All posts by 8thaero

After the Bull; OLE

Re: Subpoena process IS important

PostPosted by 8thaero » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:14 am

Friday, 01/27/17 03:00:56 AM
Re: NonePost # of 13367

First point you have ANY need for emmitters (which do cost money)to connect up, lay to top of heap? Lift’s done and we see the initial meter I estimate thanks to PHOTOS and we are inundated by them constantly exactly as were with Cousin Rob at El Gallo ..just not yet Fiesta time which will come next. And is MY promise not PT’s who agrees party on the grounds! Says about like dividends on enormous profits. Expert opinion only… “What else you do with it?”

Now we consider:
“Thanks, belgie. No, I know the difference, but did forget that the crusher was MarMar’s and in country. That said, the latest info is that it may not have started the trip to the Elena, and that, due to its size, it will require any utility lines that are too low to be temporarily removed in order for the crusher to pass. Depending on the length of the journey, that will take some planning and cost, which could be considerable, depending on what the utilities charge for the line drops.

At least they’re able to move material until the crusher/conveyer is in place, albeit in much less volume”

If I’m your quoted expert, as Mexus has never said anyting like that? You got a problem! SEC DOES frown on frauds publishing with some motivation unsaid anything, even silly to “paint the tape” and the Subpoena to ihub and summons will be by names. File of lible, slander and defamation, Mexus , Paul Thompson and me just private investor lookin on grows daily. But keep snapping at the fly.

“What is the difference between libel and slander?
Libel and slander are both forms of defamation.  Defamation is a common law tort, governed by state law, in which an individual makes a “publication” of a defamatory statement of and concerning the plaintiff that damages the reputation of the plaintiff.  The distinction between slander and libel comes in the form of the publication.”

Texas? Damn tough on common criminals bilking sincere investors with dishonest goals. I’m a professional gambler, long IRS court case story, and do KNOW a slam dunk case to wager on! Already anted up.

Wont last an hour. All welcome to pile it on one by one, sweaty for the few at the bottom. Next hear from me ? a summons if at all possible;
She’s watching Magnificent Obsession. I’m composing msg like a telex tape for play back. She’s’ asleep 2:30. 12AM get my 1 for the day. Want it true for the heart shot but doubt instant death. Dumb bull stands erect awhile? Bye and Bye’s OK if in agony enough. Bastard tried to kill my cape? OLE! 8

Little NIght Bio Music Please

Valgene Phillips
Today at 4:33 PM

The rest of the story

  • PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:06 am

    Was years of infection and ruptures caused a pocket to form “cholesteatoma” and eroded the hearing process in R ear. VA opened up and all there was a bit of the stapes tiny bone. Did not lose hearing as the liquid actually transmitted faster than air giving confusing super hear results. Gunk gone I have no hearing except skull vibrate to mid ear. Disaster tho was the same stuff had invaded the E tube and eroded bone round the carotid artery and was pulsing they could see. One of them sharp jolt and while he was coming he was going things. Did a bone graft to cover packed the space with surgical gauze and antibiotics which still pops out since 1980 and made a new eardrum as yours I could stick my finger in a .45 cal hole for some time and bone grew back in big depression behind ear in a year. Down to about .30 cal sized hole. Looks normal but I say don’t bother to check that hearing side. Implant’d work but is much worse hearing sounds so I keep my L going best possible but lose it all with liquid inside so keep a window open so no head under water stuff at all. Any ENT will say ear lining is fastest growing stuff in the body and can cause that closed pocket effect. Just sitting in VA clinic chair ’80 as Dr checked , whistled Phew! and ran got the resident and scheduled immediate surgery. See thing in text as a little pinched wrinkle high up called attic cholesteatoma and can kill ya. As you know we had our ears looked at more than XXX rated flick and none had caught in last 10-15 years to grow that far. 8

Re: Friday was LAPD Sgt. Just the facts, please

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:47 pm

OK, knew CRS meant somethin but couldn’t remember what. Quick acronym search. Wrote down and repeated 3 times. 8

“Repetition is key. Use verbal and listening repetition to help you remember the order of things:
Say them aloud until you’re able to remember them.
Repeat this process until you can say all the objects without the paper.
Once you’re at the end of the list, repeat the list without reading it. Say it aloud three times.
If you cannot do it all three times, start over.”

