for some future show set in Mexico (one of the few areas lacking a GR show).

Paul JR is easily one of the most interesting people on the show with the most relevant experience, so it is highly likely he will be shown a lot and profiled, as well as his history and story.

I think a lot of you are in the “complain no matter what” mode.”

AMEN! from choir  loft!

Now  this!

Exactly  where has this next  sorry piece  of  shit been hanging? I’m attacked  personally by name  all over any   message  bd  running  any  of  the  4  miners  I assisted  start up. One  even attacked me  daily  as  Don Phllips  Disabled  Vet!   Sorry  sack of  excrement there! Might  have  even been this unknown cretin, who can tell. All the  Flouts constant coatailing silly  faceless   HMS GW Lout  are   worthless  for  anything of  value ever.  Where’s  this  SOB’s  bio?  Mine’s been exceptional 50 years  BEFORE I bought  1st  US Gold  share  and  risen since. Nameless  bluster, buster.  I’m blogging HERE due  to assholes  just like  you. Fortunately unless  I drag the  disgusting  junk here  self? Can be  ignored  by  decent  folk.  Feel free  to not  even read what  goes here  now on.  Just  doing my  best  as  always exposing  crap like  you at  MY expense. 8  

1 2 3 4 5
“i read his blog. The creature is as humble as ever. it would be funny to see him spit his venom in your faces in person when not hiding behind a computer. i think he would shrink into a scared little boy. Why is he not in an asylum? How you can take this mentally ill treatment (and it IS mentally ill) without  more resentment is beyond me. I admire that strength but you allow yourself to be treated like dogs.


Just  when you  thot  idiots came  in outa   the  perma-frost     and  is  safe  to go out and pan Nome  public   free  gold off- shore claims! Try bothering to WATCH all the  sponsoring  ads seen on just  MY links and  shut  trap!  Can’t  PAY for  stuff  like  this! But  seems you  can if  you’ve  eyes  and  ears. Problem  was? None  with good   sense  were  sponsoring for  ad space like a  car  fender. You  really think Chevy  MAKES that  NASCAR body? It has  a  way mad modified  block is  all! I was born day before  yesterday!  Fell free to tell Mon are on  the  way any day now. Remind  self  NOT to run for  BoD!  8

Whiners  have  for  years  bitched and moaned  of  NO publicity so NO investors. Here’s  a  zero cash slice  of  hottest  stuff  on  cable  Sat  PM and hot  new WA   prospector out  to revolutionize  the Nome Gold  scene. What  blind  gopher  can’t  see  Cat or some  Logo on  every  excavator arm  and  Pioneer Pump on  the  dredge  suction box?  Partner Hank’s  giant  costly  rig will say neither  but  will  be  Mexus Green and  say Mexus  US Gold.  What in  hell ya  think the sponsor shares  are  for. Watch much NASCAR?  While  I don’t  know, it’s  highly  probable  Hank looked up Paul  in  light  of  Pac  NW  past mechanical  magic. 8

Heeeeeresss Hank!

None  so blind as  them’s  cant  see. You really  think they’ll let you  see  a  check account?  Name , address, phone,  banking info,  SSN Dr  Lisc et al?  I’d  sue  their  asses off! I don’t  think  you’re  well thought out and  the  show  is  marvelous  idea. I’d have  paid Hank $50K  for  1.2 mil shares   R  but  he’s  got  the  big  gain  to come  with the  publicity  on  BIG Mexus  Gold  US plastered on  all equipment  built and  winning  the 2014 contest.    8

“Ok…I watched a few episodes of this show last night to see what it was like.  Pretty entertaining show, but I did notice that they did blot out the name of something on the 1st episode (a check some guy was writing).  I will watch a few more episodes to see if they ever allow the showing of names on pumps, gear, or machinery, but I have a feeling that they will probably blot it out as well.   If true, I’m afraid this may not of been well thought out advertising”

