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MOre libel

Preview: What the kids had NOTHING to do with

PPS has caught up to last time April 4 ’18 .0241 close. Why? Actual reason for my requested Jan trip taking two no nothings along sure NOT for famed somehow unknown video maker to capture a pour as he wished to believe. It was to have on site someone with full understanding reveal failure of MarMar to do produce anything at all as we met and spoke with the COO and attorney taking them to court. I complied while the two newbies shut up and the blog gained little I did not report from awareness since day 1. Finally grew out of patience asking for some form of personal info gained much at my expense. No marvelous video and interviews ever seen here. That fantastical libel attack followed. Led now to last attack and beg for blog removal and an echo of same libel abuse by next in line to attack we do not even know. So this is last day PPS was .0238. What we were to actually be witness to . Fully explains it and no world fame DVDer need be involved. Just 1 from day 1.

CABORCA, SONORA STATE, MEXICO, April 16th, 2018(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced today that MexusGold Mining SA De CVA, a subsidiary of MexusGold US, is terminating its joint venture agreement with MarMar Holdings. The agreement outlined the contractual obligations at the Santa Elena project in Caborca, Sonora State, Mexico. The decision to terminate the agreement was made due to MarMar’s lack of funding for the project, non-compliance with various aspects of the agreement, and their inability to meet environmental standards at the site. Lack of funding by MarMar resulted in a disappointing 8.5oz Au produced in the last 22 months. The agreement stipulated that MarMar was to provide the funding, equipment, and fully operate the mine. Unfortunately, this did not occur.
Mexus will move forward with the proper equipment and personnel at the Santa Elena project.


Why I’m never  a pure silver bug. If can make  1 $1500 oz gold I can simply toss  88 oz  $17 silver  and break even  or simply produce all of either I can afford  for the same cost  effort. Only  real factor  is the damn cost to produce. Keep them gold ticket stubs  until that race is called  OR just ask a nameless  idiot on  ihub what mumbo jumbo odds are as an opinion, do not hold me to it. Or destroy MEXUS long term investor value with this libel published right here.
Whoever is in charge I desire to be totally removed from this blog/forum/website or whatever it is called. I have no need for all the extraneous info that is posted here. And I certainly don’t want to be a part of this forum should there ever be an SEC investigation concerning Mexus. Should anyone desire to stay in contact with me my email is readily available. I wish all good luck and as I’ve stated many times here, to me, there are only two things that really matter, Share Price and official PR’s. All the best. GGB
r44 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:30 pmcan always trust in the fact, that the closer you get to VICTORY,

Satan will slide in to the fray, seeking to distract, dismay, disrupt and destroy

the joy to be gained from that VICTORY.


Posts: 206
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:27 am

Re: Any recall?

Post by Malengold » Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:55 am

I believe we need positive thoughts and prayers
We are so close to consistent gold pours, i stay away
From drama and negative posts on iHub! I hope everyone
Who has risked and dreamed with mexus becomes
A reality soon!



Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm

Re: Any recall?

Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:19 pm

Fri 2:27 CDT was last year? Just last turn of the knife for the buddies as Mon PR was to hit. All there to see

“Whoever is in charge I desire to be totally removed from this blog/forum/website or whatever it is called. I have no need for all the extraneous info that is posted here. And I certainly don’t want to be a part of this forum should there ever be an SEC investigation concerning Mexus”

Saint Gary was among the most extraneous with Okie farm dog doings and of late self driving car. But did need some hook to hang self important hatred for at least me and this blog, Had any ACTUALLY heard of them historic videos on brothers’ web site? Thot not. SO Mexus BEGGED for years? Had no idea what was seeing or how it worked. I DID try to get him to record people to explain machines I’ve known for years. Have we seen a damn thing 18 months later? BIG CHIEF hear see speak nothing , except GONE for, good. I tried and was my last shot forever. None need permission just leave. We’ll get the idea w/o the knife. Feel herd is about to wander afar. Why bother. I’ve made this sucker work for the same result for all now. 8


Posts: 291
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 pm

Re: Any recall?

Post by JasonBourne » Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:29 pm

Maybe I’m just here for investment purposes and not the drama, but I don’t see the point of bringing up posts that are almost a year old…


Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm

Re: Any recall?

Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:16 pm

Re: Happy Birthday Cesar

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by 8thaero » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:47 pm
Not a good occasion, Gary, but like to see them in depth video interviews and aerial shots I got you allowed and took you for last Jan. PT and I speak of disappointment now & again like yesterday when some information not ever seen can assist impatience that visit set up legally dumping MaMarr JV since. We’ve still a lot of time yet 8 months later, Gar. Still glad we let you meet Cesar my last Sonora visit ever.

“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”


Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm

Any recall?

Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:13 pm

Final twist of the knife for us on Fri. Well he talks a good version but sure weren’t the actual. No pour video ever possible. I took them to see the Marco poor JV operation as we began the court case with attorney. About worst 5 days my life no body trying to kill me until much later it seems. Final knife to us all last Fri mkt close. BUT best news in years came before mkt open. Seem to be a plan by the 2 best buds. BTW we have no name or contact on the disciple. ODD, our mole? Nasty biz goes to attorney to sort the ranting out. Gone but hardly forgotten.

Re: Happy Birthday Cesar
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by garygoldbug » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:19 am
8, you have insulted me publicly one too many times. Cease and desist with your incredibly ignorant suggestion that you “Let” or “Allowed” me to do anything. My purpose in going to Mexico, as discussed with Paul and Deb for years, was strictly to produce a video of the first pour at St. Elena. It was very obvious, even to the most casual of observers, that when we arrived at the mine there was not going to be a pour, not even close. As regards any video I took I’ll be glad to post on this forum the interviews where you so childishly attempted to maneuver yourself into the video and with your loud and boisterous mouth destroyed the audio of same. Deb and Paul know of my capabilities as they have previewed a few of my award winning documentaries and promotional videos. Should they desire to see the videos of the mines they know how to contact me. The videos were taken for them, not you. I will be returning to Mexico at some point in the future and PT has invited me to come fly with him anytime and travel to Mexico with him. I will enjoy once again the camaraderie of the principals that I met while there, as will Jake I’m sure.
I am very foolishly posting this as I’m certain that due to your Narcissistic Personality Disorder it will not have even an iota of an impact on you except to spur you on to further denial and in all likelihood even more insulting remarks. Or, like you did to so many others, take all your marbles and go home and boot me off the board. G4G only serves to feed your ego anyway so good luck with it. I promise you I can live without it and without you and your insulting and incoherent utterances.
Hitting a man when he is down is really not my style. I realize you’re a sick puppy, both mentally and physically and truly hope you seek some help in the mental department and that your health improves. As a final note, a Tom Cruise you are not, never have been and never will be and I have never known a true warrior to self proclaim himself a hero and brag about his many awards. Not just once but many times you have done so. Good luck with all 8.

Gary, I agree with you. You are one of the few I actually read. Owned the stock since 2010 and hope we are close to real production. I usually only skim over posts on Mondays for PRs or unless I’m totally bored. Don’t like to waste time and energy. I can’t understand or follow what the self chosen one posts so I stopped reading his a long time ago. Plus the praising of him is disgusting. Good luck to you and thanks for your info after your site visits. Take care…

Post by 8thaero » Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:47 pm

Not been any new gospel here since “Make this sucker work” and trade my market shares for more dusty drawer replaced PPR certs. Last for 4 mil dated July 10. Bout as many to come. cash to treasury . Someways feel stand mongst the blessed, “here comes d