My dollar ride in Nav school July ’62 was T-29 Flying classroom ( twin Martin Liner used as MedI Vac too) doing some map reading to Calender NAS LA where sign said Elev. 2′ . I’d been at Nav Preflight , Pilot training, April ’62 Williams AFB AZ in T-37s but our class was to go onto not ancient T-33 but brand new T-38 Talon so was a rugged wash out rate above 50%. Last of 4 at my IP’s table wandered in to Waco a year later from advanced formation failed check ride. Funny story about Les Langus my 1st Lt IP gave up on me. Plan also at time was F-4s to have 2 pilots and was quick changed in Nam to a GIB instead (guy in back if poor CRS)


Re: Friday was LAPD Sgt. Just the facts, please

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:38 pm

EB-66 was not my combat, just came back to teach others what I did not know but learned enough to pick up quick watching them support us some missions in the North. This is 8th TBS in action from Danang late ’65 early ’66 before we got camo paint. Napes are seen and the white phosphorus igniters flying put in front. White poppers are 20MM strafe as .50 cal do not have charge and we had about 1/2 armed with one each usually in a 2 ship. Guy seen late a combat photog doing filming of other plane. White sand and Ho Trail in mtns are in area above DMZ taking out depots during day as they drove night. Bombs usually 500# in the bomb door which turned to open so little drag in dive. Wings had up to 750# but these are napes there on this one. Again, one ship may have bombs to open it up and next drop low level napes. Came up that way on mission order based on what intel saw was there. .8 … ORM=VDFSRV

Prolly not that interesting  but am blogging  these.  Basic  design was  ’30-’40s  pulley and cable  with no power assist  or  auto pilot. I only flew above  2000′  and on approach  to  cleared to land when  pilot  landed and was   responsive  but  they said was like  wrestlin  a hippo  on  dive pull outs  over and over. Finally  so many  killed  bringing  back on one engine  they added a  power  rudder  for  adverse thrust  on wide spread pods. Called it the Cadillac  model  1st used for  tow  target  work for interceptors after  fwd based  Nuc role dropped as over- shoulder  sling attack. What  we loved was it  near  always got you home and could do some real damage. Cong termed “the caterpillar”  as ugly thing just went  around and around bombs, napes,  guns   for 3 hours if a need. Load  up a new ready  bomb door and  refuel is all. Big black blast is  black powder  starter  winds up slow to save  parts wear. # 2 1st so can close  up before   the #1   hits the  rt engine port. Both  pods the  same interchangeable .  Nasty  thing to have inside. Crew NEVER stood in front as the  charge  could blast loose and  be shot   hundreds yards ahead.  It was possible  to sit behind a  started  engine and wind to start speed that way if  out of carts remote base but we carried extras in  aft bay. Bit of danger by AAA hits there where damage usually came .  May note dive  brake  doors as so clean with door turned  180 they were needed and   used no drag  chute  landings of the era. Bat wings  slow you quickly bit nose up  trim engines  to idle.  Great  airplane! Comfy tight looking  down over  front’s rt side as offset to dive port. Once   tgt  passed under  left rail drop  wing and nose and  reacquire in  bomb sight. About  2nd   Clark AB Crow Range  mission I found I could teach a decent flyer  dive bombing. SOME never learned usually too  damn scared of it all and THEY scared pure shit put of us GIBs!     8