Usually dumber comes  after dumb. Mexus  Gold US is  a   Nevada  Corp.  Magic  Big  AU Scoop built  in Walnut  Grove  CA! Do these  shitheads even HAVE a brain? Mexus  US haps  to own a  producing  mine  in  Mexico about  like  Newmont and  everyone  else USA and  Canada   in current  hottest spot  Sonora. You believe  the  idiocy ?  Dumbo thinks  ESPN takes  cash from Danika’s sponsor  GoDaddy? It  lets  them  SELL the  show to viewers… where the  real bucks  reside.  Go try to figger  way out of a  wet paper  bag!  8

“It’s dumb advertising why would discovery let anyone advertise a Mexican mine on a show based in Alaska. And if so Discovery will wants it’s cut. ”


No Name City?

What is  truly  amazing? All the  proclaimed  expert  bitchers seem totally  unaware the  family  owning 100% of  Rancho gold hold  exactly  1 million Mexus  shares  in  the  buy in. Now  think just  how many  viewers  world  wide  of  the possible  2-3  billion watching some  portion of  Discovery’s  most  watched  programs  even know  of  Caborca’s  Juio Elena  project while  an annual   90 day rush to recover  Nome  nuggets  sells billions  and  billions in  air  time.


All entire Bering  Sea  Gold   Discovery  program IS is  personalities  and names advertised  all over  the channel.  It’s  PT Jr!!will be  in North Alaska.  Sr’s  been gone from  even South AK  since  ’12  when testing  then selling  the barge and  bet  the  shares involved  are   his  founders at  zero Mexus  cost but the slight  dilution. The  partnership meets  are  all in  driving  distance  Walnut  Grove, Wise  up fools, he’s nearing  end  whilst  you  blather  nonsense. Anything  much new?

So Cat  wants  a  name? Build  a  specialized  machine  and  buy  in as  sponsor in  the  contest.  Aside;  Pete  Holt CEO SA Spurs  G’G father  invented  Caterpillar in ’07 (Holt received the first patent for a practical continuous track for use with a tractor on December 7, 1907 ) Really  good  guy! PATIENCE all in Mexus  oughta  copy! When you   have  the best  just  wait! Sure  worked  for  Pete  and  old  friend AF Acad All American Gregg  P!  Cost  of  claim share in Nome?  Crap that’s  the  price  I paid for  the magnetometer  which MAY have  a use  for  gold  as well as  copper.  And really  stupid  stuff  being  spewed  on  heap leach vs  milled  and  vat leach . The  MC was  running  fine producing  PM and  totally  rebuilt  last  2  years.  Problem at  Am Flat  was really weak assay ore and  really  high silver so multi-multi millions  drilled  to find  decent  stuff  and  go bigger and  NY Banker  required  all NEW. One  fine  decade  will be  in  profit  if  they keep it  up.  Go see that  ant  hill of large   trucks running miles  and  $1.65 PPS then divide  by  200! Hint .00825 PPS  when 2004 Merrill Crowe  purchased  then doubled  size  2008  .

Vat  leach requires  BIG and  bottom agitiated or  NOTHING happens but  murky  poisonous liquid   shit .   Then why in hell you’d  leach milled  fine  powder when simple  gravity does  it  all. Insane  bullshit; or  waste  time  milling  low  grade ore  when leach does  that  all least  expensive by the up to  6000 ton daily  loading. Mill is  just  80 ton.  Plan is  all there  on  sheets as 1,2, 3.  1  being  done  self and  2 and  3  in line  when he  picks  best  of  now 2. Either  have had to  come  up to speed by  dumping  Slim’s  slender offer   ( who  is  needing  to get  under  50% Mexico phones as  Telmex ) and  gets  a  few  new  billions  soon. I think will be  as  sorry August  as I’m  pleased as  one  retired  CEO always told  me about  all them .25  shares now  in many  more  millions   .07  Mexus .  Word in  Caborca’s?  always  keep yer  shirt  on or possibly  serious  sun  stroke.   Wear  hat, seek shade …..HA… and plenty  liquids. Never  switch to great  Mexican beer  till whistle  blows and  wash down a  good  steak.  Protein  runs  ya  tomorrow.  You’ll need  it! About  same-same  Name Nome  City just  keeping  warm  where hat  keeps  ears  from freezing .  Chop any  shade  tree  for  a  fire.  Looking  forward  to some  fun both places;  and  been having  Mexus  fun since  early  2010. Loosen up, tight  butts! 8