Working  on Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:19 am . Pretty clear case Just hard to assemble for  the advisor  8
Why I’m never  a pure silver bug. If can make  1 $1500 oz gold I can simply toss  88 oz  $17 silver  and break even  or simply produce all of either I can afford  for the same cost  effort. Only  real factor  is the damn cost to produce. Keep them gold ticket stubs  until that race is called  OR just ask a nameless  idiot on  ihub what mumbo jumbo odds are as an opinion, do not hold me to it. Or destroy MEXUS long term investor value with this libel published right here. Seem I was correct, eh?
Whoever is in charge I desire to be totally removed from this blog/forum/website or whatever it is called. I have no need for all the extraneous info that is posted here. And I certainly don’t want to be a part of this forum should there ever be an SEC investigation concerning Mexus. Should anyone desire to stay in contact with me my email is readily available. I wish all good luck and as I’ve stated many times here, to me, there are only two things that really matter, Share Price and official PR’s. All the best. GGB
r44 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:30 pm
can always trust in the fact, that the closer you get to VICTORY,
Satan will slide in to the fray, seeking to distract, dismay, disrupt and destroy
the joy to be gained from that VICTORY.
Posts: 206
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:27 am
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Re: Any recall?
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Post by Malengold » Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:55 am
I believe we need positive thoughts and prayers
We are so close to consistent gold pours, i stay away
From drama and negative posts on iHub! I hope everyone
Who has risked and dreamed with mexus becomes
A reality soon!
Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
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Re: Any recall?
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Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:19 pm
Fri 2:27 CDT was last year? Just last turn of the knife for the buddies as Mon PR was to hit. All there to see
“Whoever is in charge I desire to be totally removed from this blog/forum/website or whatever it is called. I have no need for all the extraneous info that is posted here. And I certainly don’t want to be a part of this forum should there ever be an SEC investigation concerning Mexus”
Saint Gary was among the most extraneous with Okie farm dog doings and of late self driving car. But did need some hook to hang self important hatred for at least me and this blog, Had any ACTUALLY heard of them historic videos on brothers’ web site? Thot not. SO Mexus BEGGED for years? Had no idea what was seeing or how it worked. I DID try to get him to record people to explain machines I’ve known for years. Have we seen a damn thing 18 months later? BIG CHIEF hear see speak nothing , except GONE for, good. I tried and was my last shot forever. None need permission just leave. We’ll get the idea w/o the knife. Feel herd is about to wander afar. Why bother. I’ve made this sucker work for the same result for all now. 8
Posts: 291
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 pm
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Re: Any recall?
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Post by JasonBourne » Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:29 pm
Maybe I’m just here for investment purposes and not the drama, but I don’t see the point of bringing up posts that are almost a year old…
Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
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Re: Any recall?
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Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:16 pm
Re: Happy Birthday Cesar
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by 8thaero » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:47 pm
Not a good occasion, Gary, but like to see them in depth video interviews and aerial shots I got you allowed and took you for last Jan. PT and I speak of disappointment now & again like yesterday when some information not ever seen can assist impatience that visit set up legally dumping MaMarr JV since. We’ve still a lot of time yet 8 months later, Gar. Still glad we let you meet Cesar my last Sonora visit ever.
“© Don I Phillips (8th Aero DBA),, Go 4 Gold, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited”
Posts: 4816
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm
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Any recall?
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Post by 8thaero » Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:13 pm
Final twist of the knife for us on Fri. Well he talks a good version but sure weren’t the actual. No pour video ever possible. I took them to see the Marco poor JV operation as we began the court case with attorney. About worst 5 days my life no body trying to kill me until much later it seems. Final knife to us all last Fri mkt close. BUT best news in years came before mkt open. Seem to be a plan by the 2 best buds. BTW we have no name or contact on the disciple. ODD, our mole? Nasty biz goes to attorney to sort the ranting out. Gone but hardly forgotten.
Re: Happy Birthday Cesar
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by garygoldbug » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:19 am
8, you have insulted me publicly one too many times. Cease and desist with your incredibly ignorant suggestion that you “Let” or “Allowed” me to do anything. My purpose in going to Mexico, as discussed with Paul and Deb for years, was strictly to produce a video of the first pour at St. Elena. It was very obvious, even to the most casual of observers, that when we arrived at the mine there was not going to be a pour, not even close. As regards any video I took I’ll be glad to post on this forum the interviews where you so childishly attempted to maneuver yourself into the video and with your loud and boisterous mouth destroyed the audio of same. Deb and Paul know of my capabilities as they have previewed a few of my award winning documentaries and promotional videos. Should they desire to see the videos of the mines they know how to contact me. The videos were taken for them, not you. I will be returning to Mexico at some point in the future and PT has invited me to come fly with him anytime and travel to Mexico with him. I will enjoy once again the camaraderie of the principals that I met while there, as will Jake I’m sure.
I am very foolishly posting this as I’m certain that due to your Narcissistic Personality Disorder it will not have even an iota of an impact on you except to spur you on to further denial and in all likelihood even more insulting remarks. Or, like you did to so many others, take all your marbles and go home and boot me off the board. G4G only serves to feed your ego anyway so good luck with it. I promise you I can live without it and without you and your insulting and incoherent utterances.
Hitting a man when he is down is really not my style. I realize you’re a sick puppy, both mentally and physically and truly hope you seek some help in the mental department and that your health improves. As a final note, a Tom Cruise you are not, never have been and never will be and I have never known a true warrior to self proclaim himself a hero and brag about his many awards. Not just once but many times you have done so. Good luck with all 8.
Gary, I agree with you. You are one of the few I actually read. Owned the stock since 2010 and hope we are close to real production. I usually only skim over posts on Mondays for PRs or unless I’m totally bored. Don’t like to waste time and energy. I can’t understand or follow what the self chosen one posts so I stopped reading his a long time ago. Plus the praising of him is disgusting. Good luck to you and thanks for your info after your site visits. Take care…
Post by 8thaero » Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:47 pm
Not been any new gospel here since “Make this sucker work” and trade my market shares for more dusty drawer replaced PPR certs. Last for 4 mil dated July 10. Bout as many to come. cash to treasury . Someways feel stand mongst the blessed, “here comes d
Only way this has ever worked in 2 decades and  4 explorers is  nothing but the truth like or no. Pisses folks off to not be told what they wish to hear
and you get the comical
“Whoever is in charge I desire to be totally removed from this blog/forum/website or whatever it is called. I have no need for all the extraneous info that is posted here. And I certainly don’t want to be a part of this forum should there ever be an SEC investigation concerning Mexus”
and more hilarious one who actually has no name or contact info so fakery  to begin. Yeah, gotta trust and believe all this if not for the odd Sulphur
wafts round corners  same 20 years.   Starts as “riddles and insults” so all should  see the game to suck in gullible  for any  reason.  Super puffed ego is the best  recipe  so a small prick gets explosion. Need to repost the alley cat howls?
” can’t understand or follow what the self chosen one posts so I stopped reading his a long time ago. Plus the praising of him is disgusting. Good luck to you and thanks for your info after your site visits. Take care…
Tom”I just keep on doin what it is I do they seem to dislike. Good riddance is a fine workable  base
and will survive despite the great handicap. 8