Saw that one  and realized I knew them all about 6 mo prior. Blackie, Pick, Sqdn Cmd   Danny   Farr and the last Nav,  sandy  hair “Pappy ” Boyington  was  my instructor  in Nav  Tng. LIked to coin  a phrase  . “Stone Age Jet… Most advanced  device rheostat on the  bomb sight”.
We went to Cape Cod Canberra  reunion  in ’95  and  bought  lobsters  at Otis  AFB  take home.  Deltas   stews  back  to DFW never seen live  and I had in  overhead bin so we did lobster races in the aisle.  Tuf critters  may even live on Mars on potatoes!   8

phillips <> I found my Horn was a bit of a devil to play. So artfully wound To give you a sound, A beautiful sound so rich and round. Had some choices on SJS finally grad in ’61. Ft Ord audition, 2 year at Presidio like some friends. 4 yr enlisted Hamilton AFB accepted with USAF Band of West. But I wanted to fly so applied for OTS and flight tng after Basic in San Antonio Dumped idea of music career after a year part time sr yr at Warm Springs Elem Mission San Jose Gib Walters set me up with and a beginning band at Hol

Today at 2:35 AM



Friday was LAPD Sgt. Just facts please

Fri 13

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:57 am

How to tell are alive. Had 2 MD apts almost same place hours apart. Ear Dr, pretty amazing lady did a final check scrape vacuum and clean in good L ear to finalize a fungal infection resolved lost near total again in Oct reoccurs since St Martin VI cruise bad case in Aug ’14. I keep a tungsten window to allow drainage after build up from skull infected cells long time flying disease. Cost me the R lost in ’80. I’m hearing wife again. Makes life some better for wife. My hearing ear dog. Home at 12.

2:40 off to frequent resched since Nov spine clinic spinal canal nerve epidural steroid shot to keep L arm functioning, on same block street. Discuss possible impending 6 vertebrae level neck fusion keep me in a halo 4 months. We keep trying injections instead. But means a lefty has little use of that hand and times totally. Among all rest means I place wallet in R rear pocket or a front or cannot enter Costco lest someone scratches my L ass to get ID out.

OK we try the injection and I will see surgeon opinion instead on 19th to see result. On a fluoroscope table now 4 PM with a big needle ( we’ll try the 4OMM) going in disc to the cord and nerve when “SHAZZAM”!! hit by lightening means he’s right spot. Steroid goes in and feel like Mike Tyson hit my solar plexus and I filled my pants. GAS GAS GAS. $.00 a gal! Blood pressure shoots to 200/150 so I manage to lie quiet hour and released come back for same 2 months and talk operation again. I hope Idea is to be able to survive with gradual loss ever at age 79. So far not quite so bad.

I asked no sedation so we’d go have oysters local Dry Dock with a good Dos Eques draft. 5:30 PM Tom and Dana joined us for a nice outdoor repast grown dark but cool. Tom tells me the 2 star retired Gen, Joe next door at Dominion asks daily at the club house when I’m taking him to the mine? Bought in at .02 last year. Takes all kinds, eh? Up 700% minimum. I need tell Joe is NOTHING yet! 8

Stine of D Eqius brings gas relief about butterflied shrimp served 6:30, Good Life’s good while it lasts

Memories of SEA

Re: John Glenn has gone home …

PostPosted by 8thaero » Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:53 pm

Perhaps I need an interview with sister Fran. She enlisted Navy ’75 and after training in ’76 with mom drove past us in Abilene from CA to Jacksonville Cecil Field where she became crew chief for carrier tng A-7 Sqdn Cmdr John McCain . Pulled his chocks while said he hit on her daily. Still a hell roarer back them as 1st wife Carol divorced him for such. Fran don’t like him much yet. She herself married a 3rd time to Chaplain’s Aide Howard Brewer. 1st 2 were wounded Army vets as a sucker for sob stories. Howard’s a great guy puts up with her writing Gothic novels published on the net. Son ‘Bubba’s a CPO sub combat diver in Hawaii right now. Good guy too.