Discovery Gold

I actually  mentioned it  to one  should  be  in  the know that  Paul said it  was  an official Mexus  enterprise  back upon  the  seas Maritime  Division foot  in  door with wide  publicity. We’ve  discussed  the  silliness of Klondike  Gold  stuff many  times; dumbo greenhorns life at risk for  little. Was  told  he  knew  of  it  but  was  PT Jr’s  only  deal. Looks  like  I was  right  and  we  bought  in el cheapo.  Deeper reach? Not a  bad  way to grab hold  cable  either; grab hold, not  grapple?

BTW, since  July  1 when “every one in the  world  gained  12.5%” (Louts  N Flouts)? Have  gone  up $179.219.13. Not  a  shabby  week but  will see  MUCH better  soon. Sorta  guarantee and  I do trust  it  will.


We  watched   May 5  visit Paul Jr  welding  sections  Paul had  designed  to operate  in  50′ off  shore  waters  Nome shore line.  PT Jr  will run the  show north.  Promised  to keep it  quiet until announced  but  again said’d  be  welcome  news in  the  vacuum. Consists   of   large  clam shell forward  jaws that  drop and close  then  rotate on  rails  OVER barge  bow  so no high lift and  swing back  needed.  Placer washed back into  sea. Paul KNOWS placer!  Really  fast  and  very  safe  even in fairly  rough stuff. Gonna  knock DSC Channel  eyes out  compared to the  dumb stuff  being  shown.   Paul and  I always  laugh at  the  stupidity there.  Typical Thompson design  genius overcoming  problems. Basically  built  with  yard  “junk”  like  PT Jr accused  of  selling  off  Mexus  assets  for  “broke”  cashout.  Can’t  wait to see  Mexus  US Logo  late  nites.  Also  feels  is  precisely  what AK, OR ,WA and   G W North needs  to give  cable  contracts   for  clean up. Any  remember  the  cable? Aint  dead  yet!Louts and  Flouts too busy spitting  up pablum to envision  “Sonora  Gold”  on Discovery Prime  time. Nice  shot  of old  Cortez  Boot  beats  board  sidewalks and  July  parkas!  8

R shares  worth about  $65K. My understand  was  both show the flag and  turn a  profit.  Renewed  entry  in maritime  ventures on  the  cheap. Whatca  get  for  that? Shot  at  $1mil and  wide  viewing.  Hank in  4th  season  wants  that  mil for self! 8
“Discovery Communications (Nasdaq: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK) is the world’s #1 nonfiction media company reaching more than two billion cumulative subscribers in 223 countries and territories. Discovery is dedicated to satisfying curiosity through 162 worldwide television networks, led by Discovery Channel,”

Wasted days and wasted nights

So totally massaged  spreadsheets   and missed  “Placer  Royalty  25%?” Zero mill and  leached? Seem to mean now family  share  when we  pay upgrade to 4  times. I’ll do own BOE figgerin  thanks.


Were  very small tanks  and  worked fine  just  no metal worth producing in  ore used. Belong  to Mexus  JV  share and  am sure he  keeps them perhaps  for  8 Bros  with base metals content.