3rd Lord ZZZZZ

Re: Bertrand Russell’s advice for future generations

Post by 8thaero » Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:15 pm

1st realize were 2 unknowns even duller than 3rd Earl Russell. Post my chili dog lunch, a 1PM Soph Philos class were a buRP!!…ZZZZ, copy a nice gal’s class notes. Oddly just now learned absorbed and practiced both his life lessons. Great 1950’s LOVE for Dragnet Badge 707 Sgt Joe Friday and just the facts, maam. Truth IS where ya finds it. 8

Plastic Jesu Edit Report this post Quote Post by 8thaero » Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:55 am Re: Fri 28th 8 pm CDT I REALLY howled 1st time. Summer ’57 I was at Post Office San Jose check on USAF recruiter Air Cadet school after soph year. Paid at meter damn thing turned a bit. Pushed and made a circle so pulled, it came up a foot! Not held in the cement. Back at midnight we got it in the back seat. Had over $2 in change and I considered a way to a make the special hollow key and working way no more thru college. We just set in in rooming house living room next to couch and the stop and detour signs; drop in a coin, fell out but would tick away till violation popped up. Girls loved the idea of timed violations. “Here put in a quarter!

Plastic Jesu

Post by 8thaero » Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:55 am

Re: Fri 28th 8 pm CDT
I REALLY howled 1st time. Summer ’57 I was at Post Office San Jose check on USAF recruiter Air Cadet school after soph year. Paid at meter damn thing turned a bit. Pushed and made a circle so pulled, it came up a foot! Not held in the cement. Back at midnight we got it in the back seat. Had over $2 in change and I considered a way to a make the special hollow key and working way no more thru college. We just set in in rooming house living room next to couch and the stop and detour signs; drop in a coin, fell out but would tick away till violation popped up. Girls loved the idea of timed violations. “Here put in a quarter!