Actually John and I crossed paths some but he began SEA tour about a year later than me from 31 May ’66. After some brief time as PR in Saigon following the Forrestal carrier fire he survived July ’67 was shot down over Hanoi in Oct most probable due to low level AAA fire not a SAM . In Hanoi Hilton nursed by Norris Overly one of we B-57s in other sqdn 13th TBS just taken our place in country Summer ’67. Me now fat  and happy back home alive.  Overly shot down on a similar coastal night attack I describe accepted early release John did not. Makes Norris half a hero but took the POW goodies so who knows what I’d have done with the chance. In Hanoi McCain finally met up with my fellow ’55 Salinas Hi School newspaper writer for sports Everett Alverez. Me Humor “to wit: by Don ” So friend Ev’s the 1st POW in late ’64 initial strike on Haiphong harbor. Paths finally connected on our 50th reunion on the school steps where we spoke of another ’55 friend Joe Robertson killed on 1st B-52 mission just on the way to VietNam from Guam attempting
to refuel N of Philippines in a storm. Life just travels on twisted like to the end. 8

“In addition to conducting squadron transition training, VA-174 continued to train all the replacement pilots and enlisted maintenance personnel who served in the Atlantic Fleet Light Attack Squadrons. As of 1 August 1971, VA-174 had trained 535 pilots, 48 maintenance officers and 4815 enlisted maintenance personnel. VA-174 was the largest aviation squadron in the U.S. Navy. Commander John McCain was the Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of VA-174 in the mid-1970s.”

GORO experts HOOT!

Anything GORO! and brokers

PostPosted by 8thaero » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:59 pm

Is simply hilarious the ihub bozos using Gold Resource as any example. I was there years before any even heard of the thing and all they babble is incorrect. We went over and over the Guide 7 crap says we can’t operate saying what we know is there to take out so we simply said Dec ’07 let’s build the mine to produce what we KNOW is there. Was NEVER a serious consideration for TSX listing but when enough drills on 2nd year operation into Arista underground did a 43-101 it was used as intended for good estimates UNTIL.. so damn many tight spaced drills all around it satisfied SEC as well AFTER 8 years from construction and constant production had not spent red cent to ” can it make money bull shit”. We simply used the money to get RICH instead!

GORO was long planned to do a self IPO some point after original investor , ME took shares at .50 in 2002 for 180K as a cert non trading pvt corp. Increased to 260K and in Mar ’06 did a split to .25 giving 520K then filed for $1 IPO which came in Sept. I took my 2 certs to Scottrade for deposit and week later they mailed them back, told me were worthless penny mining shares they did not accept. Took about a month for broker to work through initial trade day’s opening up to $1.47 close .90 and some demand began. Scott called and said Mr Phillips please bring them back be happy to take them. By Feb hit $3.20 and rose on to $30 with production in July ’10. Even opened an office close by where I was largest act but it closed when they halted my trades for “last minute trades to Paint tape” tho I never sold. Was July 12 ’12 and I was taking Dorly in for 1st hip replacement surgery. Hard to forget that one! Looked around and ETrade lied to get my acts then refused to take certs so again opened all at TD Ameritrade til ’14 and they too backed out of the bargain which caught many of us the same. Believe me, with demand and rapid rising PPS we’ll be begged please bring them back. THEN we decide and some may also get an office near by. 8

