mensch on a bench

 A  valuable  lesson of  today is  all ‘s not  what it  seems… ALWAYS!  Misinformation  and  gloating posts  are  SO SO obvious .  Tell me  PT’s NOT wrong they know  damn well where  to attack  and  seem  pure as  a  10’ snow bank. Now  why? It’s  a sub 2 cent  stock ! So who’s lost millions IF I had  sold? Just me! Not hate only  detest


 I’m still scratching noggin over events transpiring since begin of year. Fully understand risk verses patience, but good golly. Thought I’d be okay with average under .04 now, and lo and behold she keeps slipping down.   If  the folks that were at Rancho last week want to deal he mentioned he would  sign docs this week. Who knows. If he’s still in Walnut today then prolly nothing. Said he’s still chatting with 3 different suitors? Also said legal (Jeff?) says he has a good case on 4mil owed, but will probably take time. Container is being shipped to Alaska. He got some cash last week from the wash plant – some good news. I’m stirred not shaken though. My kingdom for a JV sign-on. ” wxdog

Today at 2:13 PM

AKA Teapot Tempests ..  Old Prof  speaks english  composition. I can’t  recall  much  Hatred expressed  which is hate,  a noun object.  I do express  a  verb, detest,  the  way   some  crawl out of  the  wall at   unusual times when  perhaps  support  is  really  due. They  actually brag about  how  little they   got  which is  in honesty how much they lost  and  seemingly  my fault with the  most   involved  of all private  investors. Even that seems pleasing them  at  oddest  times. Guess   making  me  the  slickest pickpocket  all time  never  coming  nearer them  than  they to the  gold  resource strongly  and  falsely felt  will never  ever  exist .

“just so you know, the moderator on IHUB deleting posts is not Tmlonggun, it is Lode Making Me Rich. He should never be a moderator, on the Mexus board or elsewhere. He did the same thing on the Lode board, deleting posts at will.

Longgun is on your side, he has been a backer of you since the beginning. I think his questions were meant to support you, showing new investors your wide knowledge and success.

I think he knew the answers to your questions before he asked them, he was just trying to put all your background in one spot for investors to see, kind of like the type of article you’d see on one of the gold sites.


 A Mensch steps up to the plate.
“Hey Don,

I have formally requested that “LODE MAKING ME RICH” be removed as a moderator.  The guy has censored me many times in the past for talking about mining companies on mining boards and I almost quit at least twice because of him and ihub’s ridiculous policy wherein discussing or mentioning censorship is grounds for censorship. I tried to restore the posts but ihub does not allow me to for some reason.

“Removed  as “Off Topic” while  moderator has  simply    reposted my  5 ( NO 7  year’s )  information as  own with no  cites . Seems opportunistic, plagiaristic, selfimportantistic  and  no beg  pardon  one. Was it  you  Belgie posted “pound  rocks?  I’ve all the  awareness  next to none possess and  those  that  do know  it full well.  Don’t  hold  an asp too close,  ask Cleo.  8”

I think this is directed at me but I don’t really understand what you are getting at. I’ve always given you full credit and I have always been respectful and polite. I just wanted to help promote Mexus and simplify the complex process and narrative for junior resource investing. It is clear where the information sources come from – you, PT, the historical record, and other junior resource investors.

If you wanted me to document all the examples of the times I sourced, thanked, and credited you it would take many pages.

I think we got some friendly fire here.”


OK, just not a first time and I can’t be bothered tracking down who’s the bothersome indiv. I’ll just not post with too many chiefs. Needed a reason to pay another blog year and got one. TOS seem bent


Today at 12:21 PM


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