Post by 8thaero » Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:26 pm

After Luke been lots of gp cover Plastic Jesus but find few do Paul’s clumsy 3 chord picked version ironic funny adding Virgin Mary in abalone shell tells not going to Hell. Any gift shop quick sold out both. 8

1st of 5th


Posts: 4471
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm

1st of the 5th

Post by 8thaero » Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:30 pm

Whilst we waste time in idle chit chat I was allowed to conduct the school orchestra Spring ’55. Part of my last period special 5 student Senior Musicianship requirement. I tried that dumb V for victory as it seemed easy enough 4 notes and a rest. Was disaster as I had no idea how to start on a missing note. Group must know to enter AFTER the downbeat. We worked it out. Is big down beat (BOOM) da da da dah. Course Morse came bit later mid 1800s and alphabet symbols used for easy learning not the 5th.

In Morse code, “V” is dot-dot-dot-dash, or three short clicks and one long. People equated it with the opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. That four-note motif was played on the timpani before every BBC wartime broadcast to Europe.

Ever realize the National Anthem has 3 rest pauses in the final bars on wave, free and home of the. The conductor just drops hands in a halt and the entrances make an effect, and “of the”( rest) is where the soloist likes to make a big cadenza out of the time while you just follow along then enter with “BRAVE”.

But that was in another country and besides the wench is dead. Opted for flying career but for a time I was Asst Conductor of the (Glen MIller) USAFE Band. VERY shortly but a long story. One performance was the Wagner blaring war horse “Elsa’s Procession to Cathedral” Prelude to 3rd act Lohengrin leads to the gentle Wedding march. Not a bad job the band felt and I did have the most combat medals they’d ever seen as a director. 8

“The Prelude to Act 3 from ‘Lohengrin’ is music of enormous excitement and expectation”

1st of 5th

Post by 8thaero » Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:08 am

Is a chat topic.

by 8thaero » Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:52 pm
Grew up with Glenn’s (2 NN’s) base player, not son brother Herby Miller band playing Mntrey Bay area proms. School teacher we did a few serious symphony gigs .  Great story teller of glory days. SOUND was Tenor Sax stood up with clarinet melody 3in harmony.
Back then was a toot toot rhythm thing with guitar.Can still watch old Lawrence Welk band do it on PBS reruns
Conrad Hilton and Welk saved each in mid 30’s Abilene TX , failing N 1st St Hotel, Welk bus stuck no work and gas. Welk drew big crowds .

“He went on to buy and build hotels throughout Texas, including the highrise Dallas Hilton, opened in 1925; the Abilene Hilton in 1927.”
Small hotel is there today with a plaque for both. Liz never slept over. Both came fame in time.
A few sightings of small high wing Norseman radial UC -64 claimed pop up now again in Chanel the cloudy low Dec ’44 low vis day. Anyway a short time I was in the history chain, baton in hand making a rest in the best places for effect. Danke , Ludwig. 8


I feel a force inside of me  that draws  me towards the restless sea
and from that  meeting  sea and shore
I feel I’ve gathered  such a store of insight, I intend  to pry
into this thing of you and  I.
I’ve watched  on days  when both were still
and  thought, then, then, if you will,
denotes  descent  from sun and moon.
But once  by chance of coming soon
assumes  a role not meant to be….
the second, you. The first  was  me.
And thus, in calm, related  style
they meet  though loving all the while.
I’ve also watched  when both were  wild
and  not like one full grown and child.
I’ve seen the young  sea toss the breast
of  ancient    Earth
and ride the crest
of passion,
always  hoping  she  will  answer  back
and set them free.
Which will be the role assumed by which,
who touches whom?
Does  young sea bending towards the  land  move  first?
or  does  that shore in waiting on  the ocean’s   call
run risk of  loving  not at all,
These  questions  I can’t  answer  yet
but if you wish I’ll gladly   let
you answer them and many more
next when we’re  watching sea and shore
Love  always , Don

Deleted. Ctrl + Z to Undo.

Been stuffy in that box

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 477th Edition — San Francisco — 05 January 2019 (published each Saturday) —

“We’ll close with respect to this occasionally referred-to quip from an avid reader of The Gold Update: “Gold will make you old”. So shall certain studies that folks actually get paid up with which to come. In a paper on aging published last month in PLOS Biology, ’twas determined that one is closer to dying at the age of 90, than is one at 75. Quite the extraordinary finding, that. On goes the beat indeed. And may Gold’s trend forever be positively correlated with one’s aging!”