Bangkok Christmas 1966

Re: Christmas Wishes
Posted by 8thaero » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:26 pm
60 years back I needed a pillow to play Santa. Exactly 50 years back I spent it in Bangkok with best friend Geoff now in Sparks NV we visited last Thurs. Both had 6 months at war and looking for peaceful place to meet. Also there from Clark AB PI was a 4th grade school teacher I was dating on a tour. She’d a room at swanky Oriental Hotel we , small hotel Manida was the town O club & BOQ. Geoff and I spent the morning at Univ of Bangkok on a wander round see the KIng and Queen give diplomas and drive off in the canary yellow Rolls gift of QE II. A spirited discussion with a student protestor against ugly Americans, we parted friends anyway. Next we did the river tour in the narrow boats with the 4 cyl motors, long prop shaft. Floating market we sipped some pineapple juice and I bought a few yds yellow thai silk for a dinner jacket I wore for years. Juice from on the the river a BIG MISTAKE! That eve was a dinner party for Caroline’s tour in Oriental dining room. Geoff caught a date as well. ME? too frequent rush trips to the Mens WC under the stairway .Both ends. Got thru that and 12AM went with her to the beautiful Cathedral of the Redeemer just down the river. Over flow so we stood in back, Comb Latin and Thai mass but last choir was Little drummer boy in English and THAT I’d both sang and directed me self. Cool end to a funny day. Next eve we went to see Dr Zivago playing icy gold Russia sittin sweatin in a steamy UN air cond balcony for 3 hours. Nother crazy happening. So is a 50 year old poem of us playing cards listening to Armed Forces Radio the 24th, day before across INtl Date Line.

Bangkok Xmas ’66

Merry Christmas , Harold.
Angels deck us all with holly bright.
I got 3 kings and a red nose Virgin
with a one eyed  Jack as the silent Knight.
Good King Bumibol’s  no show man,
one horse open straight to go man,
Bethlehem and US Steal
away in a merger experts feel.
Cut the  deck,  shut up and deal.
Holy Jesus! flush was real!

Merry Christmas and more the merrier to come!
eighth aero

Names’ll never hurt me!

Good as a repost’ll git. Now, dictionary please. Master of speakin in  tongues granted at this i’stnce . Kneel and arise a G’night!. But end a preposition ? wait a sec! HOWL! A noetic Noel, Sir G’night!  8  U made my blog!
gitreal post# 11947
Post #  of 11957
I’m curious, besides expert opinions of people who are posting on this board (ocular perceiver roll), where is ANY document or test or study that has shown estimates or engenderment prospects of anywhere was not met?
Can argue all day long about the estimates, one person verbalizes doable and then the other verbally expresses SCAM (which is a jest by the way, we all ken not a scam in terms of denotement used), but show me one piece of evidence exhibiting it’s erroneous. They have missed time frames, and have had issues with PR releases, ok. Until work is authentically done and we optically discern true results, verbalizing with the validity is just an ASSumption predicated on one’s erudition or personal noetic conceptions on how to come up with a number. I know enough to know that this stock is a penny stock with a plethora of upside. Could you lose it all, of course. Transpires everyday, all day. You can lose your shorts with even immensely colossal legitimate players. But a legitimate company like Argo doesn’t accede to pay $500,000 to survey the area without full erudition and consent of the legitimate company. That 500K doesn’t include the attorney fees, and other cost associated to putting the pristine deal together. Unless you are Exec with Argo, you can’t sit there and bold face prevarication and make up postulations about why they didn’t move on. That right there is fraud/deception, for a person to sit and verbally express things transpired a certain way when there is no proof except the exact antithesis which has been verbalized with

Never know what disappears

To philosophize

PostPosted by 8thaero » Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:16 pm

Now answer, why is it my own mining investments succeed and most for sure do not. Answer? Next to none internet bds are based on honesty and keeping your word. Simple thus, do just that! Honor code basic goes neither lie cheat nor steal nor tolerate anyone who does. Yep, is real tempting with big sums possible but when a fortune is seen possible , why bother? Got that down pat and rest just follows by simply being that single decent honest poster and attracting others and ignoring or slamming them’s as do not. To thy own self be true and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man. Hear it in my sleep! 7th grade Eng Lit must have caught in a serious life long grasp. 8

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:33 pm

So to be TRULY honest the cert will be Tom’s 1st. Make it easy all have been my name and then distributed to other 12 acts from my individual. When we broke .10 Tom asked if he should buy. “All ours are now avg .06”, said I so why? Finally got a reason. Sell his .06 and take on 1,111,112 more sky’s a limit. I gotta ask, how do any of you/them find this difficult? Is it then me that’s weird or the sillies never figured things out post 2001’s $251 POG? Piece a cake. Use lantern, find honest man. 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 904
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:37 pm

