How do you know when a Lout’s lying?

You  simply check actual facts  in a  rugged  week in  ANY market.  Fact?  High ask  was  02.49; low  bid  was   flat  .02 on  2,563,000 trades.  One  cent’s NEVER been seen or any time below  .02.  Bad  enough but  was   a busy week    and  last  80K, :54, :57, :58 and  :59 were  one  person snapping  them up on the  cheapo laughing  to hisself  in Boulder  CO!  And  silly  asswipe  wants to tell you  the  PPS has  fallen 99% from $2.16  , and  if  the  jerkoff  even OWNED a  cert? Signed by  Paul Thompson, President  and countersigned  by  Paul Thompson, Secretary . Wonder  what  a life’s like  peeking out  of own asshole?

The  very  first  thing a  miner  with any sense ( we  can toss out  foolish  babbling  louts   knowing  nothing  about  anything) will be  ironclad  drill and  surface  assay  results ( we  do have  plenty of  our  own)  sharing  WITH  our own geologist  overseeing  what they  collect.   Usually will specify  a  safe room all information is  kept on  site  split  samples  tagged  time  and place  WITH lab  results.  Recall they know  for  certain this is  as  the  Junior  Partner  share  not  total ownership buy  out so information  withheld  is worthless  to their  portion of  the  project but  will be needed by PT  if he cannot  agree and moves  along with another.  Again I do not  think either party is much of interest in that possibility. Now a matter  of  how  much for  what. Last  figures were  $5 to 7  million and no more that  49% with  Mexus managing  and  JV as supplier  of  most  things  needed as primary  contractor.

Getting   to this point  where any  majors  are  willing to foot  the  bill for  exploration over  month’s time  knowing   bare minimum  what he has  rejected  thus  far? Causes  me  to expect  a  bit  fatter  turkey  than last year’s  skinny  bird.

I don’t  recall  being  wrong  about  the  San Felix  buyout  as it was  always  to be  a  group Atzek works  with for  many years  since  they wanted  to control the  entire  Trinidad  project  not  just 50%  PT sold  them for  $5  million. Same  bunch managed the  Ejido rights  buyoff  for  $100K.  Silver  Pursuit  spun away for  exactly  that kind of purpose  with mixed  BoDs. Oh yeah  Federales faked  Ken into  jail  on a  couch  in  Mexus   Caborca Office set up by  Atzek legal team.  And  I was  some of  the  bait. Fat  Cat  Rico Texan investor.  I’m not  anxious  to be  around  the  jerk either.    8

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