Placer  is  the  MOST cost efficient, rocking motion, gravity powered water  flow to do same  thing as  powered ball milling ,daylong milling  rock to powder,  to recover heavy metals from dirt  and  rock shortest  period . BUT also  really  large  gold  rocks.  Placer product’s

92%   pure  nuggets and black sand containing  near  all the PM. 80% would  be  REALLY low decent  grade ore. Floatation  is  very  time and  materials consuming  with refinery metal product only containing  lighter base metals worth a little something   defray cost . So trying  to get  max 80% of  remaining  20%  gives  a  wildly costing  16%. There  goes  any  profit  on  the  80% already  earned. Get it  quickly  to the  bank instead and  earn 2% interest, toss  other 14%  costing  $2000/ oz for eventual   waste in $20K POG era! And Grandkids  can do it at  slight  profit. Mud’s  mud, your  kids can make  ‘tend  pies on  Caborca  vacations .8

“Don’t know answers to your ???, but I have often wondered how much Au could be floated from the “mud” that washes through the placer unit. We know the yield is something around 80%, so where is that other 20%.
I seem to remember some large floatation tanks that we sent to San Felix to float Ken’s high Au residue, of course, it was just another of the crook’s lies. Wonder where they are now?”


Optomist Club

Hit  Kitco  bit  late, better  than not or  post  close

Mexus Gold US Placer Operation Update – Jul 8 2014 2:24PM

Mention  of  8 Bros  I guess  to demo not  exact  a  1  trick pony. But  my  1st  visit  09-’11 still the main squeeze and  all stuff  kept  at  the  compound  just  N of  Ures  with the  claims really  up in  the  boonies/wild  outback. That  point Rancho  just a  new drilled well still only in use  and  trommel being  moved  to site  and  panel being  wired  up.   But  we  did  detect  a  nugget rather  quick to give  notice of  hot metal area.  Ures  is  middle  of  Sonora  and  in zone  where large older  mines  run to the  Sierra Madre  to E. Will require  a  bankroll to establish  proper metallurgy for good  silver from amazing  abundance. Gold  and  copper  veins  straight forward  stuff to mill.   If  Julio runs  good by  end  ’15, could be  looking  at  start in ’16

As to flow  charts? I venture  are  so odd that  only  real use  is  timing  1 ,2 ,3 which  we  all knew  anyway and  not  values other  than wild  assed  guesses. I believe  I came away from May  5 mentioning seeing  the  $86.921  mil was  one possibility in the   full year2015 but  lotza  slips  twixt  cup and  lips AND Sonora Resources was  NOT a  player that  compiled  them. Still, a  dream is  a  wish your  heart makes!

I do hope is  a  permanent answer to why  hasn’t he  been down there  making  all that  gold we  know  is around.  Has  NOT been able  to do more  than  basic  improvements  since  applying for new uses. Placer  move is cheap. Rest issued  are still good  but  cost  the  big  bucks  a  partner  will provide.  Then  of  course  we all see  the  enormous  interest  this  afternoon since  news  comes  out  and  even spell checked! Well perhaps tomorrow.

Limiting  factor AFTER the  pad  approval  is in  hand is  the  design 800 gpm flow  it produces  through the MC with high assay to begin press  filter  loading.  Once  a lined  pad in place ,  crush plant  operating  stacking  begins  and all rest  falls  in  line until leach spray started   reaches inflow  trenches  to the lined  ponds for recycle.   Same  effort  involved doing  little as  a  lot so you  begin once  it  can be  continuous  maintaining  the  800 gpm moving  leach as  stacking new  areas  then new  20′ lifts  atop the  old.  High begins  June  500 tons/day Low  begins  Sept same  tons. Hit  the happy  medium and  call it  late  July flow  800 GPM. About 10/1  ratio   is  good  wag.   but  70%  recover  for  both is  awful for  gold, decent for  silver so seems skewed way to low  total current  62.6 times prices. All is sorta  like  getting  the  Sears  Catalog in  July  to wish for  Dec  25th. Then last  year’s  goes  to the outhouse.  Save  girdles  and  bras  for last. 8

Spoke Mon 7th

I know Dent’s  been hoping  to say SOMETHING positive sometime but  I pushed hard still  to get  the  placer  move  out now.  Will be  cash income flow  start. Few  weeks  past had  moved  up to 8  on  list  to be  issued. So finally  ripened  and  fell  off vine.