Can’t think of a good reason. Like breakin the china piggy for pennies. Wait for the big stuff. Debbi called to make sure I was on it. Said I was finished & can use it Friday.
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 904
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Silver2 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:23 pm

:lol: Do another one 2morrow.
I’ll halp :) buy some!
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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:09 pm

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:55 pm

Yeah like how’d that be greeted on ihub? Sellin out! BIG .1723! 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 904
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Iceman » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:27 pm

Thank you for your honesty and feeling secure enough to share with YOUR Mexus “Go4Gold ” family!

I am happy for you Don!



Posts: 85
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:42 pm

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by learningthetruth » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:21 pm

Thanks Don, I bought 100 K shares from you; what a honor and a privilege! :D
Posts: 256
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:29 pm

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:12 pm

Since we can be honest on OUR message bd (See, where there’s a will there’s a way and a time for every purpose under heaven). Y’all got a good deal this AM as did I . Speaking with PT I briefly posted a 1 time PPlace R in need of $100K to close the next super deal he is speaking of so I assume is needing earnest money some kind till cash in hand next month. Thot it over a bit and decided I’d just take it but needed the free $100K. Thus from open till 13:35 I sold 500K+ at avg .1723 to raise the funds I’ll transfer ACH on settle Thurs and then wire to Mexus and have another in the cardboard box on issue. Drove the ask well down over and over but…. were my own .06 avg PPS deposited back when we could. I’ve NO worry we will not be able very soon again. BTW, $100K will not be close to my largest wire ever and at my house we play Monopoly with Mexus shares and build hotels with certs! 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 904
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by pgreat » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:05 pm

well, not QUITE as good as last week’s “blue light special” but who’s complaining.
funds cleared, shares bought @ .17 , happy july with production @ 15,000 tpd, those shares will be worth more than $1.00 for sure…:)
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Location: Plano, TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:55 pm

Not that hard when he sold GG for 2-3 billion. Told me if he’s any shares left were in some forgotten account and DID not appreciate what new guy did in silver acquires he felt illegal in Can. Province laws . Suit did not prevail but total pizzed him off. Bought USGl for pure cash and the other 3 NV miners the same at rock bottom still no profits for years ’96 on. Forced to buy out Minera Andes which was a sizeable investment Hochschild tried to foreclose on a binding contract to pay cost prior to profits at San Jose . Note WE pay 95% back on opening from profits and still keep 5% to operate first pour. PT READS what he writes at a kitchen table and so does Marco. Rob just starts with billions now but could not reassemble a MC if life depended on it and to hell with SP 500 just pay a good dividend and build another mine from scratch. Common thread is we all like each other separately but doubt PT will ever meet Rob until he builds a cheaper El Gallo right next door. We caught the best one of the 2 here. Rob began with a $5 mil trust corp of his dad in $100 POG days and built a new Red Lake played old crap mine. 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 904
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Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Belgie24 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:42 pm

You got that right, Don. The thing I have been amazed at is he keeps all this cash on hand, but he also keeps loads of gold bullion on hand, with no debt whatsoever. How sweet is that?

His goal is to be included in the S&P 500. It will happen IMO, and the share price will be much higher.

I really like what he has accomplished.

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Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:50 pm

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:41 am

Can’t go far wrong betting on Rob. Right now entire profit was a played out Magistral mine of Keystone take over ’07, El Gallo 1 and 2. $7 mil stolen did not make a dent! Would like to sell San Jose 49% JV with Hochschild in Argentine he had to take and rescue for MInera Andes ’09 and unfriendly to mining now. Eureka mines may come on this year finally. He is great at delegating to youngsters who then move on to own stuff. I know he’s watching our rise back to .20 closely and knows PT don’t delegate shit to nobody! He keeps up with Nevada oldsters and one time had interest in the Plum pre GoldSpring buy. 8
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
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Location: San Antonio TX