Here’s it.

Errors as a primary cause of late-life mortality deceleration and plateaus

Seems to  be common  sense that to  be  90  1st  be 75. . Began looking  at  actuary tables for real as   a good 15 % of  my  ’55 Salinas  Hi class were gone by 50th reunion age 67-8. Class Data kept by my Features  Editor Marlene  Puneo Wisdom  who collected my   humor  column. To Wit by Don, each Tue  while I was in   last period  Musicianship scribbling   like mad. to make  Fri issue 3rd pg above fold “The Flashlight”.  Death notices  dribble in and a few more leave each email. While nice to feel  have we’ve plateaued  to more advanced  years what  Saul babe  is  actually  saying is  much can be assigned  to err is  human during  devine art of  data  reporting.  Fact remains  we’re  down to 39% present  accounted for  morning  toll call.and  insurance cos still in the  biz.   BTW never took journalism but  advisor Mr Gallegos was my  Soph English  teacher and liked my  funny  styling  and remembered  when a need arose 2 years on. He later began  writing  classes at  Soledad Prison,  grew to be well known book factory, BUT I was 1st discovery.   Bit of the wit: by Don

OH HO! hum

OH HO! hum

Post by 8thaero » Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:03 pm

Becomes the usual Holy Nights. C’eve at Tom and Dana’s with 3 of the 4 sisters trooping kids around each brought buffet. Home early 2 glasses wine and a scotch. Got back to working on MY menu for 25th 6PM dine. Big 2 rib eye Angus rib bone in ( 5.8#) done to 140F crusty outside carved to order. Made twice bake stuffed taters last Fri crisped up last for melted cheese. During drinks I’d a small wine glass 4 large shrimp cocktail at table setting. She had rot kohl, german green beans. Finish was French Press coffee and crepes suzette flambe at table I’d prepped on Sat. Small slice of marvy Collin St Bakery cherry cheese cake we send as gifts. KIds washed and dried, gave ole opa and omi a break and more sip/chat . Wrapped 1/2 in foil been eating on since. Jordan took along 2 balcony deck chairs for now his, Tom’s old condo before married Dana. I’d spray painted dark blue 2 coats Mon -Tue as well as a lot of skin. 3 drove off 9 PM in slight drizzle turned to flash flood and hail early Wed. What kind of a night was it? A night like all other nights but WE WERE THERE as an 40’s old radio show finished. 8

Past kittenhood

                         Past Kittenhood
          When a lady’s  49  still looking pretty nifty
           her annums start to fall in line,  begins  to look at  50.
           Each year  is just .5%  the   sum of  all the total.
           That 51 will  slice as thin  is  more than  anecdotal.
          The mirror, mirror on the wall may  say  you’re still  the  greatest
          but what  reflects is, after  all,   updated  to the latest.
          So what the hell! Say 49  when someone asks about  it.
          You’ll still be  looking pretty fine
           when folks begin to doubt it.
                            Happy  49th!
          So? Exercise  since slim looks good.
          Eat well so  that  face  keeps  glowing.
          A mama  cat  past kittenhood
          is the  finest  pussy  going.
             Gotta love a  good one

So this is college

USO touring show  spring 1961 SJC Glee Club members Gus Lease director

Never spent much time  pondering college. Knew I’d  qualify   for any  State College in  CA and had no money I would not earn. I’d   helped dedicate  the  modern  New Music Building at  San Jose  St in spring of ’54 busing  from Salinas  with the other  Central Coast  Hi Schools Honor  band  as  there  was no Santa  Clara Valley similar  organization   until 1960 and I assisted  with the  Horn section as a  Senior. Very  cool down town location later   turned to a  crowded  disaster zone of packed  students. Had choice to move  to the  stadium athletic   area  a mile to  south  but spent $14.5 mil to take over   4  sq blocks  and   gradually  fill them  muiti stories up.  I felt it odd the  the entire  LA Purchase  cost  Jefferson  $14 mil all way to the Pacific  coast 150 years earlier.  Lesson is buy land, the value  goes up!