What’s  been in  hand all along now  has  been  the  most  valuable possible, an unusual 30 year  operation  permit with renewal. Before anything new  tho, environmental needs  to count  cacti and  that’s  done. If  you  check GRC’s  history they began growing stuff to replace flora while  a building . So placer gets moved above but  old  ponds still used down by  mill which remains as  built, both expanded and enclosed with need. Placer  was  rebuilt last  year  but  needed  to move  to operate higher  up still from  lower quartz  zone near  endless  supply  with LOTA dirt  to wash out. Mill remains  in place, will always  use  above  .25  oz  from any  source , shafts, veins  shear  zone. Other  than placer ( apparent  the  .042 oz figure  on  charts. ) all lower  grade  gets  crushed  and leached. Placer process use is  as  both fine  gold  AND sizeable  nuggets  are  the product  with no leach time  and effort. Can pocket  the  cash.  Mill needs  blast, lift, haul, crush, mill and  recover  but  lots  more  money out. Leach pads  take  most  effort  and  time  but  completed   will be  pouring  buttons weekly for  the  most product. That  MC plant I know  since  2004  was in  a max  50X 50  area  at GSPG American Flat final expansion. Not  a  major  project. That’s  the  ponds and pads shaped  and  lined  heat  weld  vinyl but  done  as  you  go.

Bigger  and  many  more ponds will go in  the placer area but  there’s new current  need  to assure by  Lemas  that  will be a  barren area while  he  still maps  the shear  zone resource.  Same goes for  pad  placement. They THINK they know but  old idea  of  what’s  there keeps  changing with discovery which aint  all that bad.

I’ve  said  the  flow  charts  are REALLY rough to take  past just time  line  with  poor  figures to work with, even the  calendar hard  to see practical. I assumed  Sonora  Resources whipped  something  up quick and   he  just  went  with what  he  had  to show. They  were NEVER an official bidder. I now  think he’s  working  the  original 2  entrants I still believe  are  Timmins and  PenMont. Aurico screwed  the  pooch in time  wasting  apparently  but  sometimes  being  richest  guy in  Mexico gives something  can  drag to another  desires it  more.  Nothin  I can prove, just  logic.

What  I can say undoubted is  he’s damn tuckered and  if  any had  been close  to right  for  Mexus  they’d  already  be aboard. Not  doing  this all for himself as  70 mil gonna make  him pretty  rich. Also wants  to be  in  charge  of it  all to protect the  find  of  a lifetime for  both holders  and  the  family who are  the most patient  and hard  working of all. Minor  exception noted.  All’s  in? Looks  like  August if  the  next  week progresses  well. And  that’s  right on  the  low  chart $48K. POG 1,200 , POS 18; about  15% low  now. And  for once  I’m VERY pleased  sky pie  time  once  again!

“Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
   As the swift seasons roll!
   Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
   Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!”


O.W. Holmes Sr ,  Chief Justice’s dad

Ollie  seemed  unaware it  just  adds  on and  lives  in  the  last  built  chamber as  it  grows  for  15  years. Been around  for  500 million years  now and  called  a living  fossil. Make me  feel welcome aboard. 8

Old maids sewing circle

Needs  ask self kind  of malfeasant*; beats  several centuries  shit outa  “miscreant”,  gals; exults, chortles over  lead  mine investor being  down 90%?  SCUM of EARTH? Funny, is  well off actuality. Back at  .07 I’ll be  whole, .08 starting to make  REAL bucks as  life’s  fortune next  decade  or  so.  Do me  jus’  foin! 3  years  proir  my  90th and  slowin  a  bit. 8

a dog in the mangeridiom

*malfeasant (comparative more malfeasant, superlative most malfeasant)

  1. of, or relating to malfeasance or misconduct

Org Chart

Is  looking  a  tad  taller with no direct  line connects but US Corp

Support lists  Williams, Steitz, Wylie, Thompson Jr  and  Dent .  8