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Belgie24 » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:49 pm

Thanks, I have some friends at my athletic club who discuss GDX on a regular basis, and I’ve told them that if it holds around $20, it will probably go up soon. The majors have been trashed since the election, so I feel maybe the downside is built in now. McEwen Mining for instance has stopped going down, and I like to see that. I like the play, if it doesn’t go much lower.
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Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Rapier40 » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:24 pm

Hi Belgie, how’s it going? Looking at March 2017 23.00 calls. I do some amateur Elliot Wave analysis and we may have a wave 3 setup if the price holds at this level. Could see a January rally happening. If it drops another .20 to 30 cents I may rethink getting in at this time, it should be holding at the 19.80 level.
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Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Belgie24 » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:57 pm

What options are you looking at on GDX? Thanks.
Posts: 43
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:50 pm

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Rapier40 » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:40 pm

Same here pgreat. I’m splitting buys between Mexus and some GDX options. I think we have a nice set up here for GDX in the next few months as long as it stays above 19.80.
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Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by pgreat » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:13 pm

waiting a few more days for another chunk of funds to clear, missed this week’s
blue light special but will take whatever I can get when shares go on sale …there WILL come a day in near future when the days of getting shares cheap are
essentially over. till then, can still see an easy 5-10 bagger from today’s $0.20
and well worth chasing…
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Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Realtorwsm » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:34 pm

Yep! Every chance I get!
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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:22 am

Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by Rapier40 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:23 pm

I love our chart, we have had a fast rise lately but there have been enough price pullbacks that have given me the opportunity to buy some additional shares on the way up. No brainer.
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Re: Down day is just that

PostPosted by AquaFX » Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:52 pm

Posts: 91
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:53 pm

Down day is just that

PostPosted by 8thaero » Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:40 pm

Weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth never accomplish much as buy what the traders leave on the plate. And did not even take a normal day now, 661,651to knock on the .20 door and wait on now mid Jan. Me? I could as easily await Feb 3 anniversary of .0015! I may begin to celebrate it each year as sorta Day of the Undead. 8

cold light rain Tue; perhaps flurries Wed pullin out for P Mill 2 PM

Santa Elena vs El Aguila open pits

Gold Resource El Aguila discovery was the 2nd property Pepe took bill to see. I put in the initial $90K to allow the new corp to use same 3 man office as US Gold in early 2001. Zimipan silver was 1st in Central Mex and did not pay off even from drills to same level west from Penoles old underground played out and closing. Feb ’02 all way down in Oaxaca Pepe led Bill to a hill top bat guano filled old mine adit and at the end wall face Bill asked where to sample. ” Oh one place is good as the next” . He flew it home to Denver and it was an amazing high grade so since that point on was raising the funds to dig the pit and build the plant so hit the rubber chicken circuit and in Dec ’07 new BoD gave it a start vote. Mar ’04 I added another $40K in last initial investor pre IPO. Only real glitch was the ’08 crash and need for a Strategic Partner Hochschild Bill kept as low % as he could under the JV terms. Jul ’10 reached commercial production and been paying a dividend since that month. Aguila open pit was just a year’s supply then had to begin Arista tunnel. Nothing yet but flotation produce shipped no heap nor agitated cyanide leach

“As of May 15, 2006, there are a total of 18,304,852 shares of our common stock outstanding
Don I. and Dorothea Philips 480,000” (2.62%)

Our mine is next door to AZ border for supply ease, near infinite more surface shallow richer oxide 20 year supply AND what has yet to come on in 10 yr there? Rich bonanza vein ore also at surface. Main dif tho is we raised ours by share issue necessary 10 times GORO who borrowed the money to have just 53 mil issue but now debt free both. 2 ways to win but which will prove out? My bet was on PT and we shook on it Feb ’12. So sold all GORO to assist since to become Town Crier “All’s well , sleep well”. Time to wake up and make the gold.