No news, and the pumper now singing a different tune

I HAVE sung that spiritual( Soon ah will be done) in choirs but is a happy snappy clappy tune of soon to happen rejoicing for deliverance. My plan is NOT to be gathering in God’s bosom just discovering what a deal will involve when we’re told it and so far aint been. I’ve a firm promise it will be and will judge it when that happens. Despite naysayings pretty astounding belief? PT wasn’t really going in with a shotgun to force a major to take what he demands. He seemed to have offered all he was able with long extended time line and they not he came up short. Horse handling terms “was led to water not drunk”. It does mean he’s still busy protecting our value well as his. No matter what he refused I see any deal at all makes him very very wealthy. As #2? Me too. I’d just let the Big Dog hunt.
Among other odd honors I was “Aide for a day to Curt Lemay’. Meant I as a 1st Lt carried the cigars and sat in a SAC General’s conference to hear him call Bobby Kennedy a “Rat faced lying SOB!” General as USAF Chief of Staff was not a big fan! See “air cover ordered withdrawn Bay of Pigs”. Whatever else I was, I was trained to meet Curt’s rigorous demands of SAC Combat Crews. Get us within 25 miles radar range in any possible conditions and begin the IP checklist for the four nukes back there in the B-52 bomb bay. It was only demonstrating knowing how to do that REALLY REALLY well let it never be made necessary. Lesson there for weak kneed. Pull up sox, tighten jocks. Press on with what you know can happen until it does. 8



Curtis LeMay: Bombing To Win (CARL ROLLYSON, July 18, 2007, NY Sun)

“Whatever other names arise,” Barrett Tillman writes in “LeMay: A Biography”, General Curtis LeMay and Admiral Chester Nimitz “were the two commanders most responsible for defeating the Japanese Empire.” Nimitz rebuilt the Navy after Pearl Harbor and at Midway delivered a blow to the Japanese carrier force from which it could never recover. Similarly, LeMay took the air battle to the Japanese homeland, perfecting the B29 on bombing missions that may well have won the war even without the atomic bomb.

Not that LeMay opposed the bomb. He was certain it would shorten the war and minimize the huge losses an American invasion of the Japanese homeland would entail. Indeed, World War II confirmed LeMay’s military doctrine of stipulating the use of maximum, overwhelming force to defeat an enemy. He deplored the gradual escalation of firepower in Korea and Vietnam, and as soon as he heard of plans for the Bay of Pigs invasion, he pronounced the invasion force doomed, especially when air cover was withdrawn, leaving the invaders easy targets for Castro’s army.

LeMay was the quintessential Cold Warrior who gave no quarter. He was called a Neanderthal because he favored a first strike against the Soviet Union. But to LeMay it made no sense to absorb the deaths of millions of Americans and then retaliate